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Izenda provided a sample ASP.Net web application along with Izenda.Adhoc.dll to create the reports.

We created a sample database for the PoC and populated with the test data that could be used to test. Izenda ad-hoc assembly will need a trial version key for testing and it was provided by Izenda. The validity of the key is for 2 weeks from the data of issue. The Report Designer captures the data sources, design of the report, SQL Query and stores them in an XML format. When the user executes the report, Izenda execute the SQL query and generates the graphs and HTMLs on the servers that is shown using Report Viewer control. The report tool provides the following controls to setup create and view reports 1. Report List This is the list of reports that are created by a user stored in Izenda settings table. The component can be overridden to retrieve data using web services and list the reports for the user. 2. Report Designer - The user creates and modifies reports using this page. The page structure is a tabbed menu at top, followed by a toolbar of icons, and then the page content. Using this page, users will be able to: a. Choose data sources for a report b. Choose fields which are shown in a report grid and perform simple operations on the fields c. Create filters to filter report data d. Create a summary grid using fields and perform simple operations on the fields e. Create a chart to display data f. Create gauges to display data g. Schedule a report for emailing h. Change visual elements of the report, titles, descriptions, colors etc i. Preview the report after selecting all of the above 3. Report Viewer - The user uses this page to view a report which has already been designed. Modifications to the report can be made without permanently altering or overwriting the report in any way. If permitted, users may: a. Add fields to the report, b. Filter the report using fields c. Export the report. d. Navigate to the report list page e. Load the report into the report designer page 4. Controls - ASP.NET controls are components that are created and run on the server and encapsulate user-interface and other related functionality The controls can render different markup based on the target like for browsers; HTML and for mobiles WML. Creating Reports:

The current Report list control provides the links to create reports and creating dashboards. The designer is a wizard (and tab based, so the steps can be directly accessed) having the following steps 1. Data sources this is all the Tables and Views in the database that is configured to work. Currently, we have explored only SQL Data sources (Refer Data sources section for more details). 2. Fields User can choose the fields from the tables that have been chosen to display in the report. Each field can be configured with various settings. 3. Summary Summary fields for the report 4. Chart Chart for the report based on the data 5. Gauge Gauge meter for the report 6. Maps Map information 7. Other settings like styles, headers and filters. The designer also provides the Preview feature before the report is saved, so the use can make sure that the report is rendering the data as expected. The options that are available on the tools are 1. Saving of Reports 2. Printing of reports 3. Exporting of Reports 4. Mailing the exports and 5. Settings The menu and tool bar options can be configured/customized to be enabled/disabled based on the users privileges. Once the Report is designed the reports metadata information can be saved in the database. (It can be configured to store in different places like file system). Viewing Reports: On clicking on of the link the reports metadata is retrieved and will be executed on the server to build the necessary report information.

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