Last Inspirations

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YOUR Ultimate Ramadan eBook for the Last 10 Nights

..Instant Inspirational Gems to Boost YOUR Emaan Level

AND to get the BEST from the Last 10!

By Nadia Leona Yunis

...Last 10 Inspirations

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

By Nadia Leona Yunis

First Edition, Ramadan 1432 AH/2011 CE

We Be Inspired - One Life, One Chance, One Vision Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express permission of the copyright owner.

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

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...Last 10 Inspirations

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We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaam alikum, Pray my email finds the We Be Inspired team in the best of health and imaan and that you are enjoying (& making the most of) the last few days of this blessed month! I just wanted to email you to say jazaak allah khairun for the updates you have been sending. This year, unfortunately I haven't focussed as much as I could have done re prayers/duas/reading the quran and your emails have been really inspiring and have motivated me to get myself into gear and get my ibaadah sorted. As you are quite right the "Angel of Death isn't going to text his arrival". May Allah swt bless and reward you all in the work that you are doing (& specially bless that Nadia Leona Yunis!!) i.a! Ws, Nikki. B **************************************************************** MashaAllah WBI is a great initiative which Rochdale Dawah Centre is proud to help support and be part of. RDC prays it's a great success, inshaAllah as is this eBook, Last 10 Inspirations.' Sr Nadia has stood out as exceptionally creative and extraordinarily passionate about all her topics as she is uniquely different and she helps you find your unique purpose in life. Sr Nadias energy is contagious and is an inspiration for the youth and old alike and we at the Rochdale Dawah Centre wish this eBook its best and look forward to working together in delivering workshops to the youth of Rochdale. This eBook is a MUST READ this Ramadan! Rochdale Dawah Centre ****************************************************************

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

Salaam, Jazaakilah khairun for your We Be Inspired emails. They have been very inspiring and helped me plan my last days of Ramadan. It is such a busy month that even though you plan ahead you cant anticipate all the things that will happen. I benefitted a lot and forwarded the emails to all my contacts. The emails were different and bite-size, just enough information each day and the tips at the end were very encouraging and I was able to implement them. I would recommend everyone to read these emails especially in the last phase of Ramadan as I believe they can help us maximise our time and ibaadah. Sr. R. A


Salaam We Be Inspired has to be one of the coolest and precise dawah vehicles. Being a busy dude I hardly get chance to sit on a computer but We Be Inspired sends reminders regularly through to my phone. When they come through it makes me stop what I am doing and then contemplate and reflect on the reminder that is sent straight to my iPhone. Alhamdulilah. Last year ramadan 2010, We Be Inspired sent out some very precise and poignant reminders about the blessed 10 nights and inshallah we are blessed to see yet another Ramadan and these reminders serve as a great source of AJR during such a focussed and blessed month. You NEED this in your life Jzk We Be Inspired! OZ DION

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful All Praise is due to Allah (swt), Lord of the Universe and all that exists May the Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad (pbuh) and his Family and his Companions ameen


May Allah (swt) accept this humble effort to inspire and motivate everyone in the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan to achieve success both in this world duniya and the next world akhirah. All good that has been written has been inspired and blessed by Allah az wajal and all else is from myself I ask Allah to guide me and accept from me and forgive me for my shortcomings - ameen. I ask you all to take the good that which benefits you and is inspired from Allah and leave all that which has no benefit and I ask for your duas and forgiveness amen, Allah huma ameen!

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

Acknowledgments and Dedication...

A big Thank You Jazaakumullahu Khairun to everyone who has been part of the making of this eBook in some way or another you all know who you are! And those who believe in me continuously You Rock!

Jazaakumullahu Khairun to the entire Official Supporters may Allah (swt) accept all your work for Him alone and may He (swt) bless you immensely both in this world and the next ameen! Please visit their websites and support their work inshaAllah!

Jazaakumullahu Khairun to all my family and friends and my nieces who help me out always (they are all under the age of 17!) and to my niece Iqra Arshad for always fixing things up for me on short notice Khala Nadia loves you! (And the rest of you - all 10 nieces and nephews!).

This eBook is dedicated to the loving memory of my cousin Yasmin who died suddenly on the 16th Day of Ramadan 1432 AH in Kashmir. She had a stomach pain was sick - family took her to hospital and she died. She was about 30 years old. When a sudden death like that happens all one can think is; when reality (death) hits it hits hard! Surely, the only certainty we have in this life is death. And a constant reminder for us all should be;

Every Soul Shall Taste Death To Allah we belong and to Him we shall Return!

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations


1. 10 2. Welcome & 11-12 3. How to Use this 13-15 4. The Last 10 16-36 5. Conclusion 30 Days & 37-38 6. We Be Inspired 39

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved

...Last 10 Inspirations

We all have a mission statement for our lives whether thats a personal mission statement or that which we have for our companies or organisations. This mission statement helps us, guides us and always keeps us focused on what we are supposed to do. As Muslims our mission statement for our existence our life is summed up in the following verse of the Quran;

"And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone)" [Qur'an 51:56] This verse tells us why we are here on planet Earth this verse sums up our Purpose and why Allah (swt) created us. Lets memorize this verse and lets ensure that this mission statement, direct from the Quran, is embedded upon our hearts and souls.

