200+ Life Lessons You Learn From Anime

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-The harder she hits you, the more she loves you-Everything cool happens in Japan-There will be robots.

If there are no robots, there will be ninjas-RABU is the most powerful power of all!-The only thing that can beat violence is more violence-If it would be awesome for something to happen, it will happen-Even if your magical-girl transformation takes an eternity to finish, the bad g uys will usually stand still and never attack until you finish-Anime guys have better hair than the ones in real life-Y know the main guy? That girl he runs into at the beginning? Yeah, they get toge ther-The shorter the skirt, the more popular that girl can become-Love triumphs over everything!-If you beat people up and then give an inspiring speech, they will be changed f or the better-The most skilled martial arts master is completely defenseless against a slap f rom his girl-Said martial arts master is never truly angry until his girl gets hurt-That cute, fuzzy creature in the corner is not what it seems-Food is a powerful motivator-When you die, make a long speech, and do not finish the last sentence-Music foreshadows plot-Vengeance with a mallet is the sweetest revenge of all-Teachers have excellent aim with small objects-The coolest weapon is still the sword-Love knows no race, species, or logic-Never trust a huge corporation-Romance never comes simpler than in a triangle-Everyone wants to conquer Japan-You can never have too many subplots-The guy in the baseball cap is always more powerful than he seems-When someone paints up their face, they mean business-

-When women are sent out to fight the bad guys, there is always a hunk busily wa tching over them, often in secret-Innocent girls can have a scary split personality, that could rip off your head . The pink-haired ones are even more scarier-The longer it takes to say what your punch is called, the less effective it is-The fate of the planet rests in the hands of the seemingly normal high school s tudent-True evil can never be destroyed, only banished to some other realm where it aw akens after a few hundred years-All persons under the age of 50 can do a ten foot vertical jump from a standing position-Never trust a guy with shiny teeth-The vampire is not always the bad guy-Just about any outer space villain has his sights set on destroying the Earth a nd no other planet in the universe will be able to stop said villain except the Earth-People will take any excuse to party-There are an infinite number of alternate universes, each with its own version of Tenchi Muyo- Domo , baka , yosh! , and omae wa mo shinderu are useful expressions-

-Some songs are better if you don t know the words-A dialogue-free scene with identical background music can actually be funnier i n the sub than the dub. It is not logical, but it is often so-Everyone needs a hobby. Many need a life-Evil can only be destroyed after the series has gone on for 100 and some odd ep isodes and fillers. Even after that, a new evil shall arise for season two-Japanese shows can do just fine on American T.V. as long as you don t tell anyone they re Japanese-A samurai sword can cut through anything-When uncovering a fabulous treasure, the thing will be large enough to complete ly destroy any surrounding structures-Gravity has no effect on large b0obs-Anime villains have the best deaths-Some love interests will always be possessed by a demon-Extremely large weapons can be stored anywhere on anybody-Jerks fly very high when punched-

-Killing is very diverse, from notebooks to straw dolls-A word like pika can have thousands of meanings-

-If you see a girl who looks like one and acts like one, it s a guy-Jumping off a building does not usually kill you-The hero always loses the first fight with a new enemy-Any truly evil person who changes sides for the woman he loves will die in that episode-You CAN do it, but only when it is funny or REALLY important-Hair comes in every shade of the rainbow - and we do mean pink, purple, blue, g reen .-The song Cry Me a River takes on a whole new meaning-

-Gazing into space is normal [Somewhat]-Dropping a pencil can make one blush like a tomato-Tripping down on a flat surface is completely normal-Stupid phrases like I am god or e someone finally smacks youBelieve it can be repeated trillions of times befor

-Fan clubs are dangerous and obsessive-Snow means love-In space, you can hear everything-There s always room for flashbacks!-If you act like a pervert, you will get kicked in the a**-Smart people wear glasses-That alien girl will always betray her people for the man she loves-Female androids are sexy; male androids are .male androids-You can never have too much hair-Sweating is a sure sign of stress-Daydreaming often leads to accidents-Double suicide is romantic-Outrageous vehicles only make the hero cooler-Nothing delays romance like unruly neighbors-Fancy ice cream is for girls only-The most virtuous character will die-

-It is possible to incorporate martial arts into any aspect of life-Consuming enormous amounts of alcohol daily will never have ill effects-All major villains either want to take over the world or blow it up-Everyone in Japan has excellent singing voices-No matter how many times you rebuild it, Tokyo keeps getting destroyed in a mas sive fireball-No matter how big the mech/labor/mobile suit is, if it runs around the corner, the guy chasing it loses the trail-Every girl will fall in love with a boy that will never acknowledge them, and s hun the ones that truly adore them-Fancy martial arts may not accomplish anything But it sure looks good!-No matter how wild your bangs are, you can always see through them-No matter how much time has gone by, you will always be the same age-Older brothers tend to be homicidal-The bad guys are almost always good looking androgynous metrosexuals-

