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Development Specification

Development ID Brief development description Gap ID Business Process Level 3 or 4 Functional Owner Technical Owner Author Reference Documents Workstream Process Stream mySAP component /module Type of development Template Version Global / Market Status

Remittance Advice NPP UK Form Layout

FITGAP0011803 Level 4 Execute Payment Run and Create Payment File Janet Ure Lisa Howdle Sean McCarthy Appendix Z
GLOBE Template Finance && Control R3 User Exit or Enhancement 1.5 UK Work in Progress

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Created: 20.04.2004 Printed: 08.04.2004 17:00

Development Specification

Version Control
<Template instructions in red, please delete> Provide details of all updates made. After sign-off, every change must have a CHR/TPR number. Revision History: Section Version Description of change (including the Reference Changed Date Reference No. reason for the change) Change By Request FS 1.0 Initial draft JU 25/6 1.1 QA review LH 01/08/03 1.2 Updates for foreign currency SM 11/09/03 1.3 Second review LH 12/09/03 1.4 Signed Off JU 23/10/03 1.5 Change request LW 08/04/04 TS 1.0 Tech section added LH 22/10/03 1.1 1.2 1.3 UTP 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 FS Functional Specification TS Technical Specification UTP Unit Test Plan

<Please delete where appropriate> Approved by Custom Development Team Lead (Interfaces only) (TO) Process Team Lead (FO) Complimentary Application Team Lead AD Development Coordinator (2 names: On+Off-Site) Developer (FO) QA Reviewer (TO) CD-Middleware (MW) ALE Configuration Team Approved by (Applicable for Messaging Only) Cross Application Team Lead (TOM) Custom Development Team Lead (where development required)(TO) Messaging Configurer (TOM) QA Reviewer (TOM/TOD) Name Signature Date

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Development Specification

IMPORTANT: All paragraphs titles have been marked with a 'code', defining which stakeholder is responsible for completing the paragraph. Please find below explanation of the codes, as well as their roles in the process flow FO TO QA DEV MWTO MWQA MWDEV TOM TOD
Co mplete Functional Sections

Functional Owner Technical Owner AD Development Coordinator (On-site and OffSite) QA reviewer (for messaging: both Messaging and AD) Developer Middleware Technical Owner Middleware QA Reviewer Middleware Developer Technical Owner Messaging Messaging Coordinator Technical Owner Development AD Development Coordinator
Initia l Walkthrough + QA Co mplete Technival Sections

FS Workshop

FS Final QA + Sign-Off








For Messaging Only:

An assigned TOM and TOD are working very closely for the entire development lifecycle. For sections where TO is responsible to complete, the responsibility in general will fall with the TOM being responsible for the overall technical solution. TOD is responsible in documenting any coding logic
Complete Functional Sections Initial Walkthrough + QA Complete Complete Technical section Technival Sections (messaging) Complete Technical section (development)

FS Workshop

FS Final QA + Sign -Off














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Development Specification

Table of contents
1 Management Summary (FO)..........................................................................5 2 Process Flow / Context (FO) .........................................................................6 3 Functional Requirements (FO) .....................................................................7
3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT (FO) .....................................................................................7 3.2 HOW THE DEVELOPMENT WILL WORK (FO) .....................................................................................7 3.3 SAP GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (FO) ..........................................................................................8 3.4 ASSUMPTIONS/DEPENDENCIES/CONSTRAINTS (FO) ..........................................................................9 3.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE REMARKS/SIGN-OFF OF SECTION (TO) .........................................................10

4 Overall Development Design (TO)...............................................................11

4.1 COMPLEXITY, ESTIMATES AND DEADLINES.....................................................................................11 4.2 BRIEF TECHNICAL OVERVIEW.....................................................................................................11

Appendix B: SapScript/Forms.......................................................................12
4.3 FORM DETAILED DESCRIPTION (FO) ..........................................................................................12 4.4 EXISTING SAP LAYOUT SET (FO) .............................................................................................12 4.5 NEW REQUIREMENTS (FO) .......................................................................................................13 4.6 FORM LAYOUT (FO) ..............................................................................................................13 4.7 DATA MAPPING MATRIX (FO + TO) ........................................................................................15 4.8 STANDARD TEXTS (IF SAPSCRIPT) (FO + TO) ..........................................................................21 4.9 TEXT MODULES (IF SMARTFORMS) (FO + TO) ............................................................................22 4.10 LAYOUT DETAIL (FO) ..........................................................................................................22 4.11 TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR DEVELOPING THE FORM (TO) ...............................................................22 4.12 SMARTFORMS TECHNICAL GLOBAL SETTINGS (TO).......................................................................22 4.13 STYLES (TO).......................................................................................................................23 4.14 QUALITY ASSURANCE REMARKS/SIGN-OFF OF SECTION (TO + QA) ..............................................25

