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DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 NAMA BUKU A course in fuzzy systems and control (209) A Handbook

for The Mechanical Tolerancing of Waveguide Components A Student's Practical Handbook of English Words(231) Advanced Antenna Theory (362) Advanced Electronic Communications Systems (274) Advanced Electronic Communications Systems (350) Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics (234) Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics (398) Advanced quality function deployment (230) Advanced Technology in Satellite Communication Antennas Electrical & Mechanical Design PENGARANG - Li-Xin Wang - W.B.W. Alison TH PENERBIT

1997 PTR Prentice Hall 1972 Artech House

- Dr Tan Cheng Lim, Ph.D 2001 Singapore Asian Pub. - Sergei A. Schelkunoff 1952 John Willey & Sons - Wayne Tomasi - Wayne Tomasi 1987 Prentice-Hall 1992 Prentice-Hall

- Constantine A. Balanis 1989 John Wiley & Son - Constantine A. Balanis 1989 JohnWiley & Sons - Fiorenzo Franceschini 2002 St. Lucie Press - Saeed V. Vaseghi -Takashi Kitsuregawa - EHJ Pallett - Eka Noor Asmara - Davd J. McGill - Robert S. Elliott - D.I. Dalgleish - Precision Monolithics - Dennis J. Kozakoff - Bharathi, Bhat - Gene H. Hostetter Prof.Dr.Soedjono D. - Richard C. Johnson - George J. Monser - George J. Monser - George J. Monser - Y.T.Lo - Y. T. Lo - Alpha Industries TBG 1996 Wiley Teubner 1990 Artech House 1987 John Wiley & Sons 1996 AMP YKPN 1989 PWS-KENT Pub. Com. 1993 Prentice-Hall 1989 Peter Peregrinus 1990 Precision Monolithics 1997 Artech House, Inc 1987 Artech House, Inc 1991 Prentice-Hall 1996 PT. Granesia 1987 McGraw-Hill 1996 McGraw-Hill 1996 McGraw-Hill 1996 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1993 Van Nostrand Reinhold 1988 Van Nostrand R. C. Alpha Industries TBG

10 Advanced signal processing and digtal noise reduction (190) 12 Aircraft Electrical Systems (462) 13 Akuntansi biaya (253) 14 Akutansi (235) 15 All about Cubical Quad Antennas (542) 16 An introduction Dynamics (140) 17 An Introduction to Applied Electromagnetism (543) 18 An Introduction to Guided Waves and Microwave Circuits 19 An Introduction to Satellite Communications (438) 20 Analog Integrated Circuit (Data Book) (41) 21 Analysis of Radome-Enclosed Antennas (22) 22 Analysis, Design and Applications of Fin Lines (83) 23 Analytical Numerical, and Computational Methods for Science and Engineering (563) 24 Anatomi kejahatan indonesia (169) 25 Antenna Applications Reference Guide (295) 26 Antenna Design a Practical Guide (434) 27 Antenna Design a Practical Guide (434) 28 Antenna Design a Practical Guide (79) 29 Antenna Handbook (181) 30 Antenna Handbook, Theory, Applicatons & Design (285) 31 Antenna Products Catalog (526) 32 Antenna Theory (447) 33 Antenna Theory Analysis and Design (580) 34 Antenna Theory and Design (321) 35 Antenna Theory and Design (455)

- Drs. R.A. Supriyono, S.U1999 BPFE - William I.Orr, W6SAI 1978 MCMLIX, Radio Pub. - Christos Christopoulos 1990 John Wiley & Sons

- Constantine A. Balanis 1982 Harper & Row, Publ. - Constantine A. Balanis 1997 John Wiley & Sons - Warren L. Stutzman - Robert S. Elliott 1981 1981 John Wiley & Sons Prentice-Hall

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 36 Antenna Theory and Practice (358) 37 Antennas (355) 38 Antennas (535) 39 Antennas and propagation for wireless communication systems (195) 40 Antennas and Radiowave Propagation (473) 41 Antennas Theory and Practice (419) 42 Antennas with Wireless Applications (405) 43 Antennes Micro-Ondes Applications Aux Faisceaux Hertziens 44 Applications and Design With Analog Integrated Circuits 45 Applications of Digital Wireless Technologies to Global Wireless Communications (575) 46 Applied Data Communications (248) 47 Applied Electromagnetism (547) 48 Applied Numerical Methods With Software (488) 49 Automatic Control Systems (18) 50 Avionic Systems (549) 51 Basic Electronic Switching for Telephone Systems (292) 52 Basic Electronic Test Procedures (489) 53 Basic Engineering Electromagnetics (477) 54 Basic Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics (429) 55 Basic Radio Principles & Technology (280) 56 Beginner's Guide to Reading Schematics (325) 57 Belajar Mikroprosesor-Microkontroler (161) 58 Bipolar semiconductor devices (223) 59 Broad Band Network Analysis & Design (119) 60 Broadband Coding, Modulation, and Transmission Eng.(377) 61 Broadband Telecommunication Technology (147) 62 Cable Shieldng for Electromagnetic Compatibility (591) 63 CAD of Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Applications 64 Careers in engineering and technology (155) 65 Cathode Ray Tube Displays (59) 66 Ceramic Materials for Electronics (121) 67 Ceramic Permanent-Magnet Motors (115) 68 Chemical analysis of metals; sampling and analysis of metal bearing ores 69 (Annual book of ASTM standards)(184) 70 Chemical Vapor Deposition For Microelectronics (31) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Rajeswari Chatterjee - Lamont V. Blake -John D. Kraus - Simon R. Saunders - R.E. Collin - Leo Setian - Nhu BUI-HAI - J. Michael Jacob - Seiichi Sampei - James E. Goldman - Liang Chi Shen - Shoichiro Nakamura - Benyamin C. Kuo - Donald H Middleton - David Talley - Irving Gottlieb - Richard L. Coren - Carl H. Durney - Ian Poole - Robert J. Traister - Arianto Widyatmo - David J. Roulston - Daniel Minoli - Bernhard E. Keiser - Byeong Gi Lee - Anatoly Tsaliovich - Robert A. Sainati - George C. Beakley - Theodore Soller - Relva C. Buchanan - James R. Ireland - American sociaty for testng & materials - Arthur Sherman TH PENERBIT

1988 Wiley Eastern L. 1966 John Willey & Sons 2002 McGraw-Hill 2001 John Waley & Sons 1985 McGraw-Hill 1998 Prentice-Hall 1978 Masson 1993 Prentice-Hall 1997 Prentice-Hall 1995 John Wiley & Sons 1995 PWS Publishers 1991 Prentice-Hall 1987 Prentice Hall, Inc 1989 Longman Scientific 1975 Hayden Book Company 1973 Foulsham-Tab Limited 1989 Prentice-Hall 1999 CRC Pres 1998 Newnes 1991 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1999 PT. Gramedia 1990 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1993 Artech House, Inc 1989 Prentice-Hall 1993 Artech House. Inc. 1995 Chapman & Hall 1996 Artech House 1987 Macmillan Publishing 1948 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1986 Marcel Dekker, Inc 1968 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1975 American sociaty for testng & materials 1987 Noyes Publications

