The Honolulu Advertiser - December 27, 2008 - A Section

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DECEMBER 27, 2008 H A W A I ‘I’ S N E W S P A P E R

75 cents on O‘ahu | $1.00 on Neighbor Islands


EUGENE TANNER | Special to The Advertiser

A time-exposure shot shows cars driving toward Downtown Honolulu on the H-1 Freeway last night after the power went out across O‘ahu.

Officials say lightning mas shoppers at malls and thousands A Hawaiian Electric Co. officials HECO officials said it would take at Honolulu International Airport, but
of residents. said a lightning strike surged the sys- least 12 hours to bring the entire island outbound flights were grounded at
strike surged system; President-elect Barack Obama, who tem, causing generators to automati- back up. about 7 p.m., said Brennon Morioka,
power likely out 12 hours was staying at a beachfront compound cally shut down as a safety measure. Traffic was extremely heavy and director of the state Department of
in Kailua, also lost power at his rental Four of five generators at Kahe congested in Honolulu, as people left Transportation.
Advertiser Staff home at about 8 p.m. but was report- power plant and five of six at the Wa- malls and tried to get home, only to be Honolulu airport has emergency
A major power outage left much ed to be fine, according to the city iau power plant shut down in the ear- caught in near-gridlock because traf- power to keep runway lights in oper-
of O'ahu in the dark last night, dis- Department of Emergency Manage- ly evening, HECO said. By 9 p.m. all fic signals were not working.
rupting outgoing flights, post-Christ- ment. generators had shut down. Inbound flights were able to land at SEE BLACKOUT, A2

BLOGS Asia reefs bouncing Fewer shoppers at mall even
back after tsunami for after-Christmas bargains
BY MICHAEL CASEY Surveys of coral reefs after the BY CURTIS LUM
Associated Press tsunami found that up to one- Advertiser Staff Writer
BANGKOK, Thailand — third were damaged and experts For longer than she can remember,
Hawaii‘n Design Southeast Asia’s tsunami-ravaged predicted it would take a decade Anne Willits of Waikïkï would battle
coral reefs have bounced back for them to fully recover. the crowds to take advantage of after-
Minette McCabe with surprising speed, according Scientists from the New York- Christmas sales at Ala Moana Cen-
revisits some of her to a study released yesterday, based Wildlife Conservation So- ter.
favorite blog posts from four years after the deadly waves ciety, working with the Indone- Willits was back at the mall yester-
the past year. hit. sian government and the Aus- day morning with her family, looking
HONOLULUADVERTISER.COM The findings came as commu- tralian Research Council Centre for bargains. The administrative as-
/BLOGS nities across the Indian Ocean of Excellence for Coral Reef sistant said she found some good
remembered the disaster that Studies, said their examination deals, but noticed something missing
struck Dec. 26, 2004, with of 60 sites on 497 miles of coast- from her holiday tradition.
TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 538-NEWS prayers, songs and tears. About line along Indonesia’s Aceh “This is the first time it has not
230,000 people were killed in a province found that the reefs are been crowded, which is unusual —
6 sections, 42 pages dozen countries when a magni- bouncing back. because usually the day after, people
Classifieds | F1-10 tude 9.0 earthquake triggered the At T&C Surf Designs at Pearlridge Center, Gal Paison of Kalihi,
Comics | E6 tsunami. SEE TSUNAMI, A5 left, and nephew Kawaika Antolin of Las Vegas browse T-shirts. SEE SHOPPING, A5
Crosswords | E2
Editorials | A6
Movie ads | E5

Obamas take trip to Hawai‘i Kai

Nation and World | A3 Barack Obama,
Obituaries | B2 with daughter
Stocks | C5-7 Sasha and
friends, ordered President-elect and a sandwich and shave ice. with cheddar cheese?”
TV listings | E3-4 Obama entered Koko Mari- Obama then approached the
shave ice daughters eat shave
Weather | A4 yesterday at na Paradise Deli and said, “So, press pool to say hello. He
Kokonuts Shave ice, visit Sea Life Park what are we going to get?” “Let placed his shoulder on this re-
Ice & Snacks in me get a tuna sandwich,” Oba- porter, who was scribbling
Advertiser staff ma said, asking for it on 12- notes, and said, “You don’t re-
Hawai‘i Kai.
President-elect Barack Oba- grain bread, tomatoes and no ally need to write all that
LAWRENCE ma, daughters Malia and Sasha, mayo. down.”
JACKSON and friends at 1:55 p.m. entered “Actually, can you melt Then Obama walked with
| Associated Press the Koko Marina Center in cheese on that?” he asked.
Hawaii Kai near Honolulu for “Can you make like a tuna melt SEE OBAMA, A2
A2 | Saturday, December 27, 2008 The Honolulu Advertiser •


Sasha, who was wearing a purple,

yellow and white dress, to
Kokonuts Shave Ice & Snacks.
There were dozens of onlookers
swarming the crowded parking
lot snapping pictures and saying
hello. Obama waved and said “Hi,
Merry Christmas.”
At one point on the sidewalk,
Obama dropped his sunglasses,
bent down and picked then up.
Obama ate his sandwich be-
fore his shave ice, saying he
wanted to set a good example
for his girls by eating healthy
food before dessert.
Inside Kokonuts, Obama, with
his BlackBerry on his left hip, or-
dered shave ice for the kids and
He told Malia, “We’re going to
do it one at a time.”
Some ordered banana coconut
or pina colada. Sasha ordered a
medium banana-flavor shave ice.
“Everyone, once you’ve or-
dered, step back,” Obama in-
structed the kids.
Obama pulled cash out of his
wallet and Eric Whitaker pitched
in to pay the bill. Obama ordered
mixed-berry shave ice for Sam
Tubman and offered shave ice
to the press pool.
“Guys, here’s your chance,” he
told the pool. “No? I’m telling
you, this is really good ... I don’t
think this is against policy. You
want one, I can tell.”
The press pool declined the
president-elect’s offer. REBECCA BREYER | The Honolulu Advertiser
Then Obama, Sasha, Malia and
other kids sat at a blue picnic Kokonuts Shave Ice & Snacks president Sabina Yi, left, and part-time worker Michiko Kinoshita prepare shave ice.
table enjoying their shave ice.
He asked the kids, “How is it? pool as quickly as possible.”
Good?” The park is nestled along the
Michelle Obama is not here. shoreline in the sparsely popu-
The group left the Koko Mari- lated and scenic Waimanalo area,
na Center at 2:25 p.m. After wind- with soaring volcanic mountains
ing along a narrow two-lane high- nearby.
way overlooking the Pacific, they The group arrived at Sea Life
arrived at the Obamas’ Kailua va- Park about 12:10 p.m. today.
cation home at 3:02 p.m. Wearing his gray T-shirt and
Earlier in the day, the group White Sox cap, Obama earlier in
left Sea Life Park about 1:40 p.m. the day exited the Semper Fit
after spending 90 minutes at the Center at Marine Corps Base
marine amusement park. Hawaii in Kailua at 8:58 a.m., ac-
The press pool was not al- cording to the White House press
lowed inside the park. Obama pool report.
did not pose for pictures or talk He spent about two minutes
to reporters, but reporters could talking with onlookers and shak-
see him, his daughters, and sev- ing hands.
eral other family friends leave One woman yelled, “Thank
the park from the interactive dol- you for staying in our neighbor-
phin area. hood.” Obama replied, “Thank
Tourists who were inside you.”
showed pool reporters photo- Obama turned to a young boy
graphs they took of Obama and and said, “Hey man, good to see
his family and friends. Obama is you. Are you a football player?”
wearing a casual cream-colored The boy nodded. Obama said, “I
shirt tucked into olive shorts, and can tell!”
sandals. Obama shook more hands and
The Obamas and friends were told the crowd, “You guys have a
seen attending the dolphin show, wonderful new year.” The pres-
tourists said. ident-elect also said, “Good to
It is unclear whether the Oba- see you.”
mas swam with dolphins, and Obama’s motorcade returned
Obama’s clothing did not appear safely to the Kailua home at 9:09
wet. LAWRENCE JACKSON | Associated Press a.m.
When they left the park, about Obama later left his vacation
President-elect Barack Obama greeted well-wishers yesterday at Koko Marina Shopping Center in Hawai‘i Kai. Obama, his daughters and
50 park guests, many wearing life home with daughters Malia and
friends also visited Sea Life Park.
vests, stood near the motorcade Sasha about 11:45 a.m. on his way
to see the president-elect. to Sea Life Park. His motorcade
ma stood and waved at them and Sasha, as well as several adults. to the pool: “With no further ther notice. The president-elect
When he came out, they left without the press pool, the
smiled. Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt scheduled events for the day, a decided to take the girls to a wa-
screamed, “We love you, Oba- first time he has done so on this
Several kids joined Malia and issued the following statement (press) lid was called until fur- ter park and we assembled the
ma” and “Obama ohana!” Oba- Hawaiian vacation.

