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RCS ManagementSoftware




RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

What is RCS Management Software 1.0.5 .. ........................................... 3 RCS Management - Software Features ............................................ 4

First Steps
Technical preparation / System prerequisites ...................................... Installation instructions ............................................................................. Special hints for Installation under Windows 98 ... Starting the RCS Management Software .............. 5 5 6 7

QA Management
Main menu .............................................................................................. Reading new RCS High Flow data .................................................. Changing QA level .................................................................................. Changing of sample volume .. Change of user in QA management ............................................ Reading stored QA data .............................................................. Close RCS Management Software ............................................... 8 9 10 11 12 13 15

Main menu .................................................................................................. 16 Reading new RCS High Flow data. ................................................. 17 Changing sample volume, sample time, number of sampling intervals .. 18 Activation of Interval-Sampling .................................................................. 19 Change of user for interval sampling ........................................... 20 Reading stored Interval-Sampling data. ................................................. 21 Close RCS Management Software .. 23

Set Time and Date ............................................................................... 24 Deinstallation of RCS Management Software ....................... 26 Questions and Troubleshooting ................................................................... 27 Materials Supplied .............................................................................................. 28 Biotest Subsidiaries ............................................................................ 29

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

What is RCS Management Software 1.0.5 ?
The RCS Management Software was developed to broaden the function spectrum of the RCS High Flow with serial numbers higher than 35 790 to access to features relevant to quality safety and interval sampling. Older RCS High Flow models (serial number 32701 up to 35 790) can use QS management of RCS Management Software but not interval sampling. To use also this modul an upgrade of the firmware in the EPROM in the RCS High Flow is necessary. The RCS Management Software cannot be used with old RCS High Flow models (serial numbers < 32701). The RCS Management Software enables a reliable documentation and is at the same time an archiving system for QS and interval sampling data. Data are protected and can be altered by an external program only. As an additional feature the current time can be set and corrected on the RCS High Flow (serial numbers higher than 32701) with this software.

* With the RCS Management Software 1.0.5 QS management as well as time setting can be performed for RCS High Flow air sampler with a serial number higher than 32701. Interval sampling can be performed for RCS High Flow sampler with serial number higher than 35 790.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

RCS Management Software Features

1. QS management a. Alteration of QS levels in RCS High Flow b. Alterations of user of the QS levels c. Alterations of sample volumes d. Archiving and reading of QS alterations 2. Interval-Sampling a. Alterations of sample volume, sample time and number of interruptions b. Activation of Interval-Sampling c. Alterations of user of interval sampling d. Archiving and reading of interval sampling alterations 3. Time and date setting a. Alterations in time and date settings in the RCS High Flow

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

First Steps

Technical preparation / system prerequisites


Operating system at least Windows 98, 2000, XP or Windows NT PC with at least Pentium processor/100 MHz/32MB RAM at least 2 MB free disk memory space Graphical resolution at least 256 colors, 1024 x 768 pixel or 800 x 600 pixel 2 serial interfaces* Printer ** The RCS Management Software requires one serial interface (RS-232C) for the features "QC management and interval sampling. The serial cable is included to the delivery package of RCS High Flow models (serial number 35 790).

Note for users of Access Software 2000 This software irreversibly changes data bases and formats, so that the data base is no longer available for CalibSo versions 3.23 and lower. Please do not use Access Software 2000

Installation instructions
The RCS Management Software is on the CD-ROM included to case of the RCS High Flow air sampler (serial number > 35 790). Installation from the CD-ROM

1 2 3 4 5 6

Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive. When the start window is shown, select the desired language and click OK. When the RCS Management Software Setup Version 1.0.5 Welcome dialogue box appears, please follow the instructions and then click on Further. When the dialogue box appears with the Software license agreement please read the agreement. If you agree, click on Yes. Follow the instructions as they appear and click on Further. When the Setup concluded dialogue box appears, click on End. The installation has been concluded and the RCS Management Software is ready for use.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

Special hints for the use of Windows 98

The installShield which will install the Management Software program after inserting the CD in the CD-ROM drive automatically, does not work properly under Windows 98. For user of this operating system an special installation program is added on CD. Installation from the CD ROM under Windows 98 1. 2. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive After displaying the language selection interrupt the procedure in the InstallShield Wizzard with Abbrechen We strongly do not recommend to continue because not all necessary functions and information may be displayed. The program will not be installed properly. Select the appropriate CD-ROM drive by Windows Explorer. Onto the CD a folder Win98 will be shown In this folder start Setup.exe with a double-click Continue as described in Installation Instructions under Pos. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

After installation in the way mentioned above no restrictions in the Management Software will appear under Windows 98.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

