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5 2012


Listen, God is calling, through the Word inviting, offering forgiveness, comfort, and joy. Jesus gave his mandate: share the good news that he came to save us and set us free. - Tanzanian traditional; tr. Howard S. Olson, Listen, God is Calling, ELW 513 What is God up to in Kalamazoo, and how can Lutheran Church of the Savior participate in Gods mission here? What is our purpose as the body of Christ, and how will we live out that purpose? These are some of the questions we are addressing in our current Listening to God mission planning process at Lutheran Church of the Savior. Our synods Director for Evangelical Mission, Rev. Roger Hardy, is shepherding us through this time of discerning what God has in store for us in the coming months and years. We engage in this work thanks to the leadership of our Council and last falls Mortgage Committee, who determined that the expectation of paying off our mortgage means more resources freed for the mission of the church. Listening to God encourages the entire congregation to participate in making decisions about how to prioritize the varied aspects of Gods mission for us. Many great ideas have already come forward, and there is still time to become involved in this discernment. We began by listening to God in the Scriptures. On a Wednesday evening during Lent a group gathered between a meal and evening worship to reflect on Gods Word and how we respond to Gods call. As our handout stated, Gods mission needs a churcha body of people called to a common purpose to proclaim and to embody God mission in the world. We are that church, and based on Scripture and our own context this community

of believers in this place at this time we will identify Gods mission for us here and now. Then after worship on an April Sunday, a group gathered to listen to God in the congregation. We remembered how this congregation has supported us, named signs of Gods presence among us, pointed out issues to be addressed. Then we dreamed together about where we would like Lutheran Church of the Savior to be in the next ten years. Some of those dreams were simple, and others were fairly audacious. All of them, along with every persons feedback, were recorded and will be used again as this process continues. Our current step will be to listen to God in the community. We will ask our neighbors, civic leaders, local businesses, partnering churches, and others about needs they see in our community and about how we can more effectively engage and serve our community. Look for more concrete details soon on this next step. Finally we will gather again with Rev. Roger Hardy for two more meetings to digest all the information weve gathered and to set some priorities for how we will live out our mission in the coming years. The people of this congregation are so gifted with leadership, hearts for service, community connections, financial resources and Gospel-centered love for the world in response to what God has given us. In the coming months we will clarify and organize those gifts to walk forward together as Gods people. You are the church, and this is your community of faith. I am honored to serve as your pastor, but ultimately the mission of this congregation is your mission. Please continue to listen to God through this process, and to share what you hear. God has given us a tremendous opportunity to be the church for Gods world, to love and serve God and one another as a community, with a common purpose and a shared vision grounded in a shared gratitude for all God has done for us. I am excited to discern and engage in Gods mission for this congregation, and grateful for your participation in this important work.
Pastor Andrew


SPECIAL THANKS . . . To members of the Worship Committee for all their hard work on our wonderful Holy Week worship experiences. Hours and hours of meetings and preparation over a period of months went into these worship events, and it took the combined effort of the entire committee to bring these plans to fruition. The Triduum, or Three Days, of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter, did a particularly good job of communicating Gods love for us in the story of Jesus death and resurrection. Thanks be to God for your service, and to you for your willingness to serve in this capacity. If anyone would like to participate in the work of the Worship Committee in the future, our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21st at 5:30pm, and as always we will meet over dinner. + + + + + + + + + + HOORAY! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY The ladies of our church family are invited to a Tea on Saturday, May 19, at 1 PM to celebrate Mothers Day. Bring your daughters, aunts, cousins, granddaughters, and your favorite motherlike friend to celebrate with us. We will be having a light lunch with a suggested donation of $3 to cover luncheon costs. Profits will be split between Loaves and Fishes, and the Free Store. We will have prizes to honor some of our Moms. There will also be a program of some of the Biblical ladies who have influenced our lives. Please join us! If you have an antique cup and saucer you would like to display and enjoy drinking your tea from, please bring it along and share its history. We would like to share this event with all of our Ladies of our church family. A sign-up has been posted. + + + + + + + + + + THE MONTHLY HYMN SELECTION MEETING will be held on Sun., May 13 at 11:30 a.m. in the library/meeting room. See or call Deb Rafferty if you have any questions regarding the hymn selection process.