doors and escorted customers

Blackout from its premises after losing

power, said mall spokeswoman
Debra Sharkey.
CONTINUED FROM A1 Mayor Mufi Hannemann said
the power outage that hit most of
ation, Morioka said. The control the island of Oahu may last for 12
tower also has emergency pow- hours at the least. HECO offi-
er, he said. By 9:30 p.m. the In- cials later said it may take up to
terisland Terminal was operating 24 hours to restore power fully.
as well as Delta, Northwest, Con- Hannemann said the officials
tinental and American, Morioka were unsure of the cause.
said. Hawaiian Telcom had virtual-
Traffic was moving slowly as ly all of its system operating be-
most street lights and signals cause of generator and battery
were out. Morioka said motorists backup system, said company
should treat signalized intersec- spokeswoman Ann Nishida.
tions as four-way stops during Power went out about 6:50
the outage. p.m. downtown, and earlier at
Two the state's largest shop- some places, such as Pearlridge
ping centers shut down due to Center.
the power outage that cut off City spokesman Bill Brennan
electricity to tens of thousands of said the activated the Emergency
customers. Operations Center shortly after
Ala Moana Center said most the power went out.
of its stores had decided to close Power was out in downtown
early today, which is traditional- Honolulu, Kaimuki, Waikiki,
ly one of the busiest shopping Pearl City, Kapolei and other ar-
days of the year. eas. Makakilo had power as of
Pearlridge Center closed its 7:20 p.m.

for the latest
on this breaking story.

NORMAN SHAPIRO | The Honolulu Advertiser

Cars turn from Kapi‘olani Boulevard onto South Street after the power went out last night.
SATURDAY | December 27, 2008 Nation and World NEWS DESK | 535-2416

13 dead, Pakistan troops moving

See pictures from
around the world in
Seth’s Pix at
3 escape
in Iraq toward tense India border
Los Angeles Times
BAGHDAD — A man suspect-
ed of being a Sunni Arab insur-
gent with ties to the group al-
Qaida in Iraq persuaded a prison
guard to open his cell door, then
overpowered the guard and stole
his weapon, setting off a deadly
riot that left 13 people dead in
Ramadi, west of Baghdad, au-
thorities said.
Seven detainees, including the
EVAN VUCCI | Associated Press riot’s instigator, were killed in
Former President George H.W. the clash early yesterday, along
Bush and his wife Barbara with six police officers.
returned to Texas yesterday Three detainees escaped and a
after spending Christmas at fourth turned himself in without
Camp David. incident, said Tareq Yusuf Du-
laimi, Anbar’s province police
chief. One of the escapees is con-
sidered a high-ranking leader of
Woman missing al-Qaida in Iraq who authorities
said has confessed to killing at
from cruise ship least three police officers.
Ramadi Mayor Latif Ubaid Iya-
MEXICO CITY — Three da blamed the prison guard for
Mexican Navy boats and a hel- negligence in unlocking the cell
icopter were searching the wa- while carrying his AK-47. “They
ters off the Caribbean resort attacked our policeman and
of Cancun yesterday for an killed him,” Iyada said. “They did
American woman who report- their dirty trick and exploited his
edly fell from a cruise ship, au- humanity for trying to help the
thorities said. sick prisoner.”
A U.S. Coast Guard search- Dulaimi said police officers
took control of the situation VINAY JOSHI | Associated Press
and-rescue crew using a Falcon
jet halted its efforts to find 36- quickly, containing most of the Indian Border Security Force soldiers kept vigil Thursday at the western sector of the India-Pakistan international border at Ranjitpura village.
year-old Jennifer Feitz late yes- three dozen prisoners held in one
terday, but will resume early of two cells at the station. In all, Shift of forces reflects dia and Pakistan, which have itant groups implicated by Indi- U.S. military officials in
this morning, said Petty Officer about 11 suspects escaped their fought three wars in the past 60 an officials in the attacks. Afghanistan had no immediate
Third Class Nick Ameen. cells. Three were killed inside increasing wariness years, have veered between con- The Bush administration yes- comment on the Pakistani troop
Feitz’s husband reported her the jail and three others died just after Mumbai attacks ciliatory gestures and stridently terday reiterated calls for calm. movements, but senior Ameri-
missing from the Norwegian outside the station. Police chased nationalistic statements. Both “We hope that both sides will can commanders in Afghanistan
Pearl cruise ship just before a seventh suspect about 10 miles BY LAURA KING governments insist they do not avoid taking steps that will un- consistently have said that a ma-
before fatally shooting him. Los Angeles Times want armed conflict, but both necessarily raise tensions dur- jor Pakistani offensive in the
dawn yesterday.
Authorities immediately insti- KARACHI, Pakistan — Ratch- have said they will defend their ing these already tense times,” tribal areas near the Afghan bor-
tuted a curfew, at 5 a.m., which
Brazil detains lasted throughout the day. Po-
eting up tensions heightened by
last month’s terror attack in
Pakistan’s shifting of troops
said Gordon Johndroe, a
spokesman for the National Se-
der, launched in August, has
helped dampen insurgents’ abil-
lice searched large swaths of An-
suspect rancher bar province for the three re-
Mumbai, India, Pakistan yester-
day redeployed thousands of
toward the Indian border and
away from the Afghan frontier
curity Council, according to
news agency reports. “We con-
ity to strike at Western troops
inside Afghanistan.
BRASILIA, Brazil — Brazil- maining escapees. troops toward its border with probably will come as a blow to tinue to be in close contact with A Pakistani Taliban
ian police yesterday detained a “The citizens of Anbar con- India and canceled soldiers’ fur- the Bush administration, which both countries to urge closer co- spokesman, Maulvi Omar, wel-
rancher suspected in the slay- demn the jailbreak,” Iyada said in loughs, according to security and has praised Pakistan’s military operation in investigating the comed news of the redeploy-
ing of rain forest activist an interview on Arabiya TV. intelligence officials here. offensive against insurgents long Mumbai attacks and in fighting ment. Speaking to reporters from
Dorothy Stang for allegedly il- “There is no return for terror- The Pakistani moves reflected based in its largely lawless trib- terrorism generally.” an undisclosed location, he said
legally acquiring titles to land ism in Ramadi — not today, nor increasing wariness on the part al areas. The zone abutting the Pakistan’s government has Taliban fighters would not
the U.S. nun died trying to de- in the future, because the police of the nuclear-armed rivals fol- Afghan frontier is a stronghold taken some steps against the ac- launch new attacks against Pak-
fend. forces in Anbar are in full con- lowing the rampage through In- for Taliban and al-Qaida mili- cused groups — the banned mil- istani troops in the tribal areas as
The detention of Regivaldo trol.” dia’s commercial and entertain- tants. Senior diplomats, includ- itant organization Lashkar-e-Tai- long as they were on alert
Galvao at his home in the Ama- At least 10 police officers were ment hub. Indian authorities ing U.S. Secretary of State Con- ba and its affiliated charity Ja- against India.
zon state of Para could lead to wounded in the attack, which au- have blamed Pakistan-based mil- doleezza Rice, traveled to the maat ud-Dawa — including ar- The scope and repercussions
the reopening of the case in thorities believe may have been itants for the orchestrated at- region shortly after the Mum- rests and raids on the groups’ of the Pakistani troop redeploy-
the death of Stang, 73, who was premeditated. They were being tacks in which more than 170 bai attacks, urging Pakistan to facilities. But it says India has ment were not clear. Pakistani
shot in 2005 amid a dispute treated at a hospital in Ramadi, people were killed. cooperate fully in India’s inves- lagged in providing evidence
with ranchers over land she the capital of Anbar. In the intervening weeks, In- tigation and crack down on mil- about the attackers. SEE BORDER, A7
wanted brought under federal
Galvao was arrested in 2005,
but freed on bail by Brazil’s
Supreme Court in 2006. He has
since used appeals to avoid tri-
Winter keeps grip on West; Kennedy breaks silence

