Religion 3 - Semester 2 Final Study Guide

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Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12

Theology 3 Pipitone - Semester 2 Exam Review

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1. The Crusades
a. 8 expansive military operations carried out by the Church in defense of the Holy Land; goal was to defend Christianity from Muslim expansion. b. Bl. Urban II i. He preached the First Crusade in 105 in central France to try to rouse support from Westerners to aid the Eastern Christians. c. Who fought in the Crusades? i. Christian people d. Why were the majority of the Crusades not successful? pg. 332, 333 Corruption & extremely unorganized e. How did St. Francis affect the Crusades? i. St. Francis was a prime example of how peace was an overlooked option f. Who are the Knights Templar? i. Knights whose specific mission was to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem g. What is apostasy? i. Rejection of believing in God h. How many Knights of Templar gave up their life to protect Christian pilgrims? i. 20,000 i. Knights Hospitalers i. Grew out of an already existing work of charity consisting of the care of sick pilgrims; made a major contribution in the defense of Jerusalem, and served as a medical corps to the Crusaders j. The Legacy of the Military Orderswhat was their function? Were they successful? i. Instituted to ensure the protection of Christian pilgrims, Church and holy places in Holy lands. Yes, they were successful.

2. The Inquisition
a. Purpose i. Called in response to heretical activities that threatened civil order; the Albegensians. Were organized to defend both the state and Church. b. Mistreatment of peoplethe Jews c. Pope Innocent III spoke out against the behavior i. Pope Innocent III called for the Inquisition to protect people, society and Christianity d. Albigensians

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 i. Their beliefs 1. Believed that two gods governed the universe: one spiritual and good, the other physical and evil. ii. Why are they contra family? 1. Had evil practices, anti-Christians, violent, and promoted the following: abortion, homosexuality, and suicide iii. Why Is that an assault on the Christian Church? e. Spanish Inquisition i. Reconquering of Spain by the Christians against the Muslims and the Jews ii. Time Frame purpose 1. Was used to promote and retain Spanish unity under a common Christian religion

3. The University
a. The origin of the university b. The effects of the university i. The work of many academics would shed new light on the many mysteries of the Faith; helped lead Europe into a period of exceptional intellectual growth c. The influence of the Church on academics i. All students who went to universities could then leave the school and continue on to study more intensively for a doctorate degree in law, medicine, or theology.

4. Scholasticism
a. With access to Aristotles works, universities fostered a new style of inquiry in philosophy known as Scholasticism, or science of the schools. b. The relationship between faith and reason i. St. Thomas explained that they do not need to be opposed to one another; utilizing Aristotles philosophy, he was able to discuss in a cogent way Christs dual nature as God and man as his presence in the Eucharist. c. The Papal Encylical, Fides et Ratio 5. St. Thomas Aquinas a. Why is he referred to as the Angelic Doctor? i. St. Thomas used philosophy to shed light on the mysteries of the Christian doctrine, explaining theology in a philosophical context. b. Why is his work important? i. He combined the works of Aristotle and truths of Christianity

6. Bl. Dun Scotus

a. Immaculate Conception

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 7. St. Francis of Assisi (know him like an old friend blahblahblah nonsense) a. His courage & peaceful attempts to try to calm the controversy over the Holy Lands should remind us of the power of peace. Through the personal holiness of St. Francis, the Sultan gratned St. Francis access to the Holy Lands

8. St. Bonaventure
a. He made a new provision that allowed individual Franciscans to receive donations meant for the well-being of the order. The money would not be held by the Franciscans in common, as it was with other monastic orders. Rather, St. Bonaventure made it so that everything received by the Franciscans would be given to the Holy See,w hich would then see to the preservation of the order according to its own good will.

