CEC - Appointments To Outside Bodies For 2012-2017

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Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 APPOINTMENTS TO ORGANISATIONS, COMPANIES,


Category 1a External Organisations Organisation 1. Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) Description A not-for-profit local government body working with over 300 councils throughout the UK promoting excellence in public services. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Substantive Member: Councillor Hinds (L) Substitute Member: Councillor Rankin (SNP) Chief Executive (or nominee) Councillor Lewis (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Corporate Governance Comment


Audience Business Trust Board


Borders Railway Joint Committee

Primary agenda is to drive public demand for Edinburghs cultural programme, persuading more people to engage with more organisations more often. Partnership project comprising Transport Scotland, Network Rail, CEC, Midlothian and Scottish Borders Council to deliver the Borders Railway.

Corporate Governance

Convener of the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee Councillor

Service for Communities

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 4. 5. Cammo Estate Advisory Committee Centre for the Moving Image (previously Edinburgh International Film Festival) Description Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Keil (L) Councillor Work (SNP) Councillor Brock (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Corporate Governance Comment On a division


Changeworks - Board


Childrens Panel Advisory Committee

Committee to advise on the Cammo Estate To discover and promote the very best in international cinema and to herald and debate changes in global filmmaking An environmental charity Councillor Orr (SNP) and social enterprise which works in collaboration with public and third sector organisations, schools, communities and businesses. Supports the work of the Councillor Godzik (L) Childrens Panel a group Councillor of unpaid volunteers who sit on Childrens Hearings on a rota basis.

Services for Communities

On a division

Corporate Governance

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 8. Citizens Advice Edinburgh Observer Description Five advice centres and 15 outreach points across the city. Provides free, confidential, impartial and independent advice on issues including money, benefits, immigration, employment rights, housing, consumer issues, family problems and health services. The representative voice of Scottish local government, lobbying on behalf of Scotlands 32 councils. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Rankin (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Comment




Craigmillar Opportunities Trust (Cre8te)


Dance Base - Board of Management

A social enterprise that delivers services that help to regenerate local communities. Encourages and Councillor Fullerton (SNP) celebrates the potential for dance in everyone.

Councillor Burns (L) Councillor Hinds (L) Councillor Carmdownie (SNP) Councillor Rankin (SNP) Councillor Balfour (C) Councillor Chapman (G) Councillor Child (L) Councillor Buchanan (SNP)

Corporate Governance

City Development

Corporate Governance

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 12. Dean Orphanage and Cauvins Trust - Board Description Works to keep young people from living on the streets and provides a continuum of care to young people aged 15-21 as they make the transition from being looked after and accommodated to living independently in the community. Advises the airports Managing Director about issues which concern the local communities, travellers and other users of the airport and stimulates interest both within the airport community and local people Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Lead Directorate(s) Children and Families Comment

13. 14.

Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee

Substantive Member: Councillor Hinds (L) Substitute Member: Councillor Orr (SNP)

Services for Communities

On a division

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 15. Edinburgh and Lothians Area Tourism Partnership Description Brings together local players from across the private and public sectors, such as tourism operators, local tourism groups, Chambers of Commerce, local authorities and VisitScotland. Develops and creates investment in and helps deliver innovative ways to improve health and local authority services. Administers the affairs of the Edinburgh International Festival Society. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Munro (L) Councillor Buchanan (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) City Development Comment


Edinburgh Community Health Partnership

Councillor Ricky Henderson (L) Councillor Work (SNP)

Health and Social Care


Edinburgh International Festival Council - Directors


Edinburgh International Jazz and Blues Festival Board of Directors

The Festival is hosted in venues across the city with a selection of performers from across the jazz and blues musical spectrum, also hip-hop, funk and soul music.

Lord Provost (ex-officio) Councillor Austin Hart (L) Councillor Munro (L) Councillor Brock (SNP) Councillor Lewis (SNP) Councillor Mowat (C) Councillor Chapman (G) Councillor Milligan (L) Councillor Cardownie (SNP) Councillor Councillor Rust (C)

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 19. Edinburgh Mela Ltd - Board Description The Festival aims to reflect a range of cultural and intercultural influences through the selection of music, film, arts workshops and stalls. The Community Planning Partnership for the city. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Cardownie (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment


Edinburgh Partnership Board


Edinburgh International Science Festival Limited (Trading Company)

Council Leader Leader of the Opposition Convener of the Neighbourhood Partnership Conveners Forum Convener of Lothian and Borders Police Board Convener of Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Board An educational charity that Councillor Blacklock (L) encourages people of all Councillor Fullerton (SNP) ages and backgrounds to Councillor discover the wonder of the Councillor Rose (C) world around them. Director of City Development (or nominee) Director of Children and Families (or nominee)