5 Appendix M: Security (TO)..........................................................................26 6 Appendix N: Testing....................................................................................27

6.1 FUNCTIONAL TEST CASES (FO).................................................................................................27 6.2 TECHNICAL TEST CASES (TO)...................................................................................................28

7 Appendix Z: Reference Documentation......................................................30

7.1 SAMPLE SAP DATA RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM............................................................................30

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Development Specification

1 Management Summary (FO)

Once an AP payment run has been made and the ledgers updated, a print run is scheduled to create the BACS (UK) file for the bank, the vendor payment advices and the necessary reports. For Foreign and Domestic Transfers, only reports and payment advices are created. There is no file. For Netting payments, a file is created for the Nestle Netting system together with reports and payment advices. The Remittance Form to be used for the vendor payment advices is set in configuration for each Paying Company Code and Payment Method. An alternative payment advice form can be specified in the program variant used to set the print parameters for individual payment runs. This will then take precedence over the form set in configuration for that run. SAP provides a standard international sapscript form F110_IN_AVIS and specific forms for some named countries. There is no specific form for the UK or Ireland but the standard form does not meet market requirements and needs to be customised.

Different texts are required on the Advices according to the Company Code and Payment Method used for the payment run.

The Remittance form will have headed information with the logo and the address of the company. The e- sent as a PDF file to the vendor e-mail address. The facility should exist to print the form if e-mail does not work

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Development Specification

2 Process Flow / Context (FO)

Payment Proposal

Schedule Payment

Schedule Print

BACS or EMTS File created

BACS or EMTS Reports created

Vendor Payment Advices created on spooler

File transmitted to bank

Payment Advices output to PDF file format based on company code

Payment Advices e-mailed to vendor

Amendment made to diagram

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Development Specification

3 Functional Requirements (FO)

3.1 Description of the development (FO)

3.1.1 Overview of development (FO)

A payment proposal is created to select invoices for payment, grouped by vendor. This is approved and a payment run is made to post payments to the ledgers. The print run is then scheduled. For the BACS or EMTS run, using Program RFFOGB_T, this creates: a) BACS or EMTS File for transmission to bank b) Reports c) Vendor Payment Advices For Foreign and Domestic Transfers, using Program RFFOD__V, only Reports and Payment Advices are produced. There is no file. For the netting run, using Program RFFOM100, the following are created: a) Netting file for upload to Nestle Netting System b) Reports c) Vendor Payment Advices A single file per run containing multiple advices is created in the users output spooler. Advices are then printed out onto the appropriate headed notepaper for the Company Code, folded into window envelopes and posted to the vendors. It is believed that the technical development will be such that an individual spool request will be created for each vendor and that this in turn will trigger an e-mail of the remittance form to be sent to the vendor e-mail address. Different texts are required on the Advices according to the Company Code and Payment Method used for the payment run. At the top of the form the company name, address and logo will appear 16 documents to be listed per page followed by carry forward to next sheet.


How the development will work (FO)

3.2.1 Where this development will be run (FO)

Geographically Global Development, will be run in all markets Local Development, will be run in the following market(s): UK Purina Environments Components MDR HR R/3 Core Financial System (Distributed Architecture only) Commercial System (Distributed Architecture only) Manufacturing System (Distributed Architecture only)
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Development Specification

SEM (Distributed Architecture only) Global ATP (Distributed Architecture only) Restitution System (Distributed Architecture only) CRM APO DP (Distributed Architecture only) PPDS/SNP (Distributed Architecture only) R&D EBP WPS Other: Please specify

3.2.2 How the development will be run (FO)

Development will be run in the following ways On-line by end user - From within SAP transaction (s): F110 - Payments (Schedule Print) On-line - Via a development-specific menu path . Please specify the applicable end user roles (e.g. CS-0057 Order Entry Clerk) In background - Scheduled at regular intervals/time: Please specify frequency (e.g. Midnight on workdays) In background - Triggered by a certain event: Please specify event. (e.g. Release of Purchase Order) Other: Please specify (e.g. this transaction is only run in the development environment) Comments Specific Variations

3.2.3 Security (FO)

How should access to run the development be restricted. No specific restrictions Restriction on authorization on development-specific transaction code only Restrictions based on certain criteria. Access also based on Company Code Other: Please specify Comments: Security will be set for the standard transaction F110 and no new security should be required for this form.