- Sergel A. Schelkunoff 1963 John Wiley & Sons

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 72 Circuit and system theory (160) 73 Cleanroom technology fundamentals of design, testing and aperation (197) 74 Cleanroom technology fundamentals of design, testing aperation (196) 75 College Physics (108) 76 Colour Television and Video Technology (44) 77 Communication Engineering (556) 78 Communications Receivers Principles & Design (480) 79 Communicatons Satellite Handbook (46) 80 Compact and broadband Microstrip Antennas (221) 81 Computational Methods in Multibody Dynamics (49) 82 Computer Aided Design for Microwave Integrated Circuits 83 Computer Communications and Networks (51) 84 Computer Numerical Control (552) 85 Computerized document imaging systems (256) 86 Conteporary cryptology the science of information integrity (189) 87 Corporate Networks (52) 88 Corrugated Horns for Microwave Antennas (411) 89 Cross Currents (284) 90 Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells (99) 91 Dasar Teori Listrik Magnet (113) 92 Data dan persamaan FET & Mosfet (139) 93 Decibel Products (525) 94 Decibel Product's Antennas, Filters and other prod. (528) 95 Defense Radar Systems Engineering (478) 96 Deformation of clastic solids (9) 97 Design with microcontrollers (232) 98 Designer Notes for Microwave Antennas (283) 99 Designing and building Electronic Filters (599) 100 Developing client/server applications (219) 101 Differential and Integral Calculus (387) 102 Diffraction Theory and Antennas (282) 103 Digital Cellular Radio (8) 104 Digital Communications (570) 105 Digital Communications by Satellite (407) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Arthur Sherman - Gladwyn Lago - W. Whyte - W. Whyte - Frederick J. Bueche - Maini A. K. - W. E. Everitt - Ulrich L. Rohde - Walter L. Morgan - Kin-Lu Wong - Scott W. Wedge - John R. Freer - Hans B. Kief - Nathan J. Muller - Gustavus J. Simmons - Thomas Valovic - P.J.B. Clarricoats - Dr. Robert O. Becker - Adolf Goetzberger - John R. Reitz - Abdussalam Sukarta - Allen Telecom Group - Decibel Products - James Constant - Ajit K. Mal. - John B. Peatman - Richard C. Johnson - Delton T. Horn - W. H. Inmon - Philip Franklin - Richard Henry Clarke - George Calhoun - John G. Proakis - Vijay K. Bhargava TH PENERBIT

71 Chemical Vapor Deposition For Microelectronics (35)

1987 Noyes Publications 1979 John Willey & Sons 2001 John Waley & Sons 2001 John Waley & Sons 1997 McGraw-Hill, Inc, Ninth ed. 1994 CBS Publisher 1956 McGraw-Hill 1988 McGraw-Hill 1989 John Wiley & Sons,Inc 2002 John Waley & Sons 1991 Borland International

- Farid M. L. Amirouche 1992 Prentice Hall, Inc 1996 UCL Press Limited 1992 McGraw-Hill 1993 Artech House, Inc 1991 IEEE Press 1993 Artech House, Inc 1984 Peter Peregrinus 1990 Penguin Group 1998 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1979 TB Bandung 1996 Elex Media Komputindo Allen Telecom Group 1990 Decibel Products 1972 Spartan Books 1991 1991 PTR Prentice Hall Artech House 1988 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1992 McGraw-Hill 1993 BPB Publications 1953 McGraw-Hill 1980 Ellis Horwood L. 1988 Artech House. Inc. 1995 McGraw-Hill 1981 John Wiley & Sons

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 106 Digital Communications by Satellite (408) 107 Digital Hardware Testing: Transistor Level Fault Modeling & Testing (29) 108 Digital I.C. equivalents with pin connections (199) 109 Digital Image Processing and Analysis (191) 110 Digital Product Data Book (32) 111 Digital Satellite Service (400) 112 Digital switching control architectures (1) 113 Digital Telephony and Network Integration (347) 114 Digital Transmission Desgn and Jitter Analysis (123) 115 Dipole and Long-Wire Antennas (537) 116 Discrete-time Signal Processing (245) 117 Disiplin kiat menuju sukses (177) 118 Doing Mathematics with Scientific Work Place (485) 119 Driving Circuits and Interfaces for PIN Diode and Ferrite Phase Shifters 120 DVORAK's Guide to PC Telecommunications (393) 121 Ekologi Umum (78) 122 Ekonomi mikro dan makro (214) 123 Electric and Magnetic Fields (45) 124 Electrical Engineers' Handbook (539) 125 Electrical Insulation - Test Methods: Solid and Solidifying fluids Annual Book of ASTM 126 Electrical Insulation - Test Methods: Solid and Solidifying fluids Annual Book of ASTM 127 Electrical Insulation Specfications: Solids, Liquids, and Gases; Test Methods; Liquids and 128 Electroceramics; Materials,Properties,Application (68) 129 Electromagnetic Compatibility (364) 130 Electromagnetic Concepts & Applications (534) 131 Electromagnetic Field Measurements in the near Field(430) 132 Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation (313) 133 Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation (312) 134 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation & Antennas (308) 135 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Through Rain (431) 136 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiatio, and Scattering (301) 137 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiation, and scattering (17) 138 Electromagnetics (332) 139 Electromagnetics Explained (297) 140 Electromagnetism and the Sacred (386) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Vijay K. Bhargava - Rochit Rajsumen - A. M. Hoebeek. - Bhabatosh Chandra - Robert L. Goodman - Giuseppe Fantauzzi - Bernhard E. Keiser - Yoshitaka Takasaki - Edward M. Noll - Alan V. Oppenheim - Soegeng P., SH - Darel W. Hardy -John C. Dvorak - S.J. McNaughton - Iskandar Putong, SE - Andre' Nicolet - Pender McILWAIN - American Society For - American Society For 1981 - A.J.Moulson - Pierre Degauque - Stanley V. Marshall - Hubert Trzaska - Riadh W. Y. Habash - Riadh W. Y. Habash - Shane Cloude - Robert K. Crane - Akira Ishimaru - Akhira Ishimaru - John D. Kraus - Ron Schmitt - Lawrence W. Fagg TH 1981 PENERBIT John Wiley & Sons

1992 Artech House, Inc 1989 BPB Publication 2000 Prentice Hall 1996 McGraw-Hill 1990 Artech House, Inc 1985 Van Nastrand R. C. 1991 Artech House, Inc 1978 Howard W. Sams&Co. 1989 Prentice-Hall 1992 PT. Pradnya Paramita 1995 Cole Publishing Com 1990 McGraw-Hill 1990 UGM Press 2002 Ghalia Indonesia. 1995 Plenum Press 1950 John Wiley & Sons American Society For American Society For American Society For 1990 Chapman and Hall 1993 Oxford Univ. Press 1987 Prentice-Hall 2001 Noble Publishing 2002 Marcel Dekker AG 2002 Marcel Dekker AG 1995 Springer 1996 John Wiley & Sons 1991 1991 1981 Prentce-Hall Prentice Hall, Inc McGraw-Hill, Inc

- Harris semiconductor 1989 Harris Corporation

- Dr.Chris J.Georgopoulos1990 Interference C. T.

- American Society For 1981

2002 Newnes 1999 The Continuum P.

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 141 Electronic Communication (548) 142 Electronic Circuits for Technicans (581) 143 Electronic Communcations (412) 144 Electronic Communication Systems (136) 145 Electronic Communication Systems (571) 146 Electronic Communication Techniques (531) 147 Electronic Communications (326) 148 Electronic Communications (373) 149 Electronic Communications Technology (464) 150 Electronic Defense Systems (Introduction to) (212) 151 Electronic Fault Diagnosis (584) 152 Electronic Filter Analysis and Synthesis (361) 153 Electronic Instrumentation Testing, and Troubleshooting Handbook.(82) 154 Electronic Instruments and Measurements (502) 155 Electronic Intelligance The Analysis of Radar Signal (129) 156 Electronic Intelligence: The Interception of Radar S. (97) 157 Electronic Intelligence:the Analysis of Radar Signals(368) 158 Electronic Service Instruments (369) 159 Electronic Signals and Systems (316) 160 Electronic Transmission Technology (288) 161 Electronic Transmission Technology (482) 162 Electronics Equations Handbook (394) 163 Electronics in Communication (564) 164 Electro-optical Imaging and Tracking Systems (Introduction to) (122) 165 Electro-optical systems performance modeling (11) 166 Electroplater's Handbook (322) 167 Electroplating Engineering Handbook (23) 168 Electrotherapy of The Heart (64) 169 Elekta Professional Knowledge-Based System for Electronics 170 Elektronika Teori Dan Penerapannya (470) 171 Element of Data compression (264) 172 Element of Strength of Materials (96) 173 Elementary Linear Algebbra (65) 174 Elements of Digital Communication (421) 175 Elements of Electromagnetics (586) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Shrader - Lloyd Temes - Dennis Roddy - William Schweber - William Schweber - Paul H. Young - John J. Dulin - Edward A. Wilson - Filippo Neri - G C Loveday - Michael G. Ellis, SR - Vester Robinson - Larry D. Jones - Richard G. Wiley - Richard G. Wiley - Richard G. Wiley - Clyde N. Herrick - Stan Prentiss - William Sinnema - William Sinnema - Stephen J. Erst - Sol Lapatine - Khalil Seyrafi - Gary Waldman - C.W. Ammen - Lawrence J. Durney - Max Schaldach - Stephan Weber
- Sutrisno