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 22. Edinburgh Technology Transfer Centre Board Council Appointments Lead for 20012/17 Directorate(s) A hub for the commercial Convener of the Economic City Development exploitation of the worldDevelopment Committee class technology emerging Director of City from the laboratories of Development (or nominee) the University of Edinburgh. Home to nascent companies formed, by academics, researchers and students, to become vehicles for that commercial exploitation. An independent Lord Provost (ex officio) Corporate organisation that works Governance through partnerships providing a focus and coordination for literary activity, reaching out to a wide audience to deliver clear benefits for the city and for Scotland. The Curators have the Lord Provost Children and right of nomination to the Councillor Lewis (SNP) Families office of Principal and the Councillor McInnes (C) patronage of sixteen Chairs and a share in the patronage of a number of other Chairs. 7 Description Comment


Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature Trustee


Edinburgh University Curators of Patronage Directors

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 25. Edinburgh University Court Assessor - Director Description The Court is the Universitys governing body and the legal persona of the University. A network of major European cities which brings together the local governments of more than 140 large cities in over 30 European countries. It influences and works with the EU institutions to respond to common issues that affect the dayto-day lives of Europeans. Administers Fettes College. Governs George Heriots School. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Lord Provost Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment


Eurocities Network

Substantive member: Lord Provost (L) Substitute member: Councillor Buchanan (SNP) Chief Executive (as Liaison Officer for contact purposes) Councillor Balfour (C)

Corporate Governance


Fettes Trust (The Governors of) - Director George Heriots Trust

Children and Families Children and Families


Councillor Rose (C) A person with experience in education Councillor Hinds (L)


Handicabs (Lothian) Limited Executive Committee (HcL Dial-a-Ride, Dial-aBus) - Observer

Charitable company to provide accessible transport for people in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Services for Communities

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 30. Hawes/Longcraig Piers User Committee Heriot-Watt University University Court Imaginate - Directors Description Oversees the use of the Hawes Longcraig Piers at South Queensferry. Regulates the affairs of the University. Promotes and develops the performing arts for children and young people in Scotland. Awards grants to under 21 year olds with either a physical or learning disability or who are in a situation of deprivation. A fund for people over 60 who are in need, live in Edinburgh or Midlothian and have an acutely painful disease. A church community in the heart of Edinburgh which welcomes visitors and tourists. Supports the independence of older people. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Shields (SLD) Councillor Work (SNP) Councillor Ricky Henderson (L) Councillor Austin Hart (L) Councillor Key (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Children and Families Children and Families Corporate Governance Children and Families Comment




John Watson Trust

Councillor Godzik (L) Head of Schools and Community Services Councillor Aitken (C)


John Wilson/Robert Christie Bequest Fund Board of Management - Director

Corporate Governance


Kirk of Greyfriars Society of Friends

Councillor Mowat (C)

Corporate Governance


Life Care (Edinburgh) Ltd Observers

Councillor Day (L) Councillor Work (SNP) Councillor Councillor Aitken (C) 9

Health & Social Care

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 37. Local Authority Action for Southern Africa: National Steering Committee Description Assists in the reconstruction of Southern Africa following the defeat of apartheid and undertakes work on many critical issues facing the peoples of the region. Promotes the investment interests of local authority pension funds and maximises their influence as shareholders whilst promoting social responsibility and corporate governance at the companies in which they invest. Promotes the education of young people under the age of 22 who are in need of care or are living in deprived circumstances or otherwise require assistance to become adjusted to living independent lives. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Gardner (L) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment


Local Authority Pension Fund Forum Executive Committee

Councillor Rose (C)

Corporate Governance


Lothian Homes Trust Directors

Councillor Day (L) Councillor Key (SNP) Councillor Councillor Balfour (C)

Children and Families


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 40. Lowland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association Description One of 13 autonomous Tri-Service bodies, established to support the Reserve Forces and Cadets in the Lowlands of Scotland. Provides assistance to men and women who meet the criteria. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Bridgman (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Children and Families Comment


Merchant Company Endowment Trust


NHS Lothian Board

The Boards main role is to protect and improve the health of the people of Lothian and plan services for the local population.

