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Anti-African street violence surges in Israel

It isnt necessary to do an essay on the recent occurrences in Palestine. Instead, just read the comments of the people known as Jews. They dont realize that they are not only invaders but also imposters. They should really educate themselves. It is a shame. For those against Africans settling in the occupied territories, did anyone forget Slavery or South African Apartheid? Africans were doing very well before they met these people. So, should the Africans start slaughtering the white invaders en masse, like they are financing the slaughters in Africa against Africans. What about all of the natural resources that are being stolen now and for centuries? People need to be educated before anything else. If they were educated, they would understand there would be no Israel. Think 1897. Then, rethink 1947. Israel was someones night mere brought into reality and imposed upon the world by these people. What is worse, is that the people claiming to be Jews were deceived and they not only wont accept it and make change, they ignore it. They run with it. They will never be better as people until they admit to their deficiencies, like an alcoholic or anyone else with a compulsive disorder or problem. Their reality is skewed. They need JESUS. Oh, I almost forgotThey killed him. They believe he is in hell. Hmmm.

MSNBC Reader Comments

I've said it before and I will say it again. A small majority of Israeli's, as evidenced by their treatment of the Palestinians and other Middle East neighbors and immigrants, have become the one thing they despise most-The New Nazis!! Yeah, they're horrible... image them getting pissed about a bunch of border jumpers coming in and turning public spaces into their own living quarters.... then add a slew of rapes on top of it. You're right, they've got nothing to be pissed about... sarcasm.... Rubbish! Why is it that some posters insist on making such ridiculous comparisons, you claim they're the new Nazis fine, show me the death camps, show me the gas chambers, oh no that's right you can't.

Illegals entering the country....taking over public parks for living increase in crime. For that you compare the residents (who have to live with this on a daily basis and don't want to take it anymore) to NAZIS? I rarely call people fools based on their opinion because I believe all educated opinions are worthy of consideration. You, however, are an idiot Violating Isreals border is a crime, of course you have to look at a real news site instead of MSNBC to find that fact mentioned. "An estimated 60,000 Africans have crossed illegally into Israel thorough its southern border with Egypt in recent years -- about 700 a week, according to Israeli police." This seems very similar to our Mexico Border problems we are experiencing here in the United States. Everybody wants people to stay where they are and fix their Home Country problems instead of attempting to make changes at the New Lands they seek. If the New Lands have immigrant restrictions, rules, laws and ordinances, outsiders should respect this and comply. It's interesting to see condemnation of the Israelis treatment of these Africans while turning a blind eye towards the reason for this treatment which is the crime and squalor they instigate. These Africans come to Israel yet continue to behave as if they're still in their crap hole countries. It's too bad the illegal African immigrants "countries of origin" didn't even try (or care enough) to take care of their own people! That's the source of this entire problem! Hmmm...not too much info here on the Africans' behavior that's sparking such public outrage. I suspect Reuters is sandbagging most of that info because that's not the way they want to spin the story. However, looking at some of the pictures provides likely insights into some of the problems---e.g., they're unemployable and starting to suck up taxpayer-driven government benefits as well the Africans' apparent predisposition towards violent behavior.

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