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Summary of the experiences described by SIA participants from our League

Each year, our LWV chapter provides scholarships, on a competitive basis, to enable local high school students to attend Students Inside-Albany (SIA) conference. This year, three students represented our League. All reported it was a valuable educational experience and a unique opportunity to meet fellow students from all over New York State. The students, Luke Murphy, Lara Cohen and Annabel Gutterman, travelled to Albany this past March to participate in a threeday program sponsored by the New York State League of Women Voters. The program included seminars, attending state legislative sessions, and shadowing local officials. All three students commented on how exciting it was to trail George Latimer, and how gracious and interesting he was. Another highlight was watching the Senate debate over legislation (and to witness a hostile amendment). The students gained awareness of the role of the state government. As one student wrote, I am typically aware of politics close to home, like Board of Ed elections and those far away in DC or even abroad. However, not until I attended the conference did I know about the important decisions, like redistricting, budget cuts, and education that were occurring in Albany. According to the students, one of the best aspects of the conference was the opportunity to meet and interact with fellow student from all parts of New York and they plan to keep in touch with their new friends. Luke, Lara and Annabel reported that they feel invested and interested in state government, thanks to the conference, and that they understand the process better and feel they have some power to influence government.

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