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RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN Materi 1 Oleh: Lili Andriyani Deskripsi materi: Materi ini disusun untuk siswa ESP

sebagai pegawai di PT. Ulan Buana Engineering di Gresik dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi kompetensi yang dibutuhkan siswa dalam meningkatkan skill Bahasa inggris dalam berkomunikasi saat menjalin hubungan kerjasama internasional berkaitan dengan dunia bisnis siswa. Siswa akan belajar berdasarkan materi berikut dengan konsep pembelajaran menggunakan student centered approach dengan mempraktekkan bahasa inggris di bidang yang mereka dalami. Kompetensi dasar: Siswa mampu menerapkan skill yang dimiliki dalam menanggapi surat permintaan penawaran secara tertulis. Objektif: Siswa mampu membuat surat balasan permintaan penawaran sehingga dapat menanggapi penawaran yang diberikan oleh customer melalui media komunikasi seperti fax, web, dll. (writing) Alokasi waktu: 2 x 45 menit. Sumber pembelajaran: Choi, David. How to Reply to Enquires. (2006):

Materi pembelajaran: How to Reply to Enquiries Content of replies: Acknowledging receipt of an enquiry/request - Thank you for your letter of regarding / concerning / in connection with - I refer to your enquiry about / relating to - I have received your letter of requesting information about Explaining action taken as a consequence of the enquiry - I have (reviewed our available stock) - We held a meeting on 21 January to discuss possible solutions. - I have checked/looked into/investigated (the possible approaches) Making suggestions / justifying recommendations / pointing out pros and cons / hedging - The best choice would be since - I highly recommend as / due to the fact that - would probably be more suitable because - seems to suit you better although - Perhaps you should choose even though - I suggest that you (should) choose - I recommend this item since - In view of the fact that , I would strongly recommend as Apologizing and rejecting proposals - While I appreciate your firms need for this information, I regret that - It will not be possible to for legal reasons. We are bound to - Your proposal is of interest to us, and we have had consultations about it. - However, we feel that it will not be in our interests to for reasons of (privacy). - We are concerned that Stipulating action requested or to be taken - We shall arrange for by at the latest. - I shall see to it that - Our Company will arrange for Establishing good will and suggesting contact - I hope this suggestion/information will be useful to you. - I hope this information will prove useful to you. - I hope that this information will help you to make decisions on your order. - I look forward to hearing from you.

- I look forward to receiving your confirmation of - I look forward to doing business with your company in the future - Please feel free to contact me again if you have any further queries on - Do contact me on 27615432 if you need further information. - Please do not hesitate to contact me on 27615432 if I can be of further assistance. The examples of replies to enquiries offer
NOVELTY SAFETY EQUIPMENT LTD 14th Floor Shun Koo Building Aberdeen Hong Kong 30 Jun 2011 Attn: Mr Tim Lee Manager Sun Lee Consultancy Ltd 198 Fa Yuen Street Mongkok Kowloon Dear Mr Lee Enquiry regarding fire extinguishers Thank you for your enquiry regarding our newly released range of fire extinguishers. You will see from the enclosed catalogue that the range has been extended to include some highly efficient portable extinguishers for use on construction sites. We are offering to our existing customers a 15% discount on orders of extinguishers from this new range. We look forward to your increased order at this discount rate. Yours sincerely Silvia Choi Silvia Choi Merchandising Manager Enc. 1

Everlong Batteries ] 171, Choi Hung Road Hung Hom, Hong Kong Tel/Fax 2235 2449

30 Jun 2011 Mr J Wong Purchasing Officer Fortune Goods 317 Orchard Road Singapore Dear Mr Wong Enquiry about Batteries Thank you for your letter of Monday, 27 June 2011 regarding making copies of the sample battery you sent us. I have investigated the situation and found that your specifications are exactly the same as the design of a proprietary camera battery manufactured by a large Japanese electronics company. We feel that it would not be in our interests to supply this type of battery. However, I would like to thank you for considering our company as your supplier. I look to enquiries: offers using fax Replies forward to doing business with your company in the future Yours sincerely

David Choi
David Choi Distributions Manager

FAX To: From: Date: Re: Mr Victor Wong Ms Elizabeth Sullivan Thursday, 30 June 2011 Reservation

Dear Mr Wong, Thank you for your enquiry about the availability of a single room for six nights from Tuesday, 2 August 2011 to Monday, 8 August 2011. Unfortunately, we are fully booked during this period. However, I have contacted our sister hotel on Hong Kong Island and they have single rooms available. The room rate is $1,200 per night. If you would like me to reserve a room during the period you requested, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards E. Sullivan E. Sullivan (Ms) Accommodation Booking Officer

Exercise Introduction: This task is for you to practice matching the types of sentence you need in adjustment letters with suitable sentences. Instructions: Match the items in the boxes on the left with the items on the right: Functions to match 1 2 3 4 Acknowledging receipt of an enquiry Explaining action taken as a consequence of the enquiry Making suggestions Justifying recommendations Phrases to move This is because it would be the cheapest option. Although this is slightly more expensive, the quality is higher. I hope that these details will assist you in your decision. I'm afraid that we do not feel that this is in the best interests of our organisation. We would be delighted to comply with your request. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do. I have reviewed our product range and found a suitable model for you. Thank you for your letter asking about our products. This may be the most suitable choice for your company. I would advise you to...

5 6

Pointing out pros and cons Hedging

Apologizing and rejecting proposals Stipulating action requested or to be taken Establishing goodwill Suggesting contact

8 9 10

Langkah langkah kegiatan pembelajaran Pertemuan: 1 No. 1. Kegiatan Kegiatan awal Guru mengabsen siswa Guru melakukan kegiatan apersepsi: Do you ever write a letter in your business? Do you ever write a reply to enquiries offers? Whats the function of that letter? 2. Kegiatan inti Guru menerangkan tentang penggunaan bahasa tulis dalam surat balasan permintaan penawaran. Guru menunjukkan contoh surat balasan 35 menit Waktu 5 menit

permintaan penawaran kepada siswa. Guru membahas hal hal yang dibutuhkan dalam menulis balasan surat permintaan

penawaran kepada siswa. Guru memberikan kegiatan untuk siswa yaitu mencocokkan fungsi bahasa dan phrase

(developing frases and sentences) yang ada secara benar. 3. Kegiatan akhir Guru me-review materi yang telah disampaikan. Guru menanyakan kesulitan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa. Guru memberikan tugas rumah untuk siswa: Make a reply to enquiries offers. 5 menit

Penilaian 1. Bentuk : essai 2. Pedoman penilaian: - Nilai maksimal = 10 Skor Perolehan x10 - Nilai siswa = Skor Maksimal

. Rubrik Penilaian Menulis Uraian Soal Essai Tulis Isi benar, tata bahasa benar Isi benar, tata bahasa kurang tepat Isi dan tata bahasa kurang tepat Semua kurang tepat Skor 3 2 1 0

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