1993 McGraw-Hill 1970 McGraw-Hill 1984 Prentice-Hall 1991 1991 1991 1991 Artech House, Inc Prentice-Hall Merrill Pub. Com. McGraw-Hill, Inc

- Robert J. Schoenbeck 1988 Maxwell Macmillan 1989 Prentice-Hall 1991 Artech House, Inc 1977 Pitman Publishing 1994 Artech House 1979 D.B. Taraporevala Sons 1991 Prentice-Hall 1993 Artech House, Inc 1985 Artech House, Inc 1982 Artech House 1979 D.B. Taraporevala 1991 Tab Books, Inc 1988 Prentice-Hall 1979 Prentice-Hall 1989 McGraw-Hill 1978 John Wiley & Sons 1993 Artech House, Inc 1993 Artech House, Inc 1986 Tab Books, Inc 1986 CBS Publishers & Dis. 1992 Springer-Verlag 1998 Noble
1987 ITB

- Adam Drozdek - Timoshenko - C.H. Edwards, Jr - J.C. Bic, D. Duponteil

2002 Thomson Asia Pte, Ltd 1949 D. Van Nostrand C, Inc 1988 Prentice Hall 1991 John Wiley & Sons

- Matthew N. O. Sadiku 1994 Saunders College P.

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 176 Elements of electronics (220) 177 EMC for Product Designers (500) 178 Engineering Applications of ElectromagneticTheory (550) 179 Engineering economy (151) 180 Engineering electromagnetics (16) 181 Engineering Excellence (281) 182 Engineerng Mathematics (432) 183 Entrepreneurship (163) 184 Environmental chemistry (247) 185 Essentials of physical chemistry (242) 186 Etika kebijakan publik (252) 187 Feber Optic Installations a Practical Guide (578) 188 Fiber Optic Communications Design Handbook (424) 189 Fiber Optic Communications Design Handbook (498) 190 Fiber Optic Networks (456) 191 Fiber Optics (519) 192 Field theory of acousto-optic signal processing devices (202) 193 Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics (422) 194 Fixed and Mobile Terminal Antennas (492) 195 Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design (404) 196 Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design (603) 197 Foundations for Microwave Engineering (458) 198 Foundations of analysis (141) 199 Foundations of Antennas A Unified Approach (278) 200 Four-ARM Spiral Antennas (484) 201 Fuel Cell Technology Handbook (510) 202 Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design With VLSI Circuit Applications (77) 203 Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing (376) 204 Fundamentals of engineering drawing (152) 205 Gases; Electrical Protective Equipment for Warkers Annual book (75) 206 General and Biomedical Instrumentation (57) 207 General Chemistry (60) 208 General college chemistry (145) 209 Germanate Glasses (127) 210 Glass Integrated Optics (Introduction to) (14) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - B. R. Sharma - Tim Williams - Samuel Y. Liao - G. J. Thuesen - William H. Hayt, JR - Donald Christiansen - J.O. Bird - Robert D. Hisrich - Colin Baird - B.S. Bahl - Baban Sobandi - Bob Chomycz - Robert J. Hoss - Robert T J. Hoss - Paul E. Green, JR. - Jim Hayes - Craig R. Scott - Simon Ramo - Akhileshwar Kumar -Terry Edwards - Terry Edwards - Robert E. Collin - David F.Belding - Per-Simon Kildal - Robert G. Corzine - Gregor Hoogers - Douglas A. Pucknell - Lonnie C. Ludeman - Warren J. Luzadder Testing & Materials - Morris Tischler - John B. Russell - M. Cannon Sneed - Alfred Margaryan - S. Iraj Najafi 1981 TH PENERBIT

1975 Satya Prakashan 1996 Reed Educational & Prof 1992 West Publis. Com. 1993 Prentice-Hall Inter. 1989 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1987 IEEE Press 1989 Heinemann Newnes 2002 McGraw-Hill 1999 Freeman and Company 1996 S. Chand & Company 2002 Mutiara Ilmu 1996 McGraw-Hill 1990 Prentice-Hall 1990 Prentice-Hall 1993 Prentice-Hall 1996 Delmar Publishers 1992 Artech House, Inc 1994 John Wiley & Sons 1991 Artech House 1992 John Wiley & Sons 1992 John Wiley & Sons 1992 McGraw-Hill 1991 Prentice-Hall Inter. 2000 Studentlitteratur 1990 Artech House 2003 CRC Press 1990 Prentice Hall 1987 John Willey & Sons 1993 Prentice-Hall Inter. Testing & Materials Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1980 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1957 D. Van Nostrand 1993 Artech House, Inc 1992 Artech House, Inc

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 211 Globalization Technology Competition (167) 212 HAM and CB Antenna Dimension Charts (553) 213 Hanbook of Antennas for EMC (577) 214 Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals (538) 215 Handbook of Microwave and Optical Components (342) 216 Handbook of Numerical Calculations in Engineering (461) 217 HF Filter Design and Computer Simulation (306) 218 High - frequency magnetic materials their charecteristics and principal applications. (200) 219 High Coherent Semiconductor Laser (13) 220 High Voltage Engineering (12) 221 High-Frequency Circuit Design and Measurements (495) 222 High-Frequency Magnetic Materials (124) 223 High-Frequency Magnetic Materials 125) 224 High-Power Optically Activated Solid-State Switches (70) 225 Himpunan Peraturan perundang-undangan RI'99 (182) 226 Himpunan Peraturan perundang-undangan RI'99 (183) 227 Home Appliance Service Guide (572) 228 How to Build Earthquake, Weather, and Solar Flare Monitors (551) 229 How to Draw Schematics and Design Circuit Boards Wth Your IBM-PC (315) 230 How To Get a Phd (226) 231 IC Applications Handbook (423) 232 IC Master, Advertisers & Technical Data (107) 233 IC Master, Indexes & Directories (106) 234 IC Master, Selection Gudes & Function Index (105) 235 Improving TV Signal Reception (403) 236 Industrial Microwave Sensors (93) 237 Industrial Microwave Sensors (94) 238 Industrial Microwave Sensors (95) 239 Industrial Solid-State Electronics (138) 240 Informasi Ekonomi Keuangan (146) 241 Information superhighways : The economics of advanced public communication networks (2) 242 Information systems management in practice (67) 243 Information Technology in action (162) 244 Integrated Broadband Networkss (58) 245 Interfacing to the IBM Personal Computer (227) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Stepen P. Bradley - Edward M. Noll - Thereza Macnamara - Eshbach -Kai Chang - Jan J. Tuma, Ph.D. - Randall W. Rhea - W. J. Polydoroff - Motoichi Ohtsu - M.S. Naindu - Peter C. L. Yip - W. J. Polydoroff - W. J. Polydoroff - Arye Rosen - Pemerintah RI - Pemerintah RI - Edwin P. Anderson - Gary G. Giusti - Steve Sokolowski - Estelle M. Phillips - David M. Howell - David M. Howell - David M. Howell - Dick Glass - Ebbe Nyfors - Ebbe Nyfors - Ebbe Nyfors - Timothy J. Maloney - Drs. Hussein K. - Bruce L. Egan - Richard Y. Wang - Amit Bhargava - Lewis C. Eggebrecht TH PENERBIT

