Kings, Prophets History Timeline

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Scriptural Timeline from Abraham to Y'shua

Timeline form Abraham to King Solomon

Approximate KING Reign Leader/Judge BIBLE TEXT

2100 Abraham [Abram] Genesis 12-25
2000 Isaac Genesis 21-27
Jacob & Esau Genesis 25-49
1900 Joseph (Jacob's Genesis 37-50
family moves to
1500 Moses (Israel Exodus-
leaves Egypt) Deuteronomy
1446 YHVH descends Exo
on Mt Sinai 19: 3-20; 24: 1-10
1399 Joshua (Israel Joshua
enters Canaan)
Series of 12 Judges, Ruth, 1
"Judges" lead Samuel 1-9

1391 40 Othniel Jud 3:9

Eglon the king of Moab 18
1333 Ehud Jud 3:16-30
Jabin king of Canaan
1233 40 Deborah Jud 4:4-24
Midianites and the
1186 Gideon Jud 6:11-12
1143 Abimelech 3 Jud 9:22; 10:1
1143 20 Tola
1123 22 Jair Jud 9:22; 10:1
1101 Philistines and Ammonites 18 Jud 10:3-8
6 Jephthah Jud 11:1, 6-8
1095 7 Ibzan Jud 12:7
1088 10 Elon
8 Abdon Jud 12:12-15
1071 Eli 1 Sam 4:15, 18
1070 Philistines 40 Jud 13:1-5
1070 20 Samson Jud 13:1-5
1050 40 King Saul, Jud 16:31, 1
Samuel Samuel 10-31
1010 40 King David 2 Samuel, 1
970 40 King Solomon 1 Kings 1-11, 2
Chronicles 1-9
966 First Temple Build King Solomon 1 Kin 6:1, 1 Kin
6:2, 37-38

Timeline of Israel's Divided Kingdom

TRIBES 10 2 (Judah & Benjamin)


CAPITAL The first capitals were Jerusalem
CITY Shechem and Tirzah,
then Omri built Samaria
KINGS' Several dynasties All descendants of
FAMILIES changed by assassinations

SPIRITUAL All the kings were bad, A few of the kings

were good (+)
QUALITIES promoting pagan worship some were fair (o)
most were bad (-)

After the death of King Solomon, the nation of Israel splits into two
kingdoms. Their stories are told in 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and

Southern Kingdom: "Judah" Northern Kingdom: "Israel"
Approximate Date KINGS Event Reign PROPHETS KINGS Event Reign Scripture Text
930 Rehoboham 17 yrs Shemaiah Ahijah Jeroboam 22 yrs
925 Pharaoh Shishak 1 Kin 14:25-26
attacked Jerusalem
and took the
treasures of the
913 Abijah 3 yrs Iddo 1 Kin 15:1
911 Asa 41 yrs 1 Kin 15:2, 1 Kin
Nadab 2 yrs 15:25
908 Azariah Baasha 24 yrs 1 Kin 15:33
Hanani Jehu
Elah 2 yrs
885 Zimri 7 days
Omri 12 yrs
853 Jehoshaphat 25 yrs Elijah Ahab & Jezebel 22 yrs 2 Kin 8:16
Believer Isaiah
Elisha Ahaziah 2 yrs
847 Jehoram 8 yrs Joram 12 yrs
841 Ahaziah 1 yr Jehu 28 yrs
842 Queen Athaliah 7 yrs Jehoiada
835 Joash 40 yrs Zechariah
Jehoahaz 17 yrs
Amaziah 29 yrs Jehoash 16 yrs
Azariah [Uzziah] 52 yrs Jonah Jeroboam II 41 yrs
776 First Olympic Games
held Hosea
752 Amos Zechariah 6 mo
Isaiah Shallum 1 mo
Menahem 10 yrs
Pekahiah 2 yrs
Jotham 16 yrs Micah Pekah 20 yrs
Hezekiah 29 yrs Hoshea 9 yrs
701 Fall of Samaria [2 Kin 18:10
Manasseh 55 yrs Assyrian exile
Lasts until today
Among 2 yrs
640 Josiah 31 yrs Jeremiah
Jehoahaz 3 mo Nahum
Jehoiakim 11 yrs Habakkuk
Jehoiakin 3 mo (Obediah?)
Zedekiah 11 yrs