ice glazes roads in Chicago about decision to run

Death toll at 27 BY LARRY NEUMEISTER not worry
in Kiev collapse Associated Press
Associated Press
NEW YORK — Caroline
about what
other people
KIEV, Ukraine — Rescue RENO, Nev. — Yet another Kennedy emerged from weeks think and you
workers were combing snowstorm closed highways in of near-silence about her bid have to have
through piles of concrete and parts of the West yesterday, the for a Senate seat by saying yes- the courage to
glass yesterday in an ongoing latest in a tiring week of bad terday that after a lifetime of do the unex-
search for survivors from an weather, and a dangerous sheet closely guarded privacy, she pected,” she
apartment building explosion of ice in parts of the Midwest feels compelled to answer the said.
in southern Ukraine, but au- contributed to a looming flood call to service issued by her fa- Kennedy Since Caro-
thorities said hope was waning problem. ther a generation ago. line Kennedy
as the death toll climbed to 27. Winter storm warnings were She said two events shaped expressed interest in the job,
Salvage teams have pulled in effect yesterday for parts of her decision to ask Gov. David she has faced sometimes sharp
21 people out alive from the Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Col- Paterson 11 days ago to consid- criticism that she cut in line
rubble since the five-story orado, Wyoming, Montana and er her for the position that will ahead of politicians with more
building collapsed Wednesday the western Dakotas, and a bliz- become vacant if Sen. Hillary experience and acts as if she is
night in the Crimean peninsu- zard warning covered the moun- Rodham Clinton is confirmed entitled to it because of her po-
la resort of Yevpatoriya. tains of southwest Colorado. as secretary of state: the Sept. 11 litical lineage. More than a half-
It was unclear if other vic- “It’s going to be a heck of a terrorist attacks and her work dozen elected officials are vying
tims could still be buried in storm,” said Chris Cuoco, senior for Barack Obama’s presiden- for the seat, including New York
the wreckage. forecaster for the National tial campaign. Attorney General Andrew Cuo-
Weather Service in Grand Junc- JEFFRY SCOTT | Arizona Daily Star via AP In her first sit-down inter- mo and several members of
Loyalists mourn tion, Colo. “We’re expecting sig-
nificant snowfall in all the moun- Snow piles up on Redington Pass, near Saguaro National Park East,
view since she emerged as a
Senate hopeful, the 51-year-old
Kennedy said she had long
east of Tucson, Ariz. Winter has a tight grip on much of the nation.
Ghana dictator tains of Colorado. Even the val-
leys are going to see 4-plus inch-
daughter of late President John
F. Kennedy cited her father’s
been encouraged to seek public
office and that Clinton’s likely
MOUSSAYAH, Guinea — es of snow.” Toll Road, more than 150 miles, in Indiana. legacy in explaining why she departure from the Senate offers
Tens of thousands of loyalists Up to 20 inches of snow was was shut down for about two The National Weather Service wants to serve alongside her the opportunity to follow in the
yesterday mourned the dicta- forecast in parts of the Rockies, hours yesterday morning because issued flood watches for much of uncle, Massachusetts Sen. Ed- footsteps of her father, two un-
tor who ruled Guinea for near- along with wind gusts of up to 80 it was “an entire sheet of ice” Illinois, saying “the potential ex- ward Kennedy. cles and cousins.
ly a quarter-century, lining the mph. with numerous accidents, said ists for very serious and poten- “Many people remember that “Going into politics is some-
roads to the lavish palace The Utah Avalanche Center state Trooper William Jones. In- tially life threatening flooding.” spirit that President Kennedy thing people have asked me
grounds where he was interred yesterday renewed its warning diana also closed a 10-mile sec- Heavy snow and whiteout con- summoned forth,” she said. about forever,” a relaxed
and crowding around his against travel in mountain back- tion of Interstate 69 just north ditions in the Sierra Nevada on “Many people look to me as Kennedy said as she ate a grilled
grave. country, saying up to 3 feet of of Fort Wayne. Thursday led authorities to in- somebody who embodies that cheese and bacon sandwich and
Lansana Conte, who took new snow in places, plus strong Seven Indiana traffic deaths termittently shut down Interstate sense of possibility. I’m not say- sipped coffee at a diner in Man-
power in 1984, was the only wind, had overloaded layers of were blamed on the ice yester- 80, the busy main link between ing that I am anything like him, hattan. “When this opportunity
leader who many Guineans very weak snow and raised the day, adding to four weather-re- northern Nevada and Northern I’m just saying there’s a spirit came along, which was sort of
had ever known. Though he threat of avalanches. lated deaths in that state earlier in California. The mountains that I think I’ve grown up with unexpected, I thought, ‘Well,
was widely seen as corrupt, In the Midwest, freezing rain the week. In Indianapolis, a fire around Lake Tahoe received that is something that means a maybe now. How about now?’”
many saw stability under him glazed streets and highways in engine slid head-on into a tree, about 2 feet of snow, bringing tremendous amount to me.” She said she realizes she will
as preferable to the bloody civ- the Chicago area. The Eisen- sending four firefighters to a hos- totals at some resorts in the past She also credited her late have to prove herself and “work
il wars elsewhere in West hower Expressway — Interstate pital with minor injuries. two weeks to 10 feet. mother, Jacqueline Kennedy twice as hard as anybody else.”
Africa. His death Monday at 290 — was closed for a time be- Temperatures could reach the “This is one of the snowiest Onassis, with giving her the She acknowledged, “I am an un-
the age of 74 has left the coun- cause of the ice, and the village of 50s and even 60s in the region to- Christmas holiday periods I can courage to seek the job. conventional choice,” but added:
try in political turmoil. Lemont blocked off all its major day, after subzero readings ear- remember,” said Kent Hoopin- “I think my mother ... made it “We’re starting to see there are
intersections. lier in the week, and a possibili- garner, general manager at clear that you have to live life by many ways into public life and
— Advertiser news services ty of 2 inches of rain was forecast Homewood Mountain Resort.
The full length of the Indiana your own terms and you have to public service.”
A4 | Saturday, December 27, 2008 The Honolulu Advertiser •