1993 Harvard College 1977 Howard W.Sams & Co. 1995 Artech House 1961 John Wiley & Sons 1989 John Wiley & Sons 1989 McGraw-Hill 1994 Noble Publishing 1960 John Wiley & Son 1992 Artech House, Inc 1995 Tata McGraww-Hill 1994 Chapman & Hall 1960 John Wiley & Sons 1960 John Wiley & Sons 1994 Artech House, Inc 1999 Eko Jaya, Print 1999 Eko Jaya, Print 1969 D.B. Taraporevals 1995 McGraw-Hill 1988 Tab Books, Inc 1994 Open Univ. Press 1992 Hearst Business Com. 1992 Hearst Business Com. 1992 Hearst Business Com. 1988 Tab Books Inc. 1989 Artech House, Inc 1989 Artech House, Inc 1989 Artech House, Inc 1986 Prentice-Hall 1996 Dep. Keu. RI 1991 Artech House, Inc

- Burr-Brown Corporation1994 Burr-Brown Corporation

- Ralph H. Sprague, JR. 1993 Prentice Hall 1993 PTR Prentice Hall 1991 Artech House, Inc 1990 SAMS

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Ernest R. Freeman - Joseph V. Stewart - Andy Barter - Andrew - Clay Shirky - Douglas E. Comer - John S. Scott, - Joseph DuBovy - Trevor J. Terrell - Trevor J. Terrell - David J. Griffiths - T. C. Edwads - Frede Gardiol - M. E. Van Valkenburg - Stephen Horan - Bruce R. Elbert - F. R. Connor - J. F. Ziegler - Patrick R. Trischitta - Wiliting - John M. Echols - Douglas Downing - Gunawan Putrodjoyo - Christopher Pass - Winarsih Arifin - Badudu - Friedhelm Betke Ketenaga Kerjaan-LIPI - John F. Due - Garry C. Hess - Larryl Matthews - Roger-Charles Houz 1985 Univ. Indonesia 1993 Artech House 1995 IEEE Pres 1998 Dunod TH PENERBIT

246 Interference Suppression Techniques for Microwave Antennas and Transmitter 247 Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory (286) 248 International Microwave Handbook (533) 249 International Telecommunication Standards Organizations (28) 250 Internet lewat E-mail (98) 251 Internetworking with TCP/IP (233) 252 Interwater Thesaurus for Community Water Supply and Sanitation (38) 253 Introduction EMC (317) 254 Introduction to Biomedical electronics (7) 255 Introduction to Digital Filters (460) 256 Introduction to Digital Filters (461) 257 Introduction to Electrodynamics (452) 258 Introduction to Electronic Warfare (87) 259 Introduction to Microwave Electronics (348) 260 Introduction to Microwaves (416) 261 Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis (276) 262 Introduction to PCM Telemetering Systems (303) 263 Introduction to Satellite Communication (328) 264 Introduction to Semiconductor Device Yield Modeling (5) 265 Introductory Topics in Electronics and Telecommunication 266 Ion Implantation Science and Technology (128) 267 Jitter in Digital Transmission Systems (120) 268 Kamus Idiom(269) 269 Kamus Indonesia Inggris (267) 270 Kamus Istilah Komputer (47) 271 Kamus Komputer Masa Kini (39) 272 Kamus lengkap Bisnis (134) 273 Kamus Perancis - Indonesia (270) 274 Kamus umum Bahasa Indonesia (268) 275 keluarga, ibu dan anak Indonesia (203) 276 Keluarga, ibu dan anak Indonesia dan pil. Intervensi (204) 277 Keuangan Negara (159) 278 Land-mobile radio system engineering (166) 279 Laser and Eye Safety In The Laboratory (309) 280 Les Antennas (378)

1982 Artech House 2001 World Scientific P. 2002 The Radio Society 1990 Artech House, Inc 1995 Elex Media Komputindo 1993 Prentice-Hall Inter1997 Newnes 1978 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1984 Macmillan Publisher 1984 Macmillan Publisher 1989 Prentice-Hall 1984 Edward Arnold 1984 Artech House 1964 John Wiley & Sons 2002 CRC Press 1987 Artech House 1982 Edward Arnold 1984 Academic Press 1989 Artech House, Inc 1995 PT. Dinastindo Adiperkasa 2004 PT. Gramedia 1992 Erlangga 1994 PT. Gramedia 1999 Erlangga 1991 PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Ketenaga Kerjaan LIPI 1994 Pustaka Sinar Harapan

- Inter. Reference Centr1987 Inter. Reference Centre

1986 Artech House, Inc - D. Curtis Schleher, Ph.D

- Albert V. Ferris-Prabu 1992 Artech House, Inc

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 281 Les Antennas (379) 282 Les Antennes (395) 283 Les Micro-Ondes I-Circuits, Microrubans, Fibres (567) 284 Les Micro-Ondes II-Circuits, Microrubans, Fibres (568) 285 Liear integrated networks design (10) 286 Lightning and Lightning Protection (494) 287 Lines and Foelds in Electronic Tecnology (579) 288 Lines, Waves, and Antennas (536) 289 Logic and Critical Thinking Introduction (89) 290 Low-Angle Microwave Propagation;Physics & Modling (330) 291 Making Printed Circuit Boards (275) 292 Managing Engineering and Technology (345) 293 Manajemen kearsipan (217) 294 Manajemen kuantitatif (266) 295 Mastering Dolid-state Amplifiers (339) 296 Matering Mathcad (468) 297 Mathematics for finance (246) 298 Medical Instrumentation Application & Design (103) 299 Medical Instrumentation Application & Design (104) 300 Mengelola bisnis (165) 301 Mengelola untuk mencapai hasil (187) 302 Mengenal asas proteksi radiasi (210) 303 Menngkatkan hasil perusahaan (178) 304 Metals Handbook (135) 305 Meteor Burst communications (20) 306 Meteor Burst Communications (48) 307 Microelectronics (222) 308 Microlithography (24) 309 Microprocessors and Digital Systems (486) 310 Microprocessors and Interfacng Programing and Hardware (27) 311 Microstrip and Printed Antenna Design (418) 312 Microstrip Circuits (304) 313 Microstrip Lines and Slotlines (279) 314 Microstrip Lines and Slotlines (310) 315 Micro-Stripes 3.0, 3-D Electromagnetic Field Simulator NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Roger-Charles Houz - Raymond Braut - R. Badoual - R. Badoual - George S. Moschytz - William C. Hart - William D. Stanley - Robert Grover Brown - Merrilee H. Salmon - Adolf J. Giger - Janet Louise Axelson - Daniel L. Babcock - Drs. Basir Barthos - Yudi Azis - Joseph J. Carr - Howard Keller - Marek Capinski - John G. Webster - John G. Webster - David Viscott, MD - Peter F. Drucker - Suwarno Wiryosimin - John W. Humble "- William G. Wood - Jacob Z. Schanker - Jacob Z. Schanker - Jacob Millman - David Elliot - Douglas V. Hall - Douglas V. Hall - Randy Bancroft - Fred Gardiol - K.C. Gupta - K.C. Gupta TH 1998 Dunod 1997 Dunod 1984 Masson 1984 Masson 1975 Van Nostrand Reinhold com. 1988 emf-emi control, Inc 1995 Prentice-Hall 1973 John Wiley & Sons 1989 Harcourt Brace J. 1991 1991 Artech House McGraw-Hill, Inc 1993 McGraw-Hill 2000 Bumi aksara 2000 2004 Sessimt Pub. 1993 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1998 McGraw-Hill 2003 Springer-Verlag 1992 Houghton Mifflin Com. 1992 Houghton Mifflin Com. 1991 Erlangga 1993 Erlangga 1995 ITB Bandung 1984 Erlangga 1990 America Society For Metals 1990 Artech House, Inc 1990 Artech House, Inc 1987 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1986 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1983 McGraw-Hill 1992 McGraw-Hill, Inc 2004 Noble Publishing 1994 John Wiley & Sons 1996 Artech House 1979 Artech House KCC PENERBIT

