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Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

A Survey on Marine Control Systems
Tng quan v h thng iu khin hng hi
Hung Duc Nguyen
University of Tasmania / Australian Maritime College

In this paper, a survey is made on modelling,
simulation, control design, advances, achievements
and trends in marine control systems. An overview of
history of development of marine control systems is
outlined. Over a long history, many achievements on
marine control systems have been reached in both
theory and practice. With the aid of computers and
high performance software many complicated control
algorithms could be applied in modelling, simulation
and design of control systems for marine vehicles
including surface vessels and underwater vehicles.
The development of GNSSs (GPS, GLONASS and
GALILEO) and RTK/D-GNSSs stimulates design of
accurate, precise and high-performance control
systems for marine vehicles. Telecommunication
satellite-based broadband techniques are a trend of
remote control systems at seas. The paper discusses
challenging problems in design and simulation of
marine control systems. The paper also deals with
some potential research projects related to the marine
control engineering at AMC/UTAS.

Tm tt: Trong bi bo ny tc gi trnh by tng
quan v m hnh ha, m phng, thit k iu khin,
nhng tin b v thnh tu cng cc khuynh hng
pht trin h thng iu khin phng tin trn bin.
Bi bo khi qut lch s pht trin h thng iu
khin phng tin trn bin. Qua lch s lu di cho
n nay c nhiu thanh tu trong h thng iu khin
hng hi. Bng s h tr ca my tnh v phn mm
tnh nng cao ngi ta c th p dng nhiu thut ton
iu khin phc tp trong m hnh ha, m phng v
thit k h thng iu khin cho phng tin trn
bin. S pht trin ca cc h thng v tinh dn
ng ton cu (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO) v h
thng nh v v tinh vi phn kch thch vic thit
k cc h thng iu khin chun xc, chnh xc v c
c tnh tt cho phng tin trn bin. Cc k thut
di bng thng rng thng qua v tinh vin thng l
mt trong nhng khuynh hng pht trin h thng
iu khin t xa trn bin. Bi bo tho lun v nhng
vn thch thc trong thit k v m phng h
thng iu khin hng hi. Bi bo cng cp n
mt s ti nghin cu kh thi lin quan n lnh
vc cng nghi iu khin hng hi ti AMC/UTAS.

Symbol Unit Meaning

| |
u, v, w, p, q, r =

| |
n, e, d, , , = | u

AMC Australian Maritime College
UTAS University of Tasmania
PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative
LQG Linear quadratic Gaussian
GPS Global Positioning System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems
DP Dynamic positioning
D-GPS Differential GPS
RTK-GPS Real-time Kinematic-GPS
IFAC International Federation of Automatic
ECEF Earth-centred Earth-fixed frame
ECI Earth-centred inertial frame
NED North-East-Down frame
FPP Fixed pitch propeller
CPP Controllable pitch propeller

1. Introduction
Marine control engineering is about applications of
control theories into marine and offshore systems. It
involves the research and development of new control
algorithms, hardware and software for control systems
in maritime engineering systems.
Marine transport is more cost-effective than other
transports. The worlds fleets carry the majority of
cargo. In many countries like EU, Australia, America,
Japan and Korea the number of seafarers is decreasing
because sailing at sea is a job in severe working
conditions. This requires a high-level automation on
board cargo carrying marine vehicles because the
shipboard high-level automation can reduce the
number of crew. Advances in computer and
information technology, data communication
technique and instrumentation engineering play a very
important role in development of new control
solutions for optimal and high-performance control
systems and fuel saving. The new control solutions
are based on modification of feedback control
algorithm and new configuration of hardware. The
building of new types of marine vehicle and craft
inspires new design of instrumentation and control
In recent decades, more and more ROVs/AUVs have
been applied in exploration of seabed, discovery and
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

exploitation of marine resources. This requires new
solutions for data communication and control
algorithms. Control of ROVs/AUVs is a great
challenge because they are operating in 6-DOF.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1
Introduction; Section 2 Current status of marine
control systems; Section 3 Kinematics and kinetics;
Section 4 Overview of marine control systems;
Section 5 Modelling and identification of marine
vehicles; Section 6 Experimental facilities; Section 7
Challenges, Section 8 Trend; Section 9 Potential
projects at AMC/UTAS; and Section 10 Conclusions.

