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Chap 7 Transverse Shear


Transverse Shear Formula

Lecture 1

Transverse Shear

Transverse Shear

Lecture 1

My I

Shear Formula
: the shear stress in the member at the point located a


distance y from the neutral axis. This stress is assumed to be constant and therefore averaged across the width t of the member

V: the internal resultant shear force.

I: the total moment of inertia the entire cross sectional
area calculated about the neutral axis

t: the width of the members cross sectional area,

measured at the point is to be determined

Q: y A' where A is the area of the top (or bottom) portion of

the member cross-sectional area, above (or below) the section plane where t is measured, and y is the distance from the neutral axis to the centroid of A
Lecture 1 3

Shear Formula
V = 1kN


Neutral Axis

I of the total cross sectional area

Lecture 1

Shear Formula
V = 1kN

y y1 A1 y2 A2 A1 A2

Neutral Axis

20(10)(40) 50(20)(50) 10(40) 20(50) 41.43mm

I of the total cross sectional area

I [ I prf _1 A1d1 ] [ I prf _ 2 A2 d 2 ] 10(40) 3 50(20) 3 2 I [ 10(40)(41.43 20) ] [ 20(50)(50 41.43) 2 ] 12 12 Lecture 1 3.438(10) 5 mm4

Shear Formula
Shear at yellow line V= 1000 N Q=yA=(9.285)(18.57)(50) I = I total t = 50 mm

Shear stress

VQ 1000(9.285)(18.57)(50) It 3.438(10) 5 50 0.502MPa


Lecture 1

Shear Formula
Shear at yellow line V= 1000 N Q=yA=13.57(10)(50) I = I total t = 50 mm

Shear stress

VQ 1000(13.57)(10)(50) It 3.438(10)5 50 0.395MPa


Lecture 1

Shear at yellow line V= 1000 N Q=yA=21.43(10)(40) I = I total Shear stress above yellow (t = 50 mm VQ 1000(21.43.)(10)(50) It 3.438(10) 5 50 0.623MPa
Shear stress bellow yellow (t = 10mm)

VQ 1000(21.43.)(10)(50) It 3.438(10)510 3.117 MPa


Lecture 1

Determine the shear stress at point A and B

Lecture 1

What do expect the shear stress at the top and bottom line?

For the cross sectional areas that have the symmetrical shape below and top of the neutral axis. Where is the maximum shear stress?

Lecture 1


Solve it F7-3 pp 373

Determine the absolute maximum shear stress developed in the beam

Lecture 1


Vmax at the neutral axis V= 22.5 kN Q=yA=37.5(75)(75)

75(150) 3 I 12 21.09(10) 6 mm4
VQ (22500)(37.5)(75)(75) It 21.09(10) 6 (75) 3. Lecture 10 MPa



Solve it 7-9/10 pp 375

7-9) Determine the largest shear force V that the member can sustain if the allowable shear stress is allow = 56 MPa 7-10) If the applied shear force V=90 kN, determine the maximum shear stress in the member

Lecture 1



Neutral Axis

y1 A1 y2 A2 A1 A2

Moment of Area
I [ I prf _1 A2 d1 ] [ I prf _ 2 A2 d 2 ]

37.5(125)(75) 25(75)(50) 125(75) 75(50) 45.833mm

125(75) 3 75(50) 3 2 I [ 75(125)(45.833 37.5) ] [ 75(50)(45.833 25) 2 ] 12 12 2.6367(10) 6 mm4

Lecture 1 14

Vmax at the neutral axis V= V N Q=yA=22.9165(2)(25)(45.833) I = 2.636x106 mm4

VQ V (22.9165)(50)(45.833) It 2.636(10) 6 50

Since max = all

max all


3.985(10) 4 V 56 V 140.53kN

3.985(10) V MPa

Lecture 1


Vmax at the neutral axis V= 90,000N Q=yA=22.9165(2)(25)(45.833) I = 2.636x106 mm4

VQ 90000(22.9165)(50)(45.833) It 2.636(10) 6 50 35.87 MPa


Lecture 1



7-6, pp 374, 7-12 pp 375, 7-21, 7-23 pp 376

Lecture 1


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