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T e c h ni c al A g re e m e nt


Str. BORRANA, 33 Zona Industriale. Ciarulla-47899 Serravalle Republica di San Marino Tel +39 0721 878711 Fax: +39 0721 878330 e-mail:

Technical Agreements holder: SCHNELL HOUSE S.A

Str. BORRANA, 33 Zona Industriale. Ciarulla-47899 Serravalle Republica di San Marino Tel +39 0721 878711 Fax: +39 0721 878330 e-mail:

Technical Agreements author: Research National Institute Construction Development Timisoara Subsidiary
European Union Member concerning the Technical Agreement in Constructions 300223 Timi oara, Str. Traian Lalescu nr. 2, Tel./Fax 0256-492998 E-mail: Specialized team no 1: Structural and building Elements This technical Agreement is valid until December 31, 2011 only if the technical visa of the Permanent Technical Council is attached to it, and it doesnt replace the quality certificate.


Analyzing the required documentation regarding the Technical Agreement presented by SCHNELL HOUSE S.A. from Republica di San Marino and registered under no. 314 on July 20, 2008, concerning the EXECUTION PROCEDURE OF WALLS AND FLOORS FROM PANELS TYPE PCS, PCD, PCSol manufactured by SCHNELL HOUSE S.A. from Republica di San Marino, No.1 specialized team Structural elements and buildings within INCERC Timisoara Subsidiary draws up this Technical Agreement, no. 010-01/108-2008, in conformity with the Romanian technical documents relevant to the reference domain and with the Technical Agreement Guidelines, all being valid until this date.

1. Short definition
1.1. Short definition SCHNELL HOUSE S.A. from Republica di San Marino manufactures the following variants of CONCREWALL modular prefabricated panels: simple PCS- type panels for bearing and non-bearing vertical construction materials; double PDC- type panels for bearing vertical construction elements; PCSol-type panel for horizontal or inclined construction elements (floors, roofs). Panels with a structure consisting in expanded fire proofing polystyrene (EPS) with a formwork and isolation purpose and reinforced concrete meshes. This technical agreement is being drawn up for the realization procedure of bearing and non-bearing walls and floors from panels type PCS, PCD, PCSol composed of: Raw material Cold drawn and galvanised metallic wire with a low carbon content (<0,10%), 3,0mm, fkt=700N/mm2. The galvanised wire is determined by the need to prevent the possible degradation of the bars due to a possible insufficient protection by the covering concrete. Heat drawn wires with a better grip, with fkt 440/mm2. The wires diameter can vary according to the structure of the calculation. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) treated or not with additives to ensure its anti-flame capacity (EPS/RF), upon request in conformity with the UNIPLAST UNI 7819-88 EPS production norm and the brand "III" of the "Italian Institute of Plastic", with a density between 15 20kg/m3 or 25 kg/m3. Panels type PCS a)Composition PCS panels are made of a reinforced polystyrene sheet with two metallic EPS meshes assembled by means of sewing with steel wires welded in electro-fusion which perforate the EPS sheet. b) Features of the components - the nucleus is made of expanded fire proofing polystyrene and chemical inert (EPS) with a variable density of 15-25 kg/mc, shaped in sheet with a proper thickness of minimum 4 cm. - galvanized steel (out of anticorrosive reasons) welded meshes (by electro-fusion), with a low content of carbon and fkt=700N/mm2 vertical wire: diameter 3 mm. horizontal wire: diameter 3mm sewing wire: diameter 3 mm. Reinforcement meshes oversee the EPS sheet with 50 mm, so that they overlap whilst assembled together, ensuring the continuity of the welded meshes without adding any other elements. The walls are built by mounting the PCS panels on the supporting surface foreseen with anchor elements. Both sides of the panel are gunite covered with a concrete layer as to embed the reinforcement meshes (fig.1). c) Technical Features Thickness of the finished wall: about 1016 cm.
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Class of sound transmission: 38 dB a 500 Hz PCD Type Panels a) Composition The PCD Panels have the shape of a formwork composed of two simple PCS (EPS + reinforcement) type panels (Fig. 2). The panels are tied through galvanized wire connectors which perforate the polystyrene sheets and are welded on the exterior sides of the meshes. b) Features of the component elements - the formwork is made of expanded fire proofing polystyrene and chemical inert (EPS) with a density of 25 kg/mc, shaped in sheet with the proper thickness, which must be of minimum 4 cm. - galvanized steel (out of anticorrosive reasons) welded meshes (by electro-fusion), with a low content of carbon and fkt=600 N/ mm horizontal wires 3...6mm, vertical wires 3...6mm connectors 3mm The bearing walls are obtained by mounting the PDC panel on a reinforced concrete monolith foundation overseen with cats wiskers for bracing the reinforcement welded meshes of the panel. Walls reinforcement in situ is made with reinforced concrete bars as a result of the structural calculation without taking into consideration the exterior reinforcement mesh. Then concrete is being pored on the interior between the two EPS sheets, and on the exterior both sides of the panel are gunite covered as to embed the concrete meshes. (fig.1). c) Technical Features PCD panel maximum dimensions: Thickness of the finished wall: 22...32 cm PCSol Type Panels a) Composition The PCSol type panel is made of a EPS sheet located between two welded reinforcement meshes with galvanized wire (for anti-corrosive reasons) tied by welded connectors which penetrate the EPS. The EPS sheet is shaped on both sides with depths which vary from one side to another.
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On the superior side the profile has the shape of some dense beams with the dimensions depending on the project. b)Components Features - main sheet is made of expanded fire proofing polystyrene and chemical inert (EPS) with a variable density of 25 kg/mc, shaped on both sides with a thickness of minimum cm. 4 + the beams with a variable thickness 10...24cm. - steel galvanized welded meshes (for anti-corrosive reasons), drawn, with a low content of carbon. Welded by electro-fusion with a strength stress of approximately 600 N/ mm. horizontal wires 3 vertical wires 3 connectors 3mm The bearing floors are obtained by: - adding a resistance reinforcement to the panels as a result of the structural calculation (for the component beams), - gunite covering or plastering of the inferior side - Over-concreting of the superior side. The floors are made by assembling many panels before concreting (fig.3). c)Technical Features PCD panel maximum dimensions: Thickness of the finished wall: 25...35cm The gunite concrete used on the resistance elements shall have a thickness of approximately 3,5cm, a minimum class C25/30 and it is made out of aggregate of 0/5 mm and a A/C report between 0,50 and 055, with a S2 plastic consistence in order to use the pneumatic method of application. The manufacturer company delivers the EPS sheets with a welded reinforcement mesh mounted on it to the beneficiaries. This assemble is mounted on the supporting elements, the meshes are tied to the bracing elements within the structure. Afterwards, the concrete layers are poured, the mortar layer is gunite covered. 1.2.Products identification The simple panels for the bearing and non-bearing walls have the commercial denomination PCS, being identified as: PCS simple panel thickness (cm) polystyrene density
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(kg/mc) wire thickness (mm) panel length (mm).; double panels for bearing walls have the commercial denomination PCD being identified as: PCD double panel - thickness (cm) polystyrene density (kg/mc) wire thickness (mm) panel length (mm); panels for floors having the commercial denomination of Panel for PCSol floors polystyrene inferior plate thickness (cm) + polystyrene superior plate thickness (cm) length (mm). Panels tagging is made individually on each panel by labeling on a white plastic material-made label unscripted with black, tied with wire. The products present the following specifications: - Manufacturers name; - manufacture series number and date; - Elements type, dimensions, number;

