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Direction Technique Valmy Dpartement Ingnierie Utilits

Specification for the Development of Hours & Cost Management System

This document contains proprietary information belonging to DALKIA, its parent and/or affiliated companies and shall be used only for the purpose for which it was supplied. It shall not be copied, reproduced or otherwise used, nor shall such information be furnished in whole or in part to others, except in accordance with the terms of any agreement under which it was supplied or with the prior written consent of DALKIA and shall be returned upon request.

Ce document contenant des informations confidentielles est la proprit de DALKIA, ses filiales et compagnies associes . Il ne peut tre copi, reproduit, divulgu ou utilis de quelque faon que ce soit, aussi bien dans sa totalit que partiellement, except en accord avec les termes dun engagement prtabli ou dautorisation formelle de DALKIA (retour premire demande).


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Sige social
37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille


1. 2. 3.



3 3 3
3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 9

3.2. DALKIA UED USERTYPE 3.2.1. Create new user 3.2.2. Edit user details 3.2.3. Delete user 3.2.4. Deactivated access 3.2.5. Discipline Cost 3.3. LEAD MANAGEMENT

3.4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.4.1. Create Project 3.4.2. Edit Projects 3.4.3. Project Closure 3.4.4. Project Deletion 3.4.5. Project Status 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.9. EXPENSES MANAGEMENT TIMESHEET RESOURCES MANAGEMENT EQUIPMENTS & VENDORS MANAGEMENT REPORTS

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37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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DALKIA Utilities Engineering Department (UED) wants to develop on the base of DESL knowledge management system its own system to control the hours and cost of its staff. DALKIA UED s software is called : HCMS, Hours and Cost Management System. DESL Software is called KM System, Knowledge Management System



DALKIA UED wishes the HCMS to be based in New Delhi, on DESL server. The users from DALKIA UED should connect on the server by an internet link and connect to their own account by a login and a password. DESL staff should not connect to the HCMS. DESL should give assistance to DALKIA UED in case of problem.



The design, colors, arrangement, general functions should be the same for HCMS than for KMSystem.


This system will have different types of users, which will have different types of Access rights. The types of users are as follows: Super Admin (from DESL) Admin Project Manager Lead Discipline Normal User


Create new user

Admin can create New User. New User Registration form will contain the various fields, which are as follows: o o o o o o
Sige social
37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

Account Details Username Password Confirm Password User Type Personal Details First Name Last Name

Validations Not Blank Not Blank Not Blank (Must be same as Password) Must be selected Validations Not Blank Not Blank
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o o o

E-mail Professional Details Designation Charge Out Rate

Not Blank Validations Must be Selected Not Blank, Should only contain +ve Integers

The New User Registration will be divided into three parts, which are Account Details, Personal details, Professional Details. As the name suggests, Account details will include the username, password and user type (i.e. Admin, Project Leader, Normal User). The personal details section will include the personal details of the user such as first name and last name. The Professional details will include Designation of the user. Designation will also include option other if to include new designation. If the Admin will select other, a textbox will appear below the designation field. When the designation will be selected the corresponding charge out rate will be displayed in the charge out field. It can also be changed. Current Designations are : Directeur DIU

Chef de projet

Assistante de direction

Spcialiste calcul

Spcialiste quipement

Spcialiste process

Spcialiste instrumentation

Spcialiste Gnie Civil

Spcialiste Electricit

Acheteur industriel

Spcialiste processus et mthodes (qualit)

Sige social
37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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Edit user details

Admin can only access this section and Admin can edit all the details of the user that includes Account Details, Personal Details and Professional Details.


Delete user

Only Admin can delete a particular user. Admin can delete a particular user by clicking the link named User Management on the left menu. He/she will be displayed the list of all users. Along with each user there will be two links i.e. Edit & Delete. When he/she will click on Delete a Confirm message showing Are you sure to delete this user? will appear. If the Admin/Super Admin will click no then nothing will happen otherwise corresponding user will be deleted.


Deactivated access

A user can also be restricted to login if the Admin will set his/her Active status to no while user details are opened in an editable format. Emails will be sent to the users on successful registration, Successful editing of user details and on Access Deactivation. Users can also be viewed category wise i.e. All Administrators, All Project Managers, All Normal Users by just clicking on the same links on the manage users page where the list of all users will be displayed.


Discipline Cost

Admin can enter the cost of each discipline in this table : Discipline 0. Management 1. Simulation 2. Process 3. Equipment 4. Civil 5. Instrumentation 6. Electrical 7. Procurement 8. Commissioning Cost Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Integer Unit /hour /hour /hour /hour /hour /hour /hour /hour /hour


There is no need for a lead management.


This section will manage projects.


Create Project

The Purpose of this screen is to create a project. Administrator can create a project. This screen will have a form that will contain the following fields:
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37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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o o o o

Fields Project Number Project Name Date Valid Name of the project manager

Validations Integers Not Blank Date Format Must be selected in the list of all users

An e-mail is sent to the project manager after creation.


