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Vol 05 - SL1

February 2005

Welcome to “The Dragonfly Messenger” - the first ever print newsletter

for the stream teams and water educators of Kansas!

New KVHA Program Director 5th Annual SL Student Gathering

Getting our boots wet….. Travis Daneke April 4th, 2005 Matfield Green, KS
Kansas stream teams and community For the 5th Annual Student Gathering (SG
water education programs are most 2005), the Land Institute restored school house
impressive. All these sampling events, in Matfield Green has been reserved. The
stewardship activities, and broader morning schedule is centered around Flint Hills
festivals leave lasting memories. ecosystems —from hydrogeology to
community life. The afternoon will be field
Last fall when I began my work at
based as students work on a
KVHA, I was focused on outreach Designed for secondary wetland service project.
relating to Clinton Lake
students, SL’s Annual
Watershed Restoration and An event flyer & registration
Student Gathering has
Protection. I was thrilled to be materials are inserted in this
become a noted
helping people learn about newsletter.
complex ecological interactions, opportunity for
and begin to develop strong multi-disciplinary
environmental problem solving cooperative learning The 2004 SG was held at Wichita’s
skills. centered around the WATER Center — a municipally
common water funded cleanup of river bound
My duties as a KVHA Program
Director have evolved in a solid
experiences …. plume of contaminated
StreamLink focus. At this point I groundwater. This was a unique
am working closely with former StreamLink opportunity to be a part of a brand new,
Program Director & new KVHA Executive Midwestern landmark environmental
Director, Alison Reber, and KVHA’s other education center. The innovative treatment
extraordinary staff members. Together we are strips the water of pollutants using the simple O2
continuing the traditions that have become a binding process many of the students knew
part of SL as well as reaching for new levels of from basic chemistry. The cleaned water flows
support. through a series of water related sculptures, a
massive aquarium of Kansas fish, and into a
Throughout this newsletter you’ll find Information
stream. Winding it’s way through a restored
about upcoming events, and coverage of
various happenings and current water topics. I Cont. pg 3
am very excited about the fast approaching
StreamLink season and have my eye on the
filling calendar. Keep your requests for
assistance coming in – we have our sights on
meeting everyone’s needs.
We’ve been growing legs for 7 years and now
we’re ready to run!
- Travis Daneke, Program Director
8th Annual SL Training and Social
July 10, 2005 Topeka
We plan to hold the 8th T&S at the Crest View Community Center, 4801
….a biennial production of the SW Shunga Driver, Topeka. Shunganunga Creek flows through a well-
Kansas StreamLink Program. canopied nature park adjacent to the Center.
Similar to the Annual Student Gathering, the annual training is held at a
Kansas StreamLink new site each year. Guest presentations are tailored to specific training
is a project of the area. This year should be especially interesting given the breadth of our
Kaw Valley Heritage Alliance. State Capital’s water relationships. Topeka is the home of our primary
412 E. 9th Street 2005 sponsors, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment as well
Lawrence, KS 66044 as several of KVHA’s closest partners. There are many exciting things to
(785) 840-0700 share—we hope you’ll join us.
Fax: (785) 843-6080

KVHA Staff It’s time to get ready for spring….