Transportation and warehouse conditions; - Notices and security; - Approval from the technical control authority. EPS sheets with the welded reinforcement meshes mounted on them are delivered by the help of a paddling system being numbered according to the construction execution project. The first transport of paddles is accompanied by the construction plan, indicating the position of all panels within the structure. The maximum dimensions of delivering the panels are: Max. length = 13,6m Standard width = 112cm Max. thickness = 400mm Min. thickness = 40mm

2. Technical Agreement
2.1. Accepted fields used in constructions CONCREWALL type PCS panels are destined to the construction of the bearing, internal or external walls met in civil, commercial or industrial constructions, but also in the buildings with a residential destination, with a height status established by the designers, having dimensions in compliance with technical regulations. PCS panels can be used without a height restriction on performing the non-bearing walls. CONCREWALL type PCD panels are destined to the construction of the bearing, internal or external walls met in civil, commercial or industrial constructions, but also in the buildings with a residential destination, with a height status established by the designer, having dimensions in compliance with the technical regulations. They are diagrams made of reinforced concrete poured in a polystyrene formwork panel. The CONCREWALL PCSol type panels are destined to the construction of the floors, internal or external walls met in civil, commercial or industrial constructions, with a free span of maximum 6 cm in compliance with the technical regulations. PCSol panels can be used in floors construction fulfilling the role of a rave, taking over the vertical loads.
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2.2. Opinions regarding the product 2.2.1. Exploitation attitude in constructions The CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type panels manufactured by the SCHNELL HOUSE S.A. company from Republica di San Marino are in compliance with the main realization criteria corresponding to those 6 essential requirements stipulated by the Act no. 10/1995 changed with the Act no. 123/2005 regarding the quality in constructions changed with the Act 123/2007 and Act no. 137/1995 regarding the environmental protection. Mechanical resistance and stability The resistance and stability conditions are fulfilled by the adequate calculation and composition of the panels, respectively of the bearing elements of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type panels, but also by the compliance with the manufacture technology required by the manufacturer. Within the panels calculation the eventual imperfections, eccentricity within the transmission of the loads, thermal effects, etc., are taken into consideration.
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The conditions regarding the damages limitation in constructions made of bearing and non-bearing walls and floors made of CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type panels, are ensured by the execution and mounting of the panels in compliance with the technical regulations relevant to the fields regarding the conditions from Romania. The realization of the constructions made of CONCREWALL panels allows the additional reinforcement of the walls and floors depending on the necessary reinforcement area of the resistance calculations. In order to ensure these conditions the Romanian technical regulations STAS 10107/090; P100-2006, etc. are being complied with. Fire proofing The CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type panels used in the manufacture are part of the realization class A1 regarding the fire reaction (C0 fuel class). It is mentioned that the expanded fire proofing polystyrene panels are protected by two peripheral concrete layers with a thickness of 2-5 cm each which covers the polystyrene. The polystyrene is protected by concrete in all the areas. The testing of the panels was made at CSI S.p.A Italia authorized laboratory in conformity with Protocol No.7684/31.oct.2007 (Testing report no.CSI1386FR/28.04.2008, Classification Report no.CSI1386FR/28.04.2008 documents annexed to the Technical file). Hygiene, health and environmental protection Products used in the realization of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type panels do not contain toxic, radioactive, carcinogen, do not release toxic gases, nor bring damages to the peoples health or environmental integrity. Safety in exploitation Safety exploitation of the structural and non-structural elements made of CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol-type panels is ensured by the composition modality. Also, the users safety in exploitation is ensured by the composition and the adequate mounting of the panels into the resistance structure.