Starting the RCS Management Software

When the setup is completed a folder named "Biotest Management Software" (or with the name that you have given it during the installation procedure) will be found in the Windows program manager. The program folder contains the RCS Management Software that was installed plus a unInstallShield in order to delete the program at a later time. The RCS Management Software can be easily identified by the red Biotest logo. In addition an icon RCS Management Software 1.0.5 on the desktop will be created. Normally, the RCS Management Software is started in Windows by double clicking on the RCS Management Software symbol in the program manager. If the RCS Management Software is to be started automatically every time that Windows is started, the RCS Calibration Management Software symbol can be included in the "Autostart" program group of the program manager. You can find further information about starting programs under Windows in your Windows documentation. Starting page of RCS Management Software during loading the program

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

QA Management
QA management enables the deactivation of certain functions of the air sampler RCS High Flow to protect it from unauthorised alterations. QA levels prevent alterations in calibration factors (QA level 2), volume selection (QA level 3), and rotor selection (QA level 4). The QA levels 3 and 4 always include the lower QA levels.. Note: The RCS High Flow is factory-set with the lowest QA level . This level allows alterations of all settings and selections of listed rotors. Alterations of QA levels can be performed with the software only, not on the RCS High Flow itself.

Main menu
In the main menu you can directly click on QA Management or chose from other program parts by clicking on Settings in the upper menu bar.

Select QA Management here

Note: Make sure that the RCS High Flow is switched on and connected to a computer with the supplied interface cable and a serial interface. Please also note that for the duration of the connection, the RCS High Flow can not be operated with the keyboard and does not switch off automatically. After completing your RCS Management Software operations, please disconnect the RCS High Flow to avoid unnecessary battery use.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

Reading new RCS High Flow data:

Select New from the QA Management menu at the upper left hand corner. The RCS Management Software will then download data from the RCS High Flow and display it at the appropriate positions onto the display.

After completion of data transfer the display may read as follows (example):

RCS High Flow instrument data Information on the latest QA level alterations Information on user Information on current QA level of the instrument

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5

Changing the QA level

By clicking on the respective selection field [ QA level can be changed. ] in the QA Management window, the current Each instrument is factory-set to QA-level 1. In level 1 all functions are open, settings can be altered and listed rotors can be selected, even if their calibration expiry date is exceeded. Level 1 also allows manual calibrations via the keyboard of the air sampler. In QA level 2 the possibility to alter the calibration factor via the air sampler is deactivated. In QA level 2 a rotor with an exceeded calibration date can not be selected. All other features can be altered in the air sampler itself.

Selected QA level 2

In QS-Level 3 the volume selection feature on the air sampler is deactivated in addition to blocking a calibration factor alteration or selection of an expired rotor (QA level 2).

Selected QA level 3

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


In QA level 4 the selection of an active rotor on the air sampler is deactivated in addition to the deactivations of QA level 2 and QA level 3.

Selected QA level 4

Change of sample volume

By clicking on the black triangle [ volume from the list.

] in the field volume you can select the desired sample

Select sample volume from the list

Note: In the volume selection of the RCS High Flow there are three positions were userdefined volumes may be programmed. These volumes also will be visible and may be selected here.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Change of user in QA Management

By clicking on the field QA Management the field User is available. Enter name, abbreviation, ID number in the corresponding field.

User of QA Management

Store and transfer the new data by clicking on OK in the field Transfer QA data.

If new shall not be transferred and original data shall be maintained, click here

Here new data are stored and transferred to the RCS High Flow.

Note: Unless the data in QA management are not transferred to the RCS High Flow, they are not safely stored and doesnt came into effect at the RCS High Flow.
RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5 12

The entire operation is documented.

Reading stored QA data:

Data stored earlier with the QA management feature can be activated and read. They can be listed by either instrument number or alteration date. Note: Stored data can be read only. Alterations are not possible. Click on Data base on the upper menu and select Selection.
The data base can be selected here

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


The following display appears. As Selection criteria you may chose from Instrument serial number

As selection criterion, the instrument serial number can be entered here.

or Alteration date. Enter special selection criteria as desired in the white field. By clicking on Preview the respective list of the data base is displayed. The arrow keys allow you scroll through the list.

As selection criterion alteration dates can be entered here

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


By clicking on Preview the respective list of data base is displayed. The arrow keys allow you scroll through the list.
With the arrow keys you can scroll upwards or downwards within the list.

Close RCS Management Software

In order to end the RCS Management Software, select QA level, Exit from the menu bar at the upper left hand corner. Note: We deactivated the Windows symbol program and subsequent data loss. in order to avoid premature ending of the

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Interval Sampling
Interval sampling allows to elongate the sample time for a defined sample volume by defined sampling interruptions. The instrument calculates the correct time intervals of the interruptions by itself in regards of all stored calibration factors.

Main menu
In the main menu you can directly click on Interval Sampling or chose from other program parts by clicking on Settings in the upper menu bar.