The month of Ramadan helps us to re-connect with Allah and re-connect with our mission or our purpose. So much happens throughout the year that it messes us up spiritually. But Allah, the Most Merciful, blesses us to re-connect with Him (swt) again when He blesses us with Ramadan.

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious)." Surah al-Baqarah (2):183

Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting... Surah al-Baqarah (2):185
We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Welcome and Intro...

Assalaamu alaykum and Welcome to; The Last 10 Inspirations eBook from We Be Inspired. This eBook is for all of YOU and is talking to YOU directly You as an individual and you as a beautiful soul created by Allah. JazaakAllahu Khairun for reading this eBook and I truly hope and pray that it serves its purpose which is to inspire you and help you through the final phase of Ramadan. My name is Nadia Leona Yunis and I am a Spiritual and Creative Mentor at We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision. Right now you may have information overload its the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan you may be feeling overwhelmed. Why? Well, this beautiful guest who arrives with such beautiful gifts of mercy, forgiveness, hope and peace direct from His creator is leaving soon and whos to know except Allah the Almighty, whether we will be able to honor this guest again. So youre trying to get as much Ibaadah in as possible read and recite as much of the Quran as you can make the longest duas you can possibly think of your personal wish list so why should you stop and read this eBook? This eBook is designed to help you through the Last Days of Ramadan specifically if you missed out on the whole of Ramadan for whatever reason and if you are a new Muslim and need all the inspiration you can get. Last year 2010 just before I entered my fourth decade I discovered a lump on my neck. I ignored it I was too busy preparing my fourth decade arrival party. But this lump wanted me to pay attention to it. I said no I was preparing for Knowledge Seekers Club their annual Easter playscheme. Come Easter 2010 and I started to feel ill, everyday, little by little. I thought it was the usual, I am run down and I have fever and itll all soon be okay, syndrome. But no, that little lump on my neck decided to get bigger and bigger and bigger and it started to become pretty painful as well and lo behold before you knew it I became a gremlin the lumps decided to multiply and now not just on the left side, but on the right side. My lymphatic node system decided to go haywire! This led to a 15 days of fever and sickness continuous fever and sickness - all 15 days and beyond.
We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

I had to go in for emergency tests - it could have been lymphatic cancer, it could have been TB, at this stage it could have been anything! I had tests and tests and biopsies and tests not nice at all! Ramadan 2010 was drawing near and honestly I had no idea if I was going to make it at all when suddenly two weeks before Ramadan 2010 the lumps disappeared completely whoosh, gone! Khalas! They came unannounced and they went, just like that! All tests came back fine. They couldnt find anything. Im perfectly fine walhamdulilah! And that day my journey of; 150% Excel Mode turBo flow began. I knew it was Allahs way of saying; Get moving you have things to accomplish before your return. My immune is still pretty weak however Im much better than 12 months ago. Because 12 months ago I didnt know whether I was going to make it into Ramadan, let alone the Last 10! I needed to make up for lost time so Ramadan 2010 I decided to send out some inspirational emails via We Be Inspired for the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan to help me and to help all the readers mostly those on my personal mailing list. This year YOU get to read it in this eBook format. We need to start preparing for Ramadan in Shaban. And I know many of you reading this right now would have prepared. However, for many of you your plans may not have gone as, well, planned! You get me? We can plan as much as we want and we should but Allah is the Best of ALL Planners. So if YOU are reading this and have suffered an illness or if YOU planned and for whatever reason your Ramadan has not gone as you wished and hoped then dont despair as this eBook will help YOU through your Last 10 inshaAllah. Never despair of Allahs mercy and know that nothing is lost just yet even if all your loved ones around you seem to have it all sorted know that its okay for things to go wrong and inshaAllah together well make it through the Last 10 with Allahs permission. ....And now with YOUR permission, inshaAllah, we can proceed with this eBook and get you all inspired up! Yay!
We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

How to Use this eBook...

Okay, so as mentioned in the above chapter, you may already have information overload with all the things you have read and all the ways you can enhance you Last 10 but really this eBook is just an extra aid like a quick guide book and in this chapter I will lay out a quick way for you all to follow it daily like a daily inspirational dose and add to whatever you are already doing or if your Ramadan has not gone as you hoped it would then just follow the daily tips and inshaAllah all will go well. As the verse in the Quran said (See above) Ramadan helps us to attain Taqwa or God-Consciousness however one thing I would like to emphasize here is that we should always be aware of Allah walking, talking, whatever and have you noticed how we always teach the younger kids taqwa? Dont do this, Allah is watching dont say that, Allah can heat you! But as we get older we seem to put this at the back of our minds and only bring it to the front in Ramadan why? Because we cant eat or drink and we need to watch our language etc yes, correct however we need to be watching what we eat and drink outside of Ramadan (where is our food coming from is it halal or haraam better still grow your own me and mama are doing just that!) and we need to watch what we say all the time. So lets take heed all of us together now (were in this together friends!) that we will become of those who are muttaqi who are always aware of Allah as He is aware of ALL that we do inshaAllah. So I guess lesson #1 right here is to understand, learn, develop and practice taqwa starting now and then to keep it up throughout the year keep a check on it inshaAllah. How to use this eBook? We will do the following; 1. Personal Wish List 2. Visualize technique 3. Skim read all the Last 10s 4. Each day read one of the Last 10s 5. Eid day read the Conclusion Ready? Good, good! Bismillah...
We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

