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Name : Lita Nurhikmah Class : 6.

G Summary Curriculum Following Stern, Nunan (1988:3) suggest that a curriculum is concernd with making general statements about language learning, learning purpose, and experience, and the relationship between teachers and learners, whereas a syllabus is more localized and is based on the accounts and records of what actually happens at the classroom level as teachers and students apply curriculum to their situation. To accommodate the difference that worldview , Hamid Hasan ( 1988 ) said that the concept of the curriculum can be reviewed in four dimensions, namely: curriculum as an idea; curriculum as a written plan; curriculum as an activity; curriculum as an outcome which is a consequence of the curriculum as an activity. The components of Curriculum The aim The materials The method The organization The evaluation The role of Curriculum The conservative role The critical and evaluation role The creative role (Oemar Hamalik, 2007,95) Syllabus Lesson plan on a group, learning indicator, learning activities of competence. Stage of syllabus: Planning Implementation Remedial

Syllabus development foundation 1. PP No 19, 2005 Pasal 17 ayat 2 School should has syllabus. 2. PP No 19, 2005 Pasal 20 Syllabus consist of 5 items, there are the goals of learning, method of teaching, the materials, source or learning, evaluation. Principle of Syllabus Scientific Relevant Systematic Consistent Actual & Conceptual Flexible

Unit Level Curriculum Education (KTSP) Unit Level Curriculum Education curriculum is organized operation, developed, and implemented by each of the education of the correct standard of competence and basic competencies developed the National Education Standards (BSNP). Role of Teacher 1. Teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. 2. Teachers must be independent and creative. The teachers can take advantage of teaching materials from a variety of sources (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, internet, etc.).. Of teaching materials linked to the issues of local, regional, national, and global so that students will have a broad perspective in understanding and responding to various situations of life. 3. Teacher should also be someone who guides student rather than someone who is a totalitarian in the classroom. 4 One of the roles that a teacher carries is to encourage students in the issues that bother them about school in their personal life.

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