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6 Hormonal Coordination in the body 1) Hormone are chemical substances that secreted by the endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream. 2) Each type of hormone is: - A kind of protein - Released in small quantities - slow to response but responses last longer - Specific to the target organ 3) Endocrine glands coordinate body activities chemically by secreting hormones. Endocrine glands are ductless gland. Why are endocrine glands are also known as ductless gland? Hormones are not secrete through ducts. Instead the hormone are secreted directly into the bloodstream, which distribute them all over the body. 4) One hormone may have several target organs. 5) How hormonal coordination work.

The effect of hormonal imbalance on health. 1) Hormonal imbalance can be the result of too much (excessive) or too little (deficiency) of hormone produced. 2) Table shows examples of the effects of excessive and deficiency in some of this hormone. Hormone Growth hormone Thyroxine Effect of Over secretion - Gigantism (child) - Acromegaly (adult) - Increase in metabolic rate Exophthalmic goiter indicated by protruding eyeballs and swelling of the neck. Under secretion - Dwarfism


- Stunted physical and mental development in children (cretinism) - Lack of energy in adults (myxodema) - Simple goiter Abnormally low blood sugar - high blood sugar level in

Oestrogen Progesterone Testosterone

level (hypoglycemia) which may lead to shock and coma Early puberty - Early puberty

the blood (hyperglycemia) and urine ( diabetes mellitus) Late puberty - Menstrual disorder - Miscarriage - Late puberty - Low sperm count

2005 SPM question The overproduction of hormone by the thyroid gland causes a) stunted growth b) exophtalmic goiter c) gigantism d) diabetes Quiz 1) Identify the following hormones: a) Hormone that prepares in the body for emergency b) The hormone that reduce the amount of glucose in the body c) The hormone that controls the metabolic rate of body d) The hormone that controls the formation of male secondary sexual characteristic e) The hormone that controls the menstrual cycle 2) State the function of a hormone produced by a) the thyroid gland b) the ovary c) the pancrease 3) Name the disease caused by a) insufficient insulin b) excessive thyroxine c) insufficient growth hormone 2.7) Coordination between the nervous system and endocrine system 1) Body coordination is controlled and regulated by the nervous system and the endocrine system. Both the systems help us to carry out our daily activities. 2) Comparison between the nervous system and endocrine system. Nervous coodination Differences in term of Electrical impulse Type of impulse Directly by neurons in the Method of transmission nerve fibres Fast Speed of transmission Effectors Parts affected Localised, temporary and Effects reversible Rapid and short-lived Response Similarities of hormonal and nervous system Hormonal substance Chemical substance Carried by the blood circulatory Slow Target organs only Widespread, permanent and irreversible Slow, diffuse and long lasting both are involved in body coordination both involves the passing of information

3) an example of the coordination between the nervous and endocrine system during a time or excitement, fright or stress. Stimulus the source of danger, a loud sound of explosion Receptor Sense organ (ear) Parts of body affected Brain Pupil of eye Heart Lungs Liver Muscle Effect of hormonal system Effect of nervous system Secretion of adrenaline by Secretion of adrenaline by adrenal gland the autonomous nervous system. Blood supply increase Blood supply increase Dilates Dilates Heart rate increase Heart rate increase Bronchioles dilate Bronchioles dilate Glycogen converted to Glycogen convert to glucose glucose Blood supply increase Blood supply increase; muscles contract

Quiz 1) what are the similarities between the hormonal system and the nervous system? 2) Name four ways in which the hormonal system is different from the nervous system

3) Why is coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system important?

2.8) Effects of drug abuse on body coordination and health 1) Drugs are externally administered chemical substances that affect chemical reactions within the body. 2) Drugs may be beneficial or harmful to the body depending on how it is used. 3) Beneficial drugs are used as medicine to treat diseases. - Antibiotics are used to treat disease caused b y bacteria. Eg: penicillin - Drugs are taken under medical supervision to treat diseases. Eg: steroid - Drugs are also used to relieve pain. Eg: anesthetics and analgesics like aspirin 4) Drugs can be divided into five groups based on their characteristics and effects on body coordination. Types of drugs Examples Effects Stimulants Cocaine, amphetamines Counteract depression,

Depressants Hallucinogens Narcotics Inhalants

Barbiturate, sleeping pills Marijuana Opium, morphine, heroin Glue, paint thinner

prevent fatigue, increase alertness and reduce sleepiness. Cause drowsiness, slow down nerve impulses, reduce stress. Cause the person to experience hallucinations and illusions Relieve pain and induce pain Cause hallucinations and damage to the brain and kidneys

5) Drug abuse is the taking of drugs excessively, not under a doctor prescription. 6) The effects of drug abuse on health: - High blood pressure - Heart problems - Damage to the liver - Weakens the immune system - Cause brain damage and mental problem - Sharing of needle among drugs addicts results in the transmission of AIDS Quiz 1a) What are drugs? b) Name three beneficial drugs. 2a) What is drug abuse? b) What is its effect on nervous system? 3) List five groups of drugs. For each group, name an example.

2.9) The effects of excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination and health 1) All alcoholic drinks contain ethanol which is a type of alcohol 2) Alcoholic drinks are made from fruits and cereals. Examples of alcoholic drinks Wine and brandy Whisky and beer Toddy Made up of Grapes Barley Coconut

Tapai , tuak, sake, rice wine Cider

Rice Apple

3) Sugar from these fruits and cereal are fermented by yeast to produce ethanol. The fermentation process and the period of fermentation affect their quality. 4) Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. It generally slows down the brain function. 5) Effects of alcohol on health Brain Liver Stomach Heart Effect of alcohol on - Slows down brain function - Damage to the brain cell - Inflammation of the liver (Hepatitis) - Cirrhosis or hardening of liver - Irritates the stomach lining - Cause bleeding and stomach ulcer - Cause high blood pressure - Stroke

Quiz 1a) Name the type of alcohol found in wine. b) What type of drug is it? 2) What are the effects of excessive alcohol on the a) brain? b) liver? c) stomach 3) List three effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

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