1. Personal Wish List Grab a pen and paper if youre a traditionalist or grab your BBs, iPhones, open a new word doc etc and write at the top; My Personal Wish List My Duas!

My Personal Wish List My Duas! 1. Jannah al-Firdaus 2. .... 3. 4. 5. .......10

Write your top 10 duas or more if you want - its your list Now for the next 10 days focus on these duas make sure its relevant to you now and its what you want Allah (swt) to bless you with immediately, as well as near future. So go ahead, write your list NOW.

2. Visualise it! Close your eyes and think of all those things you have asked for from Allah from your wish list. Why are these important to you now and in your future? If your duas were answered, if your wishes came true, how would they make you feel? And what if they were not answered how would they make you feel? Imagine all your duas being answered feel all the emotions happiness, joy, peace, contentment feel all those loved ones around whom youre sharing your duas with. Imagine standing before Allah, in a state of gratefulness and being happy feel the emotions feel that love for Allah (swt) that He has answered your duas. See and feel the life you want to live
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...Last 10 Inspirations

in this duniya feel the emotions where are you? Travelling? Hajj? Married? Kids? Career? Entrepreneur, King of your Castle (yeh, you can smile on that one!) Whatever, feel the emotions and feel that feeling the one that you get when your duas are answered... ...and now have tawakkul trust that Allah (swt) will answer your duas when you are ready to receive them firstly by being patient, steadfast, grateful and then because whenever Allah has willed it for you then it will come true in that exact form or much better and know that the one much better is the one answered in Jannah al-Firdause. Whilst feeling those happy happy feelings proceed to the next steps, #3, #4 and #5.

What follows now is the Last 10 Inspirations memoir in their original email format from Ramadan 2010 (with some minor adjustments Ill point them out inshaAllah) I wanted to keep that original style and add a unique touch to the eBook.

May you be inspired and may you benefit from the Last 10 Inspirations ameen!

Lets fix-up our intentions as actions come from intentions and lets begin inshaAllah bismillah.

...Oh, and whilst youre at it, you know your duas and wish list make a quick dua for me and my family (parents, siblings, bros/sis-laws, nieces, nephews, cats....)

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

The Last 10 Inspirations...

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! We Be Inspired officially launched on March 28 2011 - and aims to Inspire Muslims and non-Muslim to return to the fitrah - both young and old - and inspire and motivate through workshops, seminars, video reminders, articles and audios. Ramadan 2011 or 1432 is fast approaching an end - our friend will leave us very soon - what have we achieved this Ramadan? Did we make a plan and set goals at the beginning of the month? Did we stick to that plan? Is it too late now? It's not too late so We Be Inspired (will send you an inspirational and motivational email daily for the next 10 days with a 'short, sweet and simple' reminder - to help us all make the most of the Last 10 Days insha'Allah original message for 2010) brings you this eBook. So to begin with - grab a pen and paper, or if youre the techno type open up a new word document (or your Blackberry) and write down your aims for the last 10 nights - what duas will you learn and try to memorize, how much of the Qur'an will you study, what books and articles will you read, how many extra nafls will you pray. It's all about getting closer to Allah (swt) and asking for forgiveness and His mercy - aiming for Jannah al-Firdaus! (You're receiving this email because you're a Star! So, check your inbox daily (or your junk box) for the next reminder - and click the forward button to send this email to all your stars (that's all your people on your contact list) Insha'Allah!) Original message from 2010 Before I leave you - do you know the dua the Prophet (pbuh) used to read in the Last 10 nights of Ramadan? Here it is, 'Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fu annee - Oh Allah! You are the eraser of sins and You love forgiveness - so please erase my sins' (ameen!)