Alison Reber, Executive Director A crib sheet to the SL paperwork that makes things work.
Travis Daneke, Program Director Included in this newsletter are the forms you’ll need to tap into the
Aimee Polson, Program Director materials and support SL can provide. The “Request for Assistance” form
Rachael Sudlow, Project Assistant has been re-designed to have a listing of the resources we have
available (chemistry kits, reagents, nets, submarines...just kidding :) We
Adam Dixon, Intern can now provide several kinds of on-site support. The form helps you
Meg Givens, Intern frame out some of the basic pieces of information we need in order to
Sara Holmberg, Intern
be prepared for your event. Typically an intern will follow up with you to
cover the specifics - especially as the event gets closer.
Board of Directors
Dale Lambley, President Remember! We need to have your Participant Application on file to
Paul Liechti, Treasurer keep the services coming. The forms keep changing but this version looks
Jeff Neel, Secretary like a keeper. Cross-checking the paperwork is something that the intern
Will Boyer, At-Large will handle before you are contacted.
Dave Murphy, At-Large
VACANT, At-Large Also, we have inserted a flyer for the 5th Annual Student Gathering and
for a series of Basic Stream Assessment Trainings happening this summer
Funding for KVHA Projects — including the 8th Annual StreamLink Training and Social. The
including Kansas StreamLink is preliminary registration forms are embedded in the flyer and can just be
currently provided by grants from faxed to us at 785-843-6080.
the KS Dept. of Health &
Environment and by the
contributions of partners and
program users. We moved!!!!...but just downstairs.
The new address is 412 East 9th Street, Lawrence, KS 66044.
KVHA is a federally recognized
501c(3) non-profit organization. Last fall, as we were juggling the sampling season and more staffing
Donations are tax deductible. changes, we were also learning about the business end of a hammer.
Our turn of the century grocery store front was in desperate need of a
little TLC and creative brainstorming. The wall of huge south facing
windows, original ceiling, and tongue in groove walls lovely ambiance.
The move downstairs means we have a larger space, are easier to find,
and ground level access—which makes getting ready for events MUCH
Unless we’re scattered to the wind covering events, there’s always
someone here from 9-5 Monday—Friday.
Student Gathering continued from pg 1
park, the stream converges with the Arkansas River. Students from four high schools the part in
presentations, hands-on activities, a mentor luncheon, and a service project.
We chose Matfield Green for SG 2005 because it’s strongly contrasts Wichita. While gatherings are
always held at different locations, each follows a generally consistent morning, lunch, afternoon
planning formula.
The morning is an opportunity for students to be
exposed to a variety of water related topics.
Students individually tailor their learning
experience by pre-selecting their interest track.
Grouping students by interest is a means of
geographically expanding student’s learning
Capitalizing on the social value of “breaking
bread”, community members join the students for lunch. People with diverse perspectives eat with
small groups of students and answer questions about their career paths. Throughout the years we
have had a variety of water quality professionals, research scientists, farmers, architects, urban
planners, elected officials, museum curators, water district managers, and artists.
After the luncheon, the tables are
turned. Students make
presentations about their water
experiences and answer questions
from fellow students and the
This summer SL and the Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and audience — usually made up of
Streams (KAWS) are pooling our resources to provide a state- teachers and the invited mentors.
wide series of Basic Stream Assessment Workshops. These Afternoons are spent working on a
workshops pair the basic SL training with an introduction to service learning project. In 2004
stream conservation and restoration experiences. The topics we cleared a sprawling algae
we’ll address include stream bank restoration, stream protec- bloom from the WATER Center’s
tion strategies, non-point cleaned effluent stream and
source pollution preven- planted wetland grasses to help
Basic Stream tion and identification, stabilize the developing aquatic
Assessment Trainings and follow up support ecosystem.
These are 2 day hands-on to make these things
workshops about getting to happen in your com- An equally beneficial
know streams and how to munity. conservation project is being
improve their condition. planned for this year.
Registration is $50. This “second tier” train-
ing is part of a state- Teachers are overwhelmingly
Scholarships may be available. aware that high school is a very
wide trend towards
*Scott City community driven wa- __________ (fill in the blank
June 15/16 or 22/23 ter quality protection yourself….) time for the students.
and restoration (see Life planning looms on their
*Russell Aimee Polson’s WRAPS horizon. The Gathering creates
August 18/19th article above). WRAPS lasting memories but more
programs have a tech- importantly it helps students see
*Wakarusa their future.
nical edge but are
August 25/26th
centered on building Please let us know if there is
*Fredonia community capacity to anything we can do to help make
July 14/15 or 21/22 proactively address this happen for your students.
water quality hazards. -MEG
WRAP and Roll at Clinton Lake
By Aimee Polson, KVHA Program Director
Clinton Lake was built in the 1970’s for the Intensified land use along the Wakarusa River
primary purpose of providing flood control, has resulted in an increase of contaminants
recreation, and drinking water for surrounding including fecal coliform bacteria flowing into
communities. Today the lake provides flood the Wakarusa River and a rise in sedimentation
protection for 156 square miles of the Wakarusa rates into Clinton Lake. In other words, the
River valley downstream from the dam, and is “bowl” that holds the water is shrinking in size.
part of a network of lakes that helps control
flooding on the Kansas, Missouri, and Mississippi A group of organizations, government
Rivers. A agencies,
portion of educational
the lake is institutions, and
used to concerned
provide citizens got
water, up to together to
10 million figure out how
gallons per to address the
day, for compromised
Johnson, integrity of
Osage, Clinton Lake
Franklin, and and the Upper
Shawnee Wakarusa
county Watershed
residents (UWW). They
and nearly everyone in Douglas County. The devised a WRAPS (Watershed Restoration and
most heavily used Federal reservoir for water Protection Strategy) that was targeted towards
supply in Kansas, the lake and surrounding areas Clinton Lake, UWW, and its tributaries.
are also used by over one million people
To learn more about the Upper Wakarusa
annually for recreation. Clinton Lake provides
Watershed or WRAPS programs, call KVHA at
many important benefits for Kansans, but as Bret
840-0700 or email
Michaels of the legendary rock band Poison tells
us, “Every rose has its thorn.”

