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An overview of History, system, mandate & on ground realities.

A. This department was created on a presidential ordinance. in early Eighties by ,than dictator due to his personal interest. Initially four disabilities were targeted i-e Hearing, Mental, Visual & Physical, and initial centers were established in rental houses. B. Later on his favorites toured the Globe to see/ study system of rehabilitation and Special Education in developed Nations; they were also assigned Tasks to set Centers of Excellence in Capital & in Provincial Headquarters for each Disability. C. Initially for each Disability two centre each were started in Islamabad which were later on merged into newly constructed purpose built Buildings for each disability (2000) ,they were purpose built for each Disability but hardly a year gone when misuse of buildings started b y others due to lack of initiative to work & utilize their buildings at full potential by departmental heads itself hence half of MRC and HIC was taken over by Bait ul Maal , because neither We could run our Centers nor We could develop these rehabilitation institutes into Centres of Excellence !!. D. Another Half of MRC building was taken over by VREDP on First floor & on Ground three class rooms were given to an NGO Mile Stones in 2005 due to same reasons. E. Recruitments done in those institutes were unjustified ,on adhoc basis and Teachers were given 17grade as starting without judging their will , working acumen and affiliation or knowledge in the field. Perhaps only criteria set was Nepotism,due to that reason most of them kept on adhoc and later on nominal commissions were conducted on departmental requests and everybody was passed, same was done for deputy Directors under same formulae. F. Officers jumped into this department just to get early promotions and better choices without giving 100% in jobs. G. False reasoning was created in MRC & HIC to keep most of the children illiterate as MR has no Education or nominal education of basic levels with no certificates of any regulating body. H. HIC courses were Modified (CUT) to one fourth of original due to illogical beliefs & false pretentions which were self created by Sr. Teachers & So called scholars of the field. As all centers started as Primary rehabilitation Centers. HIC used their PTA to develop their institute into Secondary than Higher Secondary institute with same formula of modified Curricula as a result Certificates are marked as For Special Persons and bear no weight age in Job Market. what happens Children waste most of Life playing and having a good life in our centers but when suddenly they had to face realities of life, they have no thing







in hand. Standard of education is naturally sub standard , even a common student of that institute in Matric or FA fails to answer a grade II or III question, except those where families work hard with their children and in develop World almost all HI children gets a quality & at par Education with their normal counterparts and due to hardwork and missionary zeal of Teachers most of students speak by Lip reading to convey by Writing , there are soft wares of sign language available and each country has their own version even Magazines are printed in Sign language. In Pakistan we have our local version too but most of teachers use their own cooked & twisted versions! Same issues are with Physical handicapped & Blind but many of them get normal Education because they have normal brain, So is with hearing impaired but here a mafia controls things , they also could not use their institutes and Ministry of Social welfare was settled in their Hostels !! Another institute was established to train teachers and other staff members year round, they were stationed in hostel building for visually impaired children but after getting their own building & budget they are now situated in sector H/8. They have sections for all disabilities but courses they impart are never practical & up-to-date. Or impressive for trainees, most of Knowledge is stagnant in 80s. With internet and computer research is too easy and getting Knowledge from any corner of World is only matter of seconds but they even dont know that most of work done in 80S IS OBSOLETE at present. Computers & internet has changed our lives 380 degrees but not in Pakistans Special Education, whole Medicines has been revived in past 20 years but this deptt. Stay in 82 or 84 when they started. Reasons are multiple Bad and faulty recruitment, no base was seriously laid down by so called pioneers, lack of interest in JOB /career development, Substandard courses or trainings, either no goals setting or false claims, false Success stories. Most of institutes serve as day care centers with zero out come at all levels. DGSE as regulating body acts as useless governor they asks daily activities , Weekly reports, monthly detailed reports religiously but never open and read in concerned deptt. Daily they need things which were already in daily, monthly, weekly reports and already on their tables , hence daily an stream of useless exercise is done by administration of centers! Teachers are back bone of system most of them have no knowledge or very superficial knowledge of their profession, leave alone latest trends & developments, Timings are 8.30 to 1.30 year round but take more than an hours break & most of them never return to classes because 10.30Am is last time, many of them leave school due to connections or urgent works, some Teachers have acquired posts of DDOs & Transport officers & misuse authority, reflectively they stop sitting in their classes or time tables are devised to suit their goals children do PTs, Music, games, Gymkhana, Speech

therapy. Vocational with no out come as nothing is done professionally anywhere and none of them has any audit in last 40 years.!

Parent Teachers Associations

A. Since inception each Centre was given a PTA with standard constitutions to help management in all matters related to finance & governance plus monitor the schools activities and rehabilitation ( on the lines of American education system where they Audit and Govern every aspect of Schools, Colleges). In our system its a puppet in the hands of Directors of Centers. No Elections are conducted, personal favorites are selected among teachers & Parents, well qualified, concerned and interested parents are disregarded, dishonored and neglected. General Secretary is special crony who acts on behalf of Directors; only interest we show is in financial parts of PTA. All parents & Staff are members of PTA but never given any office to sincere staff members due to wasted interests. Government donated Suzuki vans to the PTAs for their official use and for pick & drop of children! But almost each centre uses it as official vehicles of Directors & other staff, its repair, maintenance and POL is pushed on PTA beside other expenses. Many Teachers and other staff members have donation slips of PTA in their pockets and they collect money on behalf of PTA but majority never deposits it in PTA accounts!!! Meetings are irregular and depend on need of directors, Parents are only kept to show or use their personal connections. whole system of PTA is fake & manipulated.