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! ***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 1*** It'ikaaf - Seclusion with One's Beloved. If You Can't, Then Qiyyam Ul Layl. It's Something Very Special Indeed... Many would have chosen the Last 10 nights of Ramadan for it'ikaaf - to spend all of their time worshiping Allah (swt), asking for forgiveness, reciting the Qur'an and feeling the power and beauty of being close to Allah az wajal! Our lives are so busy with this, that and the other that our ibaadah suffers we don't concentrate and it becomes daily rituals. If you haven't been able to sit it'ikaaf for the whole of the 10 days then you can make intention every night and spend the whole night up until Fajr in your ibaadah - tahajjud, Qur'an, dhikr, asking for Allah's mercy and weeping in awe of His majesty, asking forgiveness for all the wrong we do... Plan your nights - there's still time! The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said; "Observe the night Prayer, it was the practice of the righteous before you and it brings you closer to your Lord and it is penance for evil deeds and erases the sins and repels disease from the body" (Tabarani) Action Point: Start qiyyam ul-layl now and continue it throughout the whole year insha'Allah - make it your goal, right it down, pop it somewhere that you can see it and then during the rest of the 11 months if you suddenly feel lazy then think of the feeling that you are feeling now and the hadith above - and you will be motivated to get back on track with your qiyaam ul-layl insha'Allah.

Wa alaykum assalaam,
We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'!

***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 2*** Dua: The Weapon of a Believer - the Power and Beauty of Dua! Make dua for yourselves, your families and the entire Ummah!

We underestimate the power of dua. Duas needs ikhlas - our sincerity. What are we asking for? Why do we want it? Do we really need it? Dua is not a one-off 'thing' but rather a continuous form of ibaadah - it needs our patience and firm imaan that our dua will be answered or Allah (swt) will surely answer our duas in the manner that best suits us as individuals (we may think that something is good for us, but Allah has something better in store for us!) And our Lord said, (invocation)..."(Q40:60) "Call on Me; I Will respond to your

It's the Last nights of Ramadan - so please make most of these nights, especially the odd nights - where we search for the 'Night of Power Laylatul Qadr' and make our duas - for if we observe all of the odd nights then our duas are surely to fall in one of the last odd nights - so make sure you have your dua list handy (oh and you can always remember WBI in your duas also!)

Action Points: a) Dua Goal - which duas are you going to learn and memorize? Remember we need to continue it throughout the year insha'Allah. b) Daily Adhakaar - purchase 'al-mathurat' if you don't already have a copy - as it has the daily duas which we need to recite.

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

c) Its still not too late - write a list of all the duas - all that you want for your deen and duniyah and concentrate on each dua and then just go ask Allah! d) Learn: the ways in which we should make duas, the manner in which we should make duas and the times we can/should make duas. e) Bonus - memorize the dua in Arabic from Surah Baqarah - "Our Lord, Grant us good in this World and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the fire".

*** Don't forget - Dua is the Weapon of the Believer... ...are YOU fully protected?*** Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'!

***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 3*** Dhikr - Remembrance - Keep the Tongue moist with the Remembrance of Allah - today, tomorrow, always!

We should remember Allah (swt) anywhere, any time and with every action we take: cooking, travelling, working, studying, with friends, at play.... We shouldn't remember Allah (swt) only in times of difficulty, but also in times of ease. "Those who believe, and whose hearts find their rest in the remembrance of Allah - for, verily, in the remembrance of Allah hearts do find their rest" (Q13:28) Remembering Allah (swt) softens the heart, helps us to accept different people and cultures around us - after all Allah (swt) created everyone - we need to appreciate everyone's model of life. "When you have performed the act of worship, remember Allah, standing, sitting or reclining" (Q4:103) Dhikr also keeps our tongues busy - the organ which can cause both good and harm! There are different types of dhikr; a) dhikr of the eyes - weeping (fear and love of Allah) b) dhikr of the ears - listening (Qur'an) c) dhikr of the hands - giving (charity) d) dhikr of the heart - fear and hope (of Allah's forgiveness and mercy)

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...Last 10 Inspirations

e) dhikr of the spirit - submission and acceptance (of Allah and His Qadr Will) In the Last 10 keep the tongue moist in the remembrance of Allah - the greatest of all the dhikr is 'La ilaha il Allah - there is no god but Allah' and insha'Allah you will see the difference within you!

Action Points: a) Write down all the different types of dikhr i.e. 'Subhan'Allah, Alhamdullilah, Allah o Akbar, Hasbunallah etc and keep reciting them throughout the day. b) If something unfortunate happens, or something makes you angry say; 'Ina'lilah or Auzbillah' - to get the tongue used to the correct expressions c) Learn from each other - it's amazing what you can learn from family and friends (even the young ones!)

Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'!

***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 4*** IQRA - And Your Lord Is The Most Generous!' Qur'an - study, reflect, implement and pass on the message!

The Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on the Night of Qadr, in the month of Ramadan, through the Archangel Jibrael. "And what will make you know what the Night of Qadr is? It is a Night which is better than a 1000 months" (Q:97:2-3) The Qur'an is not just any book - it is a Book of Guidance - Criterion - for the whole of mankind. In it we find the answer to everything - our whole existence, how we should live our lives, how we should conduct our affairs. If you're a bookworm (or love watching movies) you could talk about that book (or movie) forever! We memorize chapter by chapter - scene by scene. Yet when it comes to the Qur'an - we struggle to give the correct answer how can we invite others to the way of the Lord if we don't understand what our Lord is telling us? ***Reflect A Moment - ok...take two moments*** Many people struggle at this part - and once upon a time - waaaaay back whilst I was reciting the Qur'an I suddenly stopped - and said to my Qur'an - "What are you saying to me? What are you telling me? I know you're special - I can feel it deep in my heart and soul....but....I don't understand what you're saying...."