Thermal insulation, fire proofing and energy saving Thermal transmittances in conformity with UNI EN ISO 10211-1:1998, UNI EN ISO 10211-2:2003, UNI EN 1745:2005 i UNI EN 12524:2001 are met at: - The walls made of PCS12 panels with an EPS-15kg/m3 core thickness of 12cm and a total thickness of the wall of 18cm Up=0,40 W/(m2K). - The walls made of PCS08 panels with a EPS-15kg/m3 core thickness of 8 cm and a total thickness of the wall of 14cm Up=0,58 W/(m2K). - At the walls made of PCD15 panels with a concrete core thickness of 15cm, an EPS-25kg/m3 sheets thickness of 5cm, and a total thickness of 14 cm Up=0,44 W/(m2K). The dimensioning of the thermal insulation layers thickness and thermo-technical calculus of the construction shall be done according to the C107-2005, SR EN ISO 13788:2002 technical regulations: Hydrothermal realization of the construction components and elements. Internal superficial temperature in order to avoid the critical superficial humidity and the internal condense. Calculus methods. Sound proofing The results of the tests executed, in a reverberating room (echo effect), according to the norms ISO 140-3:2006, UNI EN ISO 1404:2000, UNI EN ISO 717-1:2007 made for: - A single PCS08 wall panel with the dimensions LxH: 4800x2790mm with a class m1 gunite covered with a panel made of ISOVER CALIBEL plaster panel of 12,5 mm and a glass fiber of 40 mm with a thickness of aprox.21cm.Rw(C;Cr)=55(-2;-8)dB; - A single PCS08 wall panel with the dimensions LxH: 4800x2790mm with a Diathonite Premix gunite with a thickness of aprox. 15cm Rw(C;Cr)=37(-1;-2)dB - A single PCS08 wall panel with the dimensions LxH: 4800x2790mm with a class m1 gunite with a thickness of aprox. 15cm Rw(C;Cr)=37(-1;-3)dB

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Wall made of PCD14 Rw(C;Cr)=37(-1;3)dB

2.2.2. Durability and maintenance of the product The durability of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol-type panels depends on the durability of the component materials. The durability of bearing and non-bearing elements made of CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol-type depends on the life duration, 50 years, in the conditions of the execution in conformity with the law into force. The warranty given by the manufacturer regarding the PCS, PCD and PCSol elements, not fitted, is of 5 years depending on the handling and warehousing conditions specified by the manufacturer. The warranty of the finished product fitted is given by the performing company. For the maintenance of the product until handling the polystyrene panels (EPS) shall be protected from: - Excessive exposure to meteorological agents and ultraviolet radiation which could modify the polystyrene structure and as a consequence this would lead to reducing the adherence capacity of the concrete; these shall be protected by PVC sheets or shall be warehoused in covered places. - Winds action because, due to the small weight, the panels could be carried away by the wind and suffer deteriorations resulted by bumping into the surrounding objects. 2.2.3. Manufacture and control The realization of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol-type panels contains four distinct phases: a) Cutting of the plates from the EPS massive block with variable profiles and dimensions depending on the project resulting the EPS sheets which represent the formwork and the thermic insulation of the structural and non-structural walls, but also of the floors. b) Reinforcements preparation: the realization of the welded meshes made of galvanized or profiled wire; cutting of the additional reinforcements for the special areas (mixtures, around the openings, etc.)

