Q1.List The Importance of Effective Communication in The Workplace

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List the importance of effective communication in the workplace

Communication is the nerve center of business today. As you go up the corporate ladder, you will find that communication skills are required, more than technical skills. Communication research has revealed that among the factors most important for managerial success, communication skills rank above technical skills. Several surveys conducted among people who have been successful in their professions have indicated that communication skills are more vital to job success than subjects taken in college. Communication has assumed even greater importance today, since the new model of business is based on teamwork, rather than on individual action. Teamwork requires greater coordination and communication. Communication is also required all the more in this age of information and technology. Without communication and human skills, technology will overwhelm an organization. Communication helps to make sense of technology and to manage all this information. For example, communication is required to explain a new computer program or software. While computers can perform routine tasks, jobs like responding to customers needs require a high degree of communication skills. Effective communication serves the following specific purposes in an organization :

Greater Awareness of Organizational Goals and Teamwork When there is open communication between superiors, co-workers and subordinates, there is smooth flow of information regarding the goals of the organization. Coordination between the different departments in particular, leads to greater motivation to work together towards achieving a common organizational goal, rather than working in isolation. Better Employer-employee Relationships By listening to employees, showing empathy and giving them the freedom to express their opinions without fear of being repressed, a manager can create a climate of openness that leads to better work relationships. Employees will then feel more comfortable in approaching their superiors and discussing any matter with them. Problem-solving Effective communication can help resolve conflicts between coworkers, work related and performance related problems. Faceto-face communication is especially suited for achieving this task, since it is one to one and highly personalized in nature. Improved Performance Effective communication by managers at the time of appraising the performance of their employees can point out areas for improvement. A constructive review of performance, through which a manager gives positive feedback and counsels the employee, instead of criticizing him for poor performance, can motivate the employee to perform better. Stronger Link between Managers and the External Environment Apart from internal communication within the organization, effective communication by managers with external audiences such as customers, government, bankers, media and suppliers leads to a better rapport with them.A manager will be able to understand the needs of his customers, be aware of the presence of quality suppliers of material, of government regulations and of the expectations of the community at large, only through proper communication.

Q2. Explain the different aspects of non-verbal communication

Nonverbal communication can be best defined as the procedure of communicating with a person or party without using any form of speech to grab an audience attention or to exploit a message. Non verbal communication is often used to make an expression of a thought or thoughts and make your message more appealing and interesting to whom you are speaking. Sometimes we are in a situation where we stall while trying to express a message or thought in any form of communication to a person or party, then find ourselves with a poor response. Nonverbal messages can provide a crisper communication making our messages be exploited with intensity. In a world where all we were able to sense was hearing, without eyesight, we sure enough wouldnt be able to build any form of trust. We will lose most of the message transmitted between people; resulting to an incredible amount of confusion amongst peers, making conversation more difficult to interpret. Also its not always about what we say, but how we say it, which as a result proves to be a success when transferring a message from one to the other, by making gestures, which play a big role in nonverbal communication. Without any movement or posture in communication it would be a dull conversation and would minimize all interest to what we are saying. Also, not all people may hear for some reason, and some people just simply find it more comfortable to read a message rather than to listen. Thus it is important to have the presence of nonverbal communication in expressing a thought. There are 5 types of nonverbal communication Eye contact Gestures Movement Posture Written Communication Eye contact: Eye contact is most effective in the goal to gain someones trust, since it is a form of letting someone know that we are focused on them, thus gives a person a sign to either respond to a message or not. Gestures: Gestures are important in nonverbal communication since it allows us to interest the person we are...

Q3. Write short notes on (a) Upward communication (b) Downward communication (c) Horizontal communication

a) Upward Communication Upward communication is the flow of information from subordinates to superiors, or from employees to management. Without upward communication, management works in a vacuum, not knowing if messages have been received properly, or if other problems exist in the organization.

