Un in Indonesia: Environment DAY: Cleaner Industry Project Launched

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June 2012


INDONESIA JOINS THE GLOBAL CONVERSATION ON THE FUTURE WE WANT Participants in the recent Rio+20 Learning Day, organized by UNIC Jakarta and the KEHATI Foundation, express their vision for a more sustainable future in the run-up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20-22 June 2012. Photos: Rosa Panggabean for UNIC Jakarta. Graphics: Amri Priyadi.

ENVIRONMENT DAY: Cleaner Industry project launched

Jakarta A new project targeting cleaner and more efficient industrial production in Indonesias pulp & paper, textile, chemical and food & beverage industries is being launched by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in partnership with the Swiss State

Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia. The launch is timed to coincide with the global observation of World Environment Day on 5 June -- part of a broader effort to improve the business-efficiency of industrial processes while helping to mitigate climate change. Switzerland provides US$ 4.5

million in total funds. The Government of Switzerlands is steadfast in its support for Indonesias efforts to promoting sustainable industrial development and in meeting the challenges of climate change, says UNIDOs Representative in Indonesia, Imran Farooque, adding that the project will show how industry can contribute to climate change resilience.


with Prof. EMIL SALIM Chairman of the Advisory Board to the President. An economist and former Minister of State for Population and the Environment, he served as Chairman of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002.



Pulau Pramuka - The marine environment at the Thousand Islands National Park on the outskirts of Jakarta is a classic example of an ecosystem whose future hangs in the balance. According to Government estimates, 9,000 tons of urban waste wash up at the Thousand Islands park every year -- killing off the coral reefs, threatening fisheries, and shaping the lives of teenagers like Mariyana. Mariyana is only 17 years old but she is already a witness to dramatic change. back empty handed. Declining fish runs are just one of the environmental problems facing Indonesias growing economy a fact not lost on this countrys 40 million young people. According to a recent poll, a majority of Mariyanas peers would describe themselves as either very concerned or somewhat concerned about the environment.

Q&A with EMIL SALIM Q: Pak Emil, could you please describe what you see as the core philosophy needed for a truly sustainable model for economic development? A: All things are interrelated: nature itself, the sea, soil, land, weather, climate, all are closely interlinked. Then you have human beings: society is also interlinked. So the key notion of sustainable development is not to think in separate boxes. Q: What is needed to move the world onto a sustainable path? A: Get the walls down between the economy, the society and the environment. We still have this single-track approach dominating economic development. Economists should take into account the impacts of economic activity, the goals of social development, how the economy affects the poor, the effects on health, and so on. Q: How do you translate the policy language on sustainability to young people? A: Whatever it is that you are studying, whether you study economics, or law, or engineering, keep in mind that the world is interdependent. You need to have a broad way of looking into the world, and start to understand the other youth groups. If they have different outlooks, open up to the possibilities of a dialogue thats the beauty of life. We are not homogenized. The world is not one, the world is diverse. The young must be prepared, able and willing to understand life.

Mariyana is still a full-time student in high-school. But she is already having to do her part to support the family, now that When I was little my father fishing can longer support would tell me that they always them. She is the only female used to catch a lot of fish, not like guide in the area part of a now, Mariyana says. Now they youth eco-tourism group that have to travel very far from here. combines underwater exploration It takes a long time, and there is with environmental education. extreme weather out in the open seas. Sometimes they come (Continues on Page 5)


BEYOND 2014: The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Plan of Action
Jakarta The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Plan of Action (PoA) -- adopted by 179 countries --will reach its 20-year implementation mark in 2014. Through United Nations General Assembly Resolution 65/234 of 2011, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA, in Gender. In addition, there will be two stakeholder consultation meetings, with NGOs and young people, and a National Validation Meeting before the end of September. At the end of this process, a Country Report on the 20-year implementation of the ICPD PoA will be developed by the Government of Indonesia, --

Q&A with EMIL SALIM Q: There was a lot of hope at the Earth Summit twenty years ago. Why havent we been able to achieve more? A: When the Earth Summit started in 1992 we were full of hope. The Cold War had just ended, and everybody was looking to the peace dividend. Everybody was happy and looking forward, very optimistic. But then, by 2001, this war broke out, the war against terrorism and so on. The need of having no walls between knowledge was crushed. I think this is the major reason why sustainable development failed after 20 years, so the old generation -- myself included, of course- failed to go beyond the politics. We are still victims of the political differences in the world. Q: What kind of message do you feel the world leaders should be getting to at Rio+20?

cooperation with all relevant organizations of the UN system, is commissioned to undertake an operational review of the implementation of the Programme of Action (PoA) on the basis of the highest-quality data and analysis of the state of population and development, taking into account the need for a systematic, comprehensive and integrated approach to population and development issues.

represented by BKKBN, the National Population and Family Planning Board.

