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International Indexed &Referred Research Journal, May, 2012. ISSN- 0975-3486, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/30097;VoL.


Research PaperEducation

A Study of Educational Problems of Secondary School Students

May, 2012

* Dr. Yatendrakumar S Pal

* I/C Principal, Kriteeti B.Ed. College, Ahmedabad. Introduction : purposive sample method in the present study 583 We live in the era of science and technology students have been selected as a sample with the help Education is most important to keep in touch with of purposive sample. Both Boys and Girls were seeach aspect of technology infect man can achieve all lected for the present study. these success of technologies through education. Edu- Tool : cation is always in priority of developing countries. A Educational Problem Questionnaire has been deWe cannot deny that for a better administration of veloped by researcher for the present study to know democracy we need educated society.We have fin- about the problems of Boys and Girls students of secished more than fifty years, of independence, Yet we ondary schools of urban area of Ahmedabad district. could not spread education as per it was required in Research Methodology : this computer era. Students almost faces so many Survey method was used for the present study. problem in schools. Education is a fact have an effec- Procedure : tive system of education also happen to be the Educational problem questionnaire was administered leaders of the world, both socially and economically. on selected sample of Boys and Girls of secondary In this study researcher tried to find the problem school students of urban area of Ahmedabad district. being faced by students in our education system. Statistical Analysis : Statement Of The Problem : For analysis of data percentage was applied in the A study of Educational problem of secondary school present study. students Finding And Analysis Of The Study Objectives : See Table 1 (1) To study the educational problem of secondary Discussion : school students. (1) Classroom environment should make healthy and (2) To compare the educational problem of boys and interesting.The interaction of teacher-student girls of secondary school students. should be loveable. Population : (2) Teachers should understand the problems of stu Secondary school students of urban areas of dents and give them proper guidance to know Ahmedabad have been selected for the present study. about them individualities and strength. Sample : (3) Government should increase scholarship and fi The researcher selected ten (10) secondary schools of nancial aids for poor or weaker sections students Gujarati medium as a sample with the help of of socio-economic students. TABLE-1 Educational Problem Of Secondary School Students Of Urban Area Of Ahmedabad.



International Indexed &Referred Research Journal, May, 2012. ISSN- 0975-3486, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/30097;VoL.III *ISSUE-32

(4) Educational board should make the syllabus ac cording to mental age and individual differences of students include proper activities for them. (5) Teachers should properly use the teaching learn ing materials in the classroom. Library and labo ratories should be established and well main tained it. (6) Schools should organize health check-up programme for the students, specially for Girls. (7) Teachers should make school environment free for good communication. (8) Schools should increase facilities for co-curricu

lar activities for the students. (8) Teachers should make the un-biased and fairly measures for cumulative evaluation of pupils. (9) Teachers should try to aware of family situation of our students and try to solve it. Conclusion : Problems are the part of life and these problems are not only affecting secondary school students but also concern with all other factors of life, Thats why education department should try to adopt new changes and challenges in education so students can get equal opportunities in life and can become a better citizen to lead our better nation.

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