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The Last Warriors: The Promised One

The Last Warriors: The Promised One

The Last Warriors

The Promised One
(Fanfiction- FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY) Cats Riverclan Leader- Yewstar Deputy-Creamstripe Med cat- Gusttail Warriors Dappleroot Littlefoot Snakeheart Tigerbelly Falconwing Apprentices Mistypaw Vixenpaw Queens Shimmerfrost Kits Daisykit Elders Harewhisker Thunderclan Leader- Amberstar Deputy- Crayheart Med cat- Ravenleaf Warriors Dashertail Flamepelt Wishnose

The Last Warriors: The Promised One Snarefoot Foxdew Apprentices Stonepaw Stalepaw Frozenpaw Queens Redfall Kits Flarekit Blackkit Elders Berrynose Prologue

The gentle breeze dashed leaves across the empty moors, across sat a silent lake. Its gentle waves rolled across the sand beaches. The forest only a owl could be heard, a mouse padded out unafraid. A pine forest shook in the wind needles drifted down into heaps. The sky was dark blue the sun had just set. A empty island laid under the full moon. Only a single creature broke the silence. His amber eyes pierced the darkness his fur dark and blended into the dark soil. He cuffed around to see a she cat. He nodded. Lilyshine they have not come, they told that they would send a cat to inform us about their new territory. He meowed and sighed. He looked up at the moon. Lilyshine padded up to him and licked his flank. I am sorry. She tried to comfort him. He felt betrayed they had left in such a rush and his mate could not travel they had stayed behind. Now Lilyshine had had her kits and they were the size of paws now. They were rogues now. A rustle made him turn. Hello Amberstripe. A sleek black tom padded out. His eyes were a yellow. He knew the tom to be Yellowpaw, he was most likely a warrior now. You must be Yellow... He didnt want to call him by his apprentice name. Yellowclaw He sneered. We can travel now the kits are grown. He signaled towards the shore. I am sorry but you wont be, you see the clans are no more. They found a home but it is to dry in the summer and too harsh in the winter most are dead. Riverclan and Thunderclan only remain. I am the last of Shadowclan. I came here to stay with you. When he finished Amberstripe was in shock. But....but no. It cant be! He yowled. But it is true. Thuderclan and Riverclan wont leave because of a prophecy. He meowed. Oh really? What is it? He asked. Yellowclaw smiled.

The Last Warriors: The Promised One Two remain in peril but one with rise to bring promise to the infertile land. He smiled Pretty stupid right? He said. No. We will stay but let us hope this.... Promised one comes. Lets hope the clans survive. Now come I will show you the den.

Chapter One

Mistypaw woke in the makeshift den, she was as always sleeping on the cold stone. There was no moss anywhere in the new territory. She stepped into the morning lights, it was cold. It was Leafbare. Ice was across the clearing and on the dens. The river was not far but was freezing cold, apprentices had to go with a warrior to fish. She saw Dappleroot. She was one of the five warriors. She and her brother Vixenpaw were the only apprentices. Gusttail was the medicine cat and Yewstar was leader. Creamheart was deputy and the only kit was Daisykit. The clan was so small, it stayed that way. With such little food they could not grow. Thunderclan lived in the pine forest. It was small and they were dwindling. Yet after eight seasons they still lived. She padded over to Dappleroot. Wanna go fishing? She asked. Sure. She got up and padded out of camp though it was only the side of a cliff, around them it was stone and small shrubs, the stone was smooth and cool. The river was clear and had sand at the bottom it was refreshing, she spotted a fish. It was so small. They were only allowed to catch up to ten per day. If more the fish would dissapear. She caught two. Dappleroot caught three they headed back to camp. They put them down Shimmerfrost padded out and ate she went back to her kit Daisykit. Gusttail ate one to. Yewstar padded out and also ate one. Littlefoot shared with Vixenpaw. She would wait till the next catch and let her clan eat. She padded past the medicine cat den. There were so few herbs. She padded over to Harewhisker. He was the only elder. She sat next to him. Harewhisker I am old enough now could you tell me why the clans moved? She asked kindly. He sighed. All right. Okay listen carefully. Not long ago before you were born at the lake. A leader named Bramblestar lived. He was patrolling alone when he came across a new twoleg place. It was at the edge of the territory. You see he came back and told the clan no one was worried about a moon later it was huge! It was not in there territory being above on the mountainous area. But a season went by and the twoleg place began letting out smoke. It poured out sludge into the river spreading to the lake. Soon the water made cats sick. They could live there no more. They left Shadowclan stayed but soon showed up here only three remained I believe it was Yellowclaw, Snarepaw, and Blazekit. Yellowclaw disappeared and Blazekit died. Snarepaw joined Thunderclan though. We dont live here by choice but we survive. He finished. She sighed and turned. Thanks She padded off, so they were stuck here...... was it worth it?

