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Eamon Barkhordarian Period E Blackburn English Masters

Different Perspectives Rochester-Chapter 14 I have already done my job as the host, entertaining the guests throughout the night and sparking conversation. Now, I should be able to enjoy myself for a change. I said. I could see she had seated herself quite a distance from me. She simply could not see any purpose in this conversation. Well, the night is mine, and I should be able to converse with whom I would like. Bring your chair a little closer Miss Eyre: you are yet too far back: I cannot see you without disturbing my position in this comfortable chair, which I have no mind to do. I could spot the reluctance in her eyes, but he she did as I asked. I have a certain way with women. I took peculiar cordiality at the fire in front of me. As I gazed into the warm and radiant flames, the austerity seemed to escape from me as a smile drew to my face. Finally after a busy night, I was content. It must have been a few minutes by the time I looked up to see that Jane had been staring at me. I now focused my attention on the beautiful girl that was studying my face. What was she thinking? She must have believed me to be striking to have such an interest in my emotion. I continued to smile as I asked the question, You examine me, Miss Eyre. Do you think me handsome? No sir. My eyes grew wide from curiosity as she replied almost before I had finished asking my question. I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. Women are often so boring, yet this

Eamon Barkhordarian Period E Blackburn English Masters

one was so much more interesting in manner that she may prove an exception. What fault did she possibly see in me? Ah! There is something so peculiar about you. You are so quiet and reserved as you sit on that chair that I cannot see through you no matter how hard I try. When I ask a question in which you are required to answer, all I am left with is an abrupt response leaving no sign of emotion. I state. Jane began to apologize. Sir, I was too plain; I beg your pardon. I ought to have replied that it was not easy to give an impromptu answer to a question about appearances; that tastes mostly differ; and that beauty is of little consequence, or something of that sort. Absolutely not. As you falsely try to assure me that you responded incorrectly, you in fact make the situation worse as you send my mind off wandering what could possibly be my flaw. Please, do continue your previous answer. What is it that you find wrong with me? I assume I have all my limbs in place and my head on straight? I am so sorry Mr. Rochester. Please let me take back what I had previously said. I never meant for it to cause such banter. We are here to talk, not to quarrel I presume? I would not let her change the direction of this conversation. I was to found out what she truly thought of me. This would be my fun for the night. Does my forehead not please you Jane? I pushed aside the hair in the front of my face and exposed my forehead, bringing it closer to Jane in a sort of mockery. I was looking for any reaction, but all I found was a face void of a clue.

Eamon Barkhordarian Period E Blackburn English Masters

Not at all sir. You would, perhaps, think me rude if I inquired in return whether you are a philanthropist? she asked. I would not let her do this again. She had planted a seed of insecurity and curiosity into my brain and this seed had been growing ever since she replied no sir. Each response of hers only watered this seed even more. There again! There you go again! You try to hide your true intentions, but it only drives me to become more curious. I used to be partial to the unfledged, unfostered, and unlucky when I was your age, but as I grew older, I became as hard as an India-rubber ball. I am as hard as they get, but even with a man like me you can discover a soft side. Is there any hope for me in your eyes? Hope of what sir? Of my final re-transformation from India-rubber black to flesh? I could see the confusion through her expression and half expected for her to roll her eyes. She did not, but rather pondered a few moments while thinking of an answer. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at the ground trying to elaborate some sort of response. I grew impatient. You looked very much puzzled, Miss Eyre; and though you are not any more pretty than I am handsome, you are still very confused. Now, you busy your eyes with the worsted flowers of the rug instead of looking at me; so puzzle on. Young lady, I am inclined to be sociable and communicative tonight.

Eamon Barkhordarian Period E Blackburn English Masters

At that moment I stood up from my seat and leaned against the mantelpiece beside me in order to ease myself for a moment. I let out a big sigh of relief as I chuckled to myself the outcome of this conversation. What a silly idea. From the corner of my eye, I could see that Jane had now focused her attention from the rug onto me. I now turned back to stare at the objects around me. I am inclined to be sociable and communicative tonight, and that is why I sent for you: the chandelier and fire were not sufficient company for me; nor would Pilot have been, for neither of these can talk. Adele is slightly better, but still far below the mark; the same goes for Mrs. Fairfax. I am convinced that you, on the other hand, can suit me if you will: I have almost forgotten you since the first night you puzzled me but tonight I have decided to be at ease; to dismiss what pesters, and recall what pleases. It would please me now to draw you out-to learn more of you-therefore speak. She returned my command with a smile. She simply stared into my eyes and said nothing. The nerve this woman must have had. Speak. I commanded. Speak about what? Anything you would like. You can completely control the direction of the conversation. Tell me the first thing that comes to your head. Once again, her silent response left me unsettled.

Eamon Barkhordarian Period E Blackburn English Masters

You are dumb, Miss Eyre. And it is beginning to annoy me. I am here, giving you full control and you return the favor with nothing. You do not seem to understand that I want you to have as equal of position in this conversation as I. I desire you to have the goodness to talk to me a little now, and divert my thoughts, which are galled with dwelling on one point-cankering as a rusty nail.

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