Timeline form Babylon untill today according to Daniel's prophecy

621-539BC Daniel 2:36-38


336-30BC Daniel 7:6, Daniel 11


1806AD-Present Daniel 2:44, 45

Timeline of Judah until Y'shua

YEARS BC KINGS/ EMPERORS EVENT Reign Prophets Scripture Text

The gold head - Babylon
Babylonians Exile 70 Jeremiah Daniel 2:36-38, 2
Kin 25:8
605 Nebuchadnezzar II - reigned 1st
c. 605
BC-562 BCfrom 45 Jeremiah Jeremiah 25,
Judah to Babylon 2 King 24:6-10,
Talmud (Megillah

597 Evil-merodach 2nd deportation 23 Ezekiel Ezekiel, 2 Kings

586 3rd deportation - Fall Daniel Daniel 1
of Jerusalem
586 Destruction of the 2 King 25:9 Dead sea Scroll Forty years after Jeremiah the First Temple
Temple on 9 Av Damascus Document was destroyed. Cycle repeated again, 40
years after Y'shua the Third Temple was

Belshazzar Belshazzar see 2 Daniel 5:1-4, 8

writing on the wall
Medo-Persians - The silver breast and arms - Persia
576 Cyrus II the Great of Persia (600 BC or 576) - His name means
30 "like the sun" 2 Chronicals 36:21-
26, Ezra 1:1
538 Zerubbabel ("the one sown 1st return from Ezra 3:6-9, Ezra 3:
of Babylon"), king of Judah Babylon to Israel 10-11; 4:24
& Cyrus the Great of Rome

535 Construction of Ezra 2:65, Ps 116,

Second Temple 117, 118, 2Chron
started 36:22-23;
Ezra 1:1-3; Ezra
5:13-14; Ezra 6:3
530 King Cambyus begins to Sheshbazzar
reign in Persia (Iran).

521 Darius I the Great became king of Persia (522 BC to 486 BC)
36 Zechariah

516 Construction of Ezra 5:6

Second Temple
515 Dedication of the Ezra 6:15-17
Second Temple
485 Xerxes, son of Darius.(485–465 BC). His name means "Ruler of heroes". He appers
as 'Ahasuerus' in the
Ezra, Scripture.
483 King Ahasuerus of Persia 12 months of Ester Est 1:5-7
Whichever young girl
he chose would reign
as Queen.

479 King Ahasuerus of Persia Ester became queen Est 2:16

and save the Jews.
474 King Ahasuerus of Persia Jews defeated their Est 9:1
enemoes - Feast of
Purim started from
then on

466 Second Return from Ezr 6:9

Babylonian Exile.
Ezra returned on 1 Av

465 Artaxerxes I, king of Persia (465 BC to 424 BC) 41 Ezra 7:13-28

458 Whichever young girl Ezra

he chose would reign
as Queen.
450 3rd return from Exile. Nehemiah Neh 5:14
Nehemia start to
rebuild the Temple.

423 Darius II, king of Persia (423 BC to 404 BC) Malachi

Artaxerxes II
353 ???? Rebuilding of the ?????
Altar and starting of
daily Sacrifices. ??????
Greeks - The iron legs - Greece
331 Alexander the Great (334-323BC)
323 Alexander the Great
died and had no
heirs. He was 32. His
kingdom was divided
by his four generals.
two most important
being: Seleucus
(Syria), and Ptolemy I

320 Ptolomy I [Egypt]

311 Seleucid Dynasty [Syria] two most important
being: Seleucus
(Syria), and Ptolemy I

198 Antiochus I,II,III [Syria]

175 Antiochus IV "Epiphanes" Intense persecution 11
(175 BC -164 BC) and defilement of
the Temple

167 Jewish Revolt Judas Maccabeus Maccabees, Daniel

Jewish 7, 11
independence –
Rededication of the
164 Antiochus dies, 126
Maccabean rule
began. They
rededicated the
Temple an dteh
Feast of Chanukkah
started from then on.

142 Hasmonean
Roman Empire - Feet of Iron and Clay
63 Pompey Roman occupation
of Palestine
37 Herod the Great, appointed
himself "King of the Jews"
in 40BC.
19 Rebuilding of Third
Temple under
Herold’s rule
6 Birth of John the
5 Birth of Y’shua John the Baptist,

30 AD Death of Y'shua
70 AD Destruction of Third Herod’s Temple is destroyed exactly 40 years
Temple after the death of the Messiah.

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