WRAPS The WRAPS approach focuses on facilitating a locally-led, watershed-based

planning and management process that embodies a collaborative problem-
101 solving approach involving all key stakeholder groups. The process involves
assessing resource issues and opportunities within a watershed; developing a
plan that outlines goals, objectives, and strategies to address priority needs; and securing
adequate resources to implement the proposed plan. This watershed approach has
been applied successfully in Kansas and throughout the country.
Historically, incentive based programs, which have been driven in part by the level of
volunteerism available and the equitable distribution of program resources, have been
widely used to assist landowners in implementing watershed restoration and protection
practices. In recent years, targeting of program resources to geographic priority areas
has become more widely adopted. A community level, watershed-based planning and
management framework is needed to integrate program resources locally.
Current Topics: Grass Roots Make a Difference
By Alison L. Reber, KVHA Executive Director
The condition of Kansas’ streams has greatly improved since the 1972 passage of
the Clean Water Act (CWA).*
*The Clean Water Act in Kansas 25 Years Later; KDHE Pub. ZC8012

The essay below was written in reported to Congress that fecal guidance and support.
the vein of our 2004 KDHE 319 coliform bacteria remained a Watershed Restoration And
grant proposal. The 319 grants major cause of stream Protection Strategies (WRAPS)
are part of the provisions of the impairments and that sediment are now being drafted for high
CWA. Our grant was funded in and nutrients were impairing our priority watersheds throughout
full - $158,900 plus our sweat lakes. New approaches are the state.
equity of $105,800. –ALR needed for managing these Knowledge is the key to action
impairment. only if it is paired with socially
Improving the management supported actionable behavior.
The generally shared values of of non-point source pollution Behavior can be compelled by
civic leaders, industrialists, and is now our biggest water any number of things, but
regulators were critical in order quality challenge. generally, it can be predicted by
to pass the 1972 CWA. Along common social values.
the way grassroots efforts Broad but mostly simple
changes in our day to day One-on-one dialogue is the
anchored these values as our
behavior is the only way to fabric of a communities values.
nation began the process of
improve the nebulousness of Efforts such as volunteer stream
restoring and protecting
non-point water quality teams increase individual’s water
streams, rivers and lakes.
pollution. Resource protection quality literacy and contribute to
Using simple but elegant a communities overall
comes in many forms.
language, the Act set legacy knowledge base.
baselines for water quality
The health of our environment is As with many social legacies,
expectations. Over the long
inextricably linked to our social these values are served on
haul though, simplicity can be
norms. A 1998 Roper Survey plates across our kitchen tables,
deceptively complex….
showed that the general public on lunch room trays, and
In any case, starting the process commonly holds environmental ironically even in the Value
was a serious step toward social protection as being more Meals found at the ubiquitous
acceptance of water quality critical than anything else fast food joint on the corner of
responsibilities. including economic Urban Avenue and Rural Road.
We’ve been able to development. Also noted was
dramatically reduce pollution “(a) definite relationship
by focusing on “point sources.” between environmental
The methods used provided a knowledge, concerns and
steady reduction in pollutant behaviors.”
concentrations despite the
pressures from population (
growth and economic Last spring Kansas took the next
development. Today, (in step towards cleaner water.
Kansas) both fecal coliform and Cohesive, cross-agency efforts
ammonia levels are generally have begun to reach back to
found to be 1/10th the 1976 the grassroots level for
However, in 2002, Kansas
MUDSCAPES: Getting Down and Dirty
By Meg Givens, KVHA Project Assistant