See “In the Spotlight” had two daughters and a son. THE ALMANAC Hawai‘i forecast INFO BY CELL PHONE NATION Today
H/L/ Sky
H/L/ Sky
for more photos of what Their eldest daughter, Jane, Honolulu temperatures For
An upper-level storm will move very slowly Albuquerque 32/18/s 42/26/s
celebrities are doing at and her daughter Lucy and (as of 3 p.m. yesterday)
through the area over the weekend bringing ad-
updated Anchorage 11/0/s 9/-3/s
HONOLULUADVERTISER.COM mother-in-law were killed in High .............................. 82 Low ................................... 71 ditional rain to the area. There may be a short
send a
Atlanta 69/54/pc 60/42/ts
Normal high ............... 81 Normal low .................... 67 break in the rain early next week, then a new Atlantic City 54/50/r 64/38/r
the Asian tsunami of 2004. Record high 86 (1995) Record low ..... 59 (1985) text Baltimore 56/49/r 65/37/r
upper-level storm will bring rain back to the area BEACH HAZARDS Birmingham 77/54/c 59/39/pc
Honolulu precipitation message with ZIP
toward the middle of next week. For daily
Oscar ballots (24 hours as of 3 p.m. yesterday)
Yesterday .............. 0.07" Normal ....................... 0.09" Kaua‘i
forecast, go to
CODE to 44636
(4INFO). Info is free;
48/45/r 58/43/r
56/48/c 52/32/r
Burlington VT 45/38/i 52/32/r
your cell-phone service
sent to members Dec. total ............... 7.28" Dec. normal ................2.40"
Total this year ... 14.46" Yearly normal ..........17.92"
Humidity at 7 a.m. .78% Humidity at 4 p.m......73%
oceansafety. plan may charge a fee.
Charleston SC 78/57/pc 77/56/pc
59/30/r 35/28/pc
70/39/c 47/30/pc
77/69, Showers Cleveland 68/45/c 50/30/pc
Oscar season is officially Around the state Ni‘ihau Tomorrow: 79/69, Dallas 68/36/ts 64/34/s
Käne‘ohe 76/70, Showers
afoot: Yesterday the Academy (As of 3 p.m. yesterday) Showers Denver 29/15/pc 49/26/pc
High Low Precip. Tomorrow: 77/69, Cloudy
of Motion Picture Arts and Des Moines 33/21/sn 40/26/s
Käne‘ohe, O‘ahu ..................77 ..........72...........Trace O‘ahu Kaunakakai 77/66, Showers Detroit 60/38/r 41/26/pc
Sciences mailed out 5,810 offi- Lïhu‘e, Kaua‘i .........................77 ..........70 ...........0.22" El Paso 46/27/s 56/30/s
cial Oscar nomination ballots Kahului, Maui.........................76 ..........67 ...........0.39" Honolulu Tomorrow: 77/65, Showers Fairbanks -12/-26/pc -18/-29/s
Lahaina, Maui........................73 ..........64...........Trace 78/68, Showers Moloka‘i Fargo 18/4/sn 22/12/sn
to voting members, including Hilo, Hawai‘i............................70 ..........65 ...........6.57"
Kahului 80/65, Showers Great Falls 29/21/pc 36/18/c
the academy’s 105 newest Kailua, Kona, Hawai‘i..........80 ..........68...........Trace Tomorrow: 79/68, Showers Tomorrow: 79/64, Hagatna, Guam 85/77/s 86/76/s
members, one of whom is Läna‘i Showers Hartford CT 48/42/r 61/37/r
O‘AHU SURF Maui Houston 76/49/ts 64/45/s
Jonathan Brown. Läna‘i City Indianapolis 70/38/r 47/31/s
Heights based on National Weather Service Lahaina
The cinematographer tells 76/64, Showers 78/65, Showers Jackson, MS 77/49/c 62/37/pc
method of measuring the wave face from trough Hawai‘i Kansas City 40/24/r 49/30/s
the Associated Press that he to crest. Tomorrow: 77/64, Cloudy Tomorrow: 78/65, Las Vegas 47/30/pc 56/33/s
Today Extended forecast
and his movie-industry pals East shore 6-8 ft. Wind east at 15-
Cloudy Little Rock 71/41/ts 58/35/s
Los Angeles 62/44/s 66/48/s
have been doing their own Os- North shore 3-5 ft. 20 knots. Wind Honolulu forecast Kailua, Kona Louisville 77/46/c 48/36/pc
waves 8 feet.
car polling for years — but West shore 1-3 ft. Northwest swell. Today 78, Showers 82/68, Cloudy Hilo Memphis 72/45/c 57/39/s
Bundchen Miami 80/69/s 81/67/s
this time, his vote really South shore 1-3 ft. Tonight 68, Showers Tomorrow: 82/69, 77/65, Milwaukee 54/28/r 36/27/pc
counts. “We can, in a small Tomorrow 79 / 68, Showers Partly cloudy Showers Minneapolis 27/16/sn 27/19/pc

NFL star plays way, have an influence in peo-

ple getting recognized.”
Monday 79 / 67, Clouds and sun Tomorrow: 77/65,
Nashville 72/49/pc 57/35/pc
New Orleans 81/60/c 64/53/ts
New York City 53/52/r 62/41/r
Tuesday 79 / 69, Partly sunny
marriage option Oklahoma City 49/24/c 57/30/s
Omaha 33/21/pc 44/24/s