9. St. Dominic
a. He set to convert the Albegensians back to the Church. b. What is the real name of the Dominicans? i. Order of Preachers c. What is the habit like? i. to live a life of poverty, without a staff and no money d. What is the legacy of the Dominican Orders? i. to life an ascetical life modeled after the life of Christ


The Middle Ages and the Arts

a. With emphasis on Christ, the Light of the World, Christians began to look for a new style of architecture that could provide a space that held light, music and air in a suitable way. b. What was the purpose of Medieval Church art? (pg. 384) i. To convey stories from the Gospels and depict the facial expressions to try and reveal the inner souls of the saints through subtle artistic representation


What were/are the mendicant orders known for?

a. These orders remained a constant reminder that, despite the potential glory of the human capacity to understand, ultimately, as John Paul II reminded, it is training and spiritual life, faith and love of God that leads to greater knowledge and understanding of Christ 12. What is Dantes major work? (pg. 384) a. Divine Comedy


The Avignon Papacy?

a. Pope Celestine V b. Boniface VII and Philip IV i. Why was Philip a pain?

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 ii. How did theologians in Paris hurt the papacy and the Church rather than help it?

14. 15.

St. Catherine of Siena The Western Schism

a. The Causes, the effects, the outcomes b. The Council of Constance c. The Popes (know that chart Pipi drew & discussed)

16. The decline of Scholastic Philosophy and Theology and the rise of heresy, i.e. John Wycliff and Jan Hus a. Apologetics b. The Bible c. The Faith Alone Heresy d. Sola Scriptura Heresy

17. 18.

Gallicanism Black Death

19. The Eucharist 20. What are the conditions or essential characteristics that must be maintained for a council to be valid? (pg. 413)
a. Must have three essential characteristics: 1.) It must be called by the pope 2.) It must be presided over by the pope or his legate 3.) Its dogmatic decrees are considered valid only if they are accepted and approved by the pope

21. 22. 23. 24.

Avignon and Western Schism Packet Protestant Packet Indulgences The French Revolution
a. Maximillen Robespierre i. French dictator who required clergy to obey the revolutionary government rather than the papacy b. King Louis XIV i. the Sun King ii. absolute monarch iii. believed in one religion for his people (Catholicism) but wanted to control it for himself

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 iv. ^ because of that, he dominated the French Church c. King Louis XV d. King Louis XVI i. called the Commoners to the Palace of Versailles to discuss the financial crisis


Napoleon and Pope Pius VI and Pope Pius VII

a. The papacy of Pope Pius VI i. condemned Robespierres manifesto ii. captured and imprisoned by Napoleon iii. died after 6 years of imprisonment b. The papacy of Pope Pius VII i. elected in Venice ii. Frequently clashed with Napoleon 1. Pius VII wouldnt annul Napoleons brothers marriage 2. captured and arrested by Napoleon, but was later released c. The Coronation of Napoleon i. at his coronation, Napoleon snatched the crown from Pope Pius VII and then crowned the empress himself d. The Rise of Napoleon i. initially assumes power in a coup detat (coup detat is the sudden, illegal deposition of a government is successful when the usupers establish their dominance) ii. uses the church to make nice with the people e. The Fall of Napoleon i. when Napoleons brothers annulment was refused by Pius VII, Napoleon seized the Papal estates ii. When Pope Pius VII excommunicated him, Napoleon seized him and kept in in Savona, Italy f. Napoleons End i. lost power after defeat in Waterloo, Russia ii. he lets Pius return to Rome


Socialism and Communism

a. Secularism i. generally, the belief that religion should not interfere in matters of the state
(secular affairs) b. Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels i. Under the 1st 17 years of Communism in the USSR, 5300 Catholic Churches and Chapels were destroyed 1. clergy were dismissed 2. churchgoers were harassed

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 3. 200,000 Catholic, including every Catholic bishop, simply disappeared
in the 1st 8 years

ii. together, Marx & Freidrich wrote the Communist Manifesto iii. stated that worldwife worker revolt was inevitable, thereby leading to a classless society iv. Marx was an atheist & materialist; he saw the church as a negative force in society


