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Date : 26.11.2011 Class : 6 Melur Number of student : 20 Subject : Science Time : 9.15-10.15 am Theme : Learning about Push and Pull are forces Topic : Force and Energy Teaching objectives : 1.1 Understanding that push and pull are forces Learning outcomes : a) state the push and pull are forces b) state that force cannot seen but its can be observed Scientific skill : Observe a variety of situation involving forces Thinking skill : All thinking skills Previous knowledge : Pupil know about push and pull

Phase Orientation (5 minutes)

Contents Teacher will do demonstrate on this topic by using fish and net

Teaching and learning activities 1.Teacher will select some student come infrontm of class 2. Teacher will give them a fish catch stick and ask them to pick some fish using the stick.

Remarks 1. stick 2. shapes of fish

3. Five pupils will do this activity. 4. Then teacher will introduce the topic. Eliciting idea (20 minutes) Hands on some group activity a) push the trolly b) push the swing. c) Kick the ball using leg. d) Pull the drawer. e) Throw the ball f) Push the sofa. 1.Teacher will show three video clip to pupils. 2.Teacher will ask question based on the video (a) What are the people doing in the pictures? (b) How are they able to do it? 3.Based on pupils answer teacher will tell the correct answer. Video cliping

Restructing idea

Teacher will do group activity and

1.Teacher will divide pupil into five groups.

1.spring 2.chair

(20 minutes)

ask question

2. Give some material to them. 3. Ask them to think how they can use that materials to make it push and pull. 4. After 3 minutes one volunteer from group will come and present. 5. From that activity teacher will ask question. (a) From this activity did u can see the pull and pushing skill? (b) How you know that you are using forces to pull and push the materials? 6. Based on pupils answer teacher will give a right concept to them.

3.towel 4.drawer 5. rope

Application of idea (10 minutes)

Teacher give Self Assesment Test according group.

1.Teacher will give an self assessment test to pupils in groups.

Self Assesment Test

2. Pupils will write the correct answer and teacher Reflaction (5 minutes) Recall what is push and pull. will discuss the answer. 1.Teacher ask student to summarize todays lesson. 2.Teacher give pupils idea to try some things surrounding them to pull and push.

Write TRUE to correact statement and FALSE to incorrect statement.

1. Force are energy.

2. Push and pull are not forces. 3. Force cannot be seen. 4. We can observe the effects of forces. 5. We can use pushing and pulling skills to all the things. 6. If we push an object , the object will move from one place to another place. 7. Pull is an action that cannot bring object towords us.

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