Starting Methods of 3-Phase Induction Motors

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What is the purpose of employing a starting method for a 3-phase induction motor?

A 3-phase induction motor is theoretically self starting. The stator of an induction motorconsists of 3-phase windings, which when connected to a 3-phase supply creates a rotatingmagnetic field. This will link and cut the rotor conductors which in turn will induce a current inthe rotor conductors and create a rotor magnetic field. The magnetic field created by the rotorwill interact with the rotating magnetic field in the stator and produce rotation.Therefore, 3-phase induction motors employ a starting method not to provide a startingtorque at the rotor, but because of the following reasons;1) Reduce heavy starting currents and prevent motor from overheating.2) Provide overload and no-voltage protection.There are many methods in use to start 3-phase induction motors. Some of the commonmethods are;

Direct on-line starter

Star-Delta starter

Auto transformer starter

Rotor impedance starter

Power electronics starterThe starting method should also ensure that the starting torque of the rotor be at least 50%to 100% more than the expected load torque, so that the motor will reach its desired speed in areasonably short time. ii. Explain the construction and working principal of the DOL with a circuit schematicdiagram. The Direct On-Line (DOL) starter is the simplest and the most inexpensive of all startingmethods and is usually used for squirrel cage induction motors. It directly connects the contactsof the motor to the full supply voltage. The starting current is very large, normally 6 to 8 timesthe rated current. The starting torque is likely to be 0.75 to 2 times the full load torque. In orderto avoid excessive voltage drops in the supply line due to high starting currents, the DOL starteris used only for motors with a rating of less than 5KW There are safety mechanisms inside the DOL starter which provides protection to themotor as well as the operator of the motor.1) Overload coil: - Also known as the thermal overload, is responsible for opening thestarting circuit and cutting the power supply to the motor in the event of the motor drawingtoo much current from the main supply. The thermal overload consists of a heating devicewhich increases in temperature with the running current, and a bimetallic strip located nearthe heating device

which can deflect and mechanically trip the device and open the circuit.The heater coil and the action on the bimetallic strip introduces a time delay, which allowsthe motor to tolerate the brief high starting current and to settle in to a normal runningcurrent, while protecting it from a running current overload.2) No volt coil: - The no volt coil keeps the hold-in contactor closed and ensures power flowacross the control circuit. When the start switch is initiated, the no volt coil is energizedand it attracts and keeps the hold-in contact closed. In the event of no power being suppliedto the motor, the no volt coil is de-energized and releases the hold-in contact. This ensuresthat the current flows in the control circuit only when the no volt coil is energized. iii. Discuss of the short comings of the DOL starter. The DOL starter attracts high current. Therefore, it may be inconvenient to the other usersof the supply line since whenever a motor with a DOL starter is turned on, they will experience avoltage drop.DOL starter also provides a very high starting torque. This can be a strain on the drivenload. The high starting torque may cause mechanical wear on the components connected to theload Because of these reasons, the DOL starter can be used for only low power or morespecifically stated, motors with a rating of less than 5KW. iv. Comment on the suitability of the star-delta and auto-transformer starting methods.Compare advantages and disadvantages of each. Both the star-delta and the auto transformer methods can be used for motors with a ratingof more than 5KW. These methods use reduced supply voltage in starting.The star-delta starting method achieves low starting current by first connecting the statorwindings in star configuration, and then after the motor reaches a certain speed, a double throwswitch changes the winding arrangements from star to delta configuration. This method provideslow starting torque which can cause the motor to stall.Auto-transformer starting method uses an auto-transformer to control the supply voltage onstarting.The operating principle of both the star-delta and the auto transformer methods are similarand they have similar limitations. In addition to that, the autotransformer method is moreexpensive, more complicated in operation and bulkier in construction when compared with thestar-delta transformer.An advantage in the auto-transformer method is the starting current and the torque can beadjusted to a desired value by taking the correct tapping from the auto transformer. When thestar-delta method is considered, voltage can be adjusted only by a factor of 1/ 3. v. What are the advantages of rotor impedance starting method and compare with otheralternatives? This method allows external resistances to be connected to the rotor through slip rings andbrushes. Initially, the rotor resistance is set to maximum and is then gradually decreased as themotor speed increases, until it becomes zero.The rotor impedance starting mechanism is usually very bulky and expensive whencompared with other methods. It also has very high

maintenance costs. Also, a considerableamount of heat is generated through the resistors when current runs through them. The startingfrequency is also limited in this method.However, the rotor impedance method is known to be the smoothest and least stressfulmethod of accelerating an induction motor. It also allows the motor to be started while on load.

vi. What is the method for reversing the direction of a 3-phase induction motor? The rotation direction of a 3-phase induction motor can be reversed by interchanging anytwo of the three motor terminals. Two of the 3-phase supply lines can be interchanged andconnected to the motor terminals

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