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Dalet Workflow Engine

End-to-end Business Process Management
Dalet Workflow Engine is designed to orchestrate end-to-end workflows both at the user level and in the back office. Job assignments, prioritization, notifications, contextual metadata entry, and so on are all coordinated within and outside the Dalet system. The new Dalet Workflow Engine is based on the latest Business Process Management (BPM) technology. It is delivered with a full set of tools: A graphical administration interface to design and model Business Processes, including tasks, actors, workflows, notifications and alerts A contextual Task Management display, available from any Dalet workstation or through applets that can be integrated within third party applications Distributed BPM application servers A Business Activity Monitoring tools to generate reports out of the rich audit trail of information generated by the BPM engine.

Delivering concrete business benefits:

Productivity Staff work more efficiently, resources are used more effectively, significant cost savings can be made. Agility and Flexibility - Existing workflows can be adapted and new ones created to meet evolving business requirements and new revenue opportunities to be exploited more easily Visibility Activity monitoring tools allow performance to be measured, and workflows efficiency to be evaluated and improved

Dalet Newsroom production



Dalet workow engine

Dalet backup ofce

Dalet MAM and Production

Comprehensive, integrated, enterprise-wide and SOA compliant

Dalet Workflow Engine coordinates unlimited numbers of simultaneous workflows that require contextual human input, and automates a wide range of media processes such as QC, conversion, media exchanges and transfers. Tasks can be originated from the Dalet system, or a third-party task provider such as Traffic, Automation, resource management system or third-party workflow engines. The Dalet workflow engine is compliant with the WS-HumanTask standard, BPMN or BPEL engines, and other applications that can participate in an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) through Dalets Web Services API.

Third Party NLEs

Third-Party back ofce (auto, QC, convertors,...)

Other Systems

Dalet workflow engine enables workflow orchestration within and around the Dalet system

Dalet workow engine enables workow orchestration within and around the Dalet

The Dalet BPM designer makes it easy to design, improve and document simple and complex workflows

From their desktops, users and groups gain efficiency by performing the right tasks at the right time

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