- Kimberley Communication

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 317 Micro-turbine generator (168) 318 Microwave & Wireless Communications Technology (513) 319 Microwave Amplifiers and Oscillators (114) 320 Microwave and Fiber Optics Communications (425) 321 Microwave and Milimeter Wave Phase Shifters (505) 322 Microwave and Millimeter Wave Phase Shifters (475) 323 Microwave and optical components (Handbook), Microwave Passive and Antenna Components (157) 324 Microwave and Optical Components Handbook, Fiber and Electro-Optical Components (73) 325 Microwave and Optical Components Handbook, Microwave Solid-State Components (71) 326 Microwave and Optical Components Handbook, Optical Components (72) 327 Microwave Antenna Theory and Design (118) 328 Microwave Antenna Theory and Design (133) 329 Microwave Antenna Theory and Design (343) 330 Microwave Antennas (354) 331 Microwave Aquametry Electromagnetic Wave Interaction With Water-Containing Materials 332 Microwave Cavity Antennas (483) 333 Microwave Circuit Design (273) 334 Microwave Circuit Design (331) 335 Microwave Circuits Analysis and Amplifier Design (346) 336 Microwave Communications (446) 337 Microwave Component Mechanics (562) 338 Microwave Devices and Circuits (465) 339 Microwave Devices and Circuits (555) 340 Microwave Engineering (576) 341 Microwave Engineering and Applications (363) 342 Microwave Engineering and Systems Applications (574) 343 Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits (497) 344 Microwave Engineering(598) 345 Microwave engineering, passive (224) 346 Microwave Engineering: Passive, Active and Non Recipracal Circuits (311) 347 Microwave Enginering Using Microstrip Circuits (569) 348 Microwave harmonica (170) 349 Microwave harmonica (171) 350 Microwave Horns and Feeds (271) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - M. J. Moore - Joseph J. Carr - Christian Gentili - Shiban K. Koul - Shiban K. Koul - Kai Chang - Kai Chang - Kai Chang - Kai Chang - Samuel Silver - Samuel Silver - Samuel Silver - A. Z. Fradin - Andrzej Kraszewski - Akhileshwar Kumar - George D. Vendelin - George D. Vendelin - Samuel Y. Liao - Edgar Hund - Harri Eskelinen - Samuel Y. Liao - Samuel Y. Liao - David M. Pozar - OM P. Gandhi - Edward A. Woff - Peter A. Rizzi - Annapurna Das - Joseph Helszajn - E.H. Fooks - Compact software - Compact software - A D Olver 1992 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1990 Prentice-Hall 1988 Compact software 1988 Compact software 1994 IEEE Press 1961 TH KCC PENERBIT

316 Micro-Stripes 3.0, 3-D Electromagnetic Field Simulator

- Kimberley Communication

2002 Professional Engineering Publis. 1997 Newnes 1987 McGraw-Hll Book C. 1991 1991 Artech House Artech House

- Arthur F. Wickersham 1988 Prentice-Hall

1989 John Willey & Sons 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1949 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1949 McGraw-Hill, Inc Pergamon Press 1996 IEEE Press 1989 Artech House 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1987 Prentice-Hall 1989 McGraw-Hill 2003 Artech House 1990 Prentice-Hall 1987 Prentice-Hall 1998 John Wiley & Sons 1987 Van Nostrand R. 1988 John Wiley & Sons 1988 Prentice-Hall 2000 McGraw-Hill

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 351 Microwave integrated circuits (216) 352 Microwave Materials Fabrication Techniques (507) 353 Microwave Power Coupling and Related Interfacing Devices 354 Microwave Radio Transmission Design Guide (392) 355 Microwave Radiometer Systems: Design & Analysis (415) 356 Microwave receivers with electronic warfare applications (156) 357 Microwave Scanning Antennas (381) 358 Microwave Solid State Circuit Design (88) 359 Microwave Theory and Applications (593) 360 Microwave Transition Design (559) 361 Microwave Transmission Circuits (344) 362 Microwave Transmission Design Data (300) 363 Microwaves & RF (150) 364 Microwaves (289) 365 Mikrokontroler ATMEL AT89S8252 (261) 366 Mikrokontroler PIC16F84 (260) 367 Milimeter Waves and Applicable Interfaces (448) 368 Millimeter Wave Engineering and Applications (491) 369 Millimeter-Wave Microstrip and Printed Circuit Antennas 370 Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Systems (61) 371 Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals (370) 372 Mocrowave Components (324) 373 Modern Antenna Design (329) 374 Modern Communication (375) 375 Modern Communication Systems (541) 376 Modern Data Communcation Concepts, Language and Media (583) 377 Modern Filters (6) 378 Modern Methods of Reflector Antenna Analysis & Design 379 Modern Microwave Measurements and Techniques (334) 380 Modern Physycs (249) 381 Modern VLSI Design Systems on Silicon (192) 382 MOS Memory Products (Data Book) (109) 383 Mysteries of time & space. Ventures into new dimensions (225) 384 Navigator Gold 3.0 (130) 385 Near-Field Antenna Measuremen (467) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Jeffrey Frey - Thomas Laverghetta - Trevor Manning - Neils Skou - James bao-yen - Robert C. Hansen - Inder Bahl. - Stephen F. Adam - Jamal S. Izadian - George L. Ragan - Theodore Moreno - Water J. Bojsza - A. J. Baden Fuller - Moh. Ibnu Malik, ST - Andi Pratomo - P. Bhartia - P. Bhartia - William C. Y. Lee - William C. Y. Lee - P.A. Matthews - Thomas Milligan - Gary M. Miller - R.F.W. Coates - William P. Davenport - Simon Haykin - Craig Scott - Robert L. Sproul - Wayne Wolf - SGS Technology - The book company - Lani Sidharta - Dan Slater TH 1991 PENERBIT Artech House

1985 Artech House, Inc

- Dr.Chris J.Georgopoulos1990 Interference C. T. 1999 Artech House 1989 Artech House 1986 John Willey & Sons 1985 Peninsula Publishing 1988 John Wiley & Sons 1992 Adam Microwave Consulting,Inc 1988 Artech House 1948 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1989 Artech House 1984 Hayden Pub. Com. Inc 1969 Pergamon Press 2003 Gava Media 2004 PT. Gramedia 1984 John Wiley & Sons 1991 Artech House 1989 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1993 John Willey & Sons 1968 Chapman and Hall 1985 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1988 Prentice-Hall 1983 Macmillan Press 1971 Pitman Publishing 1989 Macmillan Publishing comp. 1990 Artech House 1980 John Wiley & Sons 1998 Prentice Hall PTR 1986 SGS Technology , 2 Edition 1997 Orbis Publishing 1997 Alex Media Komputindo 1991 Artech House

- Dr.Chris J.Georgopoulos1990 Interference C. T.