CARING and SHARING BOOK CLUB: Sign up now! The book: Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life, is filled with humorous stories from scripture, churchy jokes, and much more. The author: Jesuit priest James Martin, culture editor of America magazine, has appeared in such diverse outlets as The Colbert Report, NPRs Fresh Air, The OReilly Factor, and PBSs Newshour. We hope to have daytime and evening groups meet to discuss the book in the coming weeks. Please sign up in the narthex by Sunday May 13th so we can order books, schedule the groups and begin reading. The book is on sale online for under $15, so please plan to donate that amount toward the cost of the book. Scholarships are available for those who would like to participate but cannot afford the book. Talk with Pastor Andrew or Joan Ulmer for more information. + + + + + + + + + + CHANGE the WORLD DAY Join our ecumenical partners at Sunnyside United Methodist Church on Saturday, May 19th at 9:00am to engage in a number of volunteer projects on Kalamazoos East Side as a part of Change the World Day. To register, or for more information, contact Sunnyside at (269) 349-3047 or see + + + + + + + + + + VOLUNTEER DAY on KALAMAZOOS EAST SIDE Join with our ecumenical partners at Sunnyside United Methodist Church on Saturday, May 19th at 9:00 am to engage in a number of volunteer projects on Kalamazoos East Side as a part of Change the World Day. To register, or for more information, see or call Sunnyside at (269) 349-3047. -2-

WOMENS BIBLE STUDY, led by Pastor Andrew, will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 10. Our teaching resource is taken from Gather magazine, formerly Lutheran Woman Today. We continue our bible study of the Gospel of Mark entitled To Follow and to Serve, The Gospel of Mark. This month we are on session 9, entitled Go and Tell. The bible readings are Mark 16:1-20. If you do not have a copy of the Gather magazine, please let the office know and we will provide a copy of this months session. All women are invited to attend. + + + + + + + + + + CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE The annual church rummage sale is being held on Fri., July 6 and Sat., July 7. Clean and working donations may be dropped off at the church between June 15 and June 30. For pick up needs please call Harold Burgan, 655-4480. + + + + + + + + + + SENIORS! You are invited to attend the Shepherds Centers Adventures in Learning spring series. The program will meet all Fridays in may, 9 a.m. 1:20 p.m. at Westwood Church of God, 811 Gorham Lane. The day begins with Bible Study, followed by Current Events, Travelogue, lunch break, and ending with our Reminiscent Writing class. The four week cost is $12 or $4 to attend on any single day. A $4 donation is asked for lunch. For a brochure or to register, please call the Shepherds Center office 383-1122, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. 12 noon. + + + + + + + + + + SOCIAL CONCERNS UPDATE $350 was raised from the Lenten suppers and other Lenten offerings. Thrivent contributed a $350 match which enables LCS to donate $700 to Loaves and Fishes. A big THANK YOU to everyone who put in so much time to make the Lenten suppers a success in our continuing effort to feed Kalamazoo. From Loaves and Fishes: Starting May 1, the pantry is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. LCS volunteers are staffing Thursday from 1-3 p.m.

and some of our volunteers are also working at the Tuesday pantry. Thank you to everyone for your support. If you would be available at any of these times, please contact Kay Landfair, (269)330-2276. + + + + + + + + + + LCS CHURCH SUPPER Fri., May 25 Lutheran Church of the Savior is serving dinners on the last Friday of each month. Serving time will be from 5-6:30 p.m. Invite your family, friends, and your neighbors for an evening of fellowship and delicious food!! This month we will be having a cook out with grilled brats and burgers, salads, dessert and beverages. Please make your reservations early and let our chief grill master know how may brats and burgers to plan for. The cost is: adults/ $8 children under the age of 10/$4 Proceeds are designated for the general church budget. Please Note: In order to plan for the amount of food needed (and nothing is wasted), you are encouraged to purchase your tickets in advance or make reservations. Tickets may be purchased on Sunday mornings. Take out orders are welcome for neighbors, friends, or relatives Volunteers are always needed for these meals for either set up, serving, or clean up. If you are interested please contact Linda Burgan: 342-9249 + + + + + + + + + + PROPERTY We have started a Styrofoam recycling program solely for church use (only Styrofoam products used at the church). The Styrofoam must be clean and will be put in a special container. Peanuts (small packing things) must be bagged separately, and we cannot recycle foam or insulating (Pink or Blue) Styrofoam. Since Styrofoam does not decompose in landfills, this will be a big help to the environment! + + + + + + + + + + -3-

THE CONGREGATIONAL CARE COMMITTEE serves this congregation by caring for our members needs spiritually, physically, and emotionally. If you have questions, or would like to join the work of the Congregational Care committee, see Barb Hogg, Chairperson. We meet on the last Wednesday every month at 2:00 p.m. We welcome new people to join us and we would welcome your input. + + + + + + + + + + PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY / Sharons Circle will meet on May 26, the last Saturday of the month. + + + + + + + + + + ATTENDANCE for: April 1 79 April 8 117 April 15 71 April 22 74 April 29 92 OFFERING for: General April 1 3,018.80 April 8 4,330.80 April 15 2,250.00 April 22 1,985.00 April 29 3,420.20 Designated 130.00 710.05 0.00 0.00 0.00

24 26 27 28 29

Russ Whitfield Catherine (Oliver) Lewis Patty Nelson, Dan Groll Grace Colwell, Cheryl Metzger Jaylin Dee White