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

I won't never forget that day, that moment - its like I can see it and feel it right now... And that was it! I went out with my mum, to the local Islamic bookshop and brought the copy of the Qur'an in English! Many people may fear that if they start reading the Qur'an in any other language than Arabic then they won't be rewarded for it - but maybe the real fear is that if we understand the message, we won't apply it... ***Reflection Moment Again...*** How can we live our lives as true and obedient servants of Allah when we don't even understand His (swt's) words?! The Qur'an is a miracle of miracles - and a true blessing from Allah (swt) to us. "...We have also sent down to you (O Muhammad) the reminder and advice (the Qur'an), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought" (Q:16:44) The Qur'an is nourishment for the soul - just like food is nourishment for the body. The soul needs nourishment too - don't forget to take care of it! Last 10 - it's an odd night - what if it is Laylatul Qadr tonight? Pick up your copy of the Qur'an and make a firm resolve to establish a new and stronger relationship with it insha'Allah - now and beyond. Action Points: a) Tafsir - if you haven't already, then insha'Allah get the copy of the Qur'an in English (or any other language you speak - if Arabic is not your native language) and say Bismillah. b) Halaqas - start attending tafsir halaqas, or do some research to find out where your nearest tafsir halaqah is and then attend it. c) Family Time - everyday have a recitation and tafsir session with family especially the younger ones insha'Allah - this will inspire and motivate you all together as well as being rewarded for spending time with your family. Wa alaykum assalaam,
We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! ***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 5*** Allah - Our Creator! The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and All that Exists! This world wasn't created out of nothing and our existence isn't purposeless. There is a reason for us being here. " And I Allah created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me Alone!" (Q:51:56). ...and that is our main purpose in life - that (the verse above) is the reason Allah (swt) created us - humans. And if we don't worship Him as He (swt) wants us to worship Him them He (swt) will replace us! How do we get to know Allah? How do we understand our purpose in this life? What is our journey? As all of us have a different journey in this world. Most of us grew up in Muslim families and grew up with the 'basics' - you know praying and fasting etc. But then most of us never really understood Allah (swt) and our purpose - or why does this always happen to me? (we've all had that moment!). Allah (swt) has put all the signs in the world - for us to get closer to Him, to understand Him and to understand how to worship Him- it's for us to open our eyes and hearts to see and feel. "And He shows you His signs and Proofs of His Oneness. Which, then of the Signs and Proofs of Allah do you deny?" (Q:40:81). Allah (swt) can be understood through His Names and Attributes. Allah (swt) can be understood through our own souls and bodies (the way He created us). Allah (swt) can be understood through nature and its beauty. Allah (swt) can be understood through His words - the Qur'an - only if we are willing to understand.

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

He has given us aqal - intellect - but sadly we use it to argue amongst ourselves and to compete - who is better me or him/her... To truly fulfil our purpose in this duniya and to receive the rewards in jannah - we need to understand our Rab - Allah. In the Last 10 lets get closer to Allah (swt) our Lord, our Creator, our Sustainer and fulfil the reason for our creation - for this is one of the best times to really truly understand Allah (swt)! Action Points: a) Book - go to your local Islamic bookshop and buy yourselves an Eid present - a book on Allah's Names and Attributes and a book on Tawheed study these books and get to know Allah (swt). Study and memorise Allahs Names and Attributes and call on Him (swt) in dua with His beautiful Names. b) Park - yes, your local park - go there and sit a while - ponder and reflect - have a look at the tress, the sky, the birds - and think about Allah. c) Prostration - we are the most closest to Allah (swt) when we are in sujood - so increase your prostrations and invoke Allah az wajal. d) Count - all the blessings Allah (swt) has blessed you with and reflect on your life, your journey, your mission, your hopes, your wishes and your dreams - reflect...

..."So which of your Lord's favours will YOU deny..." (Surah Rahman)

Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'!

***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 6*** Time to Reflect When we enter the Last 10 nights of Ramadan we always seem to focus only on the 27th night - and by doing this we tend to ignore the importance of all the odd nights - for Laylatul Qadr is better than a 1000 months - so we should make sure that we search for Laylatul Qadr in all the odd nights insha'Allah. Reflection is something we're not used to (erm, we're too busy - why do we need to reflect and reflect on what exactly?) and we just tend to do things - or go through each day without real thought of what we have done or what we should have been doing? Do we hold ourselves accountable for the days events? What if the Angel of Death appeared and took our soul what deeds are we taking with us? What were we doing at that point? Because the Angel of Death is not going to send you a text message (sms) before he arrives! We pray but we don't concentrate and don't have khushu. We read Qur'an but don't follow the message. We love our Prophet (pbuh) yet fail to follow his sunnah - and we end up questioning all of it! The Last 10 nights are very significant for us all - it is a time not only of extra ibaadah and asking for forgiveness - but it is a spiritual time to get closer to Allah (swt) to understand our purpose in this duniya and....reflect on our actions, deeds, intentions. It is also a time where we are spiritually charged and make new decisions in our lives - new resolutions and this is the time where we start goal setting and thinking of ways to improve our lives (bit like New Years resolutions). So use this time to reflect on your journey in this duniya and where you would like to be in the akhirah - we are all travellers and our stay here is not permanent - just reflect on those who are no longer with us...