- Thomas S. Leverghetta 1988 Artech House

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 386 Networks. Lines and Fields (132) 387 Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems (213) 388 Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems (254) 389 Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems (374) 390 Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design (15) 391 Numerial methods with MATLAB (238) 392 Numerical Methods for Engineers (298) 393 Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists (472) 394 Numerical Simulation of Submicron Semiconductor (84) 395 Ondes Mtriques et centimetriques (397) 396 Operating Systems (62) 397 Operation and modeling of The MOS Transistor (237) 398 Operations research (265) 399 Optics (211) 400 Optoelectronics Circuits Manual (517) 401 Optoelectronics: Fiber Optics and Lasers (439) 402 Organisasi Komputer (80) 403 Over The Horizon Radar (102) 404 Package Deals a Study of Technology Development and Transfer (544) 405 Passive and Active Microwave Circuits (503) 406 Pedoman pelaksanaan pengadaan barang/jasa instansi pemerintah (143) 407 Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) (262) 408 Pembinaan kemampuan menulis Bahasa Indonesia (208) 409 Pendekatan sistem dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial aplikasi dalam meninjau kehidupan politik indonesia (206) 411 Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan(34) 412 Penyesuaian gaji pokok & peraturan gaji PNS hakim serta anggota TNI & POLRI (185) 413 Peraturan tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan/Barang Milik Negara dan Sistim Pengawasannya (142) 414 Performance Evaluation of High Speed Switching Fabrics and Networks (40) 415 Perpustakaan kepustakawanan dan pustakawan (164) 416 Personal Communications Systems Applications (597) 417 Photonics Rules of Thumb (272) 418 Physical chemistry of Surfaces (244) 419 Physics of semiconductor devices (236) 420 Planning and Engineering of Shortwave Links (530) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - John D.Ryder - Henry W. Ott. - Henry W. Ott - Henry W. Ott - Miroslav Krsti - G. J. Borse - Steven C. Chapra - Joe D. Hoffman - Kazutaka Tomizawa - Paul F. Combes - Milan Milenkovi - Yannis P. Tsividis - Miles V. Klein - R.M. Marston - Morris Tischler - V. Carl Hamacher - A.A. Kolosov, et all. - Ken Marshall - J. Helszajn Menteri Keuangan RI - Fokusmedia - Sabarti Akhadiah - Rusadi Kantaprawira - Sulistyo Basuki - Pemerintah RI - Drs. Sudarjo BW - Soeatminah - Fred J. Ricci - John Lester Miller - Arthur W. Adamson - S.M. Sze - Gerhard Braun TH PENERBIT

1955 Prentice-Hall, Inc 1989 AT & T Bell Lab. 1988 John Wiley & Sons 1989 John Willey & Sons 1995 John Wiley & Sons,Inc 1997 PWS Publishing Company 1989 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1993 McGraw-Hill 1993 Artech House, Inc 1980 Dunod Universit 1992 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1988 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1986 John Wiley & Son 1993 Newnes 1992 McGraw-Hill 1994 Erlangga 1987 Artech House, Inc 1983 Intermediate Technology Pub. 1978 John Wiley & Sons 2000 BP. Panca Usaha 2004 Fokusmedia 1988 Erlangga 1990 Sinar Baru Bdg 1995 Sinar Grafika 1991 PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama 2001 PT. Mitra Info 1994 B.P. Panca Usaha 1992 Kanisus 1997 Prentice-Hall 1996 McGraw-Hill 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1981 John Wiley & Sons 1982 Heyden & Son Ltd

- Tjutju Tarliah Dimyati 2003 Sinar Baru Algensindo

410 Pengadaan barang dan jasa penggunaan produksi dalam negeri prakualifikasi untuk calon rekaanan (48) - Menteri Keuangan

- Thomas G. Robertazzi 1993 IEEE Press

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 421 Pokok-pokok teori sistem (205) 422 Power MOS Devices (Data Book) (110) 423 Practical Antenna Handbook (305) 424 Practical Antenna Handbook (319) 425 Practical Microwaves (457) 426 Practical Radio Frequency Test & Measurement A Technician's Handbook 427 Practical RF Power Design Techniques (341) 428 Practical Wire Antennas (459) 429 Pratique des Antennes (391) 430 Praxis Der Mikrowellen Antennen (336) 431 Prihatin Lahir Batin " Dampak krisis moneter dan bencana El Nino terhadap masyarakat, 432 Prihatin Lahir Batin " Dampak krisis moneter dan bencana El Nino terhadap masyarakat, 433 Principles of Ceramic Processing (19) 434 Principles of Digital Data Transmission (357) 435 Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility (302) 436 Principles of Electronic Materoals and Devices (193) 437 Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis (515) 438 Principles of High-Resolution Radar (228) 439 Principles of Microwave Technology (463) 440 Principles of Optics (100) 441 Principles of Optics (299) 442 Principles of Optics (351) 443 Principles of Secure Communications Systems (30) 444 Prinsip-prnsip Elektronika (258) 445 Prinsip-prnsip Elektronika (259) 446 Printed Circit Manufacturing Handbook (63) 447 Private Telecommunication Networks (91) 448 Propagantion of short Radio Waves (117) 449 Propagation of Short Radio Waves (137) 450 Psycho-cybernetics (545) 451 Pulse and Switching Circuit Action (349) 452 Pulse Generators (54) 453 Quality Funtion Deployment (176) 454 Radar Cross Sections of Complex Objects (594) 455 Radar detection & Tracking Systems (126) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - SGS Technology - Joseph J. Carr - Joseph J. Carr - Joseph J. Carr - Irving M. Gottlieb - John D. Heys - CH. Guilbert - Sepp Reithofer - Yulfita Raharjo - James S. Reed - A. P. Clark - Bernhard Keiser - Safa O. Kasap - John A. White - August W. Rihaczek - Stephen C. Harsany - Max Born - Max Born - Max Born - Don J. Torrieri - Malvino - Malvino - Raymond H. Clark - Bruce R. Elbert - Donald E. Kerr - Donald E. Kerr - Maxwell Maltz - Henry C. Veatch - G. N. Glasoe - W. Ross Stone - S. A. Hovanessian TH PENERBIT

- Drs. Tatang M. Amirin 1996 PT. Raja Grafindo P. 1986 SGS Technology , 2 Edition 1998 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1994 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1999 Newnes 1993 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1990 Radio Society of Great Britain 1989 Edision Radio 1987 UKW Berichte 1998 Puslitbang Kependudukan dan 1989 John Wiley & Sons,Inc 1983 MID-Country Press 1987 Artech House 2002 McGraw-Hill 1989 John Wiley & Sons 1996 Artech House, Inc 1997 Prentice-Hall 2003 Cambridge Univ. Press 1989 Maxwell Macmillan 1989 Maxwell Macmillan 1992 Artech House, Inc 2004 Salemba Teknika 2004 Salemba Teknika 1987 CBS Publishers & Distributor 1989 Artech House, Inc 1951 1951 1971 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc Mc Graw-Hill, Inc McGraw-Hill, Inc

- Thomas S. Laverghetta 1984 Howard W. Sams & Co.