SAP General Requirements (FO)

3.3.1 Data Volumes (FO)

Country/Market UK Mallow Payments Ireland Payments Comments:
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Frequency Daily 2 runs per month Once weekly

Volume per run One spool of up to 1500 Payment Advices per run 60 per month 100 per week

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Development Specification

3.3.2 Language considerations (FO)

Language considerations No language considerations Master Data Related considerations: Please specify (e.g. Material texts in report need to be displayed in user logon language) Translation requirements No translation requirements Development will be used in English only Translation required: Comments

3.3.3 Currency and Units of Measure (FO)

Payments for which Remittances will be produced will be in GBP, Euros, Swiss Francs or US Dollars. The Local Currency for GB Company Codes is GBP and for IE Company Codes it is EUR. For GB Company Codes, the local currency will change if the Euro is adopted as the UK currency in the future. For foreign currency payments the currency could vary.


Assumptions/Dependencies/Constraints (FO)
The logon language will be English

The Remittances will be created by SAP Standard Programs RFFOGB_T, RFFOD__V, and RFFOM100 and the advice name will be configured as a form for use with the Program and payment method or set up as an alternative form in the program variant. One Spool containing all Remittance Advices is created from each run (up to 1500 documents).

An separate spool request will be sent for each individual vendor which will then generate an e-mail to each vendor. Invoice values can be up to 12 characters long. One payment run can include different currencies, one currency per remittance.

All invoices to be paid in foreign currency will have payment method N or T in the document or in the vendor master record Printed on headed notepaper for each company code. This will be available for development and testing. SAP standard form copied and renamed according to GLOBE naming conventions. Payment Runs for the UK and Ireland Company Codes will be separate. Ireland remittance advice documents will be e-mailed
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Development Specification

In the legacy system the print program RFFOGB_T has been changed for Nestl UK so that in can be run for foreign transfers (T) with no file being produced. This will not be required in GLOBE as program RFFOD__V will be used instead.

3.5 Quality Assurance Remarks/Sign-Off of Section (TO)

QA Reviewer QA Date Subject
General Information Development ID is correct Reference documents provided Market has been clearly specified Document contents 'Management Summary' complete and clear Process Flow / Context complete and clear Description of development complete and clear 'How the development will work' complete Data volumes have been provided Currency and UoM details have been specified Language requirements have been specified Security requirements have been specified All assumptions have been documented Security Spreadsheet has been completed All Test Cases have been described in Appendix N Overall: Functional Section Approved Comments

Lisa Howdle 01/08/2003

Yes No


Input required from securities team

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Development Specification

4 Overall Development Design (TO)

4.1 Complexity, Estimates and Deadlines
Complexity Estimate Expected Delivery Date Medium 4 days

4.2 Brief Technical Overview

One layout set will be required for both UK and Ireland. The layout is very similar, only the addresses are different, which should be managed using the company code and standard texts. The full layout and details of the data elements required are listed in section 5 below. No new fields are required to be selected and the SAP standard print program can be used. There is a different page layout required if the remittance advice goes over more than one page. Asummary report should be printed after all remittance advice documents have been output to act as an audit trail for the total number and value of the remittances from the payment run.

