The Life of Buddha

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Movie: The Life of the Buddha (BBC) Instructions: 1. Go to OR Go to

com and search for The Life of Buddha 2. Please answer the questions while watching the documentary in the spaces provided 3. The information is found at the time indicated above and to the right of the questions


(0:00 10:00)

1) A pillar was the first evidence discovered by British archaeologists to prove that Buddha really existed. 2) The origins of Buddhism are found in modern day India and the rest of Asia . (hint: which countries?) 3) When the Buddha was born he was called Siddhartha by his father. 4) Auspicious marks were found on the soles of his feet when Siddhartha was born. 5) Based on the marks the soothsayer said Buddha would be either a spiritual leader or a great political leader. (10:00 20:00) 6) Siddhartha left the city for the first time when he was aged 9. 7) Siddhartha was allowed out of the city to see the annual ploughing festival. 8) While the farmer was plowing, Siddhartha saw a bird eating a freshly unearthed worm . He wondered why all living things have to suffer like this. 9) Siddhartha took four journeys outside the city and saw four signs. 10)Siddhartha saw an old man, a sick man, a corpse being carried to the funeral pyre and finally a man wearing a simple robe with a begging bowl in front of him.

Long Answers:
The answers to these questions are all in the movie but they can also be found in the text book p. 85 87

What was Siddhartha trying to end with his path to enlightenment? He was trying to free himself from craving, hatred and ignorance. So that he would be released from the endless cycle of birth, death and suffering. He was trying to find the answers to it.

What are the four noble truths? The four nobles truths are Life is full of suffering, Human beings suffer because they desire pleasure, wealth and fame , Human beings can stop suffering if they stop desiring these things and The way to stop having these desires is to follow the Eightfold Path. What is the eightfold path? What are the reasons people would follow this path? The Eightfold Path refers to the eight rules that Buddhists should practise in order to get rid of their desires. They want to stop having the desire of pleasure, wealth and fame so that to stop suffering for other people. How did Siddhartha Gautama affect Ancient India and the world? Most of the lower castes and even the powerful Indian rulers converted to Buddhism or were strongly influenced by the Buddhas teachings. Then Buddhism spread throughout India and the rest of Asia. Ashoka, ruler of Mauryan empire, was so horrified by the great amount of death and suffering he saw that vowed never to use warfare to conquer new territories. He then became a Buddhist and announced that he would rule only by right conduct and not by force.

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