Puslitbang Kependudukan 1988 PT. Sabena Utama

1960 Prentice-Hall 1948 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1989 IEEE Press 1973 Artech House, Inc

- Deutsche Gesellschaftu2001 Deutsche Gesellschaftur

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 456 Radar evaluation (Handbook) (239) 457 Radar Evaluation Handbook (406) 458 Radar for Technicians Installation, Maintenance, and Repair 459 Radar Principles, Technology, Applications (131) 460 Radar propagation at Low altitudes (158) 461 Radar resolution and complex image (229) 462 Radars Bases Modernes (383) 463 Radio and Line Transmission (A) (290) 464 Radio and Line Transmission (B) (291) 465 Radio Antennas and Propagation (2870 466 Radio Communication Handbook (511) 467 Radio Frequency and Elf Electromagnetic Energies (569) 468 Radio Frequency Principles and Applications (296) 469 Radio Frequency Radiation Issues & Standards (602) 470 Radio Frequency Transmission Systems (441) 471 Radio Stations Installation. Design and Practice (496) 472 Radio System Design for Telecommunications (314) 473 Radio Wave Propagation and Antennas (529) 474 Radio-Frequency Electronics (402) 475 Radio-Relay Systems (382) 476 Radiowave Propagation (499) 477 Real-time systems (149) 478 Receiving Systems Design (366) 479 Receiving Systems Design (433) 480 Reference Data for Engineerings: Radio, Electronics, Computer, and Communications (474) 481 Reflections II Transmission Lines and antennas (588) 482 Reformasi Perpajakan dan Peranan BPKP Dalam Sistim Pengawasan (144) 483 Reliability and degradation of semiconductor Lasers and LEDs (201) 484 Renewable energy storage (1720 485 RF and Microwave Matching Techniques (445) 486 RF and Microwave Radiation Safety (471) 487 RF Circuit Design (417) 488 Satellite Communcations (365) 489 Satellite communication systems engineering (188) 490 Satellite Communication Systems Engineering (428) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - David K. Barton - David K. Barton - Frederick L. Gould - Byron Edde - M.L. Meeks - Michel H. Carpentier - D. C. Green - D. C. Green - William Gosling - E. J. Allaway - R. Timothy Hitchcock - Albert A. Smith, Jr - William F. Hammett - Jerry C. Whitaker - G. A. Chappel - Roger L. Freeman - John Griffiths - Jon B. Hagen - Anton A. Huurdeman - Lucien Boithias - C.M. Krishna - Stephen J. Erst - Stephen J. Erst. - Edward C. Jordan - M. Walter Maxwell - Drs. H.R. Wijatno - Mitsuo Fukuda - Imeche - Ronald Kitchen - Chris Bowick - Timothy Pratt - Wilbur L. Pritchard - Wilbur L. Pritchard 1990 Masson 1968 Pitman Paperbacks 1971 Pitman Paperbacks 1998 Newnes 1987 Eyre & Spottiswoode 1995 Van Nostrand Reinhold 1998 IEEE Press/Chapman 1997 McGraw-Hill 1991 McGraw-Hill 1959 Pergamon Press 1987 John Wiley & Sons 1987 Prentice-Hall 1996 Cambridge Univ. Pres 1995 Artech House 1987 McGraw-Hill 1997 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1984 Artech House 1984 Artech House 1986 Howard W.Sams & Co. 2001 Worldradio Books 1999 Kerukunan Pensiunan 1991 Artech House, Inc 2000 Professional Engineering Publis. 1993 Newnes 1982 Sams 1986 John Willey & Sons 1986 Prentice-Hall Inter. 1986 Prentice-Hall TH 1991 1991 PENERBIT Artech House, Inc Artech House

1995 McGraw-Hill 1993 Prentice-Hall 1982 Artech House

- Dr.Chris J.Georgopoulos1990 Interference C. T.

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 492 Satellite Communications (356) 493 Satellite Communications (501) 494 Satellite communications systems (198) 495 Satellite communications systems and Tech. (153) 496 Satellites, Packets, and Distributed Telecommunications A Compendium of Source Materials (81) 497 Semiconductor devices physics and Technology (174) 498 Semiconductor devices Physics and Technology (250) 499 Semiconductor devices; ohysics and technology (240) 500 Semiconductor Measurements and Instrumentation (69) 501 Semiconductors from A to Z (592) 502 Setting global telecommunication standard (4) 503 Shaped Reflector Antenna Design (493) 504 Shielding Design Methodology and Procedurs (442) 505 Signals and Systems (565) 506 SimplifiedPractical Filter Design (338) 507 Sistim sosial Indonesia (207) 508 Solid state pulse circuit (243) 509 Solid State Pulse Circuits (399) 510 Solid-state Radar Transmitter (86) 511 Solis state chemistry an introduction (215) 512 Spectrum &network measurements (367) 513 Spin Wave Technology (426) 514 Standards (76) 515 Standards (74) 516 Structural Engineering of Microwave Antennas for Electrical, Machanical, and Civil Engi. (595) 517 Systematic Analysis of Bipolar and MOS transistors (55) 518 Systems Software: An Introduction to Language Processors and Operating Systems 519 Technician's Guide to Electronic Communications (566) 520 Technique de L'installation d'antenne Radio-TV (554) 521 Technologie des Circuits Imprims (337) 522 Teknik dan Jasa Dokumentasi (33) 523 Teknik kawin suntik ikan ekonomis (257) 524 Tlcommunications par Faisceau Hertzien (508) 525 Telecommunications Present Status and Future T. (101) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Wilbur L. Pritchard - Robert M. Gagliardi - Dr.D.C. Agarwal - Gerald Maral - Burton I. Edelson - Roy D. Rosner - S. M. Sze - S.M. Sze - S.M. SZE - W.R. Runyan - Phillip Dahlen - Gerd Wallenstein - Donald R.J. White - Irving M. Gottlieb - Dr. Nasikun - David A. Bell - David A. Bell - Edward D. Ostroff - Lesley Smart - Robert A. Witte - George J. Bugh Testing & Materials Testing & Materials - Roy Levy - Uur ilingirolu - Frank Maddix - Frederick L. Gould - Robert Savre - J.P. Oehmichen - Sulistyo Basuki - Heru Susanto - Marc Mathieu - Robert F. Linfield TH 1991 PENERBIT Van Nostrand R.

491 Satellite Communication Systems Engineering (454)

1993 Prentice-Hall 1994 Khanna Publishers 1986 John Wiley & Son 1995 Noyes Data Corporaton 1984 Lifetime Learning Pub. 2002 John Willey & Sons 2002 John Wiley & Son 1985 John Wiley & Sons 1975 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1973 Foulsham-Tab Limited 1990 Artech House, Inc 1986 Interference C. T. PWS-Kent Publis. 1990 Tab Books, Inc 2001 PT. Raja Grafindo Persada 1992 Prentice-Hall 1992 Prentice-Hall 1985 Artech House, Inc 1995 Chapman & Hall 2001 Noble Publishing 2002 Vasant Corporation Testing & Materials Testing & Materials 1996 IEEE Press 1993 Artech House, Inc 1989 John Willey & Sons 1997 McGraw-Hill 1980 Eyrolles 1981 S.E.C.F., France 1992 PT. Gramedia 2002 Penebar swadaya 1979 Dunod 1995 Noyes Data Corporation

- B. S. Westcott, Ph.D., 1983 Research Studies - Alexander D. Poularikas1991

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 527 tentang pajak penghasilan (180) 528 The "Grounds" for Lightning and EMP Protection (389) 529 The Antenna Experimenter's Guide (600) 530 The ARRL Antenna Book (307) 531 The ARRL Antenna Book (372) 532 The ARRL Antenna Book (380) 533 The ARRL Antenna Compendium (520) 534 The ARRL Antenna Compendium (582) 535 The ARRL for Rado Amateurs HandBook (320) 536 The ARRL UHF Microwave Projects Manual (516) 537 The Complete Book of Oscilloscopes (327) 538 The Complete RF Technician's Hanbook (589) 539 The Design of Shielded Enclosures Cost-Effective Methods to Prevent EMI 540 The Electrical engineering (Handbook), (175) 541 The EMC Desk Reference Encyclopedia (490) 542 The EMC,Telecom and Computer Encyclopedia Handbook (277) 543 The EMF Controversy & Reducing Exposure From Magnetic Fields 544 The Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (25) 545 The giant Book of Electroncs Projects (427) 546 The Gunnplexer Cookbook (360) 547 The high frequency device manual (179) 548 The Innovators (218) 549 The Internet for Scientists & Engineers (50) 550 The Master IC Cookbook (340) 551 The Microwave Engineering Handbook (401) 552 The Microwave Engineering Handbook (402) 553 The Microwave Engineering Handbook, Microwave Systems and Applications (403) 554 The Microwave Newsletter Technical Collection (585) 555 The mobile radio Propagation Channel (560) 556 The new high-tech manager (186) 557 The Photonics Design & Applications Handbook (523) 558 The Photonics Dictionary (524) 559 The Practical Aerial Hanbook (557) 560 The Practical Aerial Hanbook (558) - Roger R. Block - Peter Dodd - ARRL Amateur Radio American Radio Relay American Radio Relay 1993 PolyPhaser Corporation 1996 R. S. G. B. 2003 ARRL Amateur Eadio 1976 American Radio Relay 1976 The American Radio Relay NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - Daniel Minoli TH 1991 PENERBIT Artech House, Inc