CELEBRATING a MAY ANNIVERSARY: 02 John and Nicole Ridderbos 04 Dennis and Mary Resman 09 Tim and Jodie Laraway 14 Dan and Joy Karalash 20 Kerry and Donna Thurn 24 Eugene and Linda Schmitigal 29 Cecil and June Austin + + + + + + + + + + BAPTIZED Emalynne Mae Flickinger was baptized on April 15, 2012. Emalynne was born on Sept. 9, 2011, Eric and Marci Flickinger are her parents. Her sponsors are her grandparents, Dennis and Cynthia Flickinger and Marianne VanMelle and Gary Caron. We give thanks and praise to God for Emalynne and welcome her into the body of Christ. + + + + + + + + + + PRAYERS are being offered to: . . . . the sick, those awaiting treatment, those hospitalized and those recuperating: Sarah Wright; Al Buck, Milford Sletten; Del Lamson; Barb Foster; Emalynne Flickinger; Jane Secors little friend, Tucker; Jane Bradshaw; Wilma Cools niece, Bonitta; Carol and Jerry Malmud; Tom Olivers sister, Sharilyn; Jean Fawley; Joan Ulmers sister, Carolyn; Russ Minehart; . . . . our elderly and home bound members or nursing home residents: Ken and Helen Sweet; Marti Gates; Mae Hoffmann; Gene Carver; Franz Metzger . . . . those mourning the loss of loved ones: Betty Switzer, her husband Bill, Linda Schmitigal, her friend Deb C.; the Radke family, Earl Simon Note: Please update this list by notifying the church office, Joan Ulmer or Martie Gates so that we may keep our prayers current. Thank You! -4-

Common Cents: April = $20.62 Total to date = $165.03 + + + + + + + + + + CELEBRATING a MAY BIRTHDAY: 01 Jared Watson 04 Mary Resman 05 Mae Hoffmann, Dallas Chase 09 Angela Ringhand 10 Beth Bodine 11 Molly Whitfield, Don Colwell 12 Brian Haglund, Laken Groll 13 Pat Whitfield 16 Jacob Dumont 21 Ken Sweet 22 Jim Harding, Gene Carver

The Prayer Chain is led by Martie Gates. To

have your prayer concerns placed on the Prayer Chain please call Martie at 623-3970, or the church office at 342-0069. For members who are not currently on the email prayer chain and would like to be kept updated on prayers of the congregation please email Kip Bodine at Prayer concerns can also be directed to the Prayer Fellowship Group, led by Joan Ulmer and Richard Dinda. The Prayer Group meets following worship on the first & third Sunday of the month for usually less than an hour. During this time they share with one another the prayer requests received on the pew cards from worshippers as well as any other concerns they have become aware of. Anyone wishing to be a part of this ministry is welcome to attend these prayer meetings. Direct questions to Joan (382-0871). + + + + + + + + + + FREE STORE MISSION TRIP Saturday June 23rd to Wednesday June 27th, join our sisters and brothers from Sunnyside UMC and our other Free Store partners on a transformative mission trip to Columbus Ohio this summer! Estimated costs will likely remain around $200 (including travel) - please do not let costs be prohibitive. There are funds available to support all participants. Applications are available at Sunnyside, or call there for more information at (269) 349-3047. A $50 registration fee is due with your application by Sunday, April 22nd. Please consider this great opportunity. + + + + + + + + + + NEW MEMBER SUNDAY On March 25, 2012 we welcomed the following Sisters and Brothers in Christ into the life and ministry of Lutheran Church of the Savior: Teri and Jim Barendse Brad Kelly and his children Hannah and Noah John and Carol Kepler Laurie Knapp and her son Gavin Stacie Rodriguez and her son Justin Gary Caron Marianne VanMelle and her son Eric, daughterin-law Marci, and their children, Kolton and Emalynne

PLEASE JOIN KALAMAZOO LOAVES & FISHES on Sunday, May 20, from 2-4 p.m. at our new facility at 901 Portage St. We will be writing letters to our senators and representatives to encourage them to work together to promote U. S. nutrition and food assistance programs, sustainable farming practices, and conservation efforts. Stop by for an hour - or as long as you have - to advocate for fair food practices. KFL will have basic fact sheets, background materials, sample letters, and pens, paper and postage! But we need you to take the time to express your views and share your opinions with our national leaders. Please contact Phyllis Hepp at 269488-2617 ext. 210 with any questions or to RSVP. Phyllis Hepp, Organizational Development Director Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes + + + + + + + + + + SANCTUARY FLOWER SCHEDULE The flower chart remains available for those interested in signing up to purchase flowers for any particular Sunday. The chart is located on the east wall of the narthex, next to the kiosk. If you are signed up, please purchase the flowers and place them in the church sacristy prior to the Sunday morning service. The Altar Guild will place your flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday morning. If no one has signed up to bring flowers, green plants will be placed in the sanctuary. If you have any questions, please see me, Kerry Thurn + + + + + + + + + + Church Office: 269-342-0069 Church Cell: 269-250-0521 E-mail: Website:


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