Winsite WIN1d

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Additional software platform to the Win1D, WinSparc and Win50 to monitor power systems networks in real time

The WinSite is a WindowsTM software designed to view and analyse in a quick and simple way the status of a set of equipment based on SAFT Power Systems supervision modules (ACM1D, CCU and NRC50). It provides efficient remote management with hierarchical and intuitive data presentation. WinSite may:

run as a robot that is able to automatically

establish connections with equipment, according a user defined scenario, and collect the main status information

wait for incoming calls from equipment that

are able to automatically report their state changes The WinSite (as Win50v2 and Win1d3) handles the following connection :

Local (RS232/RS485) Modem connection TCP/IP connection assuming the remote

equipment is equipped with a communication system. Then, it reports in a simple and concise way the status of a set of remote equipment. More specifically, it provides a Map view of the equipment spread over hierarchically organized maps. As many levels and as much equipment as needed can be defined. It can be interfaced to the SAFT Power Systems software suite (Win50v2, WinSparc, Win1d3, ) thus allowing an accurate diagnostic of a problems arising on a power plant. A smart communication manager allows you to connect to equipment with the Win50V2, WinSparc or Win1D without interrupting the polling process of the WinSite. An Administrator mode is available to establish the map and equipment organization, to define the polling scenarios,

The views are refreshed according to the equipment status with simple color coding reporting:

WinSite can support, 3 languages: in standard English, Spanish and French. Possibility to support in specific language on special request.

The status of the communication The status of the equipment itself

When equipment alarm goes off, it is possible to go further in the analysis by checking the textual alarm list. If a more accurate diagnosis is necessary, the supervision software (such as Win50v2, WinSparc or Win1d3) can be launched directly from the WinSite to connect to the equipment concerned.

Scurity access
3 different levels are implemented:

User : to read operations and gives access

to the different views;

Super user: to start or stop a scenario; Administrator: full access to perform all
operations (defining a project or the map hierarchy, creating new equipment). In any case, a password is required to secure the access according to the rights.

Installation considerations
The WinSite software requires the following settings:

Operating system : Microsoft WindowsTM

NT4, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and XP;

For use with controllers:


64Mb RAM; SVGA monitor with 256 colours; A serial port (COMx) for 19200 bauds
communication (RS232 or RS485);

A modem for remote communication with


Running a scenario
The MapView displays a bitmap upon which the sub-map entries and the equipment icons are stuck. When a scenario is executing, the WinSite establishes the communication with the appropriate equipment and retrieves its status information.

Ethernet access for remote communication

through the TCP/IP network. To use this software, you need at least 20Mb of space available on your hard disk (depends on the complexity of the map organisation)



SAFT Power Systems

AEG SVS Power Systems


Alcatel Conver ters

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