2. Current Status
2.1 Overview of History
The invention of the gyroscope contributed much to
the development of a ships autopilot system. The
development of the electronically-driven gyroscope
was motivated by the need for more reliable
navigation systems in steel ships and underwater
warfare [3][4]. The successful design of the gyroscope
at the beginning of 20
century was the key
breakthrough in automatic ship control since it led to
the development of autopilots and other control
systems (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Diagram of history of marine control systems

2.2 Research Activities
The IFAC organizes every 3 year (triennial)
conferences on marine systems including CAMS
(Control Applications in Marine Systems), MCMC
(Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Crafts). The
scopes of these IFAC conferences on marine control
systems are broad ranges from autopilot to dynamic
positioning systems and various applications of
control theories in control, simulation and modelling
of marine vehicles. These IFAC conferences on
control of marine vehicles cover a wide range of
scopes, for example, ship manoeuvring, autopilots,
roll damping, dynamic positioning, automatic
mooring and anchoring, navigation, guidance and
control of autonomous surface and underwater
vehicles, operational safety etc.

2.3 Development of GPS/GNSS and IMU/INS
Since 1995 when the GPS became operational for
civil use, the accuracy of GPS/GNSS has been
improved significantly. The augmentation, integration
and availability of GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO
for civil use with high accuracy, precision and
reliability inspire engineers and researchers to design
new types of tracking and path-following control
system. Moreover, the development of IMU/INS and
integration of GNSS and IMU/INS allows more
accurate and precise navigation systems to be
designed and helps more complicated marine control
systems to be developed.

3. Kinematics and Kinetics of Marine
3.1 Reference Frames
In the design of marine control systems, some
reference frames for descriptions of kinematics and
kinetics of marine vehicles are often used. Fig. 2
shows Earth-centred reference frames (the Earth-
centred Ear-fixed frame x
, and the Earth-centred
inertial frame x
), and geographic reference frames
(the North-East-Down coordinate system x
the body-fixed reference frame x
) [3][4].

Fig. 2 The ECEF frame x
is rotating with angular rate
with respect to an ECI frame x
fixed in the space [3][4]

Fig. 3 shows the 6DOF velocities in the body-fixed
frame. Table 1 gives the notation for the 6DOF
motions, forces and moments, linear and angular
velocities, position and Euler angles for marine
, z









Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011


Fig. 3 The 6DOF velocities u, v, w, p, q and r in the body-
fixed reference frame x

Table 1 The notation of SNAME (1950) for marine

3.2 Equations of Kinematics
Referring to Fig. 2 the 6-DOF kinematic equations in
the NED (north-east-down) reference frame in the
vector form are,
( )
= J (1)
( )
( )
( )
b 3 3
3 3


R 0
0 T
3 3
S e and
e . The angle rotation
matrix ( )
n 3 3

e R is defined in terms of the

principal rotations,
1 0 0
0 c s
0 s c
= | |
( | |

R ,
c 0 s
0 1 0
s 0 c
u u (
( u u

R and
c s 0
s c 0
0 0 1


R (3)
where s = sin(.), c = cos(.) using the zyx-convention,
( )
b z, y, x,
u |
= R R R R (4)
( )
c c s c c s s s s c c s
s c c c s s s c s s s c
s c s c c
u u+ u | |+ | u (
= u |+ | u |+ u |
( u u | u |

The inverse transformation satisfies,
( ) ( )
n b T T T
b n x, y, z,

| u
= = R R R R R (6)
The Euler angle attitude transformation matrix is:
( )
1 s t c t
0 c s
0 s / c c / c
| u | u (
= | |
( | u | u


( )
1 0 s
0 c c s
0 s c c

u (
= | u |
( | u |

90 u = (7)
It should be noted that ( )
T is undefined for a
pitch angle of
90 u = and that ( ) ( )
1 T
= T T .