The Last Warriors: The Promised One

Chapter Two

Snarefoot woke, the sun was out peaking through the walls of camp. He slept next to the other warriors. He padded out Amberstar was the only cat in the clearing. He padded over to her and smiled. She turned and sighed. She had lost her mother only a quarter moon ago. You wanna go hunting? He asked kindly. Hoping to cheer her up. She nodded. She lead though the entrance and into the forest. The tall trees darkened the forest, the air was filled with the cool mountain breezes. Mice and Voles were in their burrows, but they were looking for a whole nother type of prey. They searched for Pika, they were small fat short limbed rodents. He spotted one, he signaled to her with his tail. She nodded and began padding forward he circled around. She leaped the Pika ran straight into his paws. He killed it quickly. He turned to her and padded over and set it at her paws. She nodded. Good catch. She turned at the sound of their worst enemy. No longer a fox or a badger. Nor a adder or dog. A huge beast stepped forward its hooves could crush a skull in one blow. Its antlers sharp and pronged. He scrapped the ground making the snow a muddy brown where it stepped. It narrowed its gaze. Amberstar was frozen, as was Snarefoot. It kept there stare. They had learned how to deal with the caribou. You must stare them down and show no fear. You then must slowly back away until they lose interest and walk away. Amberstar began padded slowly back. Snarefoot followed in her steps. The caribou suddenly roared and charged in the other direction fear in its run. Snarefoot turned to see something he had not seen in over a season. Its fang barred, its fur out and back arched. What do we do! He hissed. We RUN! She turned and ran full speed Snarefoot matched her pace they stayed from camp, he turned to see it gaining. Amberstar turned to him her eyes filled with tears. She mouthed, I am sorry my love. Before he could do anything she stopped and the wolf had her in its jaws. Chapter Three Yewstar and Craystar sat under the full moon. Creamstripe and Dashertail sat under next to the leaders. Ravenleaf and Gusttail spoke in whisper near the edge of the clearing. Snakeheart and Tigerbelly spoke to Wishnose and Flamepelt spoke to Mistypaw. Stonepaw sat with Frozenpaw. This is so cool! Our first gathering! Frozenpaw meowed. Yeah but it sure is cold! Stonepaw mentioned, it had been only a moon since Amberstar had been killed by a wolf. Now Berrynose was the only cat from the lake home still alive. Let the meeting began! Yewstar announced. His broad shoulders shown in the moon. Craystar nodded. Riverclan has been doing fine there is enough fish to feed us in the river! We have

The Last Warriors: The Promised One seen no threats and are strong. He finished, Stonepaw could tell they were not as well feed as they said. They were all skinny. Craystar stepped up. We have been doing fine even with the loss of our leader Amberstar. We have seen no wolves in our territory since. We are well feed and have named three new apprentices! Frozenpaw! Stalepaw! And Stonepaw! He smiled as eyes came on him and his brothers. His clan mates cheered there names. Frozenpaw! Stalepaw! Stonepaw! A gray she-cat padded over, she had perfect teal eyes. Hi I am Mistypaw. She meowed kindly. Hi I am Stonepaw He replied. She smiled. She was so pretty, her long pelt shined in the moon light. So how if your first gathering? She asked. It is going great. He purred. Mistypaw! Come on we are going! Called Dappleroot. Sorry I got to go! See yah! She followed Dappleroot out of the clearing. His clan was also leaving he padded after his clan mates. By the time they got back to camp he was about to fall asleep on his paws. He padded into the apprentice den and fell asleep. Before his laid a forest green trees and warm sunlight was everywhere. Where am I? He asked himself. Welcome to Starclan. A voice spoke he turned to see Amberstar. Amberstar! He was so happy to see her. I have little time! You need to listen. The clans lay in the balance of one who will bring a promise to the land and save them as two. She finished he was in awe he suddenly awoke in his den. So The clans lay in the balance of one who will bring a promise to the land and save them as two. Like a Promised one. But who? Chapter Four