Councillor Ricky Henderson (L) Councillor Key (SNP) Councillor Councillor McInnes (C) Councillor Convener of Health, Social Care and Housing (L)

Children and Families

Health and Social Care


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 43. Nuclear Free Local Authorities UK and Ireland Description Comprises member local authorities from England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and aims to increase local accountability over national nuclear policy, identify the impact of national nuclear policy on local communities and work to minimise nuclear hazards and increase public safety. See above Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Gardner (L) Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Comment


Nuclear Free Local Authorities Scotland (Directors of) One City Limited, and thus as Trustees of the One City Trust

Councillor Gardner (L)

Services for Communities Health and Social Care


Independent Trust which promotes social inclusion in Edinburgh formed in 2003 as a recommendation of the Lord Provosts Commission on Social Exclusion.

Lord Provost (ex-officio) Councillor Day (L) Councillor Rankin (SNP)


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 46. Our Dynamic Earth Description Raises awareness and understanding of our planet through the Dynamic Earth exhibition and promotes education and life-long learning in Earth and Environmental Science. A forum to facilitate consultation with landowners, communities and other stakeholders on issues to do with the management of the regional park and implementation of the Regional Park Plan. The Council nominates two members. Joint committee comprising three representatives each from Edinburgh and Midlothian and one from West Lothian. Oversees the management of the regional park in the context of the Regional Park Plan. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Lord Provost (ex-officio) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment


Pentland Hills Regional Park Consultative Forum

Councillor Walker (L) Councillor Bill Henderson (SNP)

Services for Communities

On a division


Pentland Hills Regional Park Joint Committee

Councillor Walker (L) Councillor Bill Henderson (SNP) Councillor Heslop (C)

Services for Communities


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 49. Police Aided Clothing Scheme - Directors Description Provides clothing to children aged 5-18 from underprivileged backgrounds. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Lord Provost (ex-officio) Councillor Rose (C) Director of Corporate Governance (Honorary Auditor) Councillor Godzik (L) Lead Directorate(s) Children and Families Comment


Princes Trust


Queens Hall (Edinburgh) Ltd - Director

Gives practical and financial support to young people to develop key skills, confidence and motivation, enabling young people to move into work, education or training. Offers a wide range of events including classical, jazz, blues, pop, rock, world, folk and comedy and is also home to the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.

Children and Families

Councillor Austin Hart (L)

Corporate Governance

On a division


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 52. Rosyth Local Liaison Committee Description Forum for consulting with local authorities on matters affecting public protection from nuclear and radiation hazards arising from nuclear operations in Rosyth Business Park. A National Centre of Excellence in the education and care of young people who are blind or visually impaired. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Number of elected members not specified Councillor Child (L) Councillor Work (SNP) Councillor Paterson (C) Councillor Shields (SLD) Councillor Godzik (L) Children and Families Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Comment


Royal Blind - Director


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 54. Description Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Ricky Henderson (L) Lead Directorate(s) Health and Social Care Comment


Royal College of Surgeons A Sub-Committee of the of Edinburgh Lay Advisers Council of the College Group comprised of a mixture of lay and clinician members formed to provide input on a range of clinical and non-clinical matters. The purpose of the group is to become involved in all the functions of the College so that the public can be assured that its processes are fair, equitable, efficient, economic and without bias to any social group and that the College acts in the best interests of the public. Royal Edinburgh Military Each year, a substantial Lord Provost (ex-officio) Tattoo (Charities) Limited proportion of surplus funds Trustees generated by the Tattoo Chief Financial Officer as are distributed to Hon Treasurer (ex-officio) charitable arts and service benevolent organisations.

Corporate Governance


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 56. Royal Lyceum Theatre Company Non-Executive Directors Description The Company is in permanent residence in the Lyceum building which it leases from the Council. It is one of the largest producing companies in the UK and the largest drama company in Scotland. One of Europe's leading symphony orchestras. The Centre of Procurement Expertise for Scotland's local government sector. Brings together a range of bodies to formulate and enhance the worth of accident prevention. One of Scotlands five National Performing Arts Companies. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Austin Hart (L) Councillor Lewis (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment On a division



Royal Scottish National Orchestra Board of Directors Scotland Excel

Councillor Austin Hart (L) Councillor Fullerton (SNP) Councillor Rankin (SNP) Councillor Whyte (C)

Corporate Governance Corporate Governance

On a division


Scottish Accident Prevention Council

Councillor Dixon (SNP) Services for Director of Services for Communities Communities (or nominee) Councillor Lewis (SNP) Corporate Governance Children and Families


