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Words from Padmasambhava : NOMO RATNA -GURU Lord Amitabha and Avolokiteshvara , Your compassion encompasses all beings.

Bestow you blessing so that I may be your disciple And empty samsara. Now listen here , Tibetan king and subjects. I , Pandmakara of Uddiyana, Arrived in Tibet due to the continuation of past karma And fulfilled the king's aspiration. In the land of Tibet , a realm shrouded in dense dakrkness, I have made the sun of Dharma shine And established all beings in both happiness and well-being. Since then , the king of Tibet passed away. No I shall not remain in Tibet. The Tibetans and I do not agree ! I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan king and ministers and I do not agree ! They do not rule the kingdom according to the Dharma . Instead the ministers control the Dharma king. I am tired of king who engage in evil deeds. I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan monks and I do not agree ! They do not keep the discipline pure , But in secret enjoy meat , wine , and women. I am tired of hyporitical people. I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan teachers and I do not agree ! They do not explain the Buddha;s words and the treatises correctly , But fool people with distorted teachings. I am tired of people who falsify the Buddha's words. I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan meditators and I do not agree ! They do not mingle the meditation state with postmeditation , But make mere intellectual understanding their experence and realization. I am tired of perctitioners who fixate on inert stillness. I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan Tantrikas and I do not agree ! They do not keep the sacred commitments pure. Instead they let both Mahayana and Secret Mantra stray into shamanism. I ma tired of samaya violators. I ma leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan yogis and I do not agree ! They do not posses the meaning of view and meditation in their Dharma practice , But fool themselves with boastful platudes. I am tired of bragging people. I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan chieftains and I do not agree ! They do not mingle social affairs with the divine Dharma , But waste the teachings and the kingdom with evil intentions. I am tired of evilminded people with nagative intent. I am leaving , I am going to India ! They do not practice generosity free from pre-judice , But always create the causes for rebirth among hungry ghosts. I am tired of deceitful and tightfisted people. I am leaving , I am going to India ! The Tibetan women and I do not agree ! They do not take faith and compassion to heart. But follow charlatans with hollow faith. I am tired of unfaithful , lustful women. I am leaving , I am going to India ! Tibetan disciples , remain in peace. I am leaving , I am going to the land of the rakshasas. I pray that we may meet again in the future. FROM THE BOOK ( THE LOTUS- BORN ) LIFE STORY OF PADMASAMBHAVA.

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