a. Laissez-faire i. hards-off, self-regulating approach by the government to the economy b. Capitalism i. an economic system in which wealth is owned by private individuals/businesses and goods are produced for exchange c. Bourgeoisie i. Marxist term referring to the upper class of a capitalistic society, the owners of productive wealth, the ruling class, blahblahblah d. Proletariat i. workers, laborers, class that subsists through the sale of labor power e. Nihilism i. literally the belief in nothing ii. no moral/political principles iii. sometimes associated with violence and destruction f. Social Darwinism i. term for applying Darwins theory of the survival of the fittest (natural selection) to the economy/social issues g. Liberalism i. ideology that challenged Church authority ii. political ideology or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality h. Fascism i. basically, dictatorship/over-centralized government i. Subsidiarity i. a community of a higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its functions ii. ^ rather, the higher order should support the lower order in case of need and help to coordinate its activity with the activities of the rest of society iii. always with a view of the common good j. Deism i. God the Watchmaker ii. God makes the watch (the world) and then lets it run on its own iii. God doesnt intervene in worldly affairs iv. Organic Articles 1. Stated that no religious articles could be published

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 2. Gallican Catechism had to be taught in French Seminars 3. Suppressed clergy power 4. promoted civil (as opposed to sacramental) marriage Reign of Terror i. name given to the actions of the Committee of Public Safety ii. Hurt people of all classes iii. de-Christianization program 1. all religion brutally oppressed 2. Church property vandalized 3. clergy punished or killed iv. sent thousands to the guillotine The Directory i. Persecuted the Church, seized property, etc. Pantheism i. a view of reality that tends to identify the world with God or God with the world ii. God is produced in man and in the world, and all things are God and have the very substance of God iii. God is one and the same thing with the world Pluralism i. a belief in diversity instincts and wishes are the principle legitimate guide ii. political power is or should be widely and evenly dispersed Atheism i. disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods Materialism i. the theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena Rationalism i. a belief that the world can understood and explained through the exercise of human reason, based upon assumptions about its rational structure Infallible Teaching i. means that when Pope speaks from his office on matters of morals he is infallible; protected by the Holy Spirit ii. know where it comes from in scripture


l. m.


o. p.




Pope Pius IX 1846-1878

a. The First Vatican Council i. Ex Cathedra / Infallibility ii. called by Pope Pius IX

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 iii. wanted to calify Church teachings and reinforce his authority as Pope (mostly in response to the Age of Reason) 1. Papal Infallibility was believed before, but never defined 2. means that when Pope speaking from his office on matters of morals, he is infallible; protected by the holy spirit iv. 714 bishops, 46 from the US of A v. only lasted 11 months vi. addresses nationalism vii. results 1. states that the Pope is a strong spiritual leader, but no temporal authority 2. issued the 1st Dogmatic Constitution on Church of Christ Immaculate Conception Quanta Cura i. a strongly worded encyclical with attached Syllabus of Errors ii. Condemns: 1. Socialism 2. Rationalism 3. Liberalism 4. Pantheism 5. Materialism 6. Gallicanism 7. Free Masonry iii. defends against divorce Loss of Papal States i. Pius IX didnt like losing the Papal Estates because he had no income Quadragesimo Anno: On the reconstruction of the Social Order i. strongly condemns Nazism and Communism ii. Last Pope to hold temporal powers

b. c.

d. e.


Pope Leo XII 1878 1903

i. Rerum Novarum: On the Condition of Workers 1. called for an intrinsic human rights to private property 2. reaffirmed the family as the building block of society 3. called for a middle ground between socialism and capitalism 4. calls for duties of employers and employees a. states can intervene to protect the rights of the workers 5. denied Marx idea of inevitable class conflict 6. reaffirms the vital role of religion as the foundation to a just society


St. Pope Pius X 1903 1914

a. reformed liturgical music and restored Gregorian Chant sharkbait who-ha-ha

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 b. issued a new catechism c. promoted Catholic Action d. Encouraged frequent reception of the Eucharistfor those that are in good standing e. discouraged the progressive theologiansagainst modernism f. has been declared a canonized saint g. fought against modernism

a. b. c. d.