Scottish Chamber Orchestra Board of Directors


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 61. Scottish Councils Committee on Radioactive Substances (SOCCORS) Description Provides a mechanism to identify a common Scottish local authority viewpoint on radioactive waste management issues. Ensures the private sector and key stakeholders in specific regions have an influential role in Scottish Enterprises strategy. Regionally-based boards advise on the best way to maximise the contribution of each region to Scotlands economic growth. Cross-party network of Scottish local authority members and officers, together with other public and third sector organisations, with a specific interest in antipoverty and social justice policy issues. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Substantive Member: Councillor Gardner (L) Substitute Member: Councillor McVey (SNP) Councillor Buchanan (SNP) City Development Lead Directorate(s) Services for Communities Comment


Scottish Enterprise East of Scotland


Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty

Substantive member: Councillor Ricky Henderson (L) Substitute member: Councillor Work (SNP)

Health and Social Care


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 64. Scottish National War Memorial Trustees Description Council Appointments for 20012/17 Lord Provost (ex-officio) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment





Responsible for the administration of the Scottish National War Memorial at Edinburgh Castle. Spartans Community Aims to provide the Football Academy community of North Directors Edinburgh with a community inspired, developed and managed facility, to help develop people of all ages sporting, social and life skills. Theatre Workshop An inclusive producing (Edinburgh) theatre that represents the voices on the margins of society. Torness Local Liaison Discusses safety issues at Committee Torness Nuclear Power Station. Transform Scotland Board The national alliance for sustainable transport, bringing together organisations from the private, public and voluntary sectors.

Councillor Redpath (L) Councillor Cardownie (SNP)

Corporate Governance

Councillor McVey (SNP)

Corporate Governance

Councillor Gardner (L) Councillor Councillor Councillor Hinds (L)

Services for Communities Services for Communities


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 69. Traverse Theatre Observer Description Scotlands new writing theatre which has launched the careers of some of Scotlands best known writers. A not-for-profit business that helps benefit the lives of people who live close to landfill sites by awarding grants for community, conservation and heritage projects. Promotes the development of land and assets within Wester Hailes to the maximum benefit of the local community and provides a property management service to other community groups. Committed to equality of access to learning and gives priority to providing learning for educationally, socially and economically disadvantaged groups. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Lewis (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Comment


Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd (WREN) Advisory Panel

Councillor Cairns (SNP)

Services for Communities


Wester Hailes Land and Property Trust

Councillor Bill Henderson (SNP)

Services for Communities


Worker's Educational Association Scotland (now WEA Scotland) Observer

Councillor Godzik (L)

Children and Families


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 73. 6VT Youth Caf Description Helps youths from all over Edinburgh and the surrounding area. Council Appointments for 20012/17 Councillor Doran (L) Councillor McVey (SNP) Lead Directorate(s) Children and Families Comment


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Appendix 2 Category 1b Companies and other organisations owned or controlled by the Council and Council joint venture companies

Organisation 74. Capital City Partnership Ltd


CEC Holdings Limited

Appointments made for 2007/12 The delivery body for the Convener of Economic citys employability Development Committee strategy and programme. Vice-Convener of Economic Development Committee Holding company with a Directors: portfolio of operational Councillor Hinds (L) companies, namely, EDI Councillor Munro (L) Group, ElCC Ltd, New Councillor Buchanan Edinburgh Ltd, Waterfront Councillor Ross (SNP Edinburgh Limited, Councillor Rose (C) Shawfair Land Limited and Director of City PARC Ltd with the original Development (or nominee) purpose of ensuring tax Director of Corporate efficiency across the Governance (or nominee) operational companys portfolio and enable Councils Shareholder appropriate monitoring Representative: and control. Chief Executive (or nominee)


Lead Directorate(s) City Development


City Development


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 76. EDI Ltd Description Private company, owned by the Council and run as an arms-length operation. Main Council owned vehicle for property development and undertakes regeneration projects. It is redeveloping Craigmillar through PARC Limited Appointments made for Lead 2007/12 Directorate(s) City Development Directors: Councillor Hinds (L) Councillor Munro (L) Councillor Blacklock (?) (L) Councillor Buchanan (SNP) Councillor Ross (SNP) Councillor Rust (C) Councillor Chapman (G) Director of City Development (or nominee) Director of Corporate Governance (or nominee) Councils Shareholder Representative: CEC Holdings (Chair) Comment


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 77. Edinburgh International Conference Centre Limited Description Owned by the Council and operates as an independent commercial venture which provides venues for conferences, conventions and exhibitions and acts as agent for development of Exchange district on behalf of the Council. Appointments made for 2007/12 Directors: Councillor Munro (L) Councillor Bill Cook (L) Councillor Buchanan (SNP) Councillor Ross (SNP) Councillor Aldridge (SLD) Director of Corporate Governance (or nominee) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance City Development Comment On a division


