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The redgame minecraft Computer

User manual, version 1.2
Thank you for buying our product. It is highly recommended to read this as it will tell you all about your new redgame computer, how to program it, general precautions and general operation instructions. We hope you enjoy it.

Dudearent006 Redtech inc. 9/24/2011

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Table of Contents
Specifications and features: ...................................................................................................... 3 GOTO system: ............................................................................................................................ 3 Programming protocol: ............................................................................................................. 3
Mode selector: (blue).......................................................................................................................... 3 Arguments: (black) .............................................................................................................................. 4
ALU arguments: ............................................................................................................................................. 4 GPU arguments: ............................................................................................................................................. 4 RAM arguments: ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Input arguments: ........................................................................................................................................... 4

RAM saving or loading(black) ............................................................................................................. 5 Turning on, off and resetting: ................................................................................................................ 5
Turning on: ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Turning off: ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Resetting: ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Un-jamming the clock: ....................................................................................................................................... 6

About program sectors ............................................................................................................. 6 About ram slots ......................................................................................................................... 6 Reporting bugs, overclocking and fixing. ................................................................................. 7

Note: since version 1.2 you do not have to refer to the map for turning on and off, and programming. All buttons can be controlled form spawn, and gthe program manager is connected via minecart rails.

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Specifications and features:

CPU/ALU: arentel 1008, 10 bit 8 function GPU: ANDEX 2D-lux, 4 bit, 4 draw modes and 2 RAM modes. RAM: 150 bits of writable memory, 15 slots. Flash: 1320 bits of program ROM, 60 slots Size: very big Default clock speed: 17.8 seconds (overclockable)(8.2)

GOTO system:
The redgame supports IF() ELSE() based conditional branching, used in modern computers. The redgame uses this branching creatively and is very powerful, allowing conditional branching for A=B, input switch=TRUE and A=NULL checking, and their reverse. Conditional branching is allowed(or forced) in every command of the program, telling the system where to go when the current command has been executed. If you do not want to use this in a certain piece of code, or all of them, simply set both GOTOs to current line of code+1. It can also be used for loops without conditions by setting both GOTOs to the line at which the loop starts on the last line of code from the loop. Conditional branching can also bring you out of a loop. NOTE: To find out about the accessing of lines of code, see: program sectors.

Programming protocol:
colour function No. Of bits Line 1 Red IF 0 GOTO 6 Line 2 Green If 1 or more GOTO 6 Line 3 Black Mode argument 4 Line 4 Blue Mode selector 2 Line 5 Black Save answer to RAM: 4

Mode selector: (blue)

value 10 01 11 00 function ALU RAM move GPU functions Input/other/sleep

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Arguments: (black)
Note: depends on witch mode is selected! ALU arguments: ALU input 001* 010* 011* 100* 101* 110* 1110 If *=1 invert answer, 0= do not invert

ALU function AND XOR OR Carry Add Subtract Invert (OR+invert)

GPU arguments: GPU input GPU/screen function 10** Draw/save shape 01** Clear screen/shapes 11** Update number screen 00** Last 2 bits: draw mode selector, not matter if performing function or not in GPU mode. RAM arguments: Please refer to the RAM access table. This chooses what to load from ram, which will be saved into the save to ram selection. IMPORTANT NOTICE: this computer is not capable of saving to a RAM slot of an actual higher value than what is loaded! If you wish to save to a higher slot, it must go through the ALU.

Input arguments: Argument given: Input port: **10 2 **01 3 **11 4 **00 1 The port listened to will change the GOTO system, use this to branch your program depending on user selection.

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RAM saving or loading(black)

Requested number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Request in binary 1000 0100 1100 0010 1010 0110 1110 0001 1001 0101 1101 0011 1011 0111 1111 Actual RAM slot 15 14 13 1 12 2 11| 3 10 4 9 5 8 6 7 Special feature UI- numscreen ROM 1-GPUx2 ROM 2-GPUy2 ALU Register A ROM 3-GPUx1 ALU register B ROM 4-GPUy1 normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

Warning: when saving to ram(NOT loading from ram!) the value must be inserted backwards! E.g. 1100=0011

Turning on, off and resetting:

As with Meany computers, the redgame has an on and of state. However, the redgame has many advanced system to insure quality and Meany more functions. The system even supports sleeping, application controlled shutdown, command by command executing(for debugging) and normal operation. This shows the normal functions. IMPORTANT NOTE: do NOT save and quit minecraft while the computer is running or executing a function! The computer will crash and repeaters get jammed!

Turning on:
1. Make sure the device has been reset if new code is in place, or if you do not want to resume your current program. 2. Flick the clock switch so that the clock starts to function. 3. When the light turns on, the program is running. Note: a program is capable of ending itself (GOTO 0), which will turn off the running indicator lamp. Please note that this does NOT stop the clock, and you need to manually turn this off before saving and quitting.

Turning off:
1. Turn off the clock with the clock switch. 2. Wait for the lamp to turn off before quitting minecraft, to prevent repeater jamming.

1. Pull down the override command switch

Page 6 of 7 2. Press the manual tick button 3. Wait a bit and pull up the system reset switch.

Un-jamming the clock:

NOTE: this only un-jams the clock from a computer crash, if you are lucky the computer may have finished executing the command. The redgame supports clock un-jamming technology, which will later in the full version be controlled from a distance.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Turn off the clock. Find a button at the clock labelled fix clock. Press the button. You may need to press it multiple times A system reset is recommended

About program sectors

The redgame supports up to 60 commands, by using 4 times 4 bit decoders, excluding 0. Ech set is a drive sector. Drive sectors are indicated and separated with black poles. Program sector protocol: 01 0110 Program sector Command within sector. When a program starts(after reset), the first command to be executed is 00 0001. NOTE: there is no such thing as (program sector) 0000. Attempting to go to this command will end the program(the clock will still run, though) via program shutdown, also turning off the running lamp..

About ram slots

The redgame has 15 slots of RAM, each slot 10 bit. However, some of the RAM slots have special features. The first(or last, as referred to by the table) 5 slots are ROM when read, a form of user imput, or permanent input. However, these slots can still be written to, as all ROM slots are hooked up to the number screen and 4 for the GPU, respectively. The last(or first, as referred to by the table) 2 acts as the registers for the ALU. It is possible for the 4 GPU ROM slots to write to themselves, but for the number screen or all other cells, it will cause data corruption. NOTE: for a table on what ram slot is what hand the commands for them, refer to: RAM saving or loading

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Reporting bugs, overclocking and fixing.

The redgame proudly supports overclocking, HOWEVER, do NOT report bugs, miscalculation, damage or failures when overclocking. The system will do this, which is why the clock is by default set to a reasonable speed. It is encouraged to report successful overclocking, mentioning all the functions that worked while doing so. If you save and quit while it is running, it will crash. Do not report bugs if you know this has or may have happened. Please refer to: Un-jamming the clock for a possible way to fix it. If this does not work, re-download the computer or replace it with the one which may possibly still be in your downloads folder. It is recommended to keep a working backup of the computer in case this happens. If you find a problem with the computer, and you did not attempt or do all the above, you may report it to me via the forum post or PM. I will look at it and fix it as soon as possible.

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