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Aprelium - Adding PHP Support



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Adding PHP Support

On Windows On MacOS X On Linux Adding PHP 5
support on Windows

Abyss Web Server supports all PHP releases including all the PHP 4.x.x and PHP 5.x.x versions.

On Windows
Important note If you plan to install PHP 5 on Windows, we highly recommend using our preconfigured PHP 5 package instead of following the generic PHP setup instructions below. It is easier, faster, and less error prone. Download and install PHP Download PHP for Windows from and install it. We recommend using the Windows installer version of PHP if you are new to web serving and PHP. If you are asked during the installation of PHP about the type of your web server, choose None (or other web server), I will configure the web server manually and proceed. Declare the interpreter Open Abyss Web Server's console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the host to which you want to add PHP support. If there is no Hosts table in the main screen of your console, this means that you are using an old version of Abyss Web Server. Please upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. Upgrading is free, straightforward, and preserves your current server configuration. Click here to download the latest version. Select Scripting Parameters. Check Enable Scripts Execution. Press Add in the Interpreters table. If you are using Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, or later, set Interface to . If you are using Windows 95, 98, or ME, set Interface to as PHP does not support the FastCGI interface on these old operating systems. Note that if you do not find an Interface field, you can ignore this step and continue with the following instructions. The absence of the Interface field means that your Abyss Web Server X1 and X2 version number is less than 2.3. If this is the case, we strongly recommend to upgrade to the latest version to benefit from the FastCGI performance boost. If after adding PHP support, your PHP scripts refuse to run and report

PHP-ISAPI support

PHP web site

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Aprelium - Adding PHP Support

, this is probably because your PHP interpreter does not support the FastCGI mode. In such a case, set its Interface field to problem. to solve the

In the Interpreter field, press Browse..., go to the directory where you have installed PHP and click on if you have installed PHP 4 or if you have installed PHP 5. Set Type to only use if you are using PHP 5.2.4 or newer. Note that you should with PHP versions < 5.2.4 (to activate special internal

workarounds to enable full support for these old releases.) Check Use the associated extensions to automatically update the Script Paths. Press Add in the Associated Extensions table. Enter Press OK Press Add in the Custom Environment Variables table. Enter (with no leading or trailing spaces) in the Name field and in the Value field and press OK. Press OK in the Scripting Parameters dialog. Declare new index files Select Index Files. Press Add in the Index Files table. Enter Apply the modifications Press Restart to restart the server. in the File Name field and press OK. in the Extension field and press OK.

On MacOS X
Download and install PHP Download the PHP 5.3.8 package for Mac OS X (24 MB). It is a universal binary package containing the FastCGI/CGI Interpreter version of PHP 5.3.8 with the following built-in extensions: bcmath, calendar, ctype, date, dom, filter, hash, json, libxml, odbc, pcre, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, SPL, SQLite, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, and zlib. Support for ftp, iconv, mbstring, GD2, PDO, SQLite, MySQL, and MySQLi is also turned on by default. The package runs on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macintosh computers powered by Mac OS X 10.4 and later. It was built for your convenience by Aprelium and uses by default as its configuration file. If you have an old version of Mac OS X, you can still use the legacy PHP 5.2.2 package for Mac OS X (13.6 MB) which runs on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macintosh computers powered by Mac OS X 10.2.8 and later. If you do not have MySQL or do not intend to use PHP 5 with MySQL, edit and comment the referencing the MySQL extensions. Open the downloaded file by double-clicking on it and copy the the folder on your main hard disk. folder inside lines

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Aprelium - Adding PHP Support

Declare the interpreter Open Abyss Web Server's console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the host to which you want to add PHP support. If there is no Hosts table in the main screen of your console, this means that you are using an old version of Abyss Web Server. Please upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. Upgrading is free, straightforward, and preserves your current server configuration. Click here to download the latest version. Select Scripting Parameters. Check Enable Scripts Execution. Press Add in the Interpreters table. Set Interface to .

Note that if you do not find an Interface field, you can ignore this step and continue with the following instructions. The absence of the Interface field means that your Abyss Web Server X1 and X2 version number is less than 2.3. If this is the case, we strongly recommend to upgrade to the latest version to benefit from the FastCGI performance boost. If after adding PHP support, your PHP scripts refuse to run and report , this is probably because your PHP interpreter does not support the FastCGI mode. In such a case, set its Interface field to problem. Enter are using an old version of PHP, you may need to use instead. Set Type to only use if you are using PHP 5.2.4 or newer. Note that you should with PHP versions < 5.2.4 (to activate special internal to solve the

in the Interpreter field. If you

workarounds to enable full support for these old releases.) Check Use the associated extensions to automatically update the Script Paths. Press Add in the Associated Extensions table. Enter Press OK Press OK in the Scripting Parameters dialog. Declare a new index file Select Index Files. Press Add in the Index Files table. Enter Apply the modifications Press Restart to restart the server. in the File Name field and press OK. in the Extension field and press OK.

On Linux
Download and install PHP Most Linux distributions come with PHP. To check if it is installed, execute or . If not available, download it from

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Aprelium - Adding PHP Support

/downloads.php and install it. To determine which PHP version is installed, execute Declare the interpreter Open Abyss Web Server's console. In the Hosts table, press Configure in the row corresponding to the host to which you want to add PHP support. If there is no Hosts table in the main screen of your console, this means that you are using an old version of Abyss Web Server. Please upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. Upgrading is free, straightforward, and preserves your current server configuration. Click here to download the latest version. Select Scripting Parameters. Check Enable Scripts Execution. Press Add in the Interpreters table. Set Interface to . or

Note that if you do not find an Interface field, you can ignore this step and continue with the following instructions. The absence of the Interface field means that your Abyss Web Server X1 and X2 version number is less than 2.3. If this is the case, we strongly recommend to upgrade to the latest version to benefit from the FastCGI performance boost. If after adding PHP support, your PHP scripts refuse to run and report , this is probably because your PHP interpreter does not support the FastCGI mode. In such a case, set its Interface field to problem. to solve the

In the Interpreter field, press Browse..., go to the directory where you have installed PHP and click on the file called name is Set Type to . . . If no such file exists, click on the file which

Check Use the associated extensions to automatically update the Script Paths. Press Add in the Associated Extensions table. Enter Press OK Press Add in the Custom Environment Variables table. Enter (with no leading or trailing spaces) in the Name field and in the Value field and press OK. Press OK in the Scripting Parameters dialog. Declare a new index file Select Index Files. Press Add in the Index Files table. Enter Apply the modifications Press Restart to restart the server. in the File Name field and press OK. in the Extension field and press OK.

Abyss Web Server

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Aprelium - Adding PHP Support

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