New England Patriots quar-

Beauty queen Marine forecast
Coastal waters: Wind east
80/60/s 80/56/pc
55/50/r 65/38/r
Phoenix 54/38/s 64/43/s
terback Tom Brady gave Gise-
le Bundchen the ultimate
held in drug bust at 15-20 knots today. Wind
waves 7-8 feet. Northwest
Portland ME
68/52/pc 57/32/pc
40/36/r 52/33/r
swell of 3-4 feet. Visibility 5 Portland OR 44/36/r 43/35/r
Christmas present: a marriage MEXICO CITY — Mexican miles, lower in showers. Raleigh 63/58/c 73/51/r
proposal. And, according to congressmen called for a fed- Channels: Wind east at 20-
Reno 38/29/c 45/29/c
Richmond 63/52/c 71/47/r
E!Online, the Brazilian super- eral investigation of potential 25 knots today. Wind waves Sacramento 50/42/c 53/43/r
model said yes. drug cartel ties to the nation’s 8-9 feet. A small craft advi- St. Louis 67/33/ts 51/35/s
Brady, out sory in effect. Northwest Saipan 85/76/s 85/76/s
beauty pag- swell. Salt Lake City 34/22/c 40/29/sn
of NFL action eants yester- San Diego 63/44/s 64/48/s
since Sep- day after a Winds San Francisco 54/47/c 56/46/r
BILLY San Juan, PR 83/72/pc 81/72/s
tember with a 23-year-old E 7 to 14 mph Seattle 46/35/r 41/35/r
knee injury, beauty queen UV index (0-15 scale) Sioux Falls 27/13/pc 33/21/s
Tampa 82/62/s 80/62/pc
had a little was arrested Tide charts from EKNA Services, Inc. Today, 4 (mod.); Tomorrow, Washington 59/50/c 68/41/r
champagne on suspicion Tides elsewhere 4 (high)
party with his
0-2, Low; 3-5, Moderate; 6-7, High; WORLD Yesterday Today
of drug and Using Honolulu tides as a basis, add or sub- 8-10, Very High; 11+, Extreme H/L/ Sky H/L/ Sky
intended and weapons vio- tract the hour/minute figures below. For height:
her parents
Add or subtract the figure below, or multiply if Mainland forecast Athens
Brady lations. the figure is preceded by an asterisk (*).
Rain and thunderstorms with the threat of flooding and tornadoes will stretch from the Midwest to Baghdad 66/32/pc 59/37/s
aboard a Congres- Zuniga Time Height Bangkok 88/68/pc 86/70/c
the Arklatex today. Warm air will cover most of the East, but there will be morning ice across
flight from North Jersey to High Low High Low Beijing 34/16/s 39/23/pc
sional leaders O‘ahu northern New England. Rain and inland snow will fall across the Northwest.
Berlin 32/25/pc 32/23/s
Boston on Christmas Eve. warned that cartels may have Hale‘iwa -1:02 -2:05 *0.80 *0.80 Buenos Aires 84/67/s 80/68/c
Also aboard the private plane infiltrated contests to launder Hanauma -0:59 -0:45 0.0 0.0 Cairo 65/48/s 65/48/pc
Käne‘ohe -1:46 -1:18 +0.3 +0.2 Fiji 90/73/pc 83/75/r
were Brady’s former girlfriend money, and said a full investi- Wai‘anae +0:20 +0:18 -0.1 0.0 Hong Kong 72/63/pc 65/64/c
and his child’s mother, Bridget gation was needed. Waimänalo -1:15 -1:09 *0.85 *0.85 Islamabad 72/43/s 76/42/s
Istanbul 43/36/sn 39/37/c
Moynahan, and Leonardo Di- To many, former preschool Maui
Jakarta 87/76/r 85/78/r
Häna -1:13 -1:23 +0.5 0.0
Caprio, who is Bundchen’s ex. teacher Laura Zuniga, named Kahului -1:53 -1:41 +0.4 +0.2
Jerusalem 53/41/r 57/41/c
Johannesburg 76/56/pc 79/58/c
Miss Sinaloa in the drug- Lahaina -0:35 -0:40 +0.2 +0.1 Kabul 55/23/s 54/21/pc
Attenborough plagued northern state’s annu-
-0:01 -0:22 +0.3 0.0 London
al beauty contest, symbolizes Hanalei -1:28 -1:47 0.0 0.0 Mexico City 72/41/s 73/43/s
takes bad fall declining ethics in Mexico. Näwiliwili
Pt. Allen
“It is very sad. What we are Nairobi 82/56/pc 83/59/pc
London’s Daily Mail reports seeing is a loss of values
Big Island New Delhi 77/46/pc 80/44/s
Hilo -1:04 -0:59 +0.5 +0.1
that famed British actor-direc- among young people,” said Honu‘apo -0:26 -0:16 +0.5 +0.1
tor Lord Richard Attenbor- Rep. Juan Francisco Rivera.
Kailua, Kona -0:26 -0:22 +0.1 0.0 Rio de Janeiro 81/68/r 79/69/r
Kawaihae -0:04 -0:03 0.0 0.0
ough (“Gandhi,” “Shadow- Kealakekua -0:16 -0:12 +0.1 0.0
Rome 52/39/r 47/34/c
Seoul 28/12/s 38/25/s
lands,” “A Bridge Too Far”)
spent Christmas day in a Lon- ‘Marley & Me’ Moloka‘i
Kaunakakai -0:05 -0:08 +0.1 0.0
Forecasts and graphics provided
don hospital recuperating
from a Dec. 18 fall at his home tops box office Läna‘i
Kaumalapau +0:02 +0:03 +0.2 0.0
by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2008
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
that left him in a temporary LOS ANGELES — Twenti- SUN, MOON PHASES Cold front – Cold air pushing against warm air in direction of knobs. Low-pressure High- Tokyo 50/33/pc 48/37/pc
coma. eth Century Fox says “Marley Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Warm front – Warm air pushing against cold air in direction of knobs. system – pressure Toronto 39/35/sn 53/44/r
Winds blow system – Vancouver 32/34/c 46/35/r
This is the & Me” has set a Christmas 27 4 10 17 Sunrise 7:07 a.m. Stationary front – A boundary between cold and warm air masses. counter-clockwise Winds blow Vienna 33/23/c 29/22/c
Sunset 5:58 p.m. Trough – An elongated area of relatively low pressure.
second such around system ; clockwise around
Day record with $14.75 million Moonrise 7:27 a.m. Jet stream – High-speed winds in a narrow band in the atmosphere. usually associated system; weather Key: c=cloudy f=fair i=ice pc=ptly
incident this NEW FULL with storm y conditions usually cldy r=rain s=sun sn=snow
at the box office. Moonset 6:23 p.m. SHOWERS T-STORM RAIN SNOW ICE weather. mild. ts=t-storms w=windy
year. This
That breaks the previous
summer, At-
mark of $10.2 million, set by
“Ali” in 2001.

fell after
And “Marley & Me” may
blacking out.
not be alone: “The Curious
He was diag- Attenborough
Case of Benjamin Button” and
nosed with a
“Bedtime Stories” were also
heart irregularity and was fit-
expected to move past the
ted with a pacemaker. It was
unknown if the this fall was re- previous Christmas Day mark,
lated to his cardiac condition. according to some studio esti-
Attenborough and his wife, mates.
Sheila Sim, who wed in 1945, — Advertiser news services

• Dongbu Insurance Co. Ltd. (U.S. Branch), which had its finan-
cial strength rating upgraded by A.M. Best on Dec. 16, has been of-
fering automobile, homeowners and other insurance in Hawaiçi
since 2006. A story on C3 on Dec. 19 contained other information.