-No matter how big your breasts are, you will never need medical attention due t o severe back pain-The skimpier she dresses, the harder she can hit-Males look good in drag-The enemies you fight one day, will become your allies the next-Your group of friends will almost always consist of a happy-go-lucky, fangirl/b oy obsessed or pervert, and emo person with black hair and a bad childhood or pa st-The power to believe in yourself is the power to change fate-The weirder the people you hang-out with are, the more normal you look in compa rison-If you are just a normal high school student, odds are you will not be one for long-Be nice to the little, awkward guy/girl with the swirly-lensed glasses. Geeky a s they are, they will have a feature episode where they save everyone s butt, and if you have been a jerk to them, you will be listed among the pwned-Practice makes perfect-It is okay to wear the same clothes for the rest of your life-If he is an old man and a martial arts master than you can bet anything that he is perverted as well-

-Most teachers are perverts-The smarter/wiser a person is, the more likely he is to be perverted-A split personality is barely ever noticed, and even if it is, it will not requ ire professional treatment-As long as another good guy or teammate hurts you, you will not die, you could fall off a mountain and survive. However, if an enemy as much as pricks you with a needle you suddenly have a serious injury-Even though you go through extreme transformations which put a huge strain on y our cell structure, you will not get cancer-Everything is a weapon! This includes sand and ice-Those who are half-breeds are the heroes-Do not talk to overly friendly people. You won t be able to get them to shut up. Same goes for hyper people-Cute little girls always have big hammers. Or are always badass-Cherry blossoms are good weapons. And they make you look sexy-If there are Gundams, there is a war-Ramen comes in bottomless cups-Those who wear eye patches never simply lost their eye. They have some long sto ry regarding it or an uber-magic ability under it-If you have silver hair, you are cool-If more than one person likes you, never kiss one of them when you think you ar e alone. The other person will catch you-If you are a guy with a female love interest and another female hits on you, yo u will be blamed-One guy in a group of girls = never a good outcome for the guy-If a group is made mainly of guys, fangirls will consider them all to be homose xual-The cute ones are always crazy-Oranges can bring you back to life. If you run out of oranges, use the syringe filled with ominous purple stuff-Do not worry, the secondary characters never really die. They just wanted to mo tivate the main character-If you have a scar, there is always some long, angsty, emotional story behind i t-If the main antagonist is a woman, she will be crushing on your man too-The two characters that hate each other s guts will fall in love, according to th e fangirls-

-If you change into magical-girl clothes, people will not recognize you-The long costume change sequence is a MUST. And is completely necessary-Scream your attack before you use it. It causes the enemy to delay their respon se-If you do a really cool move in a fight, you must spend at least two minutes ex plaining how you got it and what it does, giving your opponent the opportunity t o think of a counterattack-When the smoke clears, your opponent is always standing. Make sure to gasp in s urprise-When you think your attack is all that, it really is not-When you defeat an enemy, a stronger one will emerge-Cat girls are very distracting-If you are happy-go-lucky, you will fall in love with the a**hole-Even the happiest of people have the emo-est of pasts-If your opponent gets the upper hand, do not worry. You will think of a way to defeat them using a complex, completely unnecessary tactic/strategy-Radio/television announcements are always conveniently placed-If you throw away something important, someone you know will find it later-Save someone s life. They will fall in love with you-Sex DOES sell-If you are the child of the series, you are the genius-Big swords make you look cool-It is always the people under the age of 20 that get the big adventures-There will always be an orphan-Knock before you go into your own room. A girl/boy might be changing in it-If you live with a girl and you sleep in, you will be woken up violently-Ten episodes cannot go by without some kind of misunderstanding-Bubbles and sparkles make things more lovey-dovey-The guy with the closed eyes? He can see perfectly-If you enter a town, someone is always watching you from afar, smirking-Unnatural eye colors are completely natural. Same goes for hair-Samurai s love tea and sake-

-Pride is everything-Evil people are rich, good people are poor-If they say I ll catch up to you later! , odds are they will not-

