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The Role of the Christian

in the Corporate World 

Leke Alder 
This Present House
Sunday, July 13, 2008
On of the most important inventions at
Babel is the ‘EST’ word extensor. 

• BiggEST 
• LongEST 
• ShortEST 
• RichEST
In language the ‘EST’ extensor is based
on an Economic premise:
All things are FINITE.
Within the amplitude of finity, some
things are BIG, others BIGGER but there
can only be one BIGGEST.

In the same way, some men are RICH,

others RICHER, but there can only be
In other words, we live in a world

This superlative world is built on

man’s competitive instinct. Men
like to compete even when there
is no competition!
[Why do you think a Lagosian
rushes to embark a bus even
when he’s the only one at the
bus stop?!]
We must beat someone, even
if we are the competition!
Extensor Level 2
Without doubt, the second most
important invention at Babel is the ‘ER’
word extensor! 

• BiggER 
• WidER 
• RichER
What the ‘ER’ extensor does is to
localise competitiveness and make it
extremely personal.

Consider the following:

• My Mercedes is biggER than yours 
• My son is smartER than yours 
• My wife is prettiER than yours 
• My business is strongER than yours 
• My coffin is longER than yours
• My grave is deepER than yours 
• My probate lawyer is meanER than
• Even the Pastor preaching at my
funeral is PreachER than yours!
It’s like we don’t know our worth or value
unless we cross-compare ourselves with

The new formula for value is

comparative advantage or comparative
Yet Apostle Paul says, that those who
compare themselves to themselves are
not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12
Amazingly, contrary to this dictum,
Christians measure their worth and
righteousness against others by the
“ER” word extensor, hence the
expression, HoliER than thou! It is our
pharisaic homage to a mendacious
masquerade of holiness.
(I guess when two Christians pray and
fast, one is prayER and fastER than the
We think we are better than everyone
We forget that the one thing we have in
common with the rest of humanity is
something called SIN!

A sinner saved by Grace is still a SINNER!

We do not seem to understand that there
is a difference between morality and
Morality, according to the Word of God,
is the lowest common denominational
regulator of human existence.

It is a basic societal protocol governing

relationships and interactions.
Paul said :
“It is actually reported that there is sexual
immorality among you, impurity of a sort
that is condemned and does not occur
even among the heathen; for a man has
[his own] father's wife!”

1 Corinthians 5:1(NKJV)
In other words, morality is
not a native Christian virtue!

It’s a humankind thing.

God does not deal in morality.
He deals in Righteousness.
(Cf: The destruction of Edom)
• It was Righteousness that saved
the thief on the Cross. 
• It was Righteousness that saved
Mary from legal assassination by
• It was Righteousness that wiped
out the firstborns in Egypt. 
• It was Righteousness that wiped
out Edom.
• Righteousness brought me before you
this morning. 
• Righteousness brought you to Church
this morning. 
• Righteousness will take you home. 
• Righteousness will provide for you. 
• Righteousness will promote you.
Righteousness is the rights of the
First Born!
And so when we talk about the Role of
the Christian in the Corporate World,
we are not interested in speechifying
We need to go beyond the soporific,
denudating confines of moral
catechism, and liturgical cultural
excretion. Instead we must do an
exegesis of the Protocol of
Beginnings - the Book of Genesis!
We must move beyond the limited and
limiting interpretation of “Salt of the

Our role in the corporate world must not

be dictated by moral salinisation. Our
job is not the infusion of ethical
And my job this morning is not to give
you the 11th Commandment:

“Thou shalt not bribe”.

To reduce our discourse to such a
mundane proposition is to make a
mockery and buffoonery of the
Divine Ones.

We must begin from the Beginning!

Everything begins in the Book of
• The Church originated in the Book of

• Marriage originated in the Book of


• The 1st , 2nd and 3rd Men are in the

Book of Genesis. 

• Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is in the

Book of Genesis.
• The 26 dimensional universe of String
Theory is in the Book of Genesis. 

• Horizontal evolution is in the Book of


• Resurrection is in the Book of


The list is inexhaustible.

And so it makes sense for us to go
back to this Book to dissertate our
present topic.
The Commencement Charge to the
Adamic Race reads as follows:
“Be fruitful and multiply, and
replenish the Earth; and subdue it:
and have dominion over the fish of
the sea, over the fowl of the air, and
over every moving thing that moveth
upon the Earth.”
This Commencement Charge unusually
gives Man authority in 3 Realms:
The inclusion of the heavenlies within the
realm of authority is a curiosa but without
it, the Church cannot exercise authority in
Heaven as the Body of the Mystical Christ!

Christ is seated in the heavens.

