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International Indexed &Referred Research Journal, May, 2012. ISSN- 0975-3486, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/30097;VoL.


Research PaperEducation

A study of the performance of rural area teachers of Mehsana district

* Dr. Amrish D Parikh. May, 2012 * Assit. Prof, Shree Saraswati Shikshan Mahavidhyalaya, Unjha.
The purpose of this research was to study the performance of rural area teachers. Survey method was used. The data was collected from questionnaires which consisted of twenty questions concerned with different abilities. Such as * Speaking ability * Communication ability * Logical ability * Cognition ability * Aesthetic ability * Creative thinking ability. After observing and analyzing the data the following conclusion were found Out. I. The performance level of rural and urban area teachers of secondary schools were the same. II. The effect of the faculty of the teachers and the effect of the gender of the teachers on their performance were the same.

Introduction: India is made of villages. The development of India depends upon the development of her villages. Village is a social, economic and cultural unit, in the words of Gadhiji. In the present scenario urban area is advancing very fast in the field of education. Rural area seems to lag behind in education because of it's remote area peculiar problems, lack of facilities and limited resources. Education is poor because of attitude of students, parents and teachers. Do the teachers really differ in the rural area for the teachers of urban area are questions of research? Teachers need to be such who would facilitate learning, provide proper motivation and teach with the right kind abilities. The performance of teachers makes a lot of difference in the success of the students. Looking to the importance of teacher's performance the present study was undertaken. Objective : The main objective was to study the performance of rural area Teachers of Mehsana district . The specific objectives were : (1) to study the difference in the performance of rural and urban area teachers of secondary schools. (2) to find out the effect of gender of teachers on their performance. (3) to find out the effect of faculty of teachers on their performance. (4) to find out the effect of experience of teachers on their performance. Hypothesis: (1) There is no significant difference in the mean performance of the male teachers of rural area and urban area. (2) There is no significant difference in the mean performance of the rural area female teachers and

the female teachers of urban area. (3) There is no significant difference in the mean performance of the science teachers of rural area and urban area. (4) There is no significant difference in the mean performance of the social-study teachers of rural area and urban area teachers. (5) There is no significant difference in the mean performance of the language teachers of rural area and urban area. Methodology: This is an attempt to see the difference in the performance teachers of the urban & rural area teachers. The survey method of research has been adopted. Sample : The present study is mainly concerned with the reflection of secondary students about their teachers' performance. This sample consists of students of Std.10th of the year 2005-06. The sample is presented in the following table. Table-1Areawise and Sexwise distribution of sample Sex Rural Area Urban Area Total Boys 20 20 40 Girls 20 20 40 Total 40 40 80 With the help of the students 240 teachers were asserted in the case of their performance. Table-2 Areawise, Sexwise and Facultywise distribution of the teacher. Area Sex Science S.S Language Total Rural Male 39 3 22 64 Female 01 10 18 29 Urban Male 31 11 30 72 Female 09 29 10 48 Total 80 80 80 240



International Indexed &Referred Research Journal, May, 2012. ISSN- 0975-3486, RNI-RAJBIL 2009/30097;VoL.III *ISSUE-32

The sample is presented in the following tables. Tool for data collection: The data was collected by using a self constructed questionnaire and group interview technique. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the teacher performance. Presentation of Data: After computing the data of 80 students each from rural and urban area the fallowing information as given in table 3 &4 was gained. Table-3 Areawise and Sexwise distribution of Mean Scores Area Male Female Total Rural 15.36 11.83 13.60 (76.8 %) (59.15 %) (67.98%) Urban 14.89 13.15 14.02 (74.45 %) (65.75 %) (70.1%)

Observations: Observing the above table, the following observations can be male. I. There is no significant difference in the mean performance of male and female teachers of rural and urban. II. There is no significant difference in the mean performance of science, social-study and language teachers of rural area. III. There is no significant difference in the mean performance of Science-Social Study, Science Lan guage and Social-Study language teachers and social study -language teachers of rural area. Conclusion: Form the above observation the following can be drawn. I. Sex & faculty do not have impact on the perfor mance of the teachers. II. There is no significant different in the rural area and urban area teacher performance which shows Table-4 Areawise and Facultywise distribution of the area does not play a key role in the performance Mean Scores of the teachers. Area Science S.S. Language Total Rural 15.53 14.63 13.43 14.53
(77.65 %) (73.15 %) (67.15 %) (72.65%)

Urban 14.025
(70.15 %)

(71.9 %)

(70.9 %)


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