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INtools SmartPlant Report Generator Installation Guide

August 2003 Version 6.0


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Installing INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

This document covers and describes the system requirements and installation procedures for the INtools SmartPlant Report Generator. The INtools SmartPlant Report Generator is an add-in utility you use in conjunction with INtools. For this reason, you must already have an INtools installation on the computer where you intend to install the SmartPlant Report Generator. Caution

The INtools SmartPlant Report Generator version and service pack must be the same or later than the version of INtools you are working with.

System Requirements
This section describes the hardware and software requirements you must meet to be able to install INtools SmartPlant Report Generator. See also the INtools hardware and software requirements in the main part of the Installation Guide.

Hardware Requirements
350 MHz Pentium machine (minimum) 128 MB RAM minimum (256 MB RAM highly recommended) INtools application (full installation) Approximately 35 MB of free disk space on your hard drive

INtools 6.0 Installing INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

Operating System and Software Requirements

One of the following Microsoft Windows operating systems:

Windows 2000 Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5 or later Windows XP

One of the following database platforms:

SQL Server 7.0 or 2000 Oracle Version 8.0.5/8.0.6, 8i, or 9i Sybase SQL Anywhere (WATCOM) Notes

On an Oracle platform, INtools SmartPlant requires Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6, 8i, or 9i.

Internet Explorer 4.01 or later Microsoft Media Player (if you want to enable the display of the generation status window when generating enhanced drawings and reports within the INtools environment) MDAC 2.4 or later Note

If the MDAC driver is not installed on your computer, the software displays a message during the installation. In this case, you have to install the MDAC driver manually. For details of MDAC installation, see Installing MDAC Driver, page 5.

INtools 6.0 Installing INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

Installing INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to install INtools SmartPlant Report Generator and make it compatible with INtools. Note

If you already have an existing installation, it is recommended that you uninstall the existing copy of INtools SmartPlant Report Generator when prompted. If you choose to uninstall the existing software and you previously defined new templates and symbols or changed the names of the default templates and symbols, the software does not remove these templates and symbols.

To install INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The INtools CD Browser automatically launches if AutoPlay is enabled on your system. The CD Browser allows you to display the Installation Guide, and to install INtools and other CD extras. Note

If the INtools CD Browser does not launch automatically, run Windows Explorer to open the INtools CD window. Then, in the root folder, doubleclick the SETUP.EXE file.

2. Click INtools SmartPlant Report Generator Installation. 3. On the Welcome page click Next. 4. On the License Agreement page, in the Country list, select the country where you are going to install the software, and click Display to open the software license agreement. Note

You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to be able to view the software license agreement.

5. After reading the license agreement, close Acrobat Reader, and on the License Agreement page, click Yes.

INtools 6.0 Installing INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

6. On the Setup Type page, do one of the following: (Full) to install all the INtools SmartPlant Report Generator Click components. (Network) to connect to a remote computer that already has an Click installation of the INtools SmartPlant Report Generator.

7. Click Next to continue. 8. On the Destination Folder page, specify the folder location where you want to install the software and click Next. 9. On the Symbols Folder page (full installation only), specify the folder location for the standard symbol files that INtools uses to represent various instrumentation and wiring entities, then click Next. 10. On the Template Folder page (full installation only), specify the folder location for the standard templates that INtools uses to determine the border and title block for drawings, then click Next. 11. On the Select Program Folder page, select the program folder where you want the software to install the software program icons. 12. Click Next to begin the setup process. 13. On completion of the setup, on the Setup Complete page, click Finish to exit the setup.

INtools 6.0 Installing INtools SmartPlant Report Generator

Installing MDAC Driver

Installing the MDAC driver is a prior condition to the proper operation of INtools SmartPlant Report Generator. Normally it should already be installed on your computer, but in case it is not, use this procedure to install MDAC manually from the MDAC file shipped with INtools. Note

On Windows 2000, the SmartPlant Segment Wiring report does not support MDAC Version 2.6. You must install MDAC version 2.7 to be able to generate SmartPlant Segment Wiring reports. MDAC version 2.7 is available on the INtools installation CD.

To install INtools MDAC driver

1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive and run Windows Explorer to open the INtools CD window. Then, in the MDAC folder, double-click the MDAC executable file, for example, mdac_typ_27.exe. 2. Proceed with the MDAC installation and restart the computer to enable MDAC to take effect.

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