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Development Specification

Appendix B: SapScript/Forms
4.3 Form Detailed Description (FO)

The Remittance Advice lists payment advices for a vendor. It is made up of the following windows: Header reserved space to allow for headed notepaper. Page page number. Address address of vendor. Info shows date, account number of vendor and payment number. Main lists payment advices. Also includes bank, account number and sort code details. Carryfwd total for page carried forward to next page. Total final total for all payment advices listed. Summary shows the number of payment advices output and the total net amount. This is needed to be printed as an audit trail of a summary of the total remittances that were e-mailed. The total field (REGUD-SWNET) is determined as follows: if there is only one page of details, the total at the bottom will be the Net total, with the Total window being displayed. If there is more than one detail page, the Carryfwd window will be displayed instead, showing the total amount listed up to that point; a brought forward total will then be included in the Main window of the following page. The Total window will be displayed on the last detail page. The first detail page will include the Header, Page, Address, Info and Main windows, together with either the Carryfwd or Total window. Any continuation pages will show only the Header, Page, Main and Carryfwd windows, with the latter replaced by the Total window on the last detail page. On these the Main window will be extended in length. A summary page will be printed at the end of the report. This will include only the Summary window. This is required as a reconciliation for the total amount that has been processed and to reconcile to the BACS amount.


Existing SAP Layout set (FO)

Remittance Advice SAPF110V (Print programs RFFOGB_T and RFFOD__V ) Z110_GB_ADVICE_2; Z110_GB_ADVICE_F; Z110_IE_ADVICE_F Path to assign layout set Standard R/3, SapScript SAP

Output type Program Name Layout Form Name IMG path to access output type and layout set assignment Type of solution (Standard R/3, custom ABAP) Owner of existing solution

4.4.1 Printing Existing Solution (FO)

Menu Path for transaction: Values to be used and output type: Accounting, Financial Accounting, Accounts Payable, Periodic Processing, Payments 1) BACS or EMTS payments Parameter Tab: Company Code NPPUK (UK) Payment Method 1 Printout/data medium tab: Program RFFOGB_T with appropriate variant entered alongside Form: Z110_GB_ADVICE_2


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Development Specification

2) Foreign Transfers (UK) Parameter Tab: Company Code NPPUK Payment Method 3 Printout/data medium tab: Program RFFOGB_T with appropriate variant entered alongside (Program RFFOD__V will be used in GLOBE) Form: Z110_GB_ADVICE_F 3 Printout/data medium tab: Program RFFOD__V with appropriate variant entered alongside Form: Z110_IE_ADVICE_F

Printout/data medium tab: Program RFFOD__V with appropriate variant entered alongside (Program RFFOM100 will be used in GLOBE) Form: Z110_IE_ADVICE_F Actions to be taken: Return to the Status tab and press Printout


New requirements (FO)

Remittance Advice

Output type(s): Form Types: Transmission medium: Legal requirements: Type of printer: Paper Size: Orientation: Portrait/Landscape: Special stationery to be used :

Remittance Advice NPP UK

E-mail PDF format PostScript A4 Portrait


Form Layout (FO)

The changes are required in the header information on all of the layouts Company name Company address Company Telephone number Company Fax number Nestle Purina Logo

Single page layout




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Development Specification

"GDEVWR0002161 "GDEVWR0002161 UKI_FAP_Form_Vendor Remittance UKI_FAP_Form_Vendor Remittance UKI_CR for format F.doc" UKI_CR for format.doc"

Multiple page layout



"GDEVWR0002161 "GDEVWR0002161 UKI_FAP_Form_Vendor Remittance UKI_FAP_Form_Vendor Remittance UKI_CR for multiple format F.doc" UKI_CR for multiple format.doc"

Single page layout

GB_ADVICE_2_layou t1.doc IE_ADVICE_F_layout 1.doc

Multiple page layout

GB_ADVICE_2_layou IE_ADVICE_F_layout t2.doc 2.doc

Summary page layout (all forms)


4.6.1 Page break requirement

Page break at natural page break.


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Development Specification


Data Mapping Matrix (FO + TO)

R/3 Field Table: Screen: V_T001-BUTXT ADDR1_DATANAME1 Functionality Calculation Logic Note A Standard Text Standard Address format (do not include country) Text Include area code Standard text Text Standard text Standard text Text Text Page No Address fields from REGUH All address fields in country format If NestlPurina UK Company then UK address. If Nestl Purina UK Company then UK address. Telephone Telephone no Fax no Fax no Nestl Purina logo Z_PURINA_LOGO Remittance advice Page Print-on-Page Note B all pages all pages All pages All pages All pages All pages All pages All pages All pages except last All pages except last 1st page Label Position Note C 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid way Left aligned mid way Left aligned Arial Courier Courier 5 characters from left, 9 lines from top (to align with Courier Font Note D Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Nestl logo including birds nest Output Format Note F Font Format Note E 14 8 CAPS 8 CAPS 8 CAPS 8 CAPS 8 CAPS 35 12 Bold 12 Bold 12 12