Select Interval Sampling

Note: Make sure that the RCS High Flow is switched on and connected to a computer with the supplied interface cable and a serial interface. Please also note that for the duration of the connection, the RCS High Flow can not be operated with the keyboard and does not switch off automatically. After completing your RCS Management Software operations, please disconnect the RCS High Flow to avoid unnecessary battery use.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Reading new RCS High Flow data:

Select New from the Interval Sampling menu at the upper left hand corner. The RCS Management Software will then download data from the RCS High Flow and transfer them to the proper QA management files.

After completion of data transfer the display may read as follows (example):
Instrument data of RCS High Flow Information of previous alternations Information about user Information about sample volume Information about sample time Information about number of samplings Information about activation of interval sampling Field of calculation data Documentation of changes of interval sampling

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Changes of sample volume, sample time and number of sampling intervals

To enter the parameter for sample volume, sample time and desired sample interruptions, data must be entered into the according fields Volume, Period and Interval number. The sample volume (volume) can be selected between 100- 1500 Litres, the total sample time between 10-240 minutes (according to the observations for agar strips mentioned in the Validation Handbook) and interval number between 2-10.

Accept the selected parameter

To proof the validity of the desired parameters and to calculate the according time periods for run time and stop time, click in Accept. The program checks for all stored rotors and their according calibration factors the validity of the desired parameters. In case that at least one of the parameters are not valid in combination with the others according to the data of stored rotors, following picture may appear:

Error message, which indicate that at least one selected parameter is not valid in combination with the others according to the data of stored rotors.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


The parameter must be changed in this case. In case parameters are valid, calculation can be performed and information about sample time (runtime), partial run time (runtime/part) and intervals (runtime/stop) are displayed in the filed Calculated data. Small differences to theoretical data are due to the considerations of calibration factors.

Accepted data for runtime, partial run time and stop time

Activation of Interval Sampling

Normally the delay time modus is activated in the RCS High Flow (see also package insert, pg. 29, chapter 4.9). To alter the modus to interval sampling, click on the field Enable device operation.

Enable interval sampling operation

In same way interval sampling can be changed back to delay time modus by clicking on the same field. The alternation from delay time modus to interval sampling and back is not possible over the display of the instrument alone.
RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5 19

Change of user of Interval Sampling

By clicking on the field Interval Sampling the field User is available. Enter name, abbreviation, ID number in the corresponding field.

User of interval sampling

Store and transfer the new data by clicking on OK in the field Data transmit".

If new data shall not be transferred and original data shall be maintained, click here

Here new data are stored and transferred to the RCS High Flow.

Note: Unless the data in interval sampling are transferred to the RCS High Flow, they are not safely stored and doesnt come into effect at the RCS High Flow.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


The entire operation is documented.

Reading stored interval sampling data:

Data stored earlier with the interval sampling feature can be activated and read . They can be listed by either instrument number or alteration date. Note: Stored data can be read only. Alterations are not possible. Click on Data base on the upper menu and select Selection.
The data base can be selected here

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


The following display appears. As Criteria of Selection you may chose from instrument Serial Number

As selection criterion, the instrument serial number can be entered here.

or Date of modification. Enter special selection criteria as desired in the white field. By clicking on Preview the respective list of the data base is displayed. The arrow keys allow you scroll through the list.

As selection criterion alteration dates can be entered here

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


By clicking on Preview the respective list of data base is displayed. The arrow keys allow you scroll through the list.

With the arrow keys you can scroll upwards or downwards within the list.

Close RCS Management Software

In order to end the RCS Management Software, select Interval Sampling, Exit from the menu bar at the upper left hand corner. Note: We deactivated the Windows symbol in order to avoid premature ending of the program and subsequent data loss.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Set Time and Date

In all program parts clicking the key settings in the upper menu bar will display the field Time where current time and date can be set for the RCS High Flow. Note: This program part can only be used if a data transfer to the RCS High Flow was previously performed with either QA management or Interval Sampling.

Setting time and date for a RCS High Flow

In the field RCS Air Sampler you can set the current Time and Date. Please click on the hour, minute and second field and change the digits with the arrow keys [ , ].

Current system time and date Time and date can be altered with the arrow keys.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


By clicking on the key Get time the current RCS instrument data are transferred and can be compared.

Current RCS High Flow time and date

By clicking on Set time you confirm the new time setting and transfer it to the RCS air sampler.

The selected new data are transferred to the RCS air sampler here

Now click on OK to return to the first display of your previous program part. Note: The new settings are not stored in the RCS instrument unless you transferred them with set time and ok.

