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What Is Dimensional Modeling?

SS G515 - Data Warehousing

Dr. Yashvardhan Sharma Assistant Professor, CS & IS Dept. BITS-Pilani

Star Schema
Singe data (fact) table

Dimensional Model: Fact Tables

A fact table contains information about things that an organization

surrounded by multiple descriptive (dimension) tables


wants to measure.

A fact tables key is made up from the keys of two or more

Dim Fact

A fact always resolves a many-to-many relationship between the

parent, or dimension tables.

The most useful fact tables also contain one or more numerical



measures, or facts, that occur for the combination of keys that define each record. Example: the facts are Dollars Sold, Units Sold, and Dollars Cost.

Dimensional model: Fact Tables

The most useful facts in a fact table are numeric and additive. Additivity is crucial because data warehouse applications

Fact Tables
Contains numerical measurements of the business Each measurement is taken at the intersection of all

almost never retrieve a single fact table record; rather, they fetch back hundreds, thousands, or even millions of these records at a time, and often the most useful thing to do with so many records is to add them up.


Intersection is the composite key Represents Many-to-many relationships between dimensions Examples of facts

Sale_amt, Units_sold, Cost, Customer_count


Dimensional Model: Dimension Tables

Dimension tables contain information about how an

Dimension Tables
Contains attributes for dimensions 50 to 100 attributes common Best attributes are textual and descriptive DW is only as good as the dimension attributes Contains hierarchal information albeit redundantly Entry points into the fact table

organization wants to analyze facts:

Show me sales revenue (fact) for last week (time) for blue cups

(product) in the western region (geography)

Dimension tables most often contain descriptive textual

information Blue cups, Western Region Dimension attributes are used as the source of most of the interesting constraints in data warehouse queries., and they are virtually always the source of the row headers in the SQL answer set.

Dimensions The time independent, textual and descriptive attributes by which users describe objects. Combining all the attributes including hierarchies, rollups and sub-references into a single dimension is denormalization. Often the by word in a query or report Not time dependent Facts Business Measurements Most Facts are Numeric Additive, Semi-Additive, Non-Additive Built from the lowest level of detail (grain) Very Efficient Time dependent

Performance (Integer relationships, natural partitioning, Single

joins benefit SQL optimizer)

Source system independence and multiple integration Supports Change management Usability/Simplicity (easy to read, interpret, join, calculate) Presentation (Consistency, Taxonomy, Labeling) Reuse (Conformed dimensions reduce redundancy, Role-plays)

Dimensional Model vs ER model

The key to understanding the relationship between DM and

Dimensional Model vs ER model

Shipments Returns

ER is that a single ER diagram breaks down into multiple DM diagrams, or stars. Think of a large ER diagram as representing every possible business process within an application. The ER diagram may have Sales Calls, Order Entries, Shipment Invoices, Customer Payments, and Product Returns, all on the same diagram.


Sales Contact





Dimensional Model vs ER model

To create the individual stars that exist within an application:
Look for many-to-many relationships in the ER model containing

DM Strengths
The dimensional model has a number of important data

warehouse advantages that the ER model lacks.

First, the dimensional model is a predictable, standard framework.

numeric and additive facts and to designate them as fact tables. Alternatively, look for events or transactions these may also be facts Denormalize all of the remaining tables into flat tables with singlepart keys that connect directly to the fact tables. These tables become the dimension tables. In cases where a dimension table connects to more than one fact table, we represent this same dimension table in both schemas, and we refer to the dimension tables as "conformed" between the two dimensional models.

Report writers, query tools, and user interfaces can all make strong assumptions about the dimensional model to make the user interfaces more understandable and to make processing more efficient. Rather than using a cost-based optimizer, a database engine can make very strong assumptions about first constraining the dimension tables and then "attacking" the fact table all at once with the Cartesian product of those dimension table keys satisfying the user's constraints.