My employment at Kaw Valley and moldable and ready for sleeves and find a spot
Heritage Alliance began in early the kids to work on. The mud’s around it, they are also told to
September of 2004. We were a medley of streamside and top use their hands, as if they were
pinch hitting the move to our new soil collections from around the water molding it’s way
office and burning up the high- state with a bit of dime store through valleys and hills, to
way from one event to another. I sand and peat. Someone’s usu- create what they see around
got a ball of wax explanation of ally stashing the mud containers them every day and to work
KVHA, WRAPS, and under the tables, fill- together to decide how they
StreamLink…. And ing the wash tubs, will live.
then mudscapes. and unpacking the
Students become city
My initial response hand towels (cloth
to Alison’s brain- works WAY better planners, conservationists,
child was “ You do than paper!), hand land owners, and, well,
WHAT with 50 gal- sanitizer, and stickers. forces of nature when we
lons of river The kids arrive in a allow them to put their
mud?!?” But I rush… In the next 30 hands to work.
showed up for minutes they'll work
work the next day When everyone’s focused, we
through the 4 part cy- slowly work our way around
anyway and went cle. It takes three
with her to the Topeka Water Fes- the table quietly tapping chil-
people working in close tandem dren on the shoulder individu-
tival. to keep the group moving. As ally and whispering for them
I watched the whole process and person A leads one part, B & C to go select items from a table
the enthusiasm of the kids and re-prep the stage. Then B takes set up a few feet away. (The
quickly saw the lasting impact it over for A and begins the next approach seems to keep
was having on these children’s piece. Keeping everything chaos in check; kids usually
mind and ideas about their sur- moving—especially the mud is stay focused on their creations
rounding. I’ll explain the process hard but exciting work. even when they notice the
below so that you can get an Two creative steps are sand- activity shifting.)
idea of what is involved in a wiched between two centering
“Mudscape” but this is definitely steps. The students begin to make
one of those “see it to believe it” The first step involves calming landuse decisions, selecting
experiences. the children down as they prime locations for little
Before the students arrive, the come in from their last activity. wooden houses, farm fences,
stage has to be set. Three long Sitting on the ground they talk cows, pigs, horses, and chick-
folding tables that are set up in a about what they saw out the ens, long thin pieces of rub-
“T” and tarps are tightly fitted window of the bus as they bery plastic that can simulate
over the tables by hooking came to the festival, rainfall, roads, green dish scrub
bungee cords to the tarp rivets. and the water cycle. This gets sponges that look surprisingly
This really helps keep the tables, the kids thinking about water in like grass turf, matchbox cars,
the kids, and the ground around their surrounding and land- trucks and tractors, and tiny
the tables clean. scape of everyday life. frogs, fish and bugs: anything
The second step is to calmly that will bring the landscape
Next comes the mud…. 20 or so to life.
containers each holding a couple and thoughtfully guide the chil-
of gallons of mud each are dren into the creative process. The third step, shifting to hand-
dumped onto the tables with a While still sitting with Alison, we washing, is the most challeng-
frugal amount of water (too much give the children the “rules” for ing one to facilitate. They are
water makes it sloppy-runny.) The working at the mudscapes ta- so tuned in to the little world
mud is “kneaded” until it is soft ble. The children are told to ap- (Continued on page 7)
proach the table with rolled up
they have just created and the noise decibel around the table is above
anywhere my voice can reach. It is a team effort to pry their little hands
out of the mud for cleanup: coarse “washing” in tubs of dish water and
cloths. We put stickers on the kids with clean hands so all helpers know
who needs to stay out of the mud.
The fourth and last piece is the wrap-up. Almost like a huddle, the group
surveys their efforts and shares conservation ideas. Their hillsides have
grasses and trees, natural water is separated from livestock, streams and
lakes are filled with wildlife, and so on… Along with their watershed devel-
opment, they give us an unusual insight into their social values and aspira-
They’ve built what they believe the world should be...including
what they’ve ever really learned , what they see, and what they
want in the world around them. Each mudscape is as unique as its creators.

