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create or replace procedure sendmail(sender varchar2,recipient varchar2,subject varchar2, text 2. 3. varchar2) 4. IS 5. mailhost VARCHAR2(64) := ''; 6.

--The name of the SMTP server host 7. port constant number(2):=25; 8. --The port number on which SMTP server is listening (usually 25). 9. timeout number :=180; 10. --The time in seconds that the UTL_SMTP package waits before giving up in a read or write 11. 12. operation in this connection. 13. --In read operations, this package gives up if no data is available for rea ding immediately. 14. --In write operations, this package gives up if the output buffer is full a nd no data is to be 15. 16. sent into the network without being blocked. 17. --Zero (0) indicates not to wait at all. 18. --NULL indicates to wait forever. 19. mail_conn utl_smtp.connection; 20. BEGIN 21. --dbms_output.put_line(UTL_SMTP.VRFY (mail_conn,recipient)); 22. mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(mailhost, port,timeout); 23. --Helo performs initial handshaking with SMTP server after connecting 24. utl_smtp.helo(mail_conn, mailhost); 25. --Mail Initiates a mail transaction with the server 26. utl_smtp.mail(mail_conn, sender); 27. --Specifies the recipient of an e-mail message 28. utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_conn, recipient); 29. -- open_data(), write_data(), and close_data() into a single call to data() . 30. --Sends the DATA command 31. utl_smtp.open_data(mail_conn); 32. utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'From'||':'|| Sender || UTL_TCP.CRLF); 33. utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'To'||':'|| recipient || UTL_TCP.CRLF); 34. utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn,'Subject' ||':'|| subject || UTL_TCP.CRLF); 35. --Writes a portion of the e-mail message 36. utl_smtp.write_data(mail_conn, text); 37. --Closes the data session 38. utl_smtp.close_data(mail_conn); 39. utl_smtp.quit(mail_conn); 40. --dbms_output.put_line('Your message has been sent...!'); 41. EXCEPTION 42. WHEN UTL_SMTP.PERMANENT_ERROR THEN 43. BEGIN 44. utl_smtp.quit(mail_conn); 45. END; 46. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20101,'This id has Permanent Error'); 47. WHEN UTL_SMTP.TRANSIENT_ERROR THEN 48. BEGIN 49. utl_smtp.quit(mail_conn); 50. END; 51. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20102,'SMTP transient error:'); 52. WHEN UTL_SMTP.INVALID_OPERATION THEN 53. BEGIN 54. utl_smtp.quit(mail_conn); 55. END;

56. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20103,'Invalid Operation in Mail using UTL_SMTP.') ; 57. WHEN OTHERS THEN 58. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20104,'Some other Error ...!'); 59. end; 60. / 61. 62. To execute the above procedure try the following code. exec sendmail('','','Hi','Test Mail');

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