A1 A2 A3



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Development Specification

envelope window) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Address fields for alternative payee REGUH-ZBNKL Standard Text Text for alternative payee (see below) See below REGUH-ZBNKN Text Sort Code: REGUD-ZBNKA Text Account No: REGUH-VBLNR Standard Text Text Text for BACS payment Bank: REGUH-LIFNR Text Payment No. REGUH-ZALDT Text Your Account No. Text Date 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page (see below) 1st page and summary 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page
Page 16 of 30

Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier DD.MM.YYYY

12 Bold 12 12 Bold 12 12 Bold 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

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Development Specification

from REGUH 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Underline Text Text Text Text Text REGUP-BELNR REGUP-XBLNR REGUP-BLDAT REGUD-WSKTO REGUD-WNETT Standard Text Standard Text Text Text ZFGBFC_NPP_ADV ICE_TEXT1 Z110_GB_ADVICE_ TEXT2 Net Total Document Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Discount Net Amount

All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary All pages except summary Last detail page Last detail page Last detail page Last detail page

Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Should appear under label 20 Should appear under label 21 Should appear under label 22 Should appear under label 23 Should appear under label 24 Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier

Length 78

12 12 Bold 12 Bold 12 Bold 12 Bold 12 Bold 12

Right justified XX.XX.XX Right justified Right justified Right justified

12 12 12 12 12 Bold 12 12 Bold 12 Bold

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Development Specification

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

L_TOTAL Standard Text Text REGUH-STRAS REGUH-ORT01 Text REGUH-ZSWIF REGUH-PSTLZ REGUD-WAERS Text Text Standard Text REGUD-SWNET Text Text Carryfwd: Broughtfwd: ( ) Text for EFT payment Swift Code: Text for foreign currency payment (see below) National Code:

All pages except summary 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page 1st page All pages (see below) All pages except summary All pages except summary 1st page (see below) All pages except summary All detail pages except last All detail pages except first

Should appear under label 23

Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier

Right justified

12 Bold 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Should appear under label 24

Courier Courier Courier

Right justified

12 Bold 12 Bold 12 Bold


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49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

REGUH-HBKID Text T042Z-TEXT1 Text REGUH-ZBUKR Text REGUH-RZAWE Underline Text REGUD-AVISE Text REGUD-HWAER/ REGUP-WAERS (see below) REGUD-SUMME Total net amount in Number of Pmnt advices printed Payment method Company code: Report summary

Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page Summary page

Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Courier Length 55

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Notes: 1. Label 10 text will read This is a BACS payment to be made direct to your nominated bank account.


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Development Specification


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Labels 17 and 18 will only be displayed if the Alternative Payee Indicator (REGUD-XABWZ) is X. Text for label 17 is The items listed below are managed on the following account:. The address will be displayed as follows: REGUH-NAME1 REGUH-NAME2 REGUH-STRAS REGUH-ORT01 Label 30: Z110_GB_ADVICE_TEXT1 reads as follows: This is a combined payment for all Nestl Purina UK locations, with a detailed breakdown of this payment provided. In the event of a query please contact the Shared Service Centre on Tel: 00800 6355 6355, Fax: +44 (0) 208 715 1450, or E-mail Label 31: Z110_GB_ADVICE_TEXT2 reads as follows: Business should only be transacted if you are in receipt of a valid Purchase Order. Failure to quote a purchase order will result in a delay in payment. Label 35 text will read This payment will be made directly into your nominated bank account. Label 45 text will read This is an EFT payment to be made direct to your nominated bank account. Label 60 will show REGUD-HWAER for Z110_GB_ADVICE_2, and REGUP-WAERS for Z110_GB_ADVICE_F.