By definition, communication is a two-way affair. Yet for effective two-way organizational communication to occur, it must begin from the bottom. Upward Communication is a mean for staff to: * Exchange information * Offer ideas * Express enthusiasm * Achieve job satisfaction * Provide feedback

b) Downward Communication Information flowing from the top of the organizational management hierarchy and telling people in the organization what is important (mission) and what is valued (policies). Downward communication generally provides enabling information which allows a subordinate to do something. e.g.: Instructions on how to do a task. Downward communication comes after upward communications have been successfully established. This type of communication is needed in an organization to: * Transmit vital information * Give instructions * Encourage 2-way discussion * Announce decisions * Seek cooperation * Provide motivation * Boost morale * Increase efficiency * Obtain feedback Both Downward & Upward Communications are collectively called Vertical


Q4.Explain the different barriers to listening .List the differences between discriminative listening and comprehension listening

Q1. List the differences between extensive reading and intensive readingIntensive reading

It is related to further progress in language learning under the teacher's guidance. It providesa basis for explaining difficulties of structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary andidioms. It will provide material for developing greater control of the language and speechand writing. Students will study short stories and extracts from novels, chosen for thestandard of difficultly of the language and for the interest they hold for this particular groupof students. Intensive reading is generally at a slower speed and requires a higher degree of understanding to develop and refine word study skills, enlarge passive vocabulary, reinforceskills related to sentence structure, increase active vocabulary, distinguish among thesis, fact,supportive and non-supportive details, provide sociocultural insights. Extensive reading It develops at the student's own pace according to individual ability. It will be selected at alower level of difficulty than that for intensive reading. Where frequency word counts areavailable for the language being learned, extensive reading will conform to a lower frequencyword count than intensive reading. Material will be selected whose choice of structure ishabitually less complex and whose vocabulary range is less extensive. The purpose of extensive reading is to train the students to read directly and fluently in the target languagefor enjoyment without the aid of the teacher. Where graded texts are available, structures in Winter / November 2011texts for extensive reading will be already familiar, and new items of vocabulary will beintroduced slowly in such a way that their meaning can be deduced from context or quicklyascertained. The student will be encouraged to make intelligent guesses at the meaning of unfamiliar items. Material consists of authentic short stories and plays, or informative or controversial articles from newspapers and magazines. A few adaptations of vocabulary andstructure will be made. The style of writing should entail a certain amount of repetitionwithout monotony. Novelties of vocabulary should not coincide with difficulties of structure.It means reading in quantity and in order to gain a general understanding of what is read. It isintended to develop good reading habits, to build up knowledge of vocabulary and structureand to encourage a liking for reading, Increase total comprehension, enable

students toachieve independence in basic skill development, acquaint the student with relevant socio-cultural material, and encourage recreational reading.

Q1.List the importance of effective communication in the workplace Effective communication in the workplace means improving employee communication skillsEffective communication in the workplace is the backbone of any business. Without it, youcould miss out on important opportunities, waste time and cause your employees andcustomers to become frustrated.But not everyone is a born communicator, and there is always room to improve. That's whyit's important to train your staff to create effective communication in the workplace. Removing roadblocks to effective communication in the workplace When a problem arises, it's often due to poor communication in the workplace. Particularly inthis digital age when we rely so heavily on emails and phone calls to get things done, vitalinformation can become lost or misinterpreted if not communicated clearly.Arming your staff with good communication skills enables them to work efficiently,effectively and navigate any potential issues that may arise. Everyone is different People have different styles of communication in the workplace. And while there is no rightor wrong way to go about it, you can ensure that your staff are understood by teaching themhow to adapt their style to the needs of others.With appropriate training, your employees will be able to identify their own communicationstyle in the workplace, understand how this influences the process, and develop strategies toget the best results. Effective communication in the workplace is a two-way street Winter / November 2011Communication skills don't simply mean the ability to talk and write effectively - they alsorely heavily on listening and negotiation. Through training, employees will be able to practisetheir active listening and problem-solving skills and develop the means to influenceoutcomes.A professional training organisation can help your employees develop effectivecommunication in the workplace by teaching: y the importance of effective communication y different styles of communication y awareness of non-verbal communication, such as body language y how to improve written communication skills y how to communicate with confidence y how to tailor communication for an intended audience y how to manage workplace conflicts or issues

y negotiation and influencing skills y active listening skills and how to ask the 'right' questions. Benefits of training to improve communication in the workplace y By developing better rapport with co-workers, employees are likely to be happier andmore successful in their roles. y Improving employees' morale will make them more likely to remain loyal to your business.

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