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GK Objective General Knowledge Quiz Questions Answers

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Q. Which of the statements about glass are correct? 1. Glass is a super-cooled liquid having infinite viscosity 2. Violet coloured glass is obtained by adding MnO2 3. Glass is a man-made silicate 4. Glass is a crystalline substance Select the correct answer using the code given below: 1 1, 2 and 3 2 1, 2 and 4 3 2, 3 and 4 4 1 and 3 only Ans: 1 Q. Sandalwood tree is considered a: 1 total root parasite 2 total stem parasite 3 stem parasite 4 partial root parasite Ans: 4 Q. Which one among the following statements about stomach is not correct? 1 Stomach acts as a temporary reservoir 2 Stomach mixes food with gastric juice 3 Stomach secretes lipase and amylase in gastric juice 4 Rate of stomach emptying depends on the type of food Ans: 3 Q. Which one of the following organs break fat to produce cholesterol? 1 Intestine 2 Liver 3 Lungs 4 Kidneys Ans: 2 Q. Venkataraman Ramakrishnan was jointly awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the year 2009 for the: 1 theory of electron transfer 2 studies of the structure and function of the ribosome 3 palladium catalysed cross couplings in organic synthesis 4 work in the area of olefin metathesis Ans: 2 Q. Which one among the following statements regarding cell is not correct? 1 Shape and size of cells are related to specific function 2 Some cells have changing shapes 3 Each cell has its own capacity to perform 4 Same type of cells are present in all body tissues Ans: 4 Q. Which one among the following Indian scientists proposed a theory for long distance transport of water in plants? 1 J.C.Bose 2 Birbal Sahni 3 P.Maheshwari 4 N.S.Parihar Ans: 1


GK Objective General Knowledge Quiz Questions Answers

Page 2 of 2

Q. To a perpendicular to the plane of ecliptic, the Earth's axis of rotation makes an angle of 231/2 degrees. Had this angle been 0 degree, which one among the following would result? 1 There would have been no seasons 2 The length of day and night would have been the same throughout the year 3 The length of the day and night would have been the same all over the earth 4 All of these Ans: 3 Q. Jet streams are usually found in the: 1 Ozonosphere 2 Mesosphere 3 Tropopause 4 Ionosphere Ans: 1 Q. The exceptionally high and low tides that occur at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the Sun, the Moon and the earth are approximately aligned is called: 1 2 3 4 Spring Fall Neap Diurnal Ans: 1


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