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Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEnsenyament

SIN Pla Marcell Name and surnames: Laura Tuypens Pellis Group: 3rd B Date: Friday 30th March 2012

PRACTICE 5 (Easter holiday)

The Black Cat by John Milne

CHAPTER 1: SALAHADIN IS WORRIED. 1. What was Salahadin's job? He was a detective. 2. What had Mr. Pearson been doing in Egypt. He's been looking for antiquities. 3. Why was Salahadin worried? Because Mr Pearson hasn't came to Salahadin's office. 4. Why was Salahadin not able to speak to Mr. Pearson? Because he was dead. CHAPTER 2: THE MISSING BOX 1.What did Salahadin find on the table beside the bed? Some papers. 2. How many boxes were in the room? Six boxes. 3. Which box was missing? The seventh box.

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEnsenyament

SIN Pla Marcell CHAPTER 3: THE TAXI DRIVER 1. Did the man in the taxi speak Arabic like an Egyptian? No he didn't. 2. Where did the man want to go? He wanted to go to Cairo Railway Station. 3. What train left Cairo at twelve oclock, midday? The express train from Alexandria CHAPTER 4: BOAT TO BEIRUT 1. Who had arrived at Alexandria docks at six oclock? A tall man with fair hair 3. What boats left Alexandria between 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.? The Syria's and Sudan's boats. 4. How was Salahadin going to travel to Beirut? By plane. CHAPTER 5: THE BLACK CAT 1. Which pieces of paper did Salahadin take out of his wallet? The pieces from Pearson's room. 2. What tomb was Pearson looking for? He was looking for Pharaoh Ankuten tomb. 3. What was possibly buried in this tomb? The Black cat. 4. Was it valuable? Yes it was.

CHAPTER 6: IN BEIRUT 1. What was the name of the boat which arrived at Beirut at half past six?

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEnsenyament

SIN Pla Marcell The Sudan boat. 2. Where was Fuads village? In the mountains above Beirut. 3. Was it an easy road from Beirut to Fuads village? No, it wasn't. CHAPTER 7: THE ROAD TO BAALBEK 1. What was the name of the man who got off the boat? Borkman. 2. Was the man carrying the box? No, he wasn't. 3. What happened when the taxi left the docks? The black car followed the taxi. 4. Which road did the cars take? The road towards the mountains. 5. What happened to the black car and the taxi? It had an accident. CHAPTER 9: BEIRUT TO ATHENS 1. Who murdered Pearson? Borkman. 2. How was Salahadin going to travel to Athens? By plane. 3. Why was Salahadin going to Athens? Because he wanted to meet Peterson. 4. What did Fuad ask Salahadin to do in Athens? He sent them a telegram. CHAPTER 10: SALAHADIN FINDS PETERSON 1. Why did Salahadin get on to The Syria? Because Peterson didn't get off The Syria. 2. Who was in cabin 22? Mr Peterson 3. What was the number of Salahadins cabin? Cabin 22

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEnsenyament

SIN Pla Marcell CHAPTER 11: SALAHADIN FINDS THE BLACK CAT 1. Why did Salahadin go into the stewards room? Because he wanted take the key of the cabin 22. 2. Where did Salahadin find the missing box? In Peterson's cabin. 3. What went wrong? Peterson entered into his cabin. CHAPTER 12: DEATH ON THE SYRIA 1. Did Salahadin tell Peterson the truth? No, he didn't. 2. What happened to Peterson? He died. 3. Where was the Black Cat now? The cat is into a box in the Salahadin's cabin. CHAPTER 13: DO NOT DISTURB 2. Why did Salahadin tell the policeman that he had some books in the box? Because he didn't want any trouble. CHAPTER 14: RETURN TO CAIRO 1. Where was Salahadin going to take the Black Cat? To Cairo Museum. 2. Who was the leader of the Baalbek Gang? Jusef 3. What happened to the two gangs? They were dissolved.

CHAPTER 15: THE END 1. Was the Black Cat valuable? No, it wasn't.

Generalitat de Catalunya Departament dEnsenyament

SIN Pla Marcell 2.What wa s inside the new room in the museum? The black cat.

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