The Devil’s in the Details…. Miniature House Painters Visit!

I have a background in early childhood In a typical year, Mudscapes manipulables
become a part of 70+ landscape creations.
education and know that sensory experi-
ences, creative freedom, and social inter- Materials have a high “mortality” rate.
action give the mind the best opportunity Scouring variety stores statewide we raise
eyebrows as we buy up all the farm animals,
to learn, remember, and apply ideas.
Mudscapes is a wonderful balance of wildlife notions, and relevant miniatures we
can find.
these educational principles. This activity
definitely “sticks” Since the office remodeling dust has settled,
we’ve been pining to exercise our new
The children come to the activity bounc-
ing with “field trip” rush and the thrill of found painting skills. A rainy afternoon and
volunteers from KU’s Alternative Spring
getting to do “the forbidden” - getting
dirty! Twenty hyper kids and 50 gallons of Breaks Program provided the perfect
mud should be a recipe for disaster—
more than one teacher has requested a All the wooden houses, barns, fences and
festival scheduled sans Mudscapes. I trees have been painstakingly hand
would have sympathized before last sum- painted to help them withstand the washing
mer but this system is intense & slick…. and scrubbing it takes to keep Mudscapes
What makes it work is being able to man- a fresh adventure for each new group.
age and focus energy. The rapid suc- Many thanks for the help!
cession and careful execution of each
step is integral to making the whole pic-
ture come out for the kids. Without the
centering activities, there would be no
focus to the activity. Without the creative
aspect, the activity amount to a chance
to get dirty fingernails. And, while it is true,
we lose a lot of mud to the wash tubs,
with few exceptions, the students leave
the activity as clean as they arrived.
Non-News News…. Alison and Travis visited
If you get a chance, visit us at the next Matfield Green a few weeks ago, became
water festival. You’ll enjoy it almost as acquainted with the town greeter (a very friendly,
much as the kids!! -MEG very small bulldog), shared a meal with a few of
the locals, and spent some quality time finding a
“short cut” to I-35.
Kansas StreamLink
412 E. 9th Street
Lawrence, KS 66044-2629

Kansas StreamLink’s Dragonfly Our Windows have Minnows!

plans to visit you each Volunteers from the E.A.R.T.H. program
spring and fall! at KU’s Center for Community Outreach
painted our store front windows with a
Amid standard columns,
colorful Kansas watershed scene.
features, factoids, and occasional
frivolities, we hope to build stronger The mural, designed by Alison Reber
statewide awareness of local water and Rachael Sudlow, took several
education efforts. We hope you find the Saturdays to paint and is an inspiring
articles informative and inspiring enough asset to the office. The stream section
to become a regular reader. Guest of the painting is reflected in a native
writings, reflections, artwork, and fish tank giving the appearance of a
creative inspirations are wholeheartedly stream filled with darters, shiners, and
invited for consideration. Many thanks mad toms. The tank is also the focal
and enjoy! point of a small central sitting area.

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