If you have a question or concern about the accuracy, fairness or

thoroughness of an item in The Honolulu Advertiser, please call
Marsha McFadden at 535-2426.

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• The Honolulu Advertiser Saturday, December 27, 2008 | A5

think they’re buying much.”

Tsunami Shopping Vonderburgh said that the day

after Thanksgiving, commonly
referred to as Black Friday, and
CONTINUED FROM A1 CONTINUED FROM A1 the two days preceding Christ-
mas were busier at the mall than
“On the fourth anniversary of would come early, look around, yesterday. She and her daughter
the tsunami, this is a great story grab bargains,” Willits said dur- also said the sale prices weren’t
of ecosystem resilience and re- ing a lunch break from shopping. that great yesterday and that
covery,” said Stuart Campbell, “It’s empty. This is like a Mon- there didn’t seem to be as great a
coordinator of the Wildlife Con- day, a Wednesday, a weekday or variety of items on the shelves.
servation Society’s Indonesia any day.” “Before Christmas, it was re-
Marine Program. Faced with a down economy ally good. Some stuff was so
“Our scientific monitoring is and lower-than-usual pre-Christ- much cheaper,” said Ashley Von-
showing rapid growth of young mas sales, retailers were hoping derburgh, a college freshman.
corals in areas where the tsuna- that by slashing prices they could “Now there are deals, but not re-
mi caused damage, and also the attract a flood of people yester- ally. But it’s OK. We’ll still come.
return of new generations of day, traditionally one of the I love shopping.”
corals in areas previously dam- year’s busiest shopping days. But Sheri Uyehara of Waipahu
aged by destructive fishing,” it appears the after-Christmas took the day off to shop with her
Campbell said in a statement. period will suffer from the same mother, grandmother and friend.
“These findings provide new in- shopper malaise that infected the She said the economy didn’t stop
sights into coral recovery weeks leading up to Dec. 25. them from scooping up bargain
processes that can help us man- The International Council of shoes, bags and clothes.
age coral reefs in the face of cli- Shopping Centers, a trade group, “All of our Macy’s packages
mate change.” estimated that sales at stores are already in the trunk,” Uye-
Healthy coral reefs are eco- open at least a year have fallen hara said during a lunch break.
nomic engines for Aceh com- 2 percent in November and De- “We hit Macy’s, went to the car
munities, Campbell added, sup- RIAN PRASETIA | Wildlife Conservation Society via AP cember. That’s the worst per- and we carried on to the mall.
plying fish to eat and sell as well formance nationally since 1969. It’s a family affair.”
This coral transplantation site off Weh island in Indonesia’s Aceh province is helping speed up reef Mari Flores of Kalihi went to
as tourism dollars from recre- “This week isn’t going to do
recovery. Local communities are also curbing pollution and destructive fishing, which damage reefs. the mall at 7 a.m. to find a few
ational diving. it,” said Burt Flickinger, managing
The tsunami decimated coast- director of Strategic Resource good deals, but went home dis-
lines across the Indian Ocean, declared two minutes of silence since corals typically will re- Group. “Consumers are more appointed. She found some
wiping out villages and crip- ON THE WEB for the 35,000 people killed there cover if not affected by fishing cash- and credit-constrained than marked-down items at Guess, but
pling the economies in parts of and for other victims of natural and coastal development. ever before. After a 25-year not at her favorite Macy’s.
Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thai- Wildlife Conservation Society: disasters. “The mechanical damage from spending tsunami, they’ve shift- “No more bargains at Macy’s,” the tsunami left a whole bunch of
land. ENVIRONMENTAL CARE ed from spending to savings.” said Flores, who was looking for
The United Nations estimates shattered corals on the bottom of Although there were a lot of kitchenware, clothes and make-
that Aceh alone lost $332.4 mil- The healing embraced by the sea,” Hoegh-Guldberg said. people at Ala Moana Center at up. “All of the stuff that I bought
lion from the damage to its reefs. husbands, their kids. Those peo- those devastated by the tsunami “Left alone, these things can about lunchtime yesterday, there wasn’t even on sale. They were
But four years on, the multi- ple won’t forget about the tsuna- has extended to the reefs, with quickly grow back into what wasn’t the mad rush many ex- all regular price. Only certain
billion-dollar community re- mi,” she said. “They will see it as communities responding to calls looks like a coral reef in a short pected. Shoppers didn’t have to things were on sale.”
building process is almost com- a lesson. You think about what to protect them from illegal fish- time,” he said. “We are seeing circle the parking lot for a stall The day after Christmas also is
plete, with more than 120,000 you can do for others.” ing, pollution and coastal devel- and there were no hordes of peo- a popular time for people to take
similar things around the south-
homes built in Aceh alone and In Indonesia, Ibrahim Musa, opment. ple inching through the mall or gifts back to stores to exchange.
ern Great Barrier Reef, where
the reconstruction of tourist ho- a 42-year-old civil servant who Campbell said residents in lining up at the registers. At the But to the seasoned shopper,
reefs that experience major ca-
tels and restaurants along Thai- joined thousands in a prayer Aceh have been particularly re- normally crowded food court, a there is an unspoken rule that
service in Aceh province, said it tastrophe can bounce back quite
land’s Andaman coast. sponsive — fishermen have hungry shopper could even find yesterday was the day to shop,
feels like yesterday that his fam- stopped using illegal techniques quickly.”
John Bruno, a reef expert from an open table. not return. “There’s a whole lot
REMEMBERING THE DEAD ily was taken by the sea. like dynamite and villagers have “I think people are feeling the of people and everybody’s buy-
“Even after four years, I can- transplanted corals into areas the University of North Caroli-
Thousands gathered yester- recession,” Willits said. “A lot of ing, and then there’s always the
not forget how I lost hold of my that were hardest hit. na at Chapel Hill, agreed, say-
day to celebrate the progress but people are laid off, and in talking one person who just has to return
wife and baby,” he said. “I have “The recovery, which is in ing it shows coral reefs are able
to also remember the dead and to people in line at Macy’s, peo- everything,” Ashley Vonder-
tried in vain to look for them for part due to improved manage- to recover after severe distur-
reflect on a tragedy that turned ple are really watching where burgh said. “Oh my gosh, you
three years. Now I have no ment and the direct assistance of bances.
their lives upside down. their money is going. If they don’t couldn’t do this in four days?”
“I don’t think people will ever choice but to accept their de- local people, gives enormous “There has been so much bad
have to spend, they’ll just stick Uyehara agreed. “Today’s the
forget the tsunami. It changed a parture as destiny.” hope that coral reefs in this re- news about coral decline lately,
with the necessities.” day to only buy. Don’t waste time
lot of people’s lives,” said Alisara Siti Hasnaini, 40, who still mote region can return to their and the threats to corals seem to
Wendy Vonderburgh of standing in line returning,” she
Na-Takuatung, a local Phuket ra- lives in a temporary shelter in previous condition and provide increase every year. It is impor-
Hawaiçi Kai made her annual af- laughed. “We have some people
dio disc jockey who took part in Aceh with her two sons and hus- local communities with the re- tant to recognize that these in-
ter-Christmas trek to the mall returning and the rest of us
a ceremony on Thailand’s Patong band, prayed “for my daughter sources they need to prosper,” valuable ecosystems are not standing in line wasting time.
with her mother, brother and
beach attended by 200 people. who was washed away with my Campbell said. lost,” he said by e-mail. “We just daughter, Ashley. “This year is Come back another day.”
About 50 Buddhist monks house.” Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, a reef have to implement some com- less crowded,” Vonderburgh not-
prayed while school children In India, where thousands per- expert from the University of mon sense policies locally and ed. “Even when you go to pay Bloomberg News Service con-
played traditional Thai instru- ished, interfaith prayers and a Queensland in Australia who did substantially reduce emissions for things, there’s not the long tributed to this report. Reach
ments. moment of silence were held. not take part in the study, said of greenhouse gases at a global lines like there used to be. There Curtis Lum at 525-8025 or culum
“I know people who lost their The Sri Lankan government the findings are not surprising, scale.” are a lot of people, but I don’t
• The Honolulu Advertiser Saturday, December 27, 2008 | A7