c) Mounting of the reinforcement meshes on the EPS sheets by connectors which penetrate the polystyrene by welding. The quality of the component materials, compliance with the technologic parameters and the finished products are taken into consideration within the manufacture process of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol-type panels in order to ensure the adequate behavior in exploitation. Internally, the unit has into view the manufactures control. The check up of the quality of the materials that are part of the composition of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type panels is made in compliance with: - SR EN 13163:2003 Thermic insulation products for buildings. Products made of expanded polystyrene (EPS). Specification - SR EN 13163:2003/AC: 2006 Thermic insulation products for buildings. Products made of expanded polystyrene (EPS). Specification - SR EN 10218-2:1998 Drawing steel wires and products. Generalities. Part 2: Dimensions and tolerances of the wires. - SR EN 10244-2:2002 Drawing steel wires and products. Non-ferrous metallic coverings on steel wires. Part 2: Covering with zinc or zinc alloy. - SR EN 10223-4:2002 Steel wires and wire products for surroundings. Part 4: Steel wires welded meshes. The bearing and non-bearing walls made of CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol type without difficulties on the basis of the execution projects. In order to ensure the constant quality of the CONCREWALL PCS, PCD and PCSol-type panels, the manufacturer takes into consideration: a) Within the unit Realization of the production in conformity with the provisions of the SR ISO 9001:2001 standard group b) Outside the unit Achievement of an authorized certificate regarding systems and products. The SCHNELL S.p.A. company from Italy certifies the implementation of the quality management system in conformity with SR EN ISO 9001:2001 standard through the Certificate No.50 100 7239, issued on December 5, 2007 by TV SD.
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2.2.4. Fitting The constructions made of CONCREWALL tip PCS, PCD and PCSol-type panels are performed without difficulties within a precise usual work. The mounting is in compliance with the mounting sheets elaborated by SCHNELL HOUSE SA from Italy and the technical regulations into force regarding the works execution in construction. Handling, transportation and warehousing of the PCS, PCD PCSol-type panels which are part of the bearing and non-bearing elements are made in conformity with the provisions of the manufacturing company. For the bracing of the PCS, PCD panels for walls profiled tied bars are mounted on the support layer, as a result of the structural calculus, being positioned on the both sides of the panel in order to ensure the continuity of the elements within the structure. The distance between these tie bars shall be equal to the distance between the reinforcement meshes (the thickness of the EPS core plus 25mm), that is 2030 cm, being aligned in connection with the external mesh in the case of the simple PCS panel, and for the double PCD panel being aligned toward both external and internal meshes. The tie bars shall be straight and embedded in a foundation. These are tied to the panels reinforcement meshes (Fig.4,5). A special attention shall be drawn upon on a safe embedment into the gunite of the reinforcements which connect the panel and the foundation, the contact between the tie bars and polystyrene being avoided. The connection between the panels is made by overlapping the reinforcement mesh on a panels surface of 50cm. These connections are made with metallic wire or clips. At the jointing of the panels and in the openings an additional reinforcement shall be applied: corner mesh for the corners, flat mesh for the openings reinforcements or other zones in which the initial reinforcement mesh has been removed, mesh for repairing the continuity of the panels shape. The bordering on the inside of the openings (depending on the walls thickness) is made of longitudinal reinforcement resulted from the
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structural calculus, U type mesh and welded mesh positioned on the panels sides inclined at 45 which is tied to the external reinforcement meshes, mesh which is provided at the same time as the PCS and PCD panels. Both the details of the openings bordering and those of the wall panels jointing are presented in fig. 4...13. The alignment of the EPS sheets and their verticality are checked during the mounting; for ensuring the stability, a temporary horizontal support made out of wood or aluminum or any other elements adequate to the purpose is provided ( fig-14 a). The panels eccentricity measured with lead wire shouldn't oversee 6 mm over the medium generating line. The margin of error of mounting the adjacent frames of the overlapped panels must be of maximum 15mm. Any error which doesnt comply with the aforementioned tolerance limits is considered to be exceptional and the stability of the elements on the matter shall be checked. The mounting of the accessories for the installations shall be done before the concretes layout. In case of mounting some rigid tubes, the reinforcement mesh may be clipped; its continuity shall be subsequently readjusted by means of additional meshes placed on that specific area, as to ensure an overlapping on the initial mesh with at least 15 cm see figure 14 b). The guniting of the panels is executed by using pneumatic protection devices connected to an air compressor with appropriate power or connected to a guniting machine. The pneumatic guniting (fig.14c) shall be executed in two layers: the former layer which shall cover the reinforcement mesh, while the latter shall cover the finishing one in order to achieve a thickness of 3-5 cm. The finishing shall be the Designers choice, and conventional materials shall be used. The prefabricated panels for floors shall be mounted after the wall panels and reinforcements for flanges have been assembled but before the process of exterior guniting with concrete. The PCD panels for floors shall be assembled after the nucleus has been poured in order to ensure the stability of the wall panel (fig.14d).

