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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Write a program to accept the name & 5 subjects marks for all students in the class to calculate total & percentage display the names of the students securing highest & lowest total marks. Write a program to find out the total wage of worker by using functions & to enter & display the datas of the worker define a class with worker . Write a complete program to input two different object functions & print their sum (assuming 24 hr clock time). Write a function to find the sum of two distance passed to it use structure distance having feet & inches .Function prototype is void print sum (distance , distance ) Declare a class to represent bank account with data members write function to initialize data members & deposit money & withdrawal of money & to display the data member Write a program for Reversing and doing case conversion in file Write a mean driven program for Add records, Search , Display, Update & Delete Write a program to add, delete elements in the liner queue and display the modified array of elements Write a program to add, delete elements in the circular queue and display the array of elements Write a program to find the smallest element of single dimensional array Write a menu driven program for inserting ,deleting & searching a number Suppose A ,B ,C array integer of size M,N and M+N respectively, the number in array A appear in descending order while the number in array B appear in ascending order. write a user defined function in C++ to produce third array C by merging array A and B in ascending order. Use A,B,C as arguments of the function .write the complete program Write a program for merging of array Write a program to define a class travel in C++ Function overloaded proto types of volume (), a function that returns volumes of different structures . Write three versions , one for cube volume that takes one float side of the cube , one for cylinders volume that takes float radius and float height of the cylinder , and one rectangular box volume that takes float length , float breadth and float height of the box Write a program which defines a stack as a class. Include the member functions to do the basic operations on the stack ( push, pop and display) . The stack consists of telephone numbers . Write a program that defines a QUEUE as a class . Include the member functions to do the basic operations on the queue ( add, delete and display) . The queue contains item number , item name and price Write a program to implement circular queue of integer numbers . the program should add , delete and display the numbers Application of SQL DDL and DML commands on the table employ Application of SQL DDL and DML commands on the table STUDENT Application of SQL DDL and DML commands on the table PRODUCT

13. 14. 15.

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

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