DM Strengths
A second strength of the dimensional model is that the

DM Strengths
A third strength of the dimensional model is that it is gracefully

predictable framework of the star join schema withstands unexpected changes in user behavior. Every dimension is equivalent. All dimensions can be thought of as symmetrically equal entry points into the fact table. The logical design can be done independent of expected query patterns. The user interfaces are symmetrical, the query strategies are symmetrical, and the SQL generated against the dimensional model is symmetrical.

extensible to accommodate unexpected new data elements and new design decisions. Gracefully extensible:

all existing tables (both fact and dimension) can be changed in place

by simply adding new data rows in the table, or the table can be changed in place with a SQL alter table command. Data should not have to be reloaded. No query tool or reporting tool needs to be reprogrammed to accommodate the change. Old applications continue to run without yielding different results. Adding new unanticipated facts (that is, new additive numeric fields in the fact table), as long as they are consistent with the fundamental grain of the existing fact table



DM Strengths
A fourth strength of the dimensional model is that there is a

DM Strengths
A final strength of the dimensional model is the management of

body of standard approaches for handling common modeling situations in the business world. These modeling situations include:
Slowly changing dimensions, where a "constant" dimension such as


Aggregates are summary records that are logically redundant with

Product or Customer actually evolves slowly and asynchronously. Event-handling databases, where the fact table usually turns out to be "factless. Many others

base data already in the data warehouse, but they are used to enhance query performance. A comprehensive aggregate strategy is required in every mediumand large-sized data warehouse implementation. All of the aggregate management software packages and aggregate navigation utilities depend on a very specific single structure of fact and dimension tables that is absolutely dependent on the dimensional model.




ER vs DM Final Points
ER models are not appropriate for Data Warehouses. ER

Types of Facts
Fully-additive-all dimensions Units_sold, Sales_amt Semi-additive-some dimensions Account_balance, Customer_count 28/3,tissue paper,store1, 25, 250,20 28/3,paper towel,store1, 35, 350,30 Is no. of customers who bought either tissue paper or paper NO towel is 50? Non-additive-none Gross margin=Gross profit/amount Note that GP and Amount are fully additive Ratio of the sums and not sum of the ratios

modeling does not really model a business; rather, it models the micro relationships among data elements. ER models are wildly variable in structure. As such, it is extremely difficult to optimize query performance.



Data Warehouse: Design Steps

Step 1: Identify the Business Process Step 2: Declare the Grain Step 3: Identify the Dimensions Step 4: Identify the Facts

Modeling Design Process


Identify the Business Process

Source of measurements


Identify the Grain

What does 1 row in the fact table represent or mean?


Identify the Dimensions

Descriptive context, true to the grain


Identify the Facts

Numeric additive measurements, true to the grain

Step 1 - Identify the Business Process

This is a business activity typically tied to a source system. Not to be confused with a business department or function. An

Step 2 - Identify the Grain

The level of detail associated with the fact table measurements. A critical step necessary before steps 3 and 4. Preferably it should be at the most atomic level possible. How do you describe a single row in the fact table?

Orders dimensional model should support the activities of both Sales and Marketing. If we establish departmentally bound dimensional models, well inevitably duplicate data with different labels and terminology.


Step 3 - Identify the Dimensions

The list of all the discrete, text-like attributes that emanate

Step 4 - Identify the Facts

Must be true to the grain defined in step 2. Typical facts are numeric additive figures. Facts that belong to a different grain belong in a separate fact

from the fact table. They are the by words used to describe the requirements. Each dimension could be though of as an analytical entry point to the facts. How do business people describe the data that results from the business process?


Facts are determined by answering the question, What are we


Percentages and ratios, such as gross margin, are non-additive.

The numerator and denominator should be stored in the fact table.

Grocery Store: The Universal Example The Scenario:

Grocery Store DW
Step 1: Sales Business Process Step 2: Daily Grain A word about GRANULARITY

Chain of 100 Grocery Stores 60000 individual products in each store

10000 of these products sold on any given day(average) 3 year data

27 28

Temp sensor data: per ms, sec, min, hr? Size of the DW is governed by granularity Daily grain (club products sold on a day for each store) Aggregated data Receipt line Grain (each line in the receipt is recorded finest grain data)

Grocery Store: DW Size Estimate

Daily Grain Size of Fact Table

Data Cube
Goa Dubai Pilani Juice Milk Coke Cream Soap Bread 10 34 56 32 12 56 M T W Th F S S

= 100*10000*3*365 = 1095 million records 4 facts & 4 dimensions (48 bytes) 1095 m * 48 bytes = 52560 m bytes i.e. ~ 50 GB

56 units of bread sold in Pilani on M

Dimensions: Time, Product, Location Attributes: Product (upc, price, ) Location Hierarchies: roll-up to week Product Brand Day Week Quarter City Region Country




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