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ALISON 13.32Whitchurch C.E.

ISSUE 2 Dear Parents, 27.04.12 Today, alongside this newsletter you will receive a letter with details about the term ahead for your childs year group. I have included an overview below. The summer term is always a busy one and this year promises to be particularly so. We have Week beginning our Centenary celebrations, which will culminate in the Centenary Fair on May 26th. There is 30th April 2012 the excitement of the Queens Diamond Jubilee-the children will have a special Diamond Monday Jubilee lunch on Thursday 31st May- and an Olympic Week (beginning Monday 25th June) when the children will focus on people of the world, coming together to compete. Our Sports Tuesday mornings will take place during this week, giving them a special Olympic Flavour. Year 3 Swimming (2)

Learning This Term:

Year 3 The theme in Year 3 will be Ancient Greece. There will be lots of links made to the Olympic Games. The children will also learning about myths, legends and traditional stories and Greek theatre. The childrens mathematical skills will be developed through working on shape, fractions and measurements. Year 5 Children in Year 5 will be studying a series of mini themes: Life Cycles, Keeping Healthy and Earth and Beyond. Maths work will be strongly linked to these areas, with opportunities to learn about measurements and data handling. In English, the children will explore film narrative including lots of drama work, and poetry. Year 4 Weather, Rivers and water! The children will learn about solids and liquids as part of their science work and habitats in geography. Literacy will include poetry and writing explanations, whilst there will be a focus on money fractions, data handling and time in maths.

Wednesday Choir and orchestra Keyboard Gardening Club Thursday Guitar Woodwind Adventurers Club Friday Brass//


Year 5 Swimming (2)

Year 6 Of course the children in year six are firmly focused on their SAT examinations, which take place during the week of May 14th. There is much anticipation about the time following this, when the children will begin their work towards the Year 6 Production. During this time all of the children will play a part in putting the production together, There will be opportunities for learning across the curriculum-maths, dance, drama, literacy. More details of the production will follow the SAT examinations.

Cameron C Jacob F James O Patrycja B Darren N Macey M Harriet B Ben P Caitlin L Megan S Dominic H

During assembly today I have talked to the children about thinking of others when out at play. As well as talking about playing safely-thinking about the area you are in and the space you have when playing chasing games for example-I have talked about ensuring that games are enjoyable for all, trying not to spoil the games of others and to include everyone fairly. Best wishes to you all for an enjoyable weekend,

Initiative - Care - Cooperation - Respect Responsibility - Effort - Enjoyment

eminder - SEN Questionnaires If you have not already done so would you please return completed questionnaires to Mrs Birch by Monday 30th April. Thank you for your feedback! Request for Help! One of the children at school used an fm receiver to boost his hearing. Last week the receiver went missing we think that it may have fallen out of his bag when he opened it on the way home. Possibly close to the school. This is an expensive and important itemwe hope that someone has perhaps found it and does not realise what it is. If this is the case or you know anything about it please do let us know.

Annual Holiday Dates 2011-2012 Spring Term 2012 Term Starts Wednesday 4th January 2012 Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012 Half Term Monday 13th February 2012 to Friday 17th February 2012 Summer Term 2012 Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012 Term Ends Friday 20th July 2012 Easter Holidays Monday 2nd April 2012 to Friday 13th April 2012 Half Term Friday 1st June 2012 (ADDITIONAL BANK HOLIDAY) to Friday 8th June 2012 Bank Holidays Monday 2nd January 2012 Friday 6th April 2012 (Good Friday) Monday 9th April 2012 (Easter Monday) Monday 7th May 2011 (May Day) Monday 4th June 2012 Tuesday 5th June 2012

Celebration Menu F.A. Cup Final 2012 Friday 4th May PIZZA (cheese, tomato & pepperoni) or MEATBALLS IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH PASTA Served with Pommes, cheese & potato rounds, baked beans or peas & sweetcorn followed by Cupcake with double chocolate topping Or Fresh Fruit Salad All for the usual price of 1.95

Year 6 SATs week Monday 14th May 2012

Whilst it is recognised that there are exceptional circumstances when leave during term may be requested, parents are asked to carefully consider the effect upon their children in respect of learning and relationships.

Our Healthy Eating Certificate this week is awarded to

Hannah K 4SP Health and safety

Please remember that for Health and Safety reasons we have a non jewellery policy at school. Children should not wear earrings unless they have had their ears recently pierced and so are unable to remove them in which case they should be taped. Please ensure that your childs hair is tied back for school unless they have a short hair cut. Who received a Pineapple to take home to share with her family. A. Jones

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