Bathos: Exaggerated Pathos - R: Theories of Emotions

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1. Primary emotion: basic emotions that are basic and felt by a person or an individual.

This is the emotion that is usually straightforward. Ex: happiness, anger, fear 2. Secondary emotion (collective): social emotions that are felt between people or result when interact with other people. ex: jealousy, envy, hatred 3. Tertiary emotion: background emotions that are referred to as general feelings. Ex: calmness, tensions, disappointment. 4. Pathos: an appeal to emotion that evokes someone to feel the same emotion for a person. ex: it is used when evoking the emotion of sadness or pity toward someone. (when we watch a sad movie) 5. Bathos: exaggerated pathos - refers to the expression or discovery of humor in a phrase, whether done deliberately through the use of an incongruous or ironic combination of ideas in order to make the humorous aspect seem unintended, or unintentionally. 6. Maudlin: exaggerated emotion or take advantage of the emotion response ( ex: using pithy to advertise for charity) 7. Theories of emotions: 8. Affect perseverance: we still have the emotional preference toward someone or something even though that emotion is considered as being invalid. ex: he still loves her even though he had cheated on her. 9. Aggression: violent or anger attitudes or behaviors toward others. 10. Durability bias: people tend to overestimate their emotional reactions to future positive and negative events 11. Buffer effect on social support: we feel less stress or sad when we have someone to talk to when we get support from others. ex: when I'm sad, I want to share it with my best friends so that I would feel better. 12. Focalism: We tend to rely so much on one piece of information and forget about other things that happen around. ex: 13. Cognitive appraisal theories of emotion: an appeal to emotion in which people experience depends on the events that happens around them. ex: the driver might be more nervous when driving as compare to the passenger who enjoys the views.

14. Mood Congruent judgment: Our judgments are biased by our moods. ex: when I'm feeling sad, I can easily get angry toward others and make wrong decisions. 15. Opponent Process Theory: occur when we experience two opposite emotions at the same time: ex: I feel happy because I can go to the US to study, but this also means that I have to live away from my parents and this makes me really sad. 16. Jame-Lange Theory of Emotions: The theory that states that after an event occurs, physical body response happens before the emotion is felt by a person. This is explained by our ability to empathize and relate to another person feeling a certain emotion. 17. Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotions: The theory that states that emotion and the physical response happens simultaneously, at the same time. Neither the emotion nor the physical response occurs first. 18. Mood memory: People have their memories that creates their mood. Or their mood occurs them to remember a certain memory/event. 19. Fatigue: This is an emotion that evokes other emotions. This causes depression, forgetfulness, laziness, disability to critically think and decide, socially withdraw oneself 20. Impact bias: he tendency for people to overestimate the length or the intensity of future feeling states. 21. Love: There are different types of affection - massive motivator. Love leads people to self-sacrificial acts. ex: love towards friends, love toward families, love for country. 22. Social contagion: When emotions of other people influence and cause one person to feel the same way. ex: we feel more enthusiasm when we watch a football game at the stadium with others. 23. Two- factor theory of emotion: People use the situation they are facing to explain the unknown physical experience. 24. Homeostasis: the state of bodily equilibrium, when all our automated (physiological) functions are working together. The automatic functions of the body working without deliberate thought and/or force. 25. Empathy: to be able to relate and feel what another person is feeling.

26. Sympathy: when we can imagine how someone feels, 27. Decision theory: choose based on how something benefits us. (Pragmatism) Based on bias, misconception, emotion, expectation, conformity, etc 28. Intuition: a. b. General: the of attaining knowledge or understanding without evident rational thought and using this rational thought to draw conclusions Social: using intuition to decide how to interact among people. Using this type of intuition the person is able to judge or have a brief idea of what this person will be like. c. Educated: using intuition to draw conclusions from what has been known through previous experiences. 29. Dystopia: the world where everything is wrong 30. Utopia: the world where everything is perfect 31. Somatic Marker: a bodily feeling that can be either positive or negative that happens prior a. b. to making a decision. Somatic marker influences you in the decision making and is related to the concept of instincts. It can also be referred to as the gut feeling. 32. Homeostasis: coordinated and mostly automated physiological reactions required to maintain balance in a healthy living organism. (the state of bodily equilibrium equilibrium) 33. Paul Ekman - universal emotions, microexpressions: a. Studies of how facial expressions show truth or lies. 34. Ekmans Universality of Emotions Theory: This theory states that no matter who you are or where youre from, there are certain emotions that are universal. It states that these emotions do not need to be taught, they are expressed and understood in all parts of the world in the same manner. 35. Micro-expressions: Expressions that cannot be controlled or helped by the person when making them. It can be unintentional. 36. Phineas Gage & Elliot: Decisions can't be made without emotion Gage suffered severe personality changes after trauma

37. Rationalization: emotion leads to rationalization - starting from the endpoint and working backwards to explain where we want to be. 38. Lateral thinking: thinking outside the box, thinking in a new way 39. Vertical thinking: think what normal people think 40. Hallmark card effect: over-exaggerated emotion that play on your emotion similar to maudlin

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