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Part 1 Vocabulary [40 points]

Choose the appropriate definition. 1) stethoscope A) A medical device used to take blood B) A medical device used to listen to the heart and lungs C) A medical device for analyzing blood D) A medical device used to palpate 2) breathe in A) exhale B) inhale C) expel D) purge 3) ulcer A) open sore B) back pain C) acne D) bruise 4) taper off A) notice or observe B) gradual increase C) weaken or gradual decrease D) check out 5) glaucoma A) liver inflammation B) high level of sugar in blood C) swelling of the legs D) increased pressure in eyes that sometimes causes blindness

6) Fill the gaps with the appropriate words:

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Word Bank Hepatitis, Hodgkins disease, diabetes, appetite, insulin, intake, borderline diabetic Situation Dr. Suzuki is asking Mr. Blake about his condition and his familys medical history. Dr. Suzuki: Have any of your relatives had cancer, Mr. Blake? Mr. Blake: Yes, lets see My father died of lung cancer and my aunt had __________________, but she recovered from that. Dr. Suzuki: Any __________________ in the family? Mr. Blake: My mother became a ______________________when she was about 42. Dr. Suzuki: Does she take __________________? Mr. Blake: No, she just has to watch her sugar __________________. Dr. Suzuki: Have you been around anyone with __________________that you know of? Mr. Blake: No. Dr. Suzuki: How about your __________________? Mr. Blake: I havent lost my appetite at all. Dr. Suzuki: Have your bowels been moving regularly? Mr. Blake: I havent noticed anything unusual. Dr. Suzuki: All right, Mr. Blake. Ill give this information to Dr. Yoshida who will be examining you today. Would you please wait in one of those black chairs in front of room 12? Dr. Yoshida is seeing another patient right now, but he will be with you in just a few moments. 7) Fill the gaps with the appropriate words: Word Bank palpate, gallstone, gallbladder, edema, laboratory, shins, suspect, blood analysis, quadrant Situation Dr. Yoshida is continuing his examination of Mr. Blake Dr. Yoshida: Please lie on your left side and roll backward a little. (Dr. Yoshida feels the upper left __________________ of Mr. Blakes abdomen). Mr. Blake: Ow! Dr. Yoshida: Now, Ill feel your __________________ to check for __________________. Please sit up on the table and stretch your arms behind you (Dr. Yoshida __________________ Mr Blakes __________________). Do you feel pain when I hit your back here? On

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the right side or the left side? Mr. Blake: Yes, slightly, but only on the right side. Dr. Yoshida: All right. We are finished. Please put your clothes on and sit down over here. Well, Mr. Blake I __________________ you have a __________________. Since there are other diseases which could give you the symptoms youre having we need to run a few tests to be sure. Mr. Blake, the next thing we need to do is to send you to the __________________ for __________________. Dr. Suzuki will explain how to do it.

Part 2 Questions and Answers [20 points]

Match the questions with the appropriate answers. ex. _z_ Whats your name? z) My name is Dr. Bill

a) Not really. When did you first start having this trouble? ___ b) About a week ago. Are ___ Is ___ you taking any medication? c) No, Im not. d) Yes I do. I cant breathe normally. something wrong with them? e) Yes, Im prescribing some pills. f) They are a little on the small side, stomach? but actually thats preferable. for me? hurt?

Do you feel pain when you push out your ___ Do you ___ Will ___ have some it medicine

Part 3 Ordering/Numbering [20 points]

Number the sentences in the appropriate order. Situation Dr. Suzuki explains the results of Mr. Blakes blood test to him. ___Mr. Blake: Well, its not been so bad, but I still have the same attacks sometimes.

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___Dr. Suzuki: Weve had pretty good success in treating gallstones with extracorporeal shock wave lithrotripsy instead of surgery, so if were lucky an operation wont be necessary. However, that depends on the character of your gallstones. ___Mr. Blake: Will an operation be necessary to get the stones out? ___Dr. Suzuki: Hello, Mr. Blake. How have you been since I saw you last? ___Dr. Suzuki: Have you been able to eat regular meals? ___Dr. Suzuki: Ive checked the results of your blood analysis, and the elevated serum levels of some enzymes strongly suggest that a gallstone is the cause of your trouble. So Id like to have you take an abdominal echogram, which will determine how many stones you, have and exactly where they are located. ___Mr. Blake: Yes, I have. But it seems that fatty foods like tempura, steak or fried chicken gives me trouble.

Part 4 Comprehension [20 points]

Choose the appropriate answer. 1) How soon after Mr. Blake starts eating does he notice his pain? A) about 5 minutes B) about 30 minutes C) one to two hours D) none of the above 2) Dr. Suzuki wants Mr. Blake to have A) an X-Ray examination B) an abdominal echogram C) an apendectomy D) both A and B 3) Mr. Blakes gallstones might be treated by A) extracorporeal enzyme surgery B) serum shock lithrotripsy C) extracorporeal shock wave lithrotripsy

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D) extracorporeal echogram therapy 4) Mr. Blakes tonsils are A) a little larger than usual B) a little smaller than usual C) much smaller than usual D) much larger than usual

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