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Minutes of the Year Meeting 2007 of the XOOPS Foundation

Date: August 12 2007

Time : 7 PM GMT

● Herko Coomans (chairman, acting treasurer)
● Marc-Andre Lanciault (secretary)
● David (alias used as per request)

Not attending with notice

● Skalpa Keo (alias used as per request)

0. Opening by the chairman

Herko welcomes us all :-)

1. Agenda
The agenda sent by Herko is accepted :

0. Opening by the chairman

1. Agenda
2. Year report 2006
3. Status of assets in 2007
4. New XOOPS webservers and hosting
1. migration details
2. Community websites on the XOOPS servers (Prop. David)
3. OpenID server (proposal David)
5. Funding: incoming and outgoing
1. Sponsorship (prop. David)
2. Additional revenu rathering (prop. David)
6. Communications and marketing
1. Communications from the Foundation (David)
2. Organising a conference in 2008 (proposal Marc-Andre)
7. The Future of the XOOPS Foundation
1. Board
2. Activities
8. What is brought to the table
9. Closing

2. Year report 2006

The XOOPS Foundation 2006 report is approved (XOOPS_Foundation_2006_year_report.pdf)

3. Status of assets in 2007

Herko mentions we are currently paying for 2 servers at Surpass Hosting, which we are not
using yet. We have a deal with James Morris for the migration but Herko needs to check on
James to know when it will happen.

Herko mentions we have move to which generates about 2200 $ per months.
At the moment we have approximatly in the bank account :

● 13 000 Euros
● 4 000 USD
● 700 Euros in the PayPal account
Herko explains the status of the XOOPS trademark rights which are approved or pending in
many countries (see the 2006 year report). We still have a problem within USA where it will
probably require more expense. More info to come.

4. New XOOPS webservers and hosting

1. migration details

We need a status report from DJ about the migration. Marcan will do that and Herko will ask a
status report to James

2. Community websites on the XOOPS servers (Prop. David)

Marcan asks to summarize what is XoopsInfo, which David does.

David brings a point about using the Foundation dedicated servers to host other community
sitea like xoopsinfo, addons or other international support sites. The overall idea would be to
assist teams of people who wish to work together with both the Foundation and Official sites to
benefit the project and its users ... but may not have the resources to do this themselves.

The site would be accepted if the Foundation believes they:

a- serve and represent the project in a suitable and useful manner
b - have a team structure which will ensure the successful management of the site... and also
the survival of the site, with any possible future team changes

Herko mentions that if we do that, we need to document what are the guidelines to accept or
reject a site.

Marcan expresses his concerns about hosting too many other sites. More sites means more
possible problem, more ressorce usage, less bandwidth, etc... Herko mentions we can offer a
package with limits. Everyone agrees.

Also, it is accepted that 50% of the income generated by a site hosted by the Foundation
needs to be reinvested in the site itself.

According to these discussions, David will prepare a package proposition we can offer the

3. OpenID server (proposal David)

This is a proposal of Tom Black, brought forward by David. Basically, it's to have our own
OpenID server to which all XOOPS sites could have access.

Marcan mentions we need to talk with Pemen about that as he as manifested interest in the
openid topic.

Herko mentions we need to discuss this with the Core Development Team, and it needs to be a
project that comes from the Community. The Foundation is willing to help in any way it can.

Marcan will talk to pemen to ask if he is interested. David will tlk to Tom.

5. Funding: incoming and outgoing

1. Sponsorship (prop. David)

David brought the idea of sponsoring some code development for features the project really
needs. Herko manifests his disagreement with paying someone to get code done. Marcan
agrees with Herko.

Marcan mentions that we should use the Foundation ressources to organize events, contests,
codefest, module of the month, theme of the month, etc... The idea is to invest ressources in
things that would help good code to be developed. Herko and David agrees.

Marcan mentions he will be attending a CodeFest in Montreal in a few weeks which goal is to
implement OpenID in different open source CMS. Marcan says he will get back with some ideas
for the Foundation on how we could organize such an event.

2. Additional revenue gathering (prop. David)

A suggestion has been made (by Tom) about providing assorted items for users to buy, which
could be used as a revenue gathering aid. Example t-shirts etc.Tom has offered his services on
this side. We all agree. David will get back to Tom to see how we could make that happen.

6. Communications and marketing

1. Communications from the Foundation (David)

David explains that we need to communicate as a Foundation. It was only Herko in the past.
This need to be changed. We need to publish articles about what we do, about what is the
Foundation, reports, etc...

Marcan mentions we need to use every occasion we have to remind the people the Foundation
is there to help, and how.

It is agreed that we will publish regular articles about the Foundation. We will take turns into
writing it. Herko will do the first one.

2. Organising a conference in 2008 (proposal Marc-Andre)

Marcan mentions he is in the process of organising an international conference in 2008 in

Montreal. The conference will be about Open Source Content Management system. Marcan
asks the Board members if the Foundation would be interested in participating in such an

Herko mentions it is definatly one of the Foundation purpose to help those events. He
mentions we need to do a call for ideas about how the Foundation should be a part of this

Marcan has a meeting in 2 weeks with the people involved so he will get back to the
Foundation to see how it can be involved.

7. The Future of the XOOPS Foundation

Herko explains we need to think about the future of the Foundation : who will be on board,
and what it will acomplish.

Marcan mentions that if we want to make things move forward, we need to meet in an official
meeting on a regular basis. It is agreed that we shall meet every month for the next couple of

1. Board

We need to define who are the best people to help the Foundation, wheter as board members
or as agents or consultants. In order to find this. We first need to define the activities of the
Foundation and what it wants to accomplish.

2. Activities

In the next few weeks, we shall discuss about what should answer those questions. We will use
a XOOPS site to work on this. The site will be and will be hosted by
Marcan, who will take care of installing and configure the site (for no payment). At first this
site will be used only by us, for our work with the Foundation. But sooner then later, it should
be opened publically as a way of communication for the Foundation.

8. What is brought to the table


9. Closing
Meeting is closed at 9 PM GMT.

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