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Development Specification


Standard Texts (if SAPscript) (FO + TO)


Description of use Purina Logo from bitmap

This is a combined payment for all Nestl Purina UK locations, with a detailed breakdown of this payment provided. In the event of a query please contact the Shared Service Centre on Tel: 00800 6355 6355, Fax: +44 (0) 208 715 1450, or E-mail Business should only be transacted if you are in receipt of a valid Purchase Order. Failure to quote a purchase order will result in a delay in payment. Broughtfwd: Carryfwd: Date Your Account No Payment No Page Net Total Report Summary Bank Company Code Payment method Number of pmnt advices printed Total net amount in The items listed below are managed on the following account This payment will be made directly into your nominated bank account Document Number Invoice Number Invoice Date Discount Net Amount






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Development Specification


Text Modules (if Smartforms) (FO + TO)

4.10 Layout Detail (FO)

Position of Left Margin (Specify Unit) Position of Right Margin (Specify Unit) Position of Nestle Logo (Specify Unit) Position of Main Window (Specify Unit) See Appendix Z See Appendix Z Contained within pre-printed stationery See Appendix Z

4.11 Technical Details for Developing the Form (TO)

4.11.1 SAPscript or Smartforms ? (TO)
Use the same SapScript as used for GDEVWR0002161: /EUR/FGB_F110_AD or create a new one: /EUR/FGB_F110_PU The layout is designed using SAP Script.

4.11.2 SAP Data Relationship Diagram (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> The purpose of the diagram is to show the database tables used in the development and the relevant data for the report and the relationships between them. Refer to Appendix Z on a sample SAP Data relationship Diagram that should be included this section.

4.11.3 Data Processing (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> This section should be used to give a detailed processing and logic description.

4.12 Smartforms Technical Global settings (TO)

4.12.1 Form Attributes (TO)
<Template instructions in red, please delete>


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Development Specification

Please describe here the general attributes (Development class, language, translation) and the output options ( Page format (e.g. DINA4), characters per inch (e.g. 10,00), lines per each (e.g. 6,00), Style (e.g. ZRCH0003), etc

4.12.2 Form Interface (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> Please briefly describe here the Import, Export, Tables and Exceptions sections of the function module that will be generated by Smartforms.

4.12.3 Global Definitions (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> Please briefly describe here the Global data, Types, Field Symbols, Initialization and Form routines sections.

4.13 Styles (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> Please describe here the Style(s) that need to be created and attached to the development transport request with the SAPscript or the Smartforms. We have two possibilities : - Styles can be created and maintained via transaction code SE76. They contain the Paragraph and Character formats. They are assigned to Standard Texts. - Styles can be created and maintained via transaction code SMARTFORMS. They contain the Paragraph and Character formats. They are assigned to Text modules. Style name Note A Style description Note B Standard settings Note C Paragraph format Note D Character format Note E

Note A: e.g. /EUR/RCH_EXP_INV_ST01 Note B: e.g. Default style Note C: Indicate the Standard paragraph, the Characters per Inch (e.g. 10,00), the Tab stop (e.g. 1,00 CM), the Lines par Inch (e.g. 6,00) , the Font (Family, size and style), if underlined and/or color. Note D: e.g. P1 (to be detailed in the following table) Note E: e.g. C2 (to be detailed in the following table) Paragraph Format Note A Description Note B Indents and spacing Note C Font Note D Tabs Note E Numbering and outline Note F

Note A: e.g. P1 Note B: e.g. Left margin 0.5 with tabs Note C: If needed, specify the alignment (e.g. Left-aligned), the indents (left and right margin), the spacing (space before, space after, line spacing), the text flow (page protection, next paragraph same page). Note D: Font family (e.g. HELVE), font size (e.g. 8pt), font style (e.g. Bold) , underline, color. Note E: If needed, indicate the tabs with number, position number, unit and alignment (Centered, Left or right or decimal point aligned, ).
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Note F: If relevant, indicate the top outline paragraph, the numbering type and numerator. Character format Note A Description Note B Standard settings Note C Font Note D

Note A: Note B: Note C: Note D:

e.g. C2 e.g. Bold size 8 If needed, indicate the effects (Superscript, Subscript) the barcode (width and height). Font family (e.g. HELVE), font size (e.g. 8pt), font style (e.g. Bold) , underline, color.


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4.14 Quality Assurance Remarks/Sign-Off of Section (TO + QA)

QA Reviewer QA Date Subject
Functional Section Form description complete and clear Existing solution specified Form layout specified Data mapping provided Standard texts provided User interaction requirements specified Error handling specified Technical Details SAP Date Relationship has been provided Data processing steps complete and clear Comments

Lisa Howdle 01/08/2003

Yes No


Use existing GLOBE standard texts where possible


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5 Appendix M: Security (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> This section should contain the technical details about the security objects requested in the functional specification. The downloading of payment media and creation of Payment Advices is a Treasury Back Office function.

