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JARM Board LPC2148 Manual

Dec 16, 2010


JARMBoard-LPC2148 is a development board for LPC2148 ARM7TMDI based microcontroller. The LPC2148 microcontroller has 512KB of internal flash and 32+8K RAM, can be clocked up to 60Mhz. LPC2148 features include USB 2.0 device, 2xUARTs, RTC, 2x10bit ADCs each with multiple channels, 1xDAC, 2xI2C, 1xSPI, 1XSSP, 2x32-bit TIMERS, 6XPWM, FAST I/0 support and WDT. LPC2148 also supports In System Programming (ISP)

Following are the salient features of the board: Dimensions: 80 mm * 120 mm Two layer PCB (FR-4 material) Power: USB powered / External AC or onboard regulator. ISP and RESET switch Test LED connected to PORT P0.21 32Khz crystal for RTC Extension headers for all Pins belonging to P0.0 - P0.31 and P1.16 - P1.31 arranged in order. Both UART0 and 1 (UART0 port for ISP ) USB B-type connector with Link-LED (for both powering the board as well as connector for the board as a USB Device) 20pin - JTAG connector DC Voltage (Max: 9 V) with

JARM Board LPC2148 Manual

Dec 16, 2010

What tools to use? Our products are in general not tied up to one particular tool. All the tools that support LPC2000 ARM7 series of micro controllers can be used, to name a few: KEILuvision4IDE a 32K code limited version could be used RowleyCrossworks comes with 30 day evaluation version IARworkbench a 32K code limited version could be used And off course GCC based open source tool chains ( Yet Another Gnu ARm TOol chain WINARM Tutorials ( For those who wish to program (hex files) using parallelport programmer could consider H-JTAG

How to program the board? There are various options: JTAG interface: parallelportprogrammer ISP programming: Programming through the on chip boot loader using UART interface and FlashMagic

Board Details: The following diagram illustrates the layout of JARM 7 Board based on NXPs LPC2148.

This board can be powered either through the USB cable or through an external source. RCA Jack is provided for connecting the external DC Source. ( External

JARM Board LPC2148 Manual

Dec 16, 2010

DC Voltage can be varied from 7.5V to 12 V DC). This board also in-houses 5V and 3.3V regulator. Warning: PS ON/OFF switch should be in OFF position while it powered by USB. For powering through External DC source, PS ON/OFF switch should be in ON position. Switch S1 RESET Switch Switch S2- ISP for bringing the CPU into ISP mode. To bring the CPU in ISP mode for Programming the Board through UART0, Keep the ISP Switch (S2) pressed during RESET. Jumper Details J1 for connecting External Voltage to Vref. By Placing the Jumper Vref = 3.3V J2 For Connecting Voltage from an external battery for Power backup. J3 - placing jumpers in position 1 and 2 of J3 will enable UART0 and 3 and 4 of J3 will enable UART1 J4 Placing jumper in J4 will connect 5V Dc to the board J5 Placing jumper in J5 will connect 3.3V DC to the board J6 Placing jumper in J6 will enable JATG operation.

FRC Connector Pin Detail:

19 20

17 18

15 16

13 14

11 12

9 10

7 8

5 6

3 4

1 2

FRC Connectors Details: FRC Connector 1 Connector Pin Purpose 1 VCC 3.3V 2 VCC 3.3V 3 PORT0.0 4 PORT0.1 5 PORT0.2 6 PORT0.3 7 PORT0.4

PIN 1 of FRC Connector

JARM Board LPC2148 Manual

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 FRC Connector 2 Connector Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PORT0.5 PORT0.6 PORT0.7 PORT0.8 PORT0.9 PORT0.10 PORT0.11 PORT0.12 PORT0.13 PORT0.14 PORT0.15 GND GND

Dec 16, 2010

Purpose VCC 3.3V VCC 3.3V PORT0.16 PORT0.17 PORT0.18 PORT0.19 PORT0.20 PORT0.21 PORT0.22 PORT0.23 PORT0.24 PORT0.25 PORT0.26 PORT0.27 PORT0.28 PORT0.29 PORT0.30 PORT0.31 GND GND

FRC Connector 3 Connector Pin Purpose 1 VCC 3.3V 2 VCC 3.3V 3 PORT1.16 4 PORT1.17 5 PORT1.18 6 PORT1.19 7 PORT1.20 8 PORT1.21 9 PORT1.22 10 PORT1.23 11 PORT1.24

JARM Board LPC2148 Manual

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PORT1.25 PORT1.26 PORT1.27 PORT1.28 PORT1.29 PORT1.30 PORT1.31 GND GND

Dec 16, 2010

UART Connectors: UART0 for UART0 connectivity. It is also used for flashing the hex code into the LPC 2148 using any ISP Programmer ( example Flash Magic) . UART1 for UART1 connectivity JTAG Connector: JTAG connector is a standard 20-Pin Connector used for connecting to any standard Parallel Port JTAG Debugger through FRC cable for Programming as well as Debugging ARM through the Parallel Port available in the PC. JTAG Hardware : You can purchase a Parallel Port JTAG Hardware form NGX Technologies for the Programming and Debugging purposes. Free Downloadable software H-JTAG V1.1 may be used for this purpose.

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