3.3 Equations of Kinetics
Referring to Fig. 3 the 6-DOF kinetic equations in the
body-fixed reference frame in the vector form are,
( ) ( ) ( )
0 wind wave
+ + + + = + + M C D g g (8)
M = M
: system inertia matrix (including added
( ) C =
( ) ( )
+ C C : Coriolis-centripetal matrix
(including added mass);
( ) D : damping matrix;
( ) g : vector of gravitational/buoyancy forces and
g : vector used for pretrimming (ballast control);
: vector of control inputs;
: vector of wind-induced forces and moments;
: vector of wave-induced forces and moments.

3.4 Equations for Manoeuvring of Surface Vessels
For surface vessels their motions are often limited to
4-DOF: surge, sway, yaw and roll. It is assumed that
the vessel is symmetric about the plane of XGZ and
the origin and the mass concentration at the centre of
gravity, four 4-DOF kinetic equations are expressed
as [13],
mv mur Y = (9)
mu mvr X = (10)
I r N = (11)
I K | = (12)
m is the mass of the vessel;
is the moment of inertia about z-axis; and
is the moment of inertia about x-axis.
X, Y, N and K are forces and moments acting on the
vessel, including propeller-generated forces and
moments, hydrodynamic forces and moments due to
interaction between the propeller and the hull, rudder-
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

or control surface-induced forces and moments and
external disturbances.
Equation (1) is simplified as,
x ucos vsin = (12)
y usin vcos = + (13)

3.5 Equations for Environmental Disturbances
Environmental disturbances include wind, waves and
currents. According to Fossen [3] for control system
design it is common to assume the principle of
superposition when considering wind and wave
disturbances. With effects of external disturbances
Equation (8) is rewritten as,
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
RB RB A r A r r r r
+ + + +
+ + = +
g g w
wind wave
= + w and
r c
= (where
e is the velocity of the ocean current expressed
in the NED). Further information on modeling
environmental disturbances can be found in [2][3][4].

3.6 Discrete-time Models for Marine Vehicles
The classical methods of designing control systems
are using continuous-time models including
differential equations, transfer functions and state-
space models. The computer-aided methods are using
discrete-time models, including difference equations,
pulse transfer functions and discrete-time state space
models. Auto-regressive models are often used for
stochastic control algorithms and model reference
control. Discretisation of the following continuous-
time state-space model
results in
For stochastic control systems the following auto-
regressive average moving exogenous model and
auto-regressive exogenous model are used:

4. Overview of Marine Control Systems
Motion Control
Motion control of marine vehicles involves the
guidance, navigation and control of:
- surface vessels;
- underwater vehicles including submersibles
and submarines; and
- oil rigs, floating and subsea structures.
The motion control systems for marine vehicles
include ship autopilots, roll damping/stabilising
systems and dynamic positioning systems.
For surface vessels the desired motions are surge,
sway and yaw (turning) while undesired motions are
heave, roll and heel, pitch and trim. Surge, sway and
yaw motions are often controlled by a rudder or
control surface, FPP or CPP, side thrusters. The
undesired motions are reduced to an acceptable level
by some motion control strategies such as fins,
trimtabs, interceptors, T-foils, rudder-roll, lifting foil
and air cushion support.

4.1 Guidance, Navigation and Control of Marine
An entire modern control system for marine vehicles
has three subsystems as shown in Fig. 4 [3]:
- guidance system;
- sensor and navigation system; and
- control system.

Fig. 4 The GNC signal flow [3]

The guidance system is used to generate desired
signals based on the prior information, predefined
trajectory and weather data from weather forecast
stations. Some techniques that are applied in the
guidance systems are target tracking, trajectory
tracking, path following for straight-line paths, and
path following for curved paths [3].
The sensor and navigation system consists of
necessary sensor and navigation devices such as
GPS/GNSS receivers, wind gauges, depth sounder,
speed log, IMU/INS and engine sensors. In order to
have clean data for control purposes observer, filter
and estimator techniques are applied.
The control system is where control algorithms are
synthesised and control signals are computed. Modern
control algorithms are applied.
Fig. 5 shows an example of recursive optimal
trajectory control system.

