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1. Learning a language involves the interaction of biological, cognitive, pscyhosocial,

and enviromental factors. However, in learning spoken and written language, what is
the most important factor?
A) cognitive
B) biological
C) pscyhosocial
D) enviromental
2. There are five parameters of language. Which of the following refers to the rule
system the governs how words are combined into larger units of phrases, clauses and
A) Syntax
B) Semantics
C) Pragmatics
D) Morphology
3. One of the statements describes ADHD, which one is true?
A) All children with ADHD are hyperactive.
B) ADHD is primarily the result of minimal brain injury.
C) ADHD diagnosis began in the mid-ninteeth century
D) The social problems of the students with ADHD are because they do not
know how to interact socially.
4. A student with echolalia
A) pronounces words repeatedly
B) has difficulties in identification
C) fails to remember most information
D) refuses to sit still for even a few minutes

5. Ali has the following symptoms

Has problems with different accents

Lacks auditory stamina and easily get tired
Cannot cope with not having images
Cannot differentiate voices

Ali most probably has

A) visual discriminatory disability
B) visual comprehension disability
C) listening discriminatory disability
D) listening comprehension disability

6. When a learner substitutes one sound for another or omits or distorts certain sounds,
the learner is experiencing
A) auditory problem
B) articulation problem
C) organisation problem
D) performance problem

7. A learner repeats the first of a word ( as in be-be-be-be-tter) or hold a single sound of

a word for a long time ( as in waaaaaait ). The learner has trouble getting sounds out
Identify the speech disorder featured.
A) Apraxia
B) Cluttering
C) Stuttering
D) Articulation disorders

8. The factors below affect ones reading ability except

A) cultural differences
B) inadequate teaching
C) language differences
D) food nutrition values

9. Teacher: ( directed four learners)

Can you get into groups of four and sit in a circle?
Students: ( no response, looked puzzled)
Teacher : ( raising her voice ) Can you start moving?
Students: ( more puzzled, no response )
Study the scenario above and choose a suitable explanation on what had happened.
A) teacher raised her voice and the students were puzzled.
B) teacher gave multiple instructions and students were puzzled.
C) teacher gave vague instructions and students were confused.
D) teacher used multiple indirect intructions and students were confused.

10. There are at least three ways that phonemic awareness contributes to the growth of
early reading skill except it
A) helps children understand the alphabetic principle.
B) helps children develop analytical and reasoning skills
C) helps children notice the regular ways that letters represent sounds in words
D) makes it possible to generate possibilities for words in context that are only partially
sounded it

11. For the syllabus 6.4-Read and identify things in the bathroom, a few activities are
Among the suggestions below, which one is not suitable to be used in a class of special
needs students?
A. identifying hot and sharp electrical things
B. naming different items found in the bathroom
C. fixing different electrical items in the bathroom
D. categorizing dangerous and non-dangerous things in the bathroom.

12. Which of the following writing problems is commonly found in dyslexic children?
A. Illegible handwriting
B. Confusing b with d
C. Missing vowels in words
D. Putting extra letters in words

13. A teacher brings a poster of a human body to class. She wants to teach her
students to label different body parts.
Which of the following syllabus specifications could she teach using this teaching aid?
A. 11.1- identify parts of limbs
B. 12.2-use public transportation
C.16.2-asscociate colours of objects
D. 12.3-interpert various road signs and traffic rules

14. The following are the factors a teacher needs to consider when preparing the lesson
plan for students with special needs except students
A. age
B. interest

C. disabilities
D. performances

15. You wish to carry out a labelling activity under the topic Things in the Classroom.
Which word class below can be taught using the activity?
A. verbs
B. nouns
C. tenses
D. prepositions

16. Storytelling is a useful strategy for building listening comprehension skills among
children with learning disabilities.
Which of the following activities is not suitable to enchance listening comprehension?
A. Reading stories frequently ( at least once each day ) to small groups of five to seven
B. Involving all the children in the strory by asking questions appropriate to their
individual levels of language acquisition.
C. Selecting predictable books to read aloud, encouring the children to repeat the
predictable element.
D. Asking the children thought provoking questions which the children have to
infer from the story during strorytelling.

17. If a special education teacher finds problems in making her students understand
action words, which of the following needs to be given more emphasis?
A. nouns
D. conjuctions

18. Which of the following teaching aids is the most effective to teach the topic
Animals focusing on their sounds to students with disabilities?
A. poster
B. realia
C. picture
D. computer

19. Which teaching aids is the most suitable to teach listening skills for students with
learning disabilities?
A. videos
B. handouts
C. word cards
D. audio tapes

20. Which of the following activities is suitable for the learning objective 4.1 Identify and
recognise places around the school?
A. describing classmates
B. reading a story about two friends
C. labelling non-living things in the classroom
D. differentiating places with big and small areas in the school.

1 a) State four characteristics of learners with language and communication disorders.
i. ...................................................................................................................................
iii. ................................................................................................................................
iv. ...............................................................................................................................
b) From 1 (a) choose three characteristics and give two examples for each





( 10 marks )

2. a) What are the four languange skills ?

i. ..........................................................................................................................
ii. .........................................................................................................................
iii. ........................................................................................................................
iv. .......................................................................................................................
b) State and explain two possible factors or causes of listening and speaking diabilities.
Give at least one example for each factor.
i. Factor : ...............................................................................................................
Example: ...............................................................................................................

ii. Factor : ...............................................................................................................

Example: ................................................................................................................
( 10 marks)
3 a) Explain what is Whole Language Approach and the technique involved.
Whole Language Approach : ............................................................................
Techniques: .....................................................................................................
b) Briefly discuss two techniques of teaching spelling skills for children with learning
( 10 marks )

4 a) Based on the Learning Disabilities English Syllabus, describe two objectives of

teaching Thing in the classroom to pupils with learning disabilities.
b) Identify and explain the use of three teaching aids or activities which are belivied to
be effective to enhance pupils with learning difficulties on the topics in 1 (a)
Teaching aids/activities


( 10 marks )
1. Prepare a one-hour lesson plan on wriring skills for children who have problems
paying attention to the teacher and in writing. They have no physical deformities. Your
lesson plan should be on any topics based on the KSSR Learning Disabilities English
2. A teacher Mr. Razi is a new Special Education teacher and there are five pupils in her
year 1 class. Below are the categories of students
Ramu- Dyslexic
Aishah- ADHD
Hui Pen- Downs Syndrome

Hazim- Autistic
Select a topic and skills from the KSSR English language component of the LD syllabus
and write a lesson plan to help Mr. Razi teach this group of pupils effectively. You
should plan to teach one main skill and three migrated skills. The lesson is for a double
( 20 marks)
3. A teacher is a very important factor in teaching. Therefore different techniques should
be adopted by the teachers to ensure that effective techniques are used in teaching.

Discuss the different techniques for listening discrimination and explain them briefly.
Your answer should include the effectiveness of the techniques to help students in both
listening and speaking skills.
( 20 marks)

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