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For the fitting of the prefabricated panels for floors or roofs, wooden props and small sustaining wooden-beams are provided, in order to avoid the panels distortion under the loadings action and afterwards 5 cm of concrete has been poured on the superior side and the inferior side will be covered (3 cm thickness). Assembling details are presented in the fig. 5, detail D, fig.11, details D, H, E. While fitting the CONCREWALL panels, concrete shall be added to the exterior layers of the bearing walls made of PCS panels, to the core of the walls made of PCD panels, to the floors made of PCSol panel. Superficial layers completing the PCD and PCD shall be daubed (used in such cases, the same as non-bearing walls). The concrete and plaster specific features shall be established by the Designer. In case of the multistage buildings, the sequence of the phases shall be repeated from the floor, over the ground floor to the next floor, taking into consideration that the bellow elements of the successive loading will be executed only after the gunited concretes aging. 2.3. The Technical Prescriptions Notebook. 2.3.1. Design Conditions The elaboration of the projects for structures with structural and non-structural elements walls, made of CONCREWALL type PCS, PCD and PCSol panels, shall comply with the loadings, resistance and stability requirements stipulated by the Romanian technical norms. The anti-seismic standards established for the buildings executed within the construction system with CONCREWALL panels, shall comply with the provisions stipulated in the technical norms P100-1/2006 and CR6-2006. The parts of the design taking the aspect of joints (dilatation-contraction, compacting, seismic) the layout of structural walls (both vertically and horizontally) and the distance between them, openings layout (both vertically and horizontally), shall be designed in compliance with the provisions stipulated both in P 100-1/2006 and CR6-2006. The foundation of the walls executed by means of CONCRETEWALL, shall comply with the norms. The reinforcements continuity shall be maintained by fitting the foundations and the basement walls with cats whiskers which are
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going to be joined with the walls resistance reinforcements. The process of establishing the dimensions and the calculation of the structural walls executed from reinforced concrete (the distance and openings reinforcement the heart in case of PC type panels) shall comply with the provisions stipulated by the CR6-2006 norm. The floors (layout, height, ribs reinforcement and over-concreting) shall be performed and calculated in conformity with the provisions stipulated by STAS 10107/1-90, STAS 10107/2-92, and STAS 10107/3-90. The welded meshes of high resistance galvanized wire with which the panels are provided by the manufacturing process shall be used in general for constructive reinforcement. The conditions regarding the welded meshes joints shall comply with the provisions stipulated in the P 59-86 norm. The resistance reinforcements layout and the structural walls local reinforcement (vertical beams, lintel, ending areas, bulbs, walls cross sectioning in front of the openings) the reinforcement minimum percentages, the reinforcements anchorage, the reinforcements jointing, shall be executed in compliance with the provisions stipulated in the technical norms: P85-96; NE 012-9 and STAS 10107/0-90. Within the execution projects elaboration according to the program The quality control program of the execution works in compliance with the Act 10/1995, the expertise shall be ordered regarding the binding reinforcements immersion in gunite concrete (panel foundations, belt panel, etc.). The CONCREWALL type PCD and PCSol panels and buildings design by using the realisation procedure of bearing and nonbearing walls and floors made of CONCREWALL PCS, PCD, PCSol-type panels must correspond to the documentation issued by the manufacturer regarding the quality of the materials used and to comply with the following technical regulations: - STAS 10101/1-89 Technical weights and permanent loadings - STAS 10101/20-90 Loadings determined by the wind action: - STAS 10101/23A-86. Loadings determined by environmental temperatures in industrial and civil engineering works;
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P 100-1/2006 Anti - seismic design Part 1 Provisions regarding buildings NE 012:99 Practice Code for the execution of concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete NP 068-2002 Norms regarding the civil engineering buildings design taking into account the requirements regarding the safety measurements during the exploitation works. C 107/0-2002 Norms regarding the protection and execution of thermal isolation to buildings C 107-2005 Norms regarding thermal and technical calculus of building construction elements. P45-1971. Norms regarding the execution of big panels constructions. P85-96: Code regarding the design of constructions with reinforced concrete structural walls. CR6-2006: Code regarding the design of structures from masonry. C 107/3-97: Norms regarding thermal and technical calculus of the buildings construction elements; STAS 6472/7-85 Constructions physics. Calculation of the air permeability of both the construction elements and materials. SR EN ISO 13789:2000. Thermal performance of the buildings. Coefficient of electrical leakage by means of transfer. Calculation method. STAS 6156-86. Protection against noise in civil engineering and social and cultural works. Permissible limits and acoustic isolation parameters. C 122-91: Technical instructions for the design of the phonic isolation measurements in case of civil engineering, social, cultural and technical managerial buildings. P 118-99: Safety norms in case of fire. STAS 10107/0-90 Agricultural and industrial civil engineering works. The calculation and composition of structural elements from concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete. NP 112-2004 Norms for the design of the direct setting structures. STAS 10107/3-90 Industrial and agricultural civil engineering works. Floors with dense arch ribs for concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. Additional mentions for design.

2.3.2 Manufacturing conditions In order to ensure the quality consistency, the manufacturer has to comply with the standard: SR EN ISO 9001: 2000. During the fabrication process, the quality of the used raw materials is permanently checked together with the works technological parameters and the finite products quality. For achieving the products mechanical and dimensional characteristics, the whole fabrication process shall be subjected to an entire series of internal checking; the validity period shall be established according to the process requirements. The following elements shall be checked by using the above mentioned methods: - Aggregates (polystyrene, wire, galvanized wire , concrete); - The finite panel (on site: concrete quality, reinforcement.) The fitting of the CONCREWALL panels does not require heavy lifting equipments or the weight of the elements which may be mounted manually (additional EPS sheets, meshes and reinforcements). The execution of structural and nonstructural elements from CONCREWALL panels shall comply with the manufacturing companys documentation containing specific elements and details. 2.3.3 Delivery conditions The EPS panels and reinforcement meshes shall be delivered together with the SCHENLL HOUSE S.A Conformity Statement and with the technical agreement elaborated and attached to this, according to the standard provisions SR EN ISO/CEI 17050-1,2: 2005. Also, each delivery shall be accompanied by the Quality and adherent Warranty Certificate, drawn up according to the law and to the usage and maintenance instructions. On request SCHENLL HOUSE S. A. shall provide documents certifying the panels elements origin, and also the quality control certificate to their clients. The EPS panels + reinforcement mashes shall be delivered packed in foiled pallets. The transport and storage of the above mentioned products shall be protected against damages determined by sliding, twisting and bending.
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In case of long or short term storage, the manufacturer shall provide the necessary data regarding the storage conditions (temperature, hazard class). 2.3.4. Mounting conditions The mounting shall be carried out by specialized personnel, according to the operation designs drawn up according to the Act no. 10/1995, regarding the standard of quality in constructions and assembling specifications of the manufacturing company. The mounting shall comply with the Norms C300/1994: Norms of fire prevention and extinction during the construction and plants works execution. Nevertheless, the mounting shall comply with the Regulations regarding safety and hygiene at work from 1993. The execution of the works must be supervised according to the Norms C56-1985: The Norms for quality checking, construction and plant works acceptance. Conclusions General opinion The usage of PCS, PCD, PCSol panels within the approved field, has been favourably assessed if the Romanian specific work provisions stipulated in this technical agreement are complied with. Conditions The CONCREWALL panels quality and their manufacturing method have been checked. The results were satisfactory and must be maintained to the same standard during the agreement period. By granting this agreement, the Construction Permanent Technical Council shall not infer with the presence or absence of the SCHENLL HOUSE S.A. legal rights to commercialize the PCS, PCD and PCSol panels. Any recommendation regarding the usage in safety conditions of the PCS, PCD and PCSol panels, referred to or contained in this technical agreement, represent the least necessary requirements for mounting. INCERC Timisoara Branch shall be held responsible not only for the accuracy of the data included in the technical agreement, but also for the trials and tests on which these were based on. The technical agreement does not hold harmless
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both the supplier and/or the other users against the liabilities they are in charge with according to the legal regulations into force. The control regarding the ability of using the PCS, PCD and PCSol panels shall be executed according to the schedule established by INCERC Timisoara Branch which presupposes: o Control of the aggregate materials resistance; o Control of the execution technology. The actions and their execution method included in the technical schedule shall comply with the normative documents and the technical regulations into force. INCERC Timi oara Branch shall inform The Permanent Technical Council for Constructions about the checking results. In case the control results do not prove the maintenance of the ability to use the panels, CTPC is entitled to require the technical agreement cessation. Cessation may be applied if the checking carried out by authorised personnel proves that the provisions regarding the maintenance of the product in constant conditions of fabrication and use have been breached. In case SCHENLL HOUSE S. A. breaches the above mentioned provisions, the technical agreement withdrawal procedure shall be applied. Validity: December 31, 2011 The extension of this agreement validity and of its amendment must be filed at least three months before the agreements validity expiration date. In case the agreements validity has not been extended, the agreement shall be void.