A. Each institute is run by a Director, assisted by a Deputy Director but Director acts as an autonomous monarch, who is answerable only to DGSE/ DG/ Director NR, Director Admn. Only, most of Directors cannot take decisions and even petty things are asked from concerned Directors @ directorate & Deliberately keeps out Deputy Directors from all matters..! B. There are two large groups in this department Teachers & Social case workers, they feel & act as custodians of this system, hence majority of promotions are in their share, they never allow DRs, Speech therapist, Physiotherapists and other cadres to advance or represent their problems to higher authorities. C. In 2005 an undisputed combined seniority list was according to date of commission and most of teachers were lower in lists because of years of ad-hoc postings and failing even departmental commissions but with an strange move in 2008, two separate cadres were created Teachers v/s All cadres , on that behalf teachers who passed commissions in 2001 or later were given four tier

according to already existing system in Health & Education. But contrary to that, when they got move over to next stage (BPS.18) they got title of Vice Principals & Principals (BS.19), this formula of four tier in health & education only gives move over to Medical Officers & Teachers , their title remains same , many a Drs retire in BS.20 due to that system but they remain Medical Officers with monetary benefits but Not administrative powers. D. In this department with this formulae & change of title created mis under standings, now they wanted all powers and seats for themselves, this foolishness of than administration not only damaged whatever work was done, The teachers made Vice Principals & principals stopped working at all, they are still busy in courts to change their status to get hands on administrations of those centers , while each Centre has multiple VPs & Ps !!! We need at least 100 more institutes to satisfy all moved over teachers, a grave mistake which destroyed very fabric of this department.

A. Mandate to This department was 1. Prevention of Disabilities. 2. Rehabilitation (which included Education as a part of Process). 3. Re incorporation in to main stream as useful citizens. 4. Disseminating information and creating awareness among masses.

B. Prevention of Disabilities: Never ever thought of by people and Scholars, who established and ran this department, with tall claims. They never thought professionals working in this department of some use, except for routine work. Internationally in most developed nations, who follow WHO guidelines (Pakistan also) does screening of at least 10 conditions /hormones/enzymes whose deficiency congenitally can prevent physical or mental retardations. Beside that serial ultra sounds and genetic evaluation if done during pregnancy 90% of severe deformities can be legally aborted and a severe retarded person is saved from lifelong pain to himself and family. This was even suggested to a former Minister to formulate as a bill in assembly with a little efforts we can cut a large percentage of Disabled Adults and children from roaming our streets as beggars or live a chained life in many a homes. According to WHOs MDGs (which we failed to

achieve miserably) enlists Prevention on top and treatment on bottom of spectrum of all goals. C. Rehabilitation: concept of rehabilitation and incorporation into main stream is totally blurred speciaslly in MR. which hardly circulated a 1000 students in Last 40 years, even this figure is total exaggeration, the process of admission is more difficult than contesting on a NA seat, monopoly of teachers and foolish reasons, plus shortage of staff on MRC panel is not a valid reason, mothers of most children are subjected to institutional tortures, by accompanying their kids and on the contrary sit in and administer the whole class in place of absent Senior Teacher or very highly placed V.Principal. things are not brighter in other disabilities but better.
D. No audit is conducted in any of institutes in the past 40 years to see how many students got a successful rehabilitation and re incorporated in main stream , fake stories of success and normal kids as Mild or minor MR are subjected to destruction of life , some ones are used in Sports to earn trophies for national coaches !!!!!!!!! In past ten years none has been coached to achieve any goal by Special Olympics or Paralympic games, some of the regular children since past 15 years are participating in so called National Special Olympics or Paralympic championships and ages of those athletes are from 22 to 30+ years where they will go from this institute is big question mark on our sincerity. even some children has left the institute but still they are called to attend the national or International games on behalf of MR. none new talent has been produced in past 10 years of my presence. They resists any move to get passed out such students whose ages are over than 20 to 25 years. E. MR is a closed alley, firstly admission is harder than MBBS or CSS ,once the child is admitted after completing thousands of requirements of our learned Teachers , He or she has to bring mothers or any attendant to keep watch on child and in shorter time they are train to relieve erst while Professionals from their duties to do other things than rehabilitation. F. IN past 2 DECADES Medicines and management are changed and standardized all over the globe so there has been significant development in the field of disabilities, diagnosis & management too, a system of coding is in place which is called DSM (Disease & statistical manual) in 2000, than it was

up graded, most of diseases and conditions are coded universally according to this classification, there are over 300-500 illnesses & condition congenital or acquired which can cause Mental retardation (from Mild to moderate and severe variety), most of our Professional experts do not know That there is a big family of intellectual Disability & mental retardation is one of its three sub categories which ARE further divided & coded in DSM IV & now latest system of DSM V. this system is also called ICD (INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES.). G. NONE OF OUR SPEcIAL GURUS KNOW ABOUT DSM OR ICD SYSTEM AND Intellectual disability as main disability than MR. only.

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