Fig. 5 The GNC signal flow of the recursive optimal
trajectory tracking control system [7]
( ) ( ) | | ( ) ( )
( ) k 1 h
(k 1) exp h k exp k 1 h k d
+ = + + t t
x A x A Bu
= + x Ax Bu
( ) ( ) ( ) k 1 k k + = + x x u
( ) exp h = A
( )
= A I B
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1 1
z k z k z k

= + A y B u C e
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 1
z k z k k

= + A y B u e
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

As shown in Fig. 5 the control system consists of a
guidance system that generates desired course, speed
and course changing points based on the LOS,
waypoint and decay exponential techniques. The
sensor and navigation consists of GPS/IMU/INS,
gyrocompass, sensors and a recursive estimator. The
control system consists of a controller based on the
optimal control law.

4.2 Autopilots
Autopilots are used for course keeping and changing.
The common method for conventional vessels
equipped with a propeller and rudder is illustrated in
Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 6 the course (yaw) angle and
yaw rate are measured by a compass and gyro. For a
waterjet-propelled vessel, the course is controlled by
the waterjet nozzle.

Fig. 6 Ships autopilot system [4]

Modern and intelligent control algorithms have been
applied in the autopilots. Fig. 7 shows an example of
a stochastic model based autopilot with a combination
of a recursive estimation algorithm and the self-tuning
control algorithm. Fig. 8 shows an example of the
neural networks-based autopilot.

Fig. 7 Ships recursive self-tuning autopilot system

Fig. 8 Ships neural networks-based autopilot system

4.3 Rudder-roll Stabilisation Systems
The roll motion of a marine vehicle has bad and
unexpected effects on crew and passenger heath and
cargo as well as the stability of the vehicle. The
effects of roll motion (especially the parametric roll
motion) are seasickness, damage of cargo and damage
of vessel. A rudder-roll reduction system is based on
the principle illustrated in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. The
main requirements for this system are:
- fast rudder slew rate;
- accurate measurement of roll motion; and
- low pass filters.

Fig. 9 Principle of a rudder-roll stabilisation system

Fig. 10 Autopilot system with rudder-roll reduction

Fig. 11 shows an example of responses of an autopilot
system with rudder-roll damping function.

Fig. 11 Responses of an autopilot system with rudder-roll

4.4 Dynamic Positioning Systems
Dynamic positioning systems are used to control
marine vehicles at very low speeds where the effect of
rudder or control surface is almost zero. A modern
DPS has many functions such as autopilot, dynamic
positioning, trajectory tracking and shifting anchor
alarm. To design a DPS the waypoint, LOS and decay
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

exponential techniques are applied. Fig. 12 shows the
main forces and moments generated by actuators and
external disturbances on a vessel equipped with a

Fig. 12 The main forces and moments for DPS design
(courtesy of Kongsberg)

In the DPSs there are more than two controls. DPSs
require network data communication buses. Modern
and intelligent control algorithms such as optimal
control, self-tuning control and fuzzy logic control
have been applied in the design of DPSs.

4.5 Networked Control Systems and Integrated
Nowadays marine control systems are in forms of a
networked control system, distributed control system
and integrated bridge that allow the operator to
control many onboard systems. The networked
control systems have data communication buses such
as NEMA, CANOpen, and Profibus. Fig. 13 shows a
networked control system with NAMA data
communication devices.

Fig. 13 Concept of networked control system with data
communication bus (NEMA)

The centralised control systems are obsolete and
replaced with distributed and networked control
systems. For high-level automation marine vehicles a
networked control system has some main features:
integrated, distributed, supervisory, redundancy and
safety as shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 Example of high-level automation control system on
a modern vessel (courtesy of Kongsberg)

4.6 Control Systems for ROVs/AUVs, Oil Rigs and
Floating Structures
Control of ROVs/AUVs, oil rigs and floating
structures is a greater challenge in comparison with
control of surface vehicles because of their
complexity, moving at low speeds and
Control algorithms and methods for ROVs/AUVs are
described in [3][4][11] and [12].