As part of the review, Indonesia will also play an important role at the global level. An agreement was reached between the Government and UNFPA that Indonesia will host the Global Youth Forum in December 2012 in Bali, as part of a preparatory series of global thematic meetings for the ICPD Beyond 2012 will mark the start of the 2014 process. The Forum aims review process, both globally and to address issues related to at country level. In Indonesia, the youth life transition and identify UNFPA Country Office will carry concrete recommendations for out the operational review by policy makers and other conducting the Global Survey stakeholders as well as to and three thematic meetings on address policy issues regarding Population and Development, youth. Reproductive Health, and

A: When leaders are in Rio +20 in June 2012 they must have in mind that the world will be completely different when todays young people become leaders. How does this society cope with increasing demand for food, for water, in a planet that is not getting any bigger? The number of people increases but the air, the land, the sea will be the same. How do you expect youth to cope with this? What are the opportunities leaders can give, so that youth are able to face those challenges? There may be no dramatic resolutions, but at least give the youth a sustainable world, so that when the leaders fade away, they still see a bright future.



Indonesian Youth Voice is heard at UN population meeting in New York

Jakarta / New York - Indonesian Youth Advocate Angga Dwi Martha (below, right), was selected as one of two youth speakers to address the Plenary Session of the Commission on Population and Developments (CPD) 45th session in New York recently. The 21year old student was sponsored by UNFPA Indonesia. Along with his counterpart, Souadou Ndoye of Senegal (below, left, with Ronan Farrow, Special Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State for Global Youth Issues) the two spoke to Member States about the importance of addressing the many issues related to youth and adolescents. When provided with skills and support that they need, young people can highly contribute to society. But first, we need to be recognized as strategic partners, Mr. Martha stated in his speech.

with IGNACIO LEON-GARCIA Outgoing Chief of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Indonesia Q: You are leaving Indonesia soon for Johannesburg, South Africa. Whats on your mind? A: Few countries have made as powerful an impression on me as Indonesia. I have grown a lot here, both personally and professionally. Ive learned the importance of linking processes and sectors. Preparedness, response, recovery and development are all parallel and interdependent processes. Q: Let's talk about therecent earthquake in Aceh.What is your assessment of the disaster preparedness and response? The fact that most people in the affected areas were promptly alerted and moved to higher ground is a testament to the effectiveness of the preparedness actions and early warning system. (Continues)

He also urged delegates to listen to what young people were saying, particularly on what he called four urgent matters: good quality education, including sex education; good health care, to enable young people to participate in development, including good quality HIV prevention, treatment and care services based on universal human rights principles unlimited by social and cultural barriers; adequate job opportunities; and opportunities for active involvement in the global development agenda, including UN processes such as Rio+20, ICPD Beyond 2014, and the Millennium Development Goals post-2015 that have a direct impact on overall youth empowerment and development. Mr. Martha said that participating in the CPD was an incredible experience where he did not only learn about the issues related to youth and adolescents, but also how to advocate and negotiate with high level decision makers. Now I have better understanding on how to address these issues and negotiating the solutions with relevant stakeholders and decision makers. It surely will be useful for my future engagement in addressing issues around youth and adolescents, he said.

WOWED AT CPD Angga Dwi Martha (right) at the CPD in New York, with a Souadou Ndoye of Senegal and Ronan Farrow of the USA


Q& A with IGNACIO LEON-GARCIA It is during such moments that

TEENS GO GREEN (Continues from page 2 )

Its a brand of tourism that is not about unspoiled beaches, but about studying the marine ecosystem and the impact of unbalanced development. I just love to talk about our area, the Thousand Islands, and about the sciences we learn in school, Mariyana says. Mariyana combines talk with action. Apart from leading tours she also works with the children from the local Koran-reading group encouraging them to clean the water from the garbage that washes ashore. All of us, from the youngest to the oldest contribute to making more and more garbage, but in order to raise awareness about the problem, we have to focus on the small children says Mariyana. Working for a better environment is a moral obligation, according to her. We need to raise our awareness, starting from the smallest things. Throwing garbage in the wrong places, even that can be fatal. Its these seemingly trivial things that can end up causing major disasters in our world, Mariyana says.

the effectiveness of our work on preparedness and early warning can be assessed. Based on this instance, I think we can be
reassured that we are on the right track. Q: What do you see as the key challenge for disaster mitigation in Indonesia? A:The attention must now turn to strengthening capacities and systems at the local level. I also believe that the key role of Government must be complemented by private sector and civil society. And in this context, coordination among different actors is imperative.

Mariyana is one of three Indonesian teenagers featured in UNTVs upcoming video production Indonesia: Teens go Green, for distribution at the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Indonesia: Teens go Green was produced by UNIC Jakarta in collaboration with the Kehati Foundation STARTING SMALL Below: Maryiana leads the clean-up activities at Pulau Pramuka .

The Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) will lead two events on at the Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum: The Role and The Benefit of Voluntary Actions and Programs A discussion on best practices in voluntary based actions for healthier living and better environment involving Global Compact Network members. Water Conservation Initiative Across Sectors Corporate contributions to address water scarcity, including: overview of global water crisis and water scarcity; introduction to the work of Indonesia Water Mandate Working Group its in the run-up to Rio+20; overview of best practices in water conservation in Indonesia.


You are carrying on a great name: Garuda. The Garuda, the soaring eagle, is the symbol of Indonesia. Garuda is what they called the first Indonesian contingent sent to the Middle East in 1956. Since those early days, the Garuda have been deployed to the toughest UN missions: in Cambodia, Bosnia, Somalia and beyond. Many of you will deploy to complex environments. You will bring your training, your abilities and your sense of responsibility to continue the legacy of those who have gone before you. I wish you well on your journey.
UN Secretary-General BAN KI-MOON Indonesia Peace and Security Center in Sentul, 20 March 2012

Peacekeeping is a Global Partnership

The theme of the 2012 International Day of UN Peacekeepers (29 May) focuses on how UN peacekeeping draws together the legal and political authority of the Security Council, the personnel and financial contributions of Member States, the support of host countries and the accumulated experience of the Secretariat in managing operations in the field. It is this partnership that gives UN Peacekeeping its legitimacy, sustainability and global reach. In Indonesia the International Day of UN peacekeepers is being marked by a writing competition, a photo contest, and a ceremony on the 29 of May at the Peace and Security Centre in Sentul, West Java Contact: Brigjen Imam Edi Mulyono, Kepala KMPP tel: 021 8459-5997


The Universal Periodic Review for Indonesia at the Human Right Council took place on 23 May in Geneva. Among other news, Foreign Minister H.E. Marty Natalegawa announced that Indonesia has invited three human rights rapporteurs to visit the country (the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health; the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing; and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression). UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as co-chair of the UN High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons, which is to advise the UN on planning for the post-2015 development agenda.The President will co-chair the panel along with British Prime Minister David Cameron and Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/beyond2015.shtml


The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR), in cooperation with the Faculty Syariah and Law of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, recently launched the Indonesian version of the publication: The Right to Asylum between Islamic Syariah and International Refugee Law (A Comparative Study) in Ciputat. First written in Arabic in 2009 by Professor Ahmed Abou-El-Wafa, of the Faculty of Law of Cairo University, this unique study has been available in English since 2009, and is now available in Bahasa Indonesia thanks to a cooperative venture between UNHCR and the Faculty of Law and Syariah of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.


Some 15 million babies worldwide more than one in ten births are born too early, according to a new United Nations-backed report, released on 2 May 2012, which calls for steps such as ensuring the requisite medicines and equipment and training health staff to promote child survival. Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth Report & Executive Summary in English: http://www.who.int/pmnch/media/news/ 2012/preterm_birth_report/en/index1.html

A recent review quotes an anonymous critic likening the UN to a many-headed hydra. If anything wed rather think of ourselves as the constellation Hydra -where stars shine their own light, and are grouped in clusters.


JUNE 1 June World No Tobacco Day observance in Indonesia (WHO) 4 June International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression 5 June World Environment Dayat Merdeka Palace with presentation of the Adipura, Adiwiyata and Kalpataru awards by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Launch of Resource Efcient and Cleaner Production (RECP) programme (UNIDO, SECO, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry Global launch of UNEP's Global Environment Outlook (GEO-5) 7-14 June Environment Week exhibition at the Jakarta Convention Centre. 8 June World Oceans Day 11-15 June UNPOL Regional Meeting for the Development of a Strategic Framework for International Police Peacekeeping, Semarang (DPKO) 12 June World Day Against Child Labour(ILO) National Seminar on "Poverty Alleviation and Job Creation through Cooperatives" (ILO, SMESCO, PT Allianz) 13 15 June Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee on Rio+20 14 June World Blood Donor Day(WHO) Rio+20 Youth Forum ITC Event (DIKTI, UNESCO, UNIC) 15 22 June Rio+20 Voice Box for "The Future We Want' Campaign (UNIC, UNICEF, Plaza Senayan) 17 June World Day to Combat Desertication and Drought 19-20 June CEDAW Committee mock session (UN Women) 20 June World Refugee Day (UNHCR) 20 22 June UNCSD (Rio+20) 23 June United Nations Public Service Day 25 June -1July President of Indonesia to visit Papua 26 June International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafcking United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture World Economic Situation and Prospects Mid-year Update Report SG appoints High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on post-2015 development agenda Global Launch of MDG Report 2012


The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the United Nations. The information herein may be freely reproduced. UN IN INDONESIA is published electronically by the United Nations Information Centre, Jakarta. e-mail: unic.jakarta@unic.org

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