Edit Projects

Only Admin and project manager in charge of the project can edit a project. This screen will have a form that will contain the following fields: o o o o o Fields Facility name Facility Location Description Closure Date Type of project Validations Not Blank (Dalkia BU Name) Not Blank Date Format Must be Selected o o Billable Project Project Development

Expertise (non billable) Revenue if Billable Project Planned Man-days (same form than timesheet screen) The project manager plans for each discipline (Management, Simulation, Process, Equipment, Civil, Instrumentation, Electrical, Procurement, and Commissioning) the hours per week until the closure date for his entire project. Example : W W W W Total Cost 04/10/2010 11/10/2010 18/10/2010 25/10/2010 hours /hours Total 1. Management 10 10 10 10 100 1000 10 2. Simulation 20 0 0 0 0 100 0 3. Process 20 20 0 0 100 0 0 4. Equipment 0 0 0 20 20 100 2000 5. Civil 0 0 0 0 10 100 1000 6. Instrumentation 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 7. Electrical 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 8. Procurement 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 9. Commissioning 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 Total 30 30 30 30 40 4000 o List of team members. (any user who is not involved in a particular project would not be able to see that particular project in his/her timesheet) By Default, all users are members of the team. Any user who is not involved in a particular project would not be able to see that particular project in his/her timesheet.


Project Closure

Under this section Administrator or Project Manager can close the projects. He/she has to provide the project closure Date. The closure date will have validations like Not Blank, Valid date format.


Project Deletion

Only Admin can approach this section. When Admin will click on link named Manage Projects he/she will get a list of all Projects (Row wise). Corresponding to each project there will be two links Delete
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37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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and Edit. Delete Projects When delete will be clicked a confirm message showing Are you sure to delete this Project? will be displayed on the screen. If Yes will be clicked the project will be deleted from the database otherwise nothing will happen.


Project Status

By default the project status will be Active. If its status has to be changed to Closed then it can be changed from Project Closure section. Project status can also be changed to Active in future from the edit project section. Admin can also view All Active or All Closed Projects by clicking on the links Active Projects, Closed Projects which will be there on the manage projects page where list of all projects will be displayed.


There is no need for expenses management

Timesheets will be maintained corresponding to all users. All day-to-day activities of the user can be viewed from here. i.e. how many hours he/she was under project management or training etc. His/her leaves can be viewed here. There will be six factors on the basis of which timesheet will be maintained. These are as follows: Billable Project Project Development Expertise (non billable) Internal activities Training Leaves Unutilized

In DESL KMSystem, there are three menus, Dalkia UED needs only two for Billable Project, Project Development and Expertise (non billable), none for Unutilized and Training, and one for Leaves and Internal activities. For Billable Project, Project Development and Expertise (non billable), the user will have a first menu for PROJECT with the list of projects where user can assign. For the list of projects, should appear the number + the name of the project in one list. And a second menu for Discipline will be as follow: 1. Management 2. Simulation 3. Process 4. Equipment 5. Civil 6. Instrumentation
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37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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7. Electrical 8. Procurement 9. Commissioning




For Internal Activities, there is a blank to be filled by the user. For Leaves, there is only one menu with the following list: CP RTT Maladie Autres

For one day, the sum of hours has to be 7.5 hours.

Users have to fill in timesheets every week on Friday. Each Monday morning (around 9 am TU), HCMS has to check if timesheets are fulfilled. If not, an email has to be sent to users who did not fill their timesheets. E-mail : Subject: Timesheet Importance: high Merci de remplir ds maintenant votre Timesheet. E-mail gnr automatiquement par HCMS. Even if there is this e-mail, the timesheet report to chech if everybody filled in his timesheet has to be kept. Admin can also fill timesheet of project participants on their behalf, when the project participant is away from office and is unable to fill the timesheet himself.

Sige social
37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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There is no need for resources management.


There is no need for equipments & vendors management.

The reports principes are the same than in KM Sytem, in terms of project, date, etc Different type of reports will be generated which are as follows: Time & Cost For a Particular Period Time & Cost During LOP (Life of Project) Category Wise Breakup (Includes Only time and Only Cost) Monthly Report All the reports generated can be imported to Microsoft Excel by just clicking the Excel Link on the screen. According the user profile, it is possible to get different kind for report : Project Manager has the possibility to edit reports with planned and executed hours and cost per week and per discipline for his project. Lead Discipline has the possibility to edit reports with planned and executed hours per week and for his discipline for all the projects. Admin has the possibility to edit same reports than Project Manager and Lead Discipline. He can also edit reports with planned and executed hours per week and per discipline for all the projects. Admin needs also an Excel monthly report for each user with a time unit which is not hours but days (= hours/7.5). This report should be generated in a specific form. (This form will be sent with the order of command). Examples of reports (one by sheet) : excel file HCMS reports.xls For PM (1), PM (2), PM (3), LD (1) and LD (2) reports, columns Cost (/hours) and Total () are in option : a check box has to be selected by the user if he wants to see these columns. For Admin Reports, there are no Cost (/hours) and Total ().

Sige social
37, avenue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny - BP 38 - 59350 Saint-Andr Socit par Actions Simplifie au capital de 968 868 596 euros - 403 211 295 RCS Lille

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