Mistypaw started heading across the barren rocks back to camp, she had to leap over many of the crevices. She sighed. She landed funny and hurt her paw, Dappleroot stopped. You okay? She asked Yeah fine. I will just catch up. She smiled. Okay but hurry up.Dappleroot turned and padded away with the others. Mistypaw licked her paw she suddenly heard something. She looked around, what if it was a wolf! Suddenly she saw a shadow, Stonepaw? Stonepaw ran up to her, he was out of breath and looked tired. What are you doing here? she asked keeping her voice down. I needed to tell you something! I had a dream in Starclan and they gave me a prophecy! He smiled. His gray fur was puffed out. Shhh! What did they say? They told me The clans lay in the balance of one who will bring a promise to the land and save them as two. He said calmly. What does it mean? She asked. He took a moment. I think it means that Starclan is watching us and they are going to help us for the better. He said like a senior warrior. She smiled. Lets hope so. She nodded. I need to get back and so do you. She turned. It is

The Last Warriors: The Promised One late. He smiled. Yeah it is. Bye see you at the next gathering. He turned and headed towards camp. He saw the sun beginning to rise, the dawn patrol would be out. He would have to sneak in. He padded through the forest snow still on the ground. He heard cats. Yeah those Riverclan cats were so skinny! It was Foxdew. Dont be too hard on them we are not exactly fit either. It was Dashertail. They were heading towards the north side of the territory. He sighed and snuck into camp. He sat in his nest. He suddenly woke with a start. Frozenpaw and Stalepaw were gone. Everyone was outside. They were in a crowd. He padded up and pushed though. A large cat stood. The cat was huge! It was a large brown tom with leopard spots. He looked tired and half starved. Hello I am Amberstripe! And I have come to tell you that there is hope. Stonepaw suddenly knew. He is the Promised one. Chapter Five Snarefoot woke in the warriors den it was night. Amberstripe the tom who had just joined slept in a den next to Craystars. He sighed, his mate was dead. He had wanted to go on the hunt and brought her to her death. Everyone kept saying, its not your fault, she still loves you! They just wanted to comfort him. He padded out, he wanted some air. It was freezing out, snow was falling in flurries down into camp. He padded out the trees offering no shealther, he sat looking out at the Rocky wasteland now covered with snow. He turned he saw a Pika, it nibbled on a nut. He sighed he didnt even want to catch it. The snow began pressing down on him. He didnt want to move. He heard a voice. Snarefoot! He swore it was Amberstar but he turned to see Wishnose. He sighed and padded over. Wishnose what are you doing out here? He asked I could ask you the same! She said agaist the wind. She sighed. You need to let her go. You are deputy now you need to act like one. She turned Come lets go back to camp He followed her she padded into the warrior den he layed close to her, he was shivering, she pulled close warming him up. He smiled, she suddenly put her muzzle to his he let her. He pushed back. He fell asleep to the sound of her breathing, not even the words I am sorry Amberstar could come to his head. He woke Wishnose was still asleep, he got up and looked at the entrance, it wasnt there. He felt what was blocking it, snow! He ran over and woke Wishnose and the others. Get up we are snowed in! He began digging at the entrance Wishnose and Snakeheart helped. They soon were able to crawl out he was in shock, the whole camp was covered everyone but Berrynose was out of dens. He ran to the elders den, NO! It had collapsed, he began to dug he felt fur he pulled Berrynose out. He was not breathing his body cold. Craystar padded up. He was the last of the cats from the lake.... He was in awe. Amberstipe padded up. We should leave isnt this reason enough! He hissed. Craystar pinned him. You do not command me like that! you should not be here anyway! Leave! I make dissitions! He hissed with sudden anger. Amberstripe began his way out. You are all doomed! Anyone brave enough to get out of here step forward! No one moved for many moments. Suddenly a cat pushed forward.

The Last Warriors: The Promised One I will! Snarefoot was in shock. It was Stalepaw.

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