5. Manoeuvrability, Modeling and
System Identification of Marine
Vehicles (Hydrodynamics)
To assess manoeuvrability of marine vehicles is
important for safe operation. The manoeuvrability of
ocean vehicles must meet IMO standards, including
interim standards for ship manoeuvrability IMO
Resolution A.751(18), 1993 and standards for ship
manoeuvrability IMO Resolution MSC137(76), 2002,
issued by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee. The
marine vehicles built with very poor manoeuvring
qualities will cause marine casualties and pollution.
The manoeuvrability is often related to the:
- seakeeping: a measure of how well-suited a
marine vehicle is to conditions when
underway; and
- seaworthiness: the ability of a marine vehicle
to operate effectively under severe sea
conditions, i.e. very good seakeeping ability.
To quantify the manoeuvrability is to identify
hydrodynamic coefficients of the manoeuvring
models. Its applications are:
- manoeuvring characteristics (for various
- stability assessment;
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

- computer and HIL simulation (full mission
manoeuvring simulators) for educational and
training purposes;
- control design (stochastic control, model based
adaptive control);
- fault detection and diagnostics; and
- prediction of forces and moments due to the
interaction between many submersible bodies.
The quantitative representation of manoeuvring
characteristics of marine vehicles consists of straight-
line stability and directional stability. The methods to
assess the manoeuvring characteristics are the turning
circle test, Kempfs zig-zag test, Dieudomes pull-out
manoeuvre test, Bechs reverse spiral manoeuve test
and stopping trial.
Many authors proposed manoeuvring mathematical
models, for examples, Abkowitz (USA: SNAME),
MMG model group in Japan (SNAJ, JTTC), Norrbin
(1970), Blanke (1981), Nomoto and Sons, etc. Further
information can be found in [3][4][5].
The most common and well-known model of
manoeuvring is the Nomotors first order model that
relates the rudder angle and yaw rate (turning rate):
Tr r K + = o (21)
where T and K are manoeuvrability indices.
In order to quantify the manoeuvring characteristics
of marine vehicles and determine hydrodynamic
coefficients of the manoeuvring mathematical models,
it is necessary to conduct full-scaled or model-scaled
experiments as shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15 Experiments for prediction of hydrodynamic

In order to estimate hydrodynamic coefficients of a
vehicle there are several methods among which the
following are widely used:
- Recursive least squares algorithm; and
- Recursive prediction error method

5.1 Recursive Least Squares Algorithm (RLSA)
The recursive least squares algorithm is based on the
least squares algorithm proposed by Gauss. This
method is illustrated by the flowchart in Fig. 16.

Fig. 16 Flowchart of RLSA

5.2 Recursive Prediction Error Method (RPEM)
The recursive prediction error algorithm was
proposed by Ljung based on the Kalman filter and is
illustrated by flowchart in Fig. 17.

Fig.17 Flowchart of RPEM

4.7 Fault Detection and Diagnosis Monitoring and
Supervision and Fault Tolerant Control
Recursive system identification methods are applied
in fault detection and diagnostic monitoring and
supervision of marine and offshore engineering
systems. They are also applied in fault-tolerant
control. The conceptual system of fault detection and
diagnostic monitoring and supervision is shown in
Fig. 18. The fault detection system requires prior
knowledge of the plant (theoretical data) and sensors
to collect actual data. The system compares actual
data with the theoretical data and thus detects any
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

faults occurring in every component of the
engineering systems when there is a great difference
between two sets of data. The system provides
solutions to manage faults. Further information on
fault detection and diagnostic monitoring and
supervision can be found in [14] [15].

Fig.18 Concept of fault detection and diagnostic monitoring
and supervision for marine and offshore systems

6. Experimental Facilities
In order to support control design and to realise
marine control systems it is necessary to utilise
experimental facilities for full-scaled and model-
scaled experiments. Experiments require the
following facilities:
- physical models or prototypes of marine
- model test basin with artificial wavemaker and
wind generators for free-running models;
- towing tank with PMM for captive models;
- full-scale vessels (expensive); and
- control hardware (instrumentation electronics,
data communication) and software.
The AMC/UTAS possesses the worlds leading
maritime experimental facilities. The facilities include
the towing tank (see Fig. 19 and Fig. 20), model test
basin (see Fig. 21) cavitation tunnel (see Fig. 21), and
circulating water channel (see Fig. 22), full mission
ship manoeuvring simulator, dynamic positioning
simulator, and training vessel (Bluefin).