Protesters target
whaling vessel
SYDNEY, Australia — A rad-
ical conservationist group today
said it lobbed 25 bottles of rotten
butter at Japanese whalers in the
remote and icy Antarctic Ocean,
but denied accusations they
rammed their vessel in a violent
Protesters aboard a boat op-
erated by the anti-whaling group
B.K. BANGASH | Associated Press Sea Shepherd threw the bottles
Women wait to get free food distributed by supporters of slain leader — containing butyric acid, pro-
Benazir Bhutto on the first anniversary of her assassination. duced by rancid butter — last
night at the Kaiko Maru whaling
ship, which is conducting Japan’s
Thousands pay tribute research whaling program.
Japan’s Tokyo-based Institute
of Cetacean Research described

at Bhutto mausoleum the protesters as terrorists and

accused them of “menacing” and
ramming the Kaiko Maru, caus-
Associated Press is scheduled to speak in Garhi ing minor damage to the whaling ERIC CHENG | Sea Shepherd Conservation Society via AP

GARHI KHUDA BAKHSH, Khuda Bakhsh. vessel. No one was injured in Anti-whaling protesters aboard the ship M/V Steve Irwin, right, threw bottles containing butyric acid onto
Pakistan — Tens of thousands Bhutto was killed as she was the showdown, said Glenn In- the deck of the Japanese whaling ship Kaiko Maru yesterday.
of Pakistanis gathered yesterday leaving a rally in the garrison wood, the New Zealand-based
at the mausoleum of former town of Rawalpindi, just outside spokesman for the institute, a neighboring houses, Xinhua said. selves inside a home during the The embassy in Seoul re-
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto the capital of Islamabad, where Japanese government-affiliated It was unclear what sparked the raid and opened fire on the coali- ceived a package containing the
on the eve of the first anniversary she was campaigning to return organization that oversees the blast. tion forces. After giving time to white powder earlier this week.
of her assassination, some of her Pakistan People’s Party to hunt. Rescue operations were un- allow women and children to Hwang Hyun-soon of the Ko-
them walking hundreds of miles power in parliamentary elections. der way. No other details were leave, the coalition forces fired rea Centers for Disease Control
to get there. Her assassination shocked the
world, fanning revulsion at rising
13 dead after blast immediately available. on the militants with guns and
grenades, it said.
and Prevention said yesterday
that tests showed the powder
At United Nations headquar-
ters in New York, Secretary-Gen- militant violence in Pakistan as
well as conspiracy theories that
at Chinese home Coalition kills 11 Coalition forces found dozens
of land mines, grenades, AK-47s
was starch.
The FBI said last week that
eral Ban Ki-moon said he is hope-
ful a U.N. commission will be es-
tablished in the near future to
the country’s powerful spy agen-
cies were involved.
BEIJING — An explosion in
central China’s Henan province
Taliban militants and bomb-making materials in
the home, the coalition said.
eight U.S. embassies in Europe
received letters containing a
investigate Bhutto’s killing in a The government at the time, killed 13 people and injured five KABUL, Afghanistan — The white powder in what the
gun and suicide bomb attack on
Dec. 27, 2007.
led by President Pervez Mushar-
raf, blamed Baitullah Mehsud, a
others today.
The blast occurred around 1
U.S. coalition said yesterday its
forces killed 11 Taliban militants,
Powder sent to agency called a hoax. It said gov-
ernors in more than 40 U.S.
Sher Mohammad, 23, was
among many supporters who
Pakistani militant commander
with reported links to al-Qaida,
a.m. in Donggancheng village in
northeast Henan, the official
including the leader of a bomb-
making cell, during an operation
embassy harmless states had received similar let-
ters recently.
trekked hundreds of miles to citing a communications inter- Xinhua News Agency said. in southern Afghanistan. SEOUL, South Korea — An Officials in some of the states
reach Bhutto’s hometown of cept in which Mehsud allegedly An initial investigation The raid in Kandahar province official says a suspicious white said the powder was flour, corn
Garhi Khuda Bakhsh in southern congratulated some of his hench- showed explosives intended for on Thursday targeted a bomb- powder sent to the U.S. Embassy starch or some other harmless
Pakistan where she is buried. men. A Mehsud spokesman has civilian use went off, Xinhua said maker responsible for roadside in the South Korean capital has food substance.
“She gave her life for the peo- denied any involvement. citing the provincial work safe- bomb attacks that killed NATO been found to be harmless. — Advertiser news services
ple of this country, so we can Musharraf’s government said ty supervision administration. soldiers, a coalition statement
walk a few miles to pay homage Bhutto died from the force of the The explosives were illegally said.
to her dignity,” said Mohammad, blast and not a gunshot wound, stored at a home when they ig- Militants barricaded them-
whose feet were swollen from but many of Pakistan’s 160 mil- nited, destroying more than 10
the trip. lion people, already skeptical of
Today, Bhutto’s widower, Pak- Musharraf, questioned that ac-
istani President Asif Ali Zardari, count.