For professional personnel no.1, President Eng. Ioan SCORDALIU PhD

DIRECTOR INCERC Timisoara Branch Eng. Marin MARIN PhD

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3. Additional mentions regarding the personnel

SCHENLL HOUSE Company from Italy executes CONCREWALL PCS panels for bearing and non-bearing walls, PCD for bearing walls, PCSol for floors. The CONCREWALL PCS type panels are sandwich panels made of EPS fire proofing expanded polystyrene core fitted on both sides with a concrete layer each, slightly reinforced and the PCD panel made up of two sheets of EPS with a reinforced concrete layer cast on the interior and two more exterior concrete layers, slightly reinforced. The CONCREWALL PCS panels shall be executed by means of a "sandwich" made up of two meshes between which polystyrene of certain thickness is introduced. The two meshes shall be rigidly connected by welding with connectors from potassium zincate wire crossing the polystyrene at least 40 times/mp. CONCREWALL PCD panels shall be executed from two simple panels between which the resistance concrete is cast. The two panels are rigidly connected with zincate wire connectors crossing the space in which the concrete shall be cast. The CONCREWALL PCSol panels shall be executed from an EPS mesh within two meshes of reinforcement welded with galvanized wire. The two meshes are connected by means of welded connectors perforating the EPS sheet. The technical features of the panels executed in compliance with the manufacturing conditions and the control of the work quality allow the execution of resistant bearing walls, ensuring safety during the exploitation. Panels shall be mounted on the basis of the technical documentation provided by the manufacturer. Special attention must be given to the process of covering in gunite the joint reinforcements between the panel and the foundation, by avoiding the contact between the anchor bars and polystyrene. On the clients request, the panels mounting process shall be technical assisted by the companys representative. In order to establish the CONCREWALL panels technical performances experimental trials have been performed by METALLURGICA LEDRENSE SOC.COOP, RIVA ACCIAIO S.p.A. LAPI S.p.A Laboratorio Prevenzione Incendi, ISTITUTO GIORDANO S.p.A, UNIVERSIT POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE - Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture, CSI S.p.A-Italia; INCERC Branch Timisoara. The synthesis of the trials results shall be presented in the Table 1 and confirms the compliance within the stipulated limits. During this technical agreement validity period, the manufacturer is bound to comply with the quality technical conditions. The technical data shall be submitted to the technical agreement assessor, for the purpose of the drawing conclusions upon the CONCREWALL TYPE PCS, PCD and PCSol panels behaviour in Romania, in real conditions.

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Table 1. Synthesis of Experimental Trials

Crt. No. Characteristics Welded mesh made of zinc wire type 60x60x3,0 Rm Fm Energy Impact (PCS0815kg/m3 3,5cm mortar on both sides) Resistance at flash of water (PCS0815kg/m3-3,5cm mortar on both sides) Thermic transmittance determined through calculation Up N/mm2 kN U. M. Admissible level 590 (Minimal value of the wire, cf.SR4383:1998) Corresponds to the technical specifications of MIP 058:2008 Corresponds to the technical specifications of MIP 058:2008 Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer Determined value Determination method Accomplisher

EN 10002/1-96 659,885 4,664


900 1200

Without cracks

Internal norm MIP 058:2008

LAPI S.p.A Laboratorio Prevenzione Incendi Italy LAPI S.p.A Laboratorio Prevenzione Incendi Italy

- The penetration of the water is not noticed on the thickness of the panel wall - The penetration of the water is not noticed in the joining zones of EPS PCS12 PCS08 PCD15 0,40 0,58 0,44

