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S k ippe r

Wei rd Rec i pes

w/ Alice Vine

Rec i p e s B o o k s Coo k i n g fo r To d a y

Collaboration to create a set of recipe books communicating ridiculously weird recipes, whilsy appearing to take a serious tone. The collection of books will need extra promotional

material of a similar craft and finishing quality. A web presence must also be created for sales and further promotion.



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INGREDIENTS 3oz 10 7c 1c Cherry Gelatin Powder Lemons Water Sugar Green food Colouring

40 minutes prep.

70 minutes cooking ingredients

Tuna Twinkie Souffl

1tbl 12 tsp 4 2 Rendered chicken fat Hostess Twinkies Salt & Pepper Dry mustard Eggs Cans tuna in oil



1 Preheat oven to 350 F. 2 Grease a 7-inch souffl dish with 1 tsp of chicken fat and 1 tsp tuna oil. 3 Slice Twinkies in half lengthwise. Remove and reserve cream filling. 4 In a large food processor, combine Twinkie cakes, half of the Twinkie filling, and the remaining chicken fat and tuna oil. 5 Blend until the mixture has reached the consistency of a thin batter. 6 Transfer ingredients to a medium saucepan and cook over low heat. 7 Stir in salt, white pepper, and mustard. Remove from heat. 8 Beat in egg yolks, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. 9 Fold in tuna. 10 In a medium bowl, beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. 11 Fold beaten egg whites into tuna mixture. Pour into greased souffl dish. 12 Bake in 350 oven 40 to 45 minutes, or until puffed and golden brown. Top with remaining Twinkie cream. 13 Serve with a tossed salad.

20 minutes prep.

1 hour cooking ingredients

Fruit Bat Soup

3 1tb 1lg Fruit bats Water Finely sliced fresh ginger, Onion Sea salt to taste Chopped scallions Soy sauce

1 Place the bats in a large kettle and add water to cover, the ginger, onion, and salt. Bring to the boil and cook for 40 minutes. Strain broth into a second kettle. 2 Take the bats, skin them and discard the skin. Remove meat from the bones and return meat, and any of the viscera you fancy, to the broth. Heat. 3 Serve liberally sprinkled with scallions and further seasoned with soy sauce and/or coconut cream.


serves 4

Page 22

serves 2

Page 12

Wei rd Rec i pes

Typ o gra p h i c Tre a t me nt

The typographic approach must communicate a contemporary aedthetic, with simple functionality being paramount. Both to let the strength of the illustrations stand alone, but

more importantly to allow the ingredients and and method to function effectively.

Des ign Specificatio ns


Starters 74 120mm 28pp Typefaces usedAdobe Caslon, LL Brown

Main 148 210mm 28pp Typefaces usedAlbertus, LL Brown

Desserts 148 90mm 28pp Typefaces usedTrivial, LL Brown

Drinks 74 180mm 28pp Typefaces usedJB Heureka , LL Brown



O U GD 303

1 Prepare a bowl of gelatin dessert according to the directions on the package. 2 Chill in the freezer for 45 minutes, or until partially set. 3 While the gelatine cools, squeeze the juice from the lemons into a pitcher, being careful not to include any seeds. 4 Add the 7 cups of water to the lemon juice. Stir. 5 Add the sugar and stir again. 6 Add green food coloring until Ghoulade is the desired shade. 7 Pour Ghoulade into individual glasses, then spoon partially set gelatine gopher guts into glasses. 8 Include long spoons when serving this drink to help your guests eat their guts out!


S k ippe r

6 Chocolate Chirpie Chip Cookies 8 Garlic Ice Cream 10 California Spamoni Sorbet 12 DIRT CAKE 14 Chicken Noodle Pistachio Pound Cake 18 Canker Worm Sorbet 18 BUG BOX 20 Calamari ice cream 22 drisheer website 24 pretzel email




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S k ippe r

Wei rd Rec i pes

Boo k Produ c t i o n

The books were printed on pastel coloured stock, with darker shades for the covers. The set is designed at four different sizes, and sit alongside each other, allowing for the user

to function all four books at once. Another consideration which created a serious tone and function to a product with ridiculous content.



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S k ippe r

Wei rd Rec i pes

Web Pre se n c e

An online presence has been created in order to sell the four books and the additional products. Each day, there would be one recipe online each day, from each of the courses. Allowing

followerd to get a new recipe each day, and new followers to get a taste of the product(s).

Des ign Specificatio ns

1024 768px Background colours #80C4DB, #85CC83, # EAEC88, # FC9CA5 Web typeBrown Back Slanted 100px



O U GD 303

Cooking for Today


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