-Death is a good motivation-People named after objects are cool-If under a spell, a tear drop from someone else can nullify it-Dragons can be great for transportation-Shinigami are common and visible to a lot of people-You cannot do everything you see on TV-When it seems you will surely lose, join forces with the enemy. Later, when eve ryone hates you for betraying them, you win them back by killing the enemy once yo u get close enough to them-Whenever someone says do not fall in love with me/don t get attached/etc, they do , 100% of the time-The handsome/beautiful and smart ones are always hiding something-You should always fear the student who scores the highest in your class, they a re always hiding something-The handsome guys are always either extremely stupid or extremely smart-Drama will always ensue while you are cleaning the classroom-One may need all of the hair gel in the world to get their hair to stand up tha t straight-CPR will always be mistaken for something else-Ditzy fangirls sometimes have the potentiall of being smart they just do not try hard enough-When your buddy is being accused of something, look for every possible way for them NOT to be the person before turning them in-When you are an adult, no one will remember that you were once a child too-Sometimes it is better to hide your true feelings and carry on your friendship even if it hurts-Gravity does not exist in Japan. Neither do the laws of physics-If you have a childhood friend of the opposite sex, you end up liking them-The guys that are lonely when they are children grow up to be evil, then when t hey are taking their last breath, they say sorry-Once hurt, cuteness levels rise by at least 50%-Most guys do not have nipples-

-The strongest weapons are the one that do not shut up-If there is a bomb threat, they WILL explode, no matter what you try to do to s top it-Shortly after doing something good, the bad guy will die-Shinigami always keep their promises-The favorite food of a Shinigami is an apple-That guy in all black, is the coolest character of them all-The over-cocky will die at the highest, most self absorbed point of their lives -No matter HOW big your eyes are, it is not going to improve your eye sight-Everything is funnier when the words do not match the mouth-People can turn into smaller versions of themselves in a blink of an eye-When the world is going to be saved, there will always be a huge fight where mo re of the town gets destroyed in the process instead of getting saved-If someone gets a couple of major limbs cut off, like arms or legs or their hea d, there will not be that much blood, and your sword remains squeaky clean!-The girl you like might actually be a guy. A guy prettier then any girl you hav e ever met. Sucks, doesn t it?-It is all fun and games until someone loses an eye-All transformations happen in a blink of an eye, but are shown for over a minut e-All Aliens look human and speak our native tongues. Males wear a cape and femal es wear extremely tight clothing-In case of destruction of nations due to Armageddon or alien attack or some oth er cause, Japan will be last nation standing-Large breasts will always end up being exposed-Shooting at the protagonist will almost always miss, while the protagonist neve r needs to aim-Japan s gangsters are the most nefarious in the world. Yet the protagonist always can defeat entire gangs single handedly coming out with only a cut on the cheek . If he cannot win by himself, his best friend comes to help him-A cute animal will always follow the protagonist-The longer the name, the more powerful the special attack is-In a fight, a flashback is mandatory-Some character will have a bandage for the entire series for no reason-

-Villains never follow through with the fool-proof way of killing the protagonis t. Instead they give a lengthy monologue revealing their plans-A broken bone can be shaken off as if nothing. Yet a cut to the face will not h eal for days-Blood is not always necessary when being cut or shot. Falling down with a gasp will suffice-There will always be a man with one eye covered-The strong protagonist can easily get his a** whooped by his girlfriend from a simple slap-Tokyo Towers always get blown up first. Tokyo itself soon follows. Again, and a gain, and again -Rain always appears during a sad scene-The main villain will be skinny, handsome, and have long hair-Ammo is never a concern!- No matter how large of an explosion someone is caught in, they will emerge wit h only black soot and scratches-No matter what time you fight on earth, or how much damage and debris you make, there will never be people around (not even screaming or yelling or police cars ) - If you say something perverted or just plain annoying to a girl, you can prett y much expect to be punched into the stratosphere, and disappear into the distan ce with a shiny twinkle and a trail of thick smoke-The best way to help a suicidal friend is to punch them in the face-The main guy and his rival? Fangirls will always put them together. It is like, unofficial law-Fangirls can come up with the oddest couples, such as the main guy s mother and h is rival-If you are an important character, it does not matter how deep the cut is or ho w much blood you lose. You will never die-Confessing your love to the girl you have known your entire life will always en d in her either being kidnapped, dying, or slapping the crap out of you-Everyone loves lolis-Nearly everyone has some sort of noise catchphrase-If at first you do not succeed, get a bigger drill-If you still do not succeed, get a bigger robot-If you STILL do not succeed, just get really, really pissed off about it-Do not give up on finding a long lost friend or lover-

-The intelligent are the most misunderstood-Twincest is the best-Never give up, you gotta catch em all!-

-Portals to other worlds ranges from mirrors to toilets-Mahou Shoujo sequence should be at least more than 5 seconds-The thin end of a chocolate cornet is the head-You can pull out lots of all nighters and still be healthy-

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