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

And don't forget - ask Allah (swt) and He shall answer!

"And your Lord has said; Call upon me and I will respond to you" (Q:40:60).

Action Points: a) Each Night - spend at least 10 minutes reflecting on your days events and thinking of ways to improve insha'Allah. b) Journal - start a reflection journal - bit like a diary - but here you can reflect on your days events and make a personal improvement plan - like articles to read, audio's to listen to, lectures to attend, volunteering at a charity, planning your qiyam ul layl etc. c) Family & Friends - talk to each other and help each other on your reflection process and ways to improve yourself. Remember that we human beings are forgetful by nature and need constant reminders - just like these emails - they are only reminders - firstly for myself and then all the readers insha'Allah.

Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! ***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 7*** Charity - Don't forget charity donations for the poor and needy (Zakah both for Ramadan and your wealth, Sadaqah...) Dig deep - deep into your pockets and give in the way of Allah (swt)! It is our duty and obligation as Muslims to help our fellow Muslims and sisters/brothers in humanity through difficult times. Allah (swt) tests us all - and we all undergo different trials. Basic human rights are food, shelter, clothing, health but many across the globe are deprived of one or all of these. Whilst we sit in the comfort of our homes many are on the streets. Whilst our tables are full of delicious delicacies for suhoor and iftaar - people fast days upon days... I would like you to focus your attention just for a moment to your respective countries - you may be reading this in the UK or another developed country. But I would like to point out that there are many amongst us in our own countries and communities who are also deprived of the basic rights - yes these issues also affect us and our fellow sisters and brothers in our respective countries not only developing countries. When giving in charity - please make sure you give a little to those charities also working to help the needy in your country - as this is also our duty and we shall be held accountable for it on the Day of Judgement! Last 10 - to increase your rewards and make your scales heavy with good deeds - give generously - and remember that when we give wholeheartedly we show our true devotion and love for Allah (swt). "Charity NEVER decreases wealth!" (Hadith Muslim) "Verily, those who give Sadaqah, men and women, and lend to Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs' shall be an honourable good reward (i.e. Paradise)" (Q:57:18)

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Action Points: a) Zakah ul Fitr - needs to be given before Eid prayer so it can reach the poor and needy in time and needs to be given for every member of your household. Please make sure you have given yours insha'Allah. b) Sadaqah - various and continuous and remember the rewards will continue for it even after your death (so if you give money towards building a well or supplying clean water to a village then you will receive continuous rewards for that insha'Allah) c) Check out all the charities and just give! Your rewards will be increased. There have been many natural disasters which have affected people across the globe in recent weeks - so please give to all the charities helping them and if you can - then go out there and help out insha'Allah.

Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! ***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 8*** Youth and the little ones in our lives - show them the beauty of Islam from a young age, from today so they become Ambassadors of Islam tomorrow! If we don't practice Islam in our daily lives (from prayers to Qur'an, from manners to dress) then our young ones will look for alternatives and copy them. We already have serious issues in our communities - and we tend to brush things under the carpet because of 'respect and shame'. We worry so much about others and what they think that we forget what Allah (swt) will think! How will we stand in front of Him on the Day of Judgement and justify our ignorance towards our youth or solving issues in our communities - our 'respect and shame' excuse won't be valid on that Day! Today's youth are tomorrows future. Just think for a moment. ***Reflection Moment*** You were once young (and still are at heart of course!) and you had dreams, wishes, ambitions, goals...what did you do? Achieve them or working on them? (insha'Allah). Did you have role models that you could have looked up to or still do look up to? We always seem to talk about 'role models' and how our youth are following the wrong 'models' - (footballers, pop and movie stars - Hannah Montana?!?!) and then we say 'Our children don't have Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as their role model! - can they really if we fail to follow the Sunnah ourselves, bicker and fight amongst ourselves, argue which mosque is following correctly etc...we don't follow it ourselves - then how can we instil the love of Islam and its Beloved Prophet (pbuh) into the hearts of our youth? "You are the best nations, taken out for the guidance of mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you have full faith in Allah" (Q:3:110)

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

We need to insha'Allah start learning Islam and practicing it and helping the young ones in our lives to follow it. Last 10 - odd night - the final one - who knows if we will get to see fajr and who knows if we'll get to see next Ramadan - only Allah knows. So now is a time to make some changes, set some goals and start thinking on ways to improve insha'Allah - and ways to teach Islam to our young ones.