Fig.19 AMC Towing Tank

Fig.20 AMC Towing Tank with PMM and captive model

Fig.21 AMC Model Test Basin with wavemakers and models

Fig.21 Three dimensional view of the AMC Capvitation

Fig. 22 The CWC and its arrangement

Other institutes that also have the worlds leading
maritime experimental facilities are Norwegian
University of Science and Technology and
MARINTEK, Tokyo University of Marine Science
and Technology.

7. Challenging Problems
In design and simulation of marine control systems
some challenging problems are:
- underwater communication between the AUVs
and mother vessel;
- energy for ROVs/ AUVs that operate
underwater for a long time;
- fault detection and diagnostics and safety, this
leads to losses of expensive ROVs/AUVs
- control and operation of ROVs/AUVs at very
deep waters;
- watertight electronic components; and
- in-door navigation techniques for experiments.
Hi ngh ton quc v iu khin v T ng ho - VCCA-2011

8. Future Trend
Recent trends show the following applications:
- networked control systems with data
communication buses;
- Internet-based control systems utilising
satellite broadband services;
- applications of advanced and intelligent
control algorithms;
- wireless network;
- underwater acoustic navigation systems for
ROVs/AUVs; and
- optical communication between ROVs/AUVs
and the carriage vessels.
Fig. 23 shows an example of remote control system
via satellite broadband services in Norwary. Fig. 24
shows another example of remote control system via
satellite broadband services in Japan.

Fig 23 Remote control system via satellite broadband
services (Norway)

Fig 23 Remote control system via satellite broadband
services at Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology, Japan

9. Potential Projects Related to Marine
Control Engineering at AMC/UTAS
The AMC, possessing the worlds leading maritime
experimental facilities, is undergoing several potential
projects related to marine control engineering. These
projects are:
- design and testing of ROV/AUVs;
- modelling, simulation and control of
- modelling, simulation and control of AUVs
using a cyclic and collective pitch propeller;
- modelling and control of surface vessels with
electrically-operated water-jet (GreenLiner)
- development of ROVs/AUVs with a collective
and cyclic pitch propeller;
- development of a (solar-wind-diesel) trybrid
trimaran and its control systems;
- development of automatic manoeuvring
systems for surface vessels;
- development of dynamic positioning systems
by applying advanced control algorithms; and
- prediction, simulation of hydrodynamic
interaction between many submersible bodies.

10. Conclusions
The paper has discussed the current status of marine
control systems and description of kinematics and
kinetics of marine vehicles for design and analysis of
their control systems. It has overviewed marine
control systems and modelling and identification of
marine vehicles. To design and analyse control
systems full-scaled and model-scaled experiments are
necessary and require maritime engineering
specialised experimental facilities such model test
basin, towing tank, circulating water channel. The
paper has also dealt with future trend of marine
control application and some potential projects at

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Dr. Hung Nguyen is a lecturer
in Marine Control Engineering
at National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and
Hydrodynamics, Australian
Maritime College, Australia.
He obtained his BE degree in
Nautical Science at Vietnam
Maritime University in 1991,
then he worked as a lecturer
there until 1995. He
completed the MSc in Marine Systems Engineering in
1998 at Tokyo University of Marine Science and
Technology and then the PhD degree in Marine
Control Engineering at the same university in 2001.
During April 2001 to July 2002 he worked as a
research and development engineer at Fieldtech Co.
Ltd., a civil engineering related nuclear instrument
manufacturing company, in Japan. He moved to the
Australian Maritime College, Australia in August
2002. His research interests include guidance,
navigation and control of marine vehicles, self-tuning
and optimal control, recursive system identification,
real-time control and hardware-in-the-loop simulation
of marine vehicles and dynamics of marine vehicles.

Appendix Nonlinear Mathematical
Models of Marine Vehicles for Control
Design and Simulation
Nonlinear mathematical models for design and
analysis of marine control systems are as follows:
- Model of Cargo Mariner Class;
- Model of Training Vessel Shoji Maru;
- Model of Container Vessel;
- Model of Tanker Esso; and
- Models of Underwater Vehicles.
These nonlinear mathematical models are provided
upon request.


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