Benedict XV 1914 1922

used Churchs finances to relieve wartime suffering many of his suggestions would end up on the peace plan of Woodrow Wilson tried to be a diplomat for peace in WWI arranged for prisoner exchanges


a. Quadragresimo Anno 40th year after Rerum Novarum i. written during the height of global Great Depression ii. argued against totalitarianism iii. principle of subsidiarity iv. must respect the common good v. condemns Nazism, fascism, and communism b. Lateran Concordat and Treaty signed treaty with Mussolini in 1929, which gave the Vatican independence i. The Roman Question c. Non Abbiamo Bisogno d. Divini Redeptoris i. Condemned Communism e. Mit Brennender Sorge: with burning Concern i. it condemned various Nazi crimes; it was read in every Church on Palm Sunday in Germany 1. Hitler responded by shutting down every printing press that printed it, arrested parishioners, tried priest for false charges ii. he spoke out several times against Fascism, Hitlers Nazism, and those that attacked the Church iii. condemned atheistic communism Lenin, and Stalin

Pope Pius XI 1922 1937


Ven. Pope Pius XII

a. brave symbol during WWII i. saved many from death and allowed for any refugee to hide and live within every Catholic institution ii. he allowed baptismal certificates to be given to the people to save them from being deported b. saved many during WWII

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 c. coordinated relief efforts during the war and helped save Rome from destruction d. he mobilized the world view against communism, which oppressed so many Catholic/Christian believers e. wrote Divino Afflante Spiritu: On the Promotion of Biblical Studies i. supported the modern historical and scientific study of the Bible ii. he promoted biblical study of all f. wrote Mystici Corporis Christi: On the Mystical Body of Christ i. taught that each person is a valuable part of the mystical body of Christ: The Church ii. Universal call of holiness is for all g. Mediator Dei: On the Sacred Liturgy i. responds to and directs liturgical matters


Pope John XXIII

a. called for the Second Vatican Council i. took place in four sessions 1962 1965 ii. 2860 bishops attended iii. 274 did not attend due to health issues/other reasons b. wrote Mater et Magistna i. mother & teacher ii. sometimes its okay for the state to intervene in matters of health & education and housing iii. society must work towards promoting human dignity c. wrote Pacena in Tennis i. peace on earth ii. lists basic human rights 1. responsibilities go with rights


Pope Paul VI
a. met with Patriarch of Constantinople i. co-lif Leo; ritual


Misc. People and Movements

a. Charles Darwin i. devised the Darwin theory b. Social Darwinism i. when sociologists and anthropologists apply Darwins idea of natural selection to social and economic diversity of mankind c. Herbert Spencer i. this person coined the phrase survival of the fittest referring to Social Darwinism d. Utilitarianism

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12 i. a moral and political philosophy that evaluates goodness in terms of pleasure and pain, and ultimately seeks to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number

Random In-Class Questions (That he read off the test hint hint wink wink)
A. Began 2nd Vatican Council John XXIII B. Set 1950 as a holy year Pius XII C. Encyclical issued during 2nd Vatican Council that encourages all to read Sacred Scripture Dei Verbum D. Conflict that emerged form the confiscation of the Papal Estates The Roman Question E. Pope that did not take sides during WWI, but helped with humanitary efforts following the war and warned against the harsh treatment of Germany in the treaty Benedict XV F. Wrote Rerum Novarum Pope Leo XIII G. Type of religious order that focuses on spreading the Gospel and serving the poor Mendicants H. Father of Canon Law Gregory VII I. Practice of selling ecclesiastical offices simony J. Empire that left conditions in the west undesirable for the practice of feudalism Carolingian Empire K. Becket also held what position? Chancellor of England L. Practice of appointing family members to office Nepotism M. Decree of St. Gregory VII that stated that the Pope has special powers granted to him by God Didachus Papae N. Document that served as the Englishs attempt to confiscate and control Church property Clairmont Constitutes O. Pope that tried to force temporal authority Boniface VIII P. Rerum Novarum Encyclical about property and family Q. Longest Reigning Pope Pius IX R. Wrote Encyclical about the evils of Nazism and Communism Pius XI S. Encyclical about over-centralized governments Quadragesimo Anno T. Wrote that society should promote human dignity -

Kristen Kummen & Wyatt Richards Period 7 / Theology 3 5/28/12

John XXIII U. Pope that forced all who taught Catholicism to take an anti-modern oath and a loyalty oath Pius X V. Town in which St. Francis calmed the wolf and made it speak Ubio W. Council that expanded belief/discussed the Eucharist 4th Latern Council X. Who received the Stigmata? Catherine of Siena, Pio, etc.

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