Internal norm MIP 058:2008

W/(m K)

UNI EN ISO 10211-1:1998, UNI EN ISO 10211-2:2003, UNI EN 1745:2005 i UNI EN 12524:2001


Wall panel made of PCS08 LxH: 4800x2790mm with gunite class m1 coated with ISOVER CALIBEL plaster panel of 12,5mm and glass fibre of 40mm thickness of almost 21cm. 55(-2;-8) Evaluation index at 500Hz Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer Wall panel made of PCS08, LxH: 4800x2790mm with Diathonite Premix gunite, thickness of approximately .15cm 37(-1;-2) Wall panel made out of PCS08 with gunite class m1 having the following dimensions LxH: 4800x2790mm, thickness of apoximatly.15cm 37(-1;-3) ISO 1403:2006, UNI EN ISO 7171:2007 CSI S.p.A Italy


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Table1. Synthesis of Experimental Trials continuation Nr. Crt. Characteristics Evaluation index at 500Hz -wall panel from PCD14 as a splitting wall between two chambers Rw(C;Cr) Central compression at breaking L=1,12m B=8;12;16(cm) H=2,7m 1) PCSP08 -2a.1 2) PCSP08 -2a.2 3) PCSP12 3a.1 4) PCSP12 3a.2 5) PCSP16 4a.1 6) PCSP16 4a.2 7) PCSP08 X2 8) PCSP08 -Y2 U. M. Admissible level Determined value Determination method Accomplisher


Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer


UNI EN ISO 1404:2000


1) 701 2) 783 3) 806 kN Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer 4) 844 5) 855 6) 907 7) 736 8) 765 1) 375

ASTM E72-77

Universit Politecnica delle Marche Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture

ASTM E72-77

Eccentric compression breaking resistance L=1,12m B=8;12;16(cm) H=2,7m 1)PCSP08 2b.1 2) PCSP08 2b.2 3) PCSP12 3b.1 4) PCSP12 3b.2 5) PCSP16 4b.1 6) PCSP16 4b.1 7)PCSE08 X.1 8)PCST08 Y.1

2) 401 3) 460 kN Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer 4) 545 5) 524 6) 630 7) 461 8) 591 Fissure Breaking force force Internal norm Universit Politecnica delle Marche

Universit Politecnica delle Marche Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture

Diagonal compression PCS08 112x112x8cm 1) 5.1 without prestressed 2) 5.2 without prestressed 3) 5.3 prestressed kN 30kN 4) 5.4 - presressed 90kN 5) C.1 without prestressed 6) C.2 without presressed

Universit Politecnica delle Marche Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture

144 129 Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer 118 168 103 137

302 342 332 306 341 225

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Table 1 - Synthesis of Experimental Trials continuationNr. Characteristics Crt. Bending 1a fissure force Breaking force PCSS08-6.1 L=1,12 m H= 3,60 m PCSS08-6.2 L=1,12 m H= 3,60 m PCSS12- 7.1 L=1,12 m 10 H= 4,60 m PCSS12-7.2 L=1,12 m H= 4,60 m PCSS16-8.1 L=1,12 m H= 5,60 m PCSS162-8.2 L=1,12 m H= 5,60 m U. M. Admissible level Determined value Determination method Internal norm Universit Politecnica delle Marche Accomplisher Universit Politecnica delle Marche Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture


Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer

4 3.7 2.4 2 2.2 1.4

19.6 18.5 14.4 14.9 14.1 13

Cyclic bendingintersection at panel wall 11 Fissure force Registered breaking force Breaking force kN

Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer

Node 1 1.34 -2.10 4.69 -6.00 4.89 -5.80

Node 2 1.40 -1.45 2.82 -3.60 3.02 -3.40

Internal norm Universit Politecnica delle Marche

Universit Politecnica delle Marche Dipartimento di Architettura, Costruzioni e Strutture







Attempt at centric compression Breaking force Panel PCSP12-CC-1. Panel PCSP12-CC-2. Attempt at eccentric compression Breaking force Panel PCSP12-CE-1. Panel PCSP12-CE-2. Attempt at alternation horizontal force Breaking force Panel PCSP12-H-1 Panel PCSP12-H-2 Diagonal compression Breaking force 112x112x12cm PCSP12-T-1 PCSP12-T-2 PCSP12-T-3 PCSP12-T-4 Cutters knot on 4 directions - Breaking force PCSP12-N4-1 PCSP12-N4-2 PCSP12-N4-3 PCSP12-N4-4 Cutters knot on 3 directions - Breaking force PCSP12-N3-1




Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer

707,13 832,35


675,27 540,94


20,65 20,90


INCERC Timi oara 214,44 194,59 183,97 C181-88



Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the producer Corresponds to the technical specifications given by the

158,72 196,26 217,98 219,72 19,73 31,01 28,81 28,81




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PCSP12-N3-2 PCSP12-N3-3 PCSP12-N3-4 Nr. Crt. Characteristics Average bending resistance Rt,med Average compression resistance Rc,med Test I - gunite Test II - gunite Test III - gunite Test IV - gunite Compression resistance of the foundations concrete Rm Time in which the temperature from the unexposed side reaches 140 C Time in which the temperature from the unexposed side reaches 190 C Fire classification PCS08 (1120x3000x80 mm)


Table1. - Synthesis of Experimental Trials continuationU. M. Admissible level Determined value Rt,med Rc,med 5,31 5,70 5,04 6,17 19,78 17,92 20,28 19,47 SR EN 123901:2002 SR EN 123903:2002 SR EN 123907:2002 EN 135012:2007 EN 135012:2007 EN 135012:2007 INCERC Timisoara Determination method Accomplisher



SR EN 101511:2002

INCERC Timisoara






clause 5 EN 13501-2:2007 clause 5 EN 13501-2:2007 E 120 EI 90


CSI S.p.A Italy




LAPI Italy CSI S.p.A Italy -

22 23

Fire reaction class


Note: INCERC Timisoara branch assumes the results of the experimental trials made in Italy regarding the compounding materials and on the elements.