Action Points: a) Get them involved - make a list of all the activities you could engage your young ones in (depends on their age) - like books to read, events to attend and also get their friends and families involved. b) Family Time - wherever it is, whatever it is - make it Islam Family Time - not only will you get rewarded for spending time with the family but also teaching the young ones and watching them put it into practise. c) Activities - book reading, Qur'an studies, games, learning duas etc - you know what your young ones like so get active and get enjoying. Islam is holistic - so immerse yourself into it and enjoy the beauty of it in this world and the next insha'Allah, ameen!

Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! ***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 9*** Balance it! Deen wa Duniya Today's Inspirational Gem is all about balancing ones life insha'Allah. Islam is holistic and it is a way of life - not picking and choosing certain bits which suit us at a specific time. We are not dabblers - but we live life to the fullest following Allah (swt's) commands and the teachings of our beloved Prophet (pbuh). We need to plan for both our duniya and akhirah - our life in this world and the life in there hereafter. We need to work hard for both. We have been put in this world and we have to face all the trials and tribulations it's a test and if we want the highest Jannah (Firdaus) then we need to pass this test! [102: ]

"Our Lord Grant us good in this world and Good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the fire" (Q:2:201)

It's easy to fall into extremes in life - but we all know that too much of anything won't help us at all - imagine eating chocolate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, seven days a week (although any young ones reading this might suddenly find it appealing - please don't try it - you'll become very sick!). We can ask Allah (swt) with the above dua to bless us with both good in this world and good in the hereafter - and when Allah (swt) does bless you

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...Last 10 Inspirations

with health, wealth and happiness - be thankful, accept it and through your blessings help others insha'Allah. Sometimes when we have deep spiritual moments - like in Ramadan and iti'kaaf we want to stay in that forever - like always praying, reading Qur'an, total submission to Allah... Ever, truly felt that moment? ***Reflection Moment...*** It's a Beautiful Feeling... But as Muslims we need to balance our ibaadah and our daily lives. And our beloved Prophet (pbuh) said that he fasts and breaks his fast, he prays and he sleeps - because our bodies have a right over us and our families have a right over us. If you're feeling that you go into extremes in some things in life (shopping maybe?) or even deen (continuous fasts) then now is the time to reflect, think and see where you can make some changes in your life so that not only do you balance your daily life with work, studies, family, business but you also prayer all your five daily prayers, read Qur'an, your daily adhakaar, catching up on some personal Islamic studies insha'Allah. If we fail to balance our life - our deen and duniya, we'll fall into extremes and it won't benefit us - neither in our short stay in this world and neither in our ultimate abode - akhirah. Action Points: a) Check-it! - grab a pen and paper and be honest with yourself - deen and duniyah - is there a balance? (if so, then hamdulilah - email back and we'll share your pointers with everyone!) b) Change - do you need to make a change somewhere? More Qur'an, more voluntary fasts and prayers? Write them down and make a firm intention to start and continue this after Ramadan c) Goals - are you achieving them? Are you dreaming more with your eyes open and planning of ways to make your dreams a reality?

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...Last 10 Inspirations

d) Duas - lots of them - there's still time - Ramadan isn't over yet (I know we're all looking forward to Eid) but make duas - with full sincerity and then watch your dreams become reality - insha'Allah, ameen!

Tomorrow will be the last Inspirational Gem for Ramadan 2011 its all about................

.............tell you tomorrow insha'Allah! :)

Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Welcome to you all to 'We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision'! ***Ramadan 2011 Last 10 Inspirations: Gem 10*** Become Productive Now is the time to have your spring clean - to throw away all that is unnecessary and pointless and fill your lives with positivity and productiveness - and this is done by learning about Allah (swt), understanding your purpose in this world and taking action. Remember, Allah (swt) said that He has not created man nor jinn except to worship Him (swt). This should always be at the forefront for us and we should always remind ourselves of this. Allah (swt) will test us with trials and tribulations - but He (swt) said that He shall not burden us more than we can handle. We will all get our share of it and I will never get your share and you will never get mine - but what Allah (swt) does give us as trials are those that we can handle - we need to react to them properly - and that is what Allah (swt) is watching in us. So next time something unfortunate happens, then, please think about it that Allah (swt) is waiting to see our reaction and what actions we will take. We have only one life in this world - let's make the most of it - worshiping Allah (swt), obeying His commands, doing all that He has asked us to do and refraining from all that He has told us to refrain from insha'Allah. Re-read all the previous Gems as reminders - as we are human beings, we are forgetful by nature and we need constant reminders to keep us steadfast upon the deen insha'Allah. How to become more productive and truly live our lives to the fullest? See the brief 'Action Points' below and get acting inshaAllah!