not diminish significantly the

Border army’s ability to confront mili-

tants near the Afghan border.
But yesterday’s developments
CONTINUED FROM A3 illustrated the heavy domestic
pressures on both the Indian and
news reports, citing security of- Pakistani governments. Although
ficials, said movements involved a peace process has been in place
thousands of soldiers from the for five years, neither leadership
army’s 14th Division to two gar- can afford to be seen as weak in
risons that lie close to the Indian dealing with what many ordinary
frontier, in the towns of Kasur citizens on both sides of the fron-
and Sialkot. tier see as a dangerous enemy.
Witnesses said columns of
Pakistani troops with heavy
weapons were seen leaving po-
sitions in the areas of Bajaur and
South Waziristan yesterday.
The cancellation of furloughs
was disclosed by Pakistani mili-
tary officials earlier in the day.
Officials speaking on condition of
anonymity said some troops on
leave had been recalled.
The Pakistani moves were gen-
erally interpreted by Pakistani
analysts as a warning to India
rather than an actively aggres-
sive posture. Moreover, some ob-
servers said they expected little
immediate effect on the offen-
sive in the tribal areas. Retired
Brig. Gen. Mehmood Shah, now
an analyst, said a “thinning out”
of troops in the tribal areas would
A8 | Saturday, December 27, 2008 The Honolulu Advertiser •

Santa-clad killer planned to flee U.S. Phoenix boys, 7 and 10,

Gunman’s plot foiled by
injuries from fire; body
wife and her parents were
among them, but said they were
die after random attack
unaccounted for. The victims
Associated Press eoned repeated-
of ninth victim found were believed to range in age
PHOENIX — Two young boys ly with a base-
from 17 to 80.
BY CHRISTINA HOAG Los Angeles County-USC who were repeatedly bludgeoned ball bat or simi-
Associated Press Medical Center spokeswoman in a brutal and apparently ran- lar object. Police
COVINA, Calif. — A man who Adelaida De La Cerda said the 8- dom attack while playing at a say they found a
carried out a Christmas Eve mas- year-old girl who was shot in west Phoenix park died yester- bat in Gallegos’
sacre and arson dressed as Santa the face was released from the day, and police said their alleged home, along
at the home of his former in-laws hospital yesterday. Her mother assailant now faces murder with clothing
apparently intended to flee the had been at the hospital and was charges. that appeared to
Cousins Edwin Pellecier and Gallegos be bloodstained.
U.S., but his plans were dashed “extremely traumatized,” De La
Cerda said. Jesse Ramirez suffered severe Gallegos was
after the inferno he created se-
Her cousin, a 16-year-old girl head injuries in the attack Tues- being held on a $1 million cash
verely burned his arms and melt-
brought in for observation, had day afternoon, police Sgt. Tom- bond.
ed his red costume onto his body,
superficial injuries and was re- my Thompson said. Seven-year- Police searching for witnesses
police said yesterday.
leased Thursday. The teenag- old Jesse died early yesterday found that a resident near the
Bruce Jeffrey Pardo, a laid-off
er’s mother was Bruce Pardo’s and 10-year-old Edwin was pro- park had a video surveillance
aerospace worker, apparently
GENE BLEVINS | Associated Press ex-wife, De La Cerda said. Also nounced dead hours later. camera mounted in front of his
shot some of his nine victims ex-
ecution-style in a plot to destroy Investigators on Thursday removed from a California home a device injured was a woman who broke Police arrested 36-year-old Joe house. Police said it captured im-
his ex-wife’s family after a cost- they believe Bruce Jeffrey Pardo used to set the house ablaze. her ankle when jumping from a Sauceda Gallegos within hours ages of the boys walking toward
ly divorce that was finalized last Pardo shot several people before starting the fire on Wednesday. second-story window. of the attack and he made an ini- the park, followed a minute later
week. He had an airline ticket David Salgado, a neighbor, tial court appearance Wednes- by a man carrying what looked
for a Christmas morning flight brother discovered the body ear- inal record or history of vio- said he saw the 8-year-old victim day on two counts of child abuse like a bat.
to Canada and $17,000 in cash ly Thursday. lence, and neighbors and others being escorted to an ambulance and dangerous crimes against The resident said the man
on his body, some attached to Before the suicide, Pardo used knew him as a friendly man who by four SWAT officers as fire children. looked like his neighbor, Galle-
his legs with plastic wrap and remnants of the Santa suit to walked his dog and was a vol- devoured the house. He identi- Detectives added a first-de- gos.
some in a girdle, Covina police booby-trap his rental car to ex- unteer usher at his parish fied the owners of the home as gree murder charge after Jesse’s Gallegos told investigators
Chief Kim Raney said. He did plode, the chief said. church. Sylvia Pardo’s parents, Joseph death and a second was being who went to his house that he
not know the Canadian destina- Raney said Pardo wired the Authorities released 911 calls and Alicia Ortega. lodged yesterday afternoon, hadn’t seen anything unusual.
tion. suit so when it was lifted it filled with frantic appeals for “It was really ugly,” Salgado Thompson said. Gallegos was arrested for not
Armed with four guns, wearing “would pull a trip wire or a help: “My mom’s house is on said. “It was just a brutal, vicious showing up for a court date on an
the Santa suit and carrying a fuel- switch, ignite a flare inside the fire!” said a caller phoning from When the fire was extin- attack that didn’t need to hap- unrelated misdemeanor case. Po-
spraying device wrapped like a car that would then ignite black a neighbor’s house. “He’s still guished early Thursday, officers pen,” Thompson said. “This is lice said Gallegos had an odor of
present, Pardo showed up at the powder and he had several hun- shooting at them!” found three charred bodies in the type of deal that makes hard- chlorine on his hands and stains
home at 11:30 p.m. Wednesday dred rounds of handgun ammu- The fire was so intense that the living room area. Investiga- boiled cops cry inside.” that appeared to be blood on his
as a party of about 25 people was nition inside the car.” no bodies have been identified tors found five more bodies The boys were found by a shoes.
under way. The device went off as a bomb because of charring, but police amid the ashes later in the day. neighbor, lying in a small com- The suspect’s uncle told po-
Raney said Pardo, 45, fired a squad worked to disarm it Lt. Tim Doonan said all were Coroner’s Lt. Larry Dietz said a munity park early Tuesday af- lice that he believed Gallegos had
shot into the face of an 8-year-old Thursday, but no one was hurt. Pardo’s former relatives. He de- ninth body was found yesterday ternoon. Doctors told police they been diagnosed as a schizo-
girl who answered the door and Police said Pardo had no crim- clined to say whether his ex- morning. believe the boys were bludg- phrenic.
at first fired indiscriminately,
then apparently targeted rela-
tives of his ex-wife as other
guests fled.
“There’s some information that
he stood over them and shot
them execution-style,” Raney
Pardo retreated to the front
door and retrieved a device that
mixed carbon dioxide or oxygen
with high-octane racing fuel, po-
lice said. Fleeing guests saw him
spraying the fuel inside the house
when the vapor was ignited, pos-
sibly by a pilot light or a candle,
and exploded.
“Mr. Pardo was severely in-
jured during that explosion,”
Raney said. “He suffered third-
degree burns on both arms and it
also appears that the Santa Claus
suit that he was wearing did melt
onto his body.”
Pardo was able to drive to his
brother’s home in the Sylmar
area of Los Angeles, broke in and
shot himself in the head. His

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