His body is on Earth!
Neither can we, as mankind, explore
Planet Mars for mineral resources and
alternative energy solutions. Planet Mars
is in the heavenlies.
The other 2 realms - the Deep and the
Earth are the present realms of
economic activity. Power comes to us
from the 1st Realm to exercise
economic authority in the 2nd and 3rd

The Power to get wealth comes from

the authority of Christ Jesus seated in
the 1st Realm.
When Jesus said:

“All power is given unto me in

heaven and earth…” he also
empowered the Church
economically in himself.
Matthew 28:18
The chief economic asset of God
today is the brand name of Jesus.
God Inc. is the richest corporation on
Earth because of the control of the
intellectual property rights to the name
of Jesus. It is the name above every
other name, and not just spiritually, but
also in terms of economic valuation.
(Cf: Microsoft $274.38b, Nokia $101.93b,
Nestle $113.92b, Exxon Mobil $ 425.80b)
Brand Extensions and Franchise
If God were to sell subscription for the
use of the name of Jesus, he’ll probably
create 2 ‘Recharge cards’ -
1. Contract for Pastors and prayer
2. Pray-as-you-go for the rest of us
At N500 and N100 per month
respectively, God will make at least
$371trillion per annum just for the use of
the name of JESUS.

(Exchange Rate - $1 to N120)

And we haven’t started selling the
biological and genetic properties like the
Blood of Jesus or the Born-Again DNA.

I’ll love to manage the Jesus brand.

To say that God is rich because he
owns the cattle on a thousand hills is
to be un-Issachar-ised. It is a display
of a lack of understanding of the times
and seasons.
Just as the Bible is divided into spiritual
dispensations, (dispensation of
innocence, law, grace etc) it is also
divided into economic dispensations.
This economic dispensations are
evident in the phases of creation.
There are 4 phases of creation:

1. The Creation of nature – Gen. 1:1

2. The Creation of Man – Gen. 1:27
3. The Evaluation of creation – Gen. 1:31
4. The Rest of God – Gen. 2:3
These 4 phases are actually the
economic history of the world.
When we say that God owns the
cattle on a thousand hills, we are
actually referring to God’s economic
assets in the 1st economic dispensation.
We are now in the Brand Economy.
Therefore, God’s wealth is now
abstract and entirely based on
intellectual property rights to the
name of Jesus.
Genesis 1:28 is not just a procreational
Charge. (Many have interpreted it to
justify having a football team as family).
It goes beyond that!
The Message translation of Genesis
1:28 reads:

Fill the Earth!
Take charge!
Be responsible …
Because the Church is in the last
Adam, the role of the 21st century
Christian is in the last Adam. And
therefore, his role in the corporate
world is contextually found in the
Charge given to Adam in Genesis 1:28.
The corporation is his contextual
The progression of the phrases of the
Charge are as follows:
You will easily see that there are 2
classes of responsibility: the
Economic and the Political
The Anti-Christ, the second Man, scion
and seed of Satan, clearly understands
this. He will seek to take control of the
political and economic realms through
the instrumentality of branding.
He will establish his dominion through
the control of his brand name and the
number of his brand name - 666.
He also forced everyone, small and
great, rich and poor, free and slave, to
receive a mark on his right hand or on
his forehead, so that no one could buy
or sell unless he had the mark, which is
the name of the beast or the number of
his name.

This calls for wisdom. If anyone has

insight, let him calculate the number of
the beast, for it is man’s number. His
number is 666.
The role of the Christian in the corporate
world as an entity in the last Adam is to
take control of the political and economic
spaces and ‘occupy’ till He comes.
It is imperative that the Christian must be
the head and not the tail.

It is imperative that Christians rise to

leadership positions in the corporate and
business world.
It is imperative that businesses
controlled by Christians become
dominion brands in the economic

(Dominion brands are brands that

totally dominate their niche, industry or
Dominion brands
Characteristics of dominion brands
How many dominion brands are
controlled or headed by Christians?
Without economic power, there will be
limits to godly intentions.
Because we are in the brand economy,
your promotion in the office, your business
progression, even the progression of your
country, will be regulated by the Brand
Protocol. (No matter how good you are if
you are not perceived as good you are not

This fulfils the scripture that Man looks at

the outward appearance but God looks at
the heart.
And to make sure that this economy is
not alien to you, God changed your
branding protocol. He turned you into a

In the Old Testament, God’s people were

branded through circumcision
Genesis 17:11
In the New Testament, you are the brand!

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and

circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit,
and not in the letter; whose praise is not of
men, but of God. Romans 2:29

For we are the circumcision, which worship

God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus,
and have no confidence in the flesh.
Philippians 3:3
One critical characteristic of the brand
economy is Fuggerianism, named after
the Fugger family.
The Fuggers were the great German 16th
century banking family. They were the
IMFs and World Banks of their time. They
financed Kings and wars. They were
richer than States and even had a right to
mint their own money!
In other words, in this economy,
corporations can be richer than nations.
*Forbes Magazine (February, 2006) + Samsung Electronics 
Google Finance (April, 2007), (April, 2007)
In closing, I’ll like to show you a table.
This is the accounts of some of the
financial brands in Nigeria (2007).
Imagine what 10% of N153,999,046,00
(combined profit after tax) can do!
You must give unto Caesar what is
Caesar's and unto God what is God’s.
The role of the Christian corporate brand
is to finance the capital projects of the
Kingdom. The corporation is the only
legal entity on Earth today that can
multiply wealth in the order of magnitude.
10% of the Power To Get Wealth
combined with the numerical strength
of the Church is a political, social and
environmental decider, in any

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