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Action Points: a) Plan - grab your pen and paper - better yet, grab that notebook that is sitting on your table right over there - you know the one that you brought to write all your plans, ideas, thoughts in and never got round to using it? Blow off the dust and label it 'Thought Book' - and get writing! b) Goals - we all have dreams, wishes, ambitions - we all want to do more, yet we have a billion excuses not to do it. So now is the time to write those goals downs and start working on them. Remember - a goal that is written down is more realistic than one which is not written down. c) Deen and Duniya - have you got the balance? Need to work on the balance? Then write down the areas you need to have a closer look at and need to work on insha'Allah. d) Take Action - take action on all the 'action points' that you have read in all these Gems - all these methods are tried and tested by We Be Inspired we practice what we preach! e) Stay in Touch - email and let me know how you're getting on with your spiritual journey, balancing your deen and duniya, goal setting and taking action - and if you ever need a helping hand then just drop an email insha'Allah

Well...this is it - all 10 Inspirational Gems! I hope that these emails have been helpful and beneficial in some ways in your special journey in this world and if you haven't already (better late than never!) then forward them on to your entire contact list - as an Eid gift! And finally, I hope and pray Ramadan 2011 (1432) has been a blessed one for you all - do keep We Be Inspired in your duas and have a fantastic Eid! Taqabal Allahu mina wa minkum and Eid Mabrook! Wa alaykum assalaam,

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

Conclusion 30 Days and Beyond...

Well, youve made it to Eid Day yay!!! I mean walhamdulilah! In your Last 10 YOU had an emaan rush YOU had daily emaan boost doses with these daily inspirational gems YOU were charged and flowing at full 150% Excel Mode turBo flow youre smiling and happy asking Allah (swt) to accept all your ibaadah, forgive you for your shortcomings and make you strong and steadfast in His way today and everyday and bless you with another Ramadan (*ameen*). will YOU keep it up? ***Reflection Moment*** You can be honest with yourself and I will be honest too! We all slip, we all fall and we all need another emaan rush why wait til another Ramadan are we guaranteed it? Are we even guaranteed the next moment? Did you know that when changing habits or creating new ones it takes 30 days for us to get into the flow yes 30 days and it takes 90 days for that new habit to become part of us our new way of being. Ramadan is 30 days every wonder why? Because you can start new habits, refresh old ones and instil them into your system. And Allah (Swt) is giving us a break for Eid and then 6 fasts for Shawaal. So, please keep it up believe in yourselves as your Creator Allah as wajal believes in YOU! Keep up with your sunnah fasts Monday and Thursdays make it a regular habit keep up with your Quran keep up with Qiyaam all the actions points and even all the Last 10 Inspirational Gems are not only applicable to Ramadan but the entire year yes, you can do it 30 Days and beyond!!! This year I started a ; Ramadan 2011 30 Days 30 Themes daily inspirational gems which are part of my daily facebook statuses but for all of you who are not on facebook then go to my blog at

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations and read them there inshaAllah (on the blog, on the right hand side, below the sections home, about, etc).

Go back to the action points in the Last 10 in this eBook and take note of them continue with what you are doing the goodness and add lots more to it. Keep good company those who remind you of Allah, of your purpose and of the akhirah. Get interactive and email me up let me know what worked, what didnt, what you needed to tweak for yourself. Please remember that what works for you works for you, and although the Last 10 are generic and applicable to all maybe for some reason you cant do one or two the action points as they are listed figure out what works for you. Let me know inshaAllah and together we can figure it out

What follows is a quick marketing page of all the services on offer via We Be Inspired so please check it out, visit the website, drop me a text, call, email whatever and lets get things into perspective inshaAllah. If you havent already then get all your loved ones to visit so they can download this eBook. Theres enough for the entire Universe so share the khair! May Allah (swt) accept from you all and from me jazaakumullah khairun for joining me on this journey of the Last 10 it has been great serving you all and Ive enjoyed it and remember YOU ROCK!!! See you all sometime, some place soon in this world inshaAllah and if not in this world then see you all in Jannah al-firdaus!

Yallah Salaam!

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

We Be Inspired Marketing...
So, whats on offer?

1. The Powerful Personal & Spiritual-Self: Development Program

2. One2One and Group mentoring Soulful Therapy and Soulful Connection getting you back on track and back on to the Fitra

3. Creative Mentoring for all your creative ideas that you want to turn into a business or project

4. Official Business & Project Marketing PinkPrint for Women helping your creative juices flow and helping you market in all the marketable places mentoring and coaching

5. Spiritual and Creative Mentoring workshops for youth youth clubs and schools to inspire and motivate them to live their fullest the halal way

6. Be Muslim Be Moderate workshops for ISOCs

7. Uniquely Different workshops helping YOU find your UP in life

...interested? For more info and bookings; Email Visit the website

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...Last 10 Inspirations


...each moment is our only moment which knows the moment that was, that is and that will be so make each moment count - in the remembrance of Allah, for we never know which moment of ours will be the last moment so lets leave on La ilaha ilallah, Muhammadur RasulAllah.


We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

And finally...

Oh Content Soul! Return unto your Lord pleased with him and He pleased with you. Enter amongst My servants and enter into My gardens [Surah al-Fajr, 27-30]

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


...Last 10 Inspirations

***Makes a Prayer for Ramadan 2012 inshaAllah!!!***

We Be Inspired One Life, One Chance, One Vision 2011 All Rights Reserved


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