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Deinstallation of RCS Management Software 1.0.5

Recommendations for removing the program RCS Management Software from your computer:
For deinstallation of the RCS Management Software from your computer we recommend to use the unInstallShield you can find in the Windows Program Manager under Program / Biotest RCS Software / RCS Management Software 1.0.5. This program will remove the RCS Management Software files properly. The folder with the data base will not be erased. The data will be available and can be read with e.g. Microsoft ACCESS. Hints for re-installing the RCS Management Software In the case that you re-install the RCS management Software again into the previous folder a copy from the existing data base will be created. In the case of multiple re-installments only one copy will be preserved.

Thank you for choosing RCS Management Software 1.0.5

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Questions and Troubleshooting Guide

The software is designed in such a way that in case of an operating error, a pop-up error message automatically appears to assist you in solving the problem The following points should also be considered:

The keyboard and remote control no longer function as long as the instrument is connected to the interface line. The keyboard and the infrared remote control are disabled when an interface line is connected in order to prevent undesired disturbances from the remote control or manual operations. The RCS High Flow instrument can now only be operated remotely via the RCS Management Software. Automatic shut down is disabled The automatic shut down of the instruments is suppressed as long as the interface line is connected. This should be kept in mind because if the instruments are activated the current is continuously being used which will empty the batteries. If the connection is interrupted, this will be recognized by the RCS High Flow instrument. The instruments will deactivate themselves after about 8 minutes. Message: "LoBat" If the battery capacity of the instruments connected is no longer sufficient to continue measurements, this is transmitted to the calibration software as an error report and the recording of data is stopped. The signal is also transmitted to the memory of the RCS High Flow instruments. After the batteries have been changed, this information is retained. Since the keyboard is switched off if the interface cable is connected up, the error message cannot be deleted. Remedy: Undo interface cable, press the RES button on the RCS High Flow instrument and reconnect the interface cable. Does the instrument have to be connected to specific interfaces? No, the RCS High Flow instrument can be connected to COM 1 or COM 2. The interface will automatically be correctly recognized by the software. The RCS air sampler could not be detected by the serial interface This error might occur if the air sampler is not properly connected or not switched on. Please check connections and cables and switch the air sampler on by pressing the RES key. If the problem still exists please check if serial ports are not used by an other program. Message A large deviation between the RCS air sampler time and the system time was detected. Would you like to synchronize the clocks? This message only occurs in data transfer from the RCS air sampler to the program if the deviation between the time set in the RCS air sampler and the connected computer amounts to +/- 6 hours.

In the case of further questions or problems, please contact the Biotest Technical Service: Tel. +49 06103/801-969 or your local Biotest office.
RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5 27

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Materials Supplied
The materials supplied with the RCS Management Software, Version 1.0.5, consists of 1x 1x 1x CD-ROM with the RCS Management Software, version 1.0. interface cables manual

Correctness of Data Transfer

To whom it may concern For all data transfers checksum protocols are used to ensure that all data are transferred correctly to the RCS High Flow. Furthermore all data are retransferred and verified automatically The correctness of calibration data was extensively tested and confirmed.

Biotest AG Dreieich Germany

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


Biotest Subsidiaries


Biotest AG Landsteinerstrasse 5 63303 Dreieich Tel.: +49 6103 801-0 Fax: +49 6103 801-130

Austria Biotest Austria Ges.m.b.H. Einsiedlergasse 58 1053 Wien Tel.: +43 1 54515610 Fax: +43 1 54556137

Great Britain Biotest (UK) Ltd. Unit 28 Monkspath Business Park Highlands Road / Shirley, Solihull West Midlands B90 4NZ Tel.: +44 121 7333393 Fax: +44 121 7333066 Hungary Biotest Hungria Kft. Beregszsz t 55/B 1118 Budapest Tel.: +36 1 2462002 Fax: +36 1 2462003 Italy Biotest Italia S.r.l. Via Leonardo da Vinci, 43 20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio Tel.: +39 02 484291 Fax: +39 02 48402068

Japan Biotest K.K. (Japan) 8F Daini AK Bldg. 2-8-14, Shibaura, Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0023 Tel.: +81 3 52321654 Fax: +81 3 54443221

Benelux Biotest Seralc NV/SA Essenestraat 16 B-1740 Ternat Tel.: +32 2 7560730 Fax: +32 2 7576318 France Biotest S.a.r.l. Zone Industrielle Centre 80, Rue Hlne Boucher 78534 Buc Cedex Tel.: +33 1 39202080 Fax: +33 1 39202081

Switzerland Biotest (Schweiz) AG Schtzenstrae 17 5102 Rupperswil Tel.: +41 62 8890000 Fax: +41 62 8890001 USA Biotest Diagnostics Corp. 66 Ford Road Suite 131 Denville, N.J. 07834 Tel.: +1 973 6251300 Fax: +1 973 6255882

Biotest AG Dreieich October 2005

RCS Management Software Manual, version 1.0.5


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