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4. Annexes

Extracted from the meetings deliberation record nr. 136 from November 24, 2008 The following specialists have participated at the deliberation meeting of the first Group : - Eng. Ioan Scordaliu PhD president - Alina Trtea Reporting Engineer - Eng. Marin Marin PhD - Eng. Jurca Avram PhD - Eng. Aurelian Gruin After analyzing the documentation presented for the elaboration of the Technical Agreement the members have decided the following: Based on the technical documentation given by the SCHNELL HOUSE S.A company from Italy as well as the attempted results ,the approval of CTPC Technical Agreement no. 010-01/108-2008 is used for the REALISATION PROCEDURE OF PRICES AND FLOORS FROM CONCREWALL TYPE PCS, PCD, PCSol PANNELS, made by SCHNELL HOUSE from Italy available until December 31, 2011. After this date the prolonging of the availability of Technical Agreement will be made according to the legislation in force. The file of the technical agreement no. 010-01/108 -2008 containing 778 pages belongs to the current technical agreement.

The Report of the specialized group no.1 , Eng. Alina Trtea Members of the specialized group: Eng. Marin Marin PhD Eng. Ioan Scordaliu PhD Eng. Jurca Avram PhD Eng. Aurelian Gruin

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Fig.1 Execution of CONCREWALL type PCS panels

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Fig.3 Execution of CONCREWALL type PCSol panels

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Multi-level building of PCS Horizontal section Vertical section X-X

Vertical section foundation anchorage


Vertical section foundation anchorage


Fig.4 Constructive details of PCSpanel

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PCS panel jointing horizontal section

Corner mesh

Corner mesh

Cross-sections of PCS wall and PCSol floor

Tie bars

Corner mesh

Flat mesh

Corner mesh

Corner mesh

Fig.5 Constructive details PCS, PCS-PCSol- type panel

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Corner mesh

Corner mesh

Cross-sections of PCS wall din PCSol acoperi din PCSol Fig.6 Sectiuni transversale perete and PCS i Roof

Flat Mesh

Flat Mesh U Opening Border Mesh 45o Reinforcement

Mesh U

Mesh U

Flat Mesh 45o

Mesh U

Flat Mesh 45o

Fig.7 Border detail for window opening in PCS panel walls

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Door opening section


Mesh U

Mesh 45o

Mesh Opening 45o

Border Reinforcement

Mesh U

Mesh U

Fig.8 Door opening border detail PCS panels walls

Solution no 1 standard reinforcement

Reinforcement using Concrewall corner meshes

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Solution no 1 supplementary reinforcement

Rigidity Additional Reinforcement

Corner Mesh

Corner Mesh

Rigidity Additional Reinforcement

Corner Mesh

Corner Mesh

Corner Mesh

Corner Mesh

Corner Mesh

Corner Mesh

Rigidity Additional Reinforcement

Fig.9 PCS panels jointing details

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Multi-level building of PCD panels - Horizontal section - Vertical section X-X

Vertical section of foundation anchorage

Cross-section of panels jointing

Corner Mesh at each corner

Corner Mesh at each corner

Fig.10 PCD type panels jointing details

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Cross-sections of PCD wall and PCSol floor

Corner Mesh at each corner

Corner Mesh at each corner

Corner Mesh at each corner

Corner Mesh at each corner

*According to the regulations into force, bars size, overlapping length and their positioning shall be decided based on a structural calculations.

Fig.11 Details of PCD-PCSol- type panels jointing

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Window opening section Sectiune gol fereastr

Section X-X

Mesh Flat 45o

Meshes Mesh Flat 45o Bending Opening

Border Reinforcement

Opening Border Reinforcement

Mesh U Type

Mesh Bending

Mesh Bending

Mesh Flat 45o

Meshes Mesh Bending Flat 45o

Detail 1

Detail 1

Section Y-Y



Door opening section



Section X-X

Detail 2
Mesh Flat 45o

Mesh Flat 45o Bending Opening Border Reinforcement


Detail 2
Opening Border Reinforcement

Opening Border reinforcement

Mesh Bending

Mesh Bending

Mesh Bending

Section Y-Y

Fig. 12 Border details of window and door openings

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Case Case

Bending according to the walls thickness

Bending according to the walls thickness

Case Case

CASE 1 Flat mesh 450- mounted on the door/window corners CASE 2 Bended mesh / inside/outside reinforcement (wall/wall) CASE 3 Mesh U / horizontal rims reinforcement (door/window) CASE 4 Mesh U/ frame reinforcement (door/window)

Fig. 13 Border details of corners using plane and bending mesh

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Fig. 14a) Bearing wall panels detail; b) Accessories fitting details; c) Gunite concreting d) Concrete pouring on PCD walls

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