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Development Specification

6 Appendix N: Testing
6.1 Functional Test Cases (FO)
Test Case 1 Test Case Description BACS AP create AP payment run for a GB Company Code using F110 and payment method E. Progress to create payment media using program RFFOGB_T. Do not select the Print Immediately option in the program variant Print spool created in Test 1 onto Nestl UK Ltd headed notepaper EMTS AP create AP payment run for an IE Company Code using F110 and payment method E. Progress to create payment media using program RFFOGB_T. Do not select the Print Immediately option in the program variant Print spool created in Test 3 onto Nestl Ireland headed notepaper Foreign Currency Advices with no payment media create AP payment run for foreign currency payments for a GB Company Code using F110 and payment method T. Progress to schedule print using program RFFOD__V. Do not select the Print Immediately option in the program variant Print spool created in Test 5 onto Nestl UK headed notepaper Foreign Currency Advices with no payment media create AP payment run for foreign currency payments for an IE Company Code Expected Result One spool of multiple vendor payment advices is created in the users output spooler CD Comments

2 3

Text is correct for Company Code, Currency and BACS payment and fits headed paper and window envelope when folded One spool of multiple vendor payment advices is created in the users output spooler

4 5

Text is correct for Company Code, Currency and EMTS payment and fits headed paper and window envelope when folded One spool of vendor payment advices is created in the users output spooler

6 7

Text is correct for Company Code, Currency and Foreign Transfer payment and fits headed paper and window envelope when folded One spool of vendor payment advices is created in the users output spooler
Created: 20.04.2004 Printed: 08.04.2004 17:00

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Development Specification

8 9

10 11


using F110 and payment method T. Progress to schedule print using program RFFOD__V. Do not select the Print Immediately option in the program variant Print spool created in Test & onto Nestl Ireland headed notepaper Netting Advices create AP payment run for a GB Company Code using F110 and payment method N. Progress to schedule print using program RFFOM100. Do not select the Print Immediately option in the program variant Print spool created in Test 9 onto headed notepaper Netting Advices create AP payment run for an IE Company Code using F110 and payment method N. Progress to schedule print using program RFFOM100. Do not select the Print Immediately option in the program variant Print spool created in Test 11 onto Nestl Ireland headed notepaper

Text is correct for Company Code, Currency and Foreign Transfer payment and fits headed notepaper and window envelope when folded One spool of vendor payment advices is created in the users output spooler

Text is correct for Company Code, Currency and Netting payment and fits headed paper and window envelope when folded One spool of vendor payment advices is created in the users output spooler

Text is correct for Company Code, Currency and Netting payment and fits headed paper and window envelope when folded

6.2 Technical Test Cases (TO)

<Template instructions in red, please delete> In this section, the technical owner will attach any extra information on how to test the cases described above, as well as any additional technical testing that he thinks needs to be done, such as ALE-Config/Error handling testing. In this section, the actual execution of the testing should be documented as well. Test Case Description Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Result/Remarks Executed By/Date

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Created: 20.04.2004 Printed: 08.04.2004 17:00

Development Specification

Test Case



Test Data

Expected Result

Actual Result/Remarks

Executed By/Date

98564844.doc GCC Application Development

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Created: 20.04.2004 Printed: 08.04.2004 17:00

Development Specification

7 Appendix Z: Reference Documentation


GB_ADVICE_2_Appe GB_ADVICE_F_Appe IE_ADVICE_F_Appen ndix_Z.doc ndix_Z.doc dix_Z.doc

7.1 SAMPLE SAP Data Relationship Diagram

This is sample Data Relationship diagram to show the database tables used in the development and the relevant data for the report and the relationships between them.

D e liv e r y H e a d e r (L IK P )

S h ip p in g U n it s (V 5 1 V E )

S h ip p in g M a t e r ia l

M a te r ia l D e s c r ip t io n s (M A K T )

D e liv e r y N um ber

S h ip p in g U n it N u m ber

D e liv e r y L in e Ite m (L IP S )

D e liv e r y Num ber L in e It e m

It e m s t o b e P acked (V 5 1 V P )

M a t e r ia l

M a te r ia l M a ste r (M A R A )

M a te ria l

M a t e r ia l D e s c r ip t io n s (M A K T )

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Created: 20.04.2004 Printed: 08.04.2004 17:00

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