526 Telecommunications Technology (Handbook) (112)

- The American Radio Re 1999 The American Radio Relay - The American Radio Re 1989 The American Radio Relay L. - ARRL Amateur Eadio - Stan Prentiss - Cotter W. Sayre - Louis T. Gnecco - Richard C. Dorf. - Don White - Don White - Don White - Herv Lefvre - Panasonic - David P. Billington - Brian J. Thomas - Clayton L.Hallmark - Bradford L. Smith - Bradford L. Smith - Bradford L. Smith - J N Gannaway - David Parsons - Kenneth Durham 1991 ARRL Amateur Eadio - The American Radio Re 1994 The American Radio Relay 1983 Tab Books, Inc 1996 Howard W.Sams & Company 2000 Newnes 1997 CRC Press 1997 emf-emi control, Inc 1999 emf-em control,Inc 1993 Interference Control 1993 Artech House, Inc 1982 Ham Radio Pub. Panasonic 1991

- Robert M. Richardson 1981

1996 John Waley & Sons 1995 IEEE Press 1991 McGraw-Hill, Inc 1993 Chapman & Hall 1993 Chapman & Hall 1993 Chapman & Hall 1983 RSGB 1992 John Wiley & Sons 1997 Artech House Laurin Publishing Co, Inc Laurin Publishing Co, Inc

- Laurin Publishing Co, Inc - Laurin Publishing Co, Inc - Gordon J. King - Gordon J. King

1970 Newnes-Butter Worths 1970 Newnes-Butter Worths

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 562 The RSGB Guide to EMC (293) 563 The shortwave Listener's Antenna Handbook (323) 564 The Tab Electronics Technician's On-Line Resource Reference (601) 565 The UHF-Compendium (587) 566 Theory of electroacoustics (241) 567 Thick-Film Microelectronics Fabrication, Design, and Applications (116) 568 Time and frequency user's manual (527) 569 Tips & Techniques for The Electronics (318) 570 Tools of Radio Astronomy (476) 571 Transducers for Microprocessor Systems (111) 572 Transistor Circuit Engineering (596) 573 Transistorsender (90) 574 Transmision performance of evolving telecommunication networks (3) 575 Transmission analysis in commucation systems (173) 576 Transmission Analysis in Communication Systems (56) 577 Transmitter Hunting Radio Direction Finding Simplified 578 Troposcatter radio link (194) 579 Troposcatter Radio Links (43) 580 Troposcatter Radio Links (561) 581 Troposcatter Radio Links (85) 582 Troubleshooting Communications Facilities (540) 583 U.U. no.9 tahun 1994 tentang ketentuan umum dan tata cara perpajakan dan U.U, No.10 Th.1994 584 Undang-undang yayasan dahulu dan sekarang (263) 585 Understanding Antennas (396) 586 Understanding Antenns for Radar, Communications, and Avianics (359) 587 Understanding Electromagnetic Scattering Using the Moment Method A Practical Approach (66) 588 Understanding Electro-Mechanical Engineering (92) 589 Understanding GPS Principles and applications (255) 590 Understanding Microwaves (353) 591 Understanding Radar Systems (42) 592 Understanding Radar Systems (440) 593 Understanding Telecommunications and lightwave systems an entry-level guide (26) 594 Unix for Programmers and users (37) 595 Vector Analysis (21) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - William Orr - Robin Page-Jones - Robert J. Traister - Stephen J. Bigelow - K. Weiner - Josef Merhaut - Morton L. Topfer - George Kamas - Gordon McComb - Kristen Rohlfs - J. C. Cluley - Richard F. Shea - Harry Koch. - John Gruber - Osamu Shimbo - Osamu Shimbo - Joseph D. Moell - Giovanni Roda - G. Roda - Giovanni Roda - Giovani Roda - Bertil C. Lindberg - CV. Mini Jaya Abadi - Hariyanto, SH - Robert Comrie - Benyamin Rilf - Randy Bancroft - Lawrence J. Kamm - Elliott D. Kaplan - Allan W. Scott - Simon Kingsley - Simon Kingsley - John G. Nellist - Graham Glass TH PENERBIT

561 The Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook (409)

1993 Radio Amateur C. 1998 Radio Society of Great Britain 1982 Tab Books, Inc 1997 McGraw-Hill 1982 Fachbuchverlag w. 1981 1971 1991 McGraw-Hill Inc. Van Nostrand Reinhold Tab Books, Inc

1977 NBS Technical 1986 Springer-Verlag 1985 Macmillan P. 1957 John Wiley & Sons 1976 Franzis-verlag Monchen 1992 Artech House, Inc 1988 Computer science press 1988 Computer Science Press 1987 Tab Books Inc. 1988 Artech House, Inc 1988 Artech House, Inc 1970 Artech House 1988 Artech House, Inc 1990 John Wiley & Sons 1994 CV. Mini Jaya Abadi 2002 Pustaka Damar 1986 Prentice-Hall 1987 Van Nostrand R. 1996 Artech House, Inc 1996 IEEE Press 1996 Artech House, Inc 1993 John Willey & Sons 1992 Mc Graw-Hill, Inc 1993 McGraw-Hill 1996 IEEE Press 1993 Prentice Hall, Inc

- Murray R.Spiegel,Ph.D 1974 McGraw-Hill, Inc

DAFTAR BUKU YANG MASUK DI JAIF PPET-LIPI NO 597 Very High-Frequency Techniques (506) 598 VHF and UHF Antennas (390) 599 VHF Handbook for Radio Amateurs (420) 600 Visualisasi Fisika dan Matematika Menggunakan Turbo Faskal (251) 601 Voice Processing (451) 602 VSAT Networks (449) 603 Waveguide Components for Antenna Feed Systems; Theory and CAD 604 Waveguide Junction Circulators Theory & Practice (546) 605 Wire & Cable for Electronics A User's Handbook (414) 607 World Satellite TV and Scrambling Methods (294) 608 Writing & Speaking in the Technology Professions a Practical Guide (590) 609 Writing Disaster Recovery Plans for Telecommunications Networks and LANs (53) 610 Yagi Antenna Design (481) 611 99 Ways to Use Your Oscilloscope (573) NAMA BUKU PENGARANG - W.D.DAY, B.Sc - Herbert J. Reich - R. A. Burberry - Herbert S. Brier - R. Soegeng - Gordon E. Pelton - G. Maral - Jaroslaw Uher - J. Helszajn - Nel Sclater - Frank Baylin - David F. Beer - Leo A. Wirobel - Dr.James L. Lawson - Albert C.W. Sauders TH PENERBIT

596 Vector Analysis for Radio and Electronic Engineers Introduction to (36)

1966 London ILIFFE books 1947 McGraw-Hill 1992 Peter Peregrinus 1979 Radio Publications 1993 Andi offset 1993 McGraw-Hill 1995 John Wiley & Sons 1993 Artech House 1988 John Wiley & Sons 1991 McGraw-Hill 1993 Baylin Publication 1992 IEEE Press 1993 Artech House, Inc 1986 The American Radio Relay 1974 Foulsham-Tab Limited

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