Edinburgh Leisure


Festival City Theatres Trust - Directors


Marketing Edinburgh Director

Councils Shareholder Representative: CEC Holdings (Chair) A not-for-profit company to Councillor Austin Hart (L) run the Councils sport Councillor Lewis (SNP) and leisure services. Councillor Cairns (SNP) Councillor Balfour (C) Councillor Booth (G) A registered charity which Councillor Austin Hart (L) is responsible for the Councillor Lewis (SNP operation and Councillor Aitken (C) management of the Councillor Main (G) Festival and Kings Theatres. A public/private body set Councillor Buchanan up to lead and facilitate (SNP) the promotion of Edinburgh. 24

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

City Development

Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 81. Pacific Shelf 825 Limited Description Company which holds the Councils Shawfair landholdings. PARC is a joint venture between EDI Ltd and the City of Edinburgh Council which is spearheading the regeneration of Craigmillar. Appointments made for 2007/12 Councillor Perry (L) Lead Directorate(s) City Development Comment


PARC Craigmillar (Promoting and Regenerating Craigmillar)


Waterfront Edinburgh Limited

One of the three companies leading the waterfront regeneration; owns 120 acres of prime waterfront land at Granton; promotes economic and social regeneration, as well as the physical redevelopment of North Edinburgh.

Councillor Munro (L) Services for Councillor Bridgman Communities (SNP) Director of Services for Communities (or nominee) Director of City Development (or nominee) Chief Executive (or nominee) Directors: City Development Councillor Day (L) Councillor Redpath (L) Councillor Buchanan (SNP) Director of Corporate Governance (or nominee) Councils Shareholder Representative: CEC Holdings (Chair)

On a division

On a division


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Appendix 3 Category 2 Local Organisations Organisation 84. Airth Benefaction Trust Description Grants provided to people in need who are incapable of gaining a livelihood. Community based youth work in Leith offering local children and young people opportunities for learning, leisure, friendship and other help and support. An independent and inclusive community hub providing a range of opportunities including playgroup, keep fit, sports and other activities for all age groups. Provides community facilities to promote education, health, social welfare, recreation and leisure to improve the condition of life for all participants. Appointments made for 2007/11 Councillor Redpath (L) (Ward 4 Forth) Councillor Munro (L) Councillor McVey (SNP) (Ward 13 Leith) Lead Directorate(s) Corporate Governance Children and Families Comment


Citadel Youth Centre


Corstorphine Youth and Community Centre

Councillor Edie (SLD) (Ward 6 Corstorphine/ Murrayfield)

Children and Families


Gorgie/Dalry Community Association - Director

Councillor Milligan (L) Councillor Fullerton (SNP) (Ward 7 Sighthill/Gorgie)

Health and Social Care


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 88. Granton Information Centre Description Provides free, impartial and confidential expert advice, information and representation to the residents of North Edinburgh on a range of issues and by a variety of methods. Working Group comprising the Councils Archaeology Officer, the Cramond Association, the Cramond Heritage Trust and community members in Cramond. The Group ensure implementation of the Cramond Heritage Interpretation and Management Plan. Grants to people over 55 who have the name Watt and who live in the parish of South Leith or have done so for at least ten years prior to application. People in need who have lived or are living in the City of Edinburgh or Midlothian can apply. Appointments made for 2007/11 Councillor Day (L) (Ward 4 Forth) Lead Directorate(s) Health and Social Care Comment On a division


Historic Cramond

Councillor Paterson (C) (Ward 1 Almond)

Corporate Governance


John Watts Trust

Councillor Munro (L) (Ward 13 Leith)

Corporate Governance


Appendix 4 The City of Edinburgh Council Action Sheet 17 May (Adjourned) and 24 May 2012 Organisation 91. Leith Industrial School Trust Appointments made for 2007/11 Gives grants to organisers Councillor Munro (L) of groups providing play or Councillor Booth (G) holiday activities for the (Ward 13 Leith) benefit of children living in Leith. A community managed Councillor Cardownie organisation that aims to (SNP) maximise community (Ward 4 Forth) influence, address poverty and bring economic and community benefits to the North Edinburgh area. West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre provides a varied programme of educational and recreational activities to meet the needs of the community. Provides grants to older Lord Provost (ex officio) women on a low income Councillor Munro (L) who were born and live in Leith or Edinburgh. Description Lead Directorate(s) Children and Families Comment


Pilton Central Association/West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre observer

